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  • Trigger animation when scroller offset intersects with trigger element.
  • Support Scroll Triggering without the need of using animation ( i.e you can still use scroll trigger when you don't want to animate)
  • Pinning trigger element
  • Option for linear interpolation of animation based on scroll. i.e, trigger animation state based on scroll
  • Smoothing animation when lerp is enabled.
  • Debugging the offset markers.
  • Calculates offsets using boundingClientRect and scrollTop instead of using Intersection Observer.

Demo codepen:

Table Of Contents


Anime-ScrollTrigger is a library which is aimed to animate on scroll just like ScrollTrigger. Some name conventions would be different but the logic is pretty similar.

I strongly recommend you to use that library because it is awesome and maintained.

I don’t know how exactly that library is implemented in the context of coding. I only have abstract ideas of that library and tried to create my own one based on those ideas.

💡 The animation system of this library is solely dependent on animejs library. So basic hands-on knowledge of animejs would help you.

Most of usages are similar to ScrollTrigger . Please have a look at the following instructions.

Understanding How Trigger Works

It's important to know that there are two types of trigger offsets ( trigger positions ):

  • trigger element: start offset startTriggerOffset and end offset endTriggerOffset:

    Offsets are calculated on height of the trigger element relative to the top of the trigger element. You can change the value with first word of start or end attribute under scrollTrigger attribute.

  • scroller/container element: start offset startScrollerOffset and end offset endScrollerOffset.

    Offsets are calculated relative to clientHeight of the scroller element. You can change the value with second word of start or end attribute under scrollTrigger attribute.

Trigger will start when startTriggerOffset meets startScrollerOffset. Trigger will end when endTriggerOffset meets endScrollerOffset. For example,

scrollTrigger: {
   start: 'top bottom', 
   end: '10% bottom',

The above values indicate that

  • animation will start when the top of trigger element and the bottom end of scroller meets.
  • animation will end when 10% of the trigger element height + top of trigger element and bottom end of scroller meets.


Read Changelog here


Use npm

npm install anime-scrolltrigger

Or cdn

import AnimeScrollTrigger from '{enter version e.g, 0.1.0}/dist/';


Import AnimeScrolltrigger

import AnimeScrollTrigger from 'anime-scrolltrigger' 

Create an instance.

let container = document.getElementById('container');
let boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.box')
let animations = [
        targets: boxes[0],
        translateX: 100,
        easing: 'linear',
        scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: boxes[0],
            start: 'top 3%',
            end: 'bottom 30%',
    }, {
        targets: boxes[1],
        backgroundColor: '#a993ff',
        easing: 'linear',
        scrollTrigger: {
            trigger: boxes[1],
            start: 'top 40%',
            end: 'bottom center',
            lerp: true,

new AnimeScrollTrigger(container, animations);


Animation object has the following structure.

  • targets (optional) : HTML elements to animate
  • attributes (optional) which you want to animate ( same as animejs) - for example
      translateX: 100,
      backgroundColor: 100,
  • scrollTrigger: scroll trigger object

Example Animation Object

    targets: boxes[1], 
    backgroundColor: '#a993ff',
    easing: 'linear',
    scrollTrigger: {

Scroll Trigger

  • trigger: HTMLElement

  • start: String

    Indicate where startTriggerOffset of trigger element will intersect with startScrollerOffset of scroller element and when it intersects, animation will * start*. Format is "start-trigger-offset start-scroller-offset". Default value is "top center".

    Offset can be provided as percentage (e.g. 10%, 20%, -5%) or constant values: top, center, bottom.

  • end: String

    Indicate where endTriggerOffset will intersect with endScrollerOffset and when it intersects, animation will **end **.
    Format is "end-trigger-offset end-scroller-offset". Default value is "bottom center".

    Offset can be provided as percentage (e.g. 10%, 20%, -5%) or constant values: top, center, bottom.

  • actions: String

    Action behavior when a certain event is triggered. Format is "on-enter-action on-leave-action on-enter-back-action on-leave-back-action". Default value is "play none none reverse".

    Note: when lerp is enabled, user-defined on-enter-action and on-enter-back-action will be ignored which means that animation will be forwarded on scrolling down and backwarded on scrolling up.

  • lerp: Boolean

    Lerp ( linear interpolation) enables progressive transition of animation which means that animation state will be triggered based on scroll position instead of triggering at once when scroller reach trigger start offset.

  • smooth: Boolean

    When you enable lerp, the default behavior is that the animation will be triggered as linear easing ( which means that you will not see any smoothness or easing in the animation).

    Thus, in order to make the animation smooth, you can enable this option. Default is false.

    Default easing method is easeOutQuart but if you provide easing attribute in the animation, provided easing will be used.

  • pin: Boolean or String or HTMLElement or Object

    Pinning will pin the trigger element to the top of container element. Pinning state will start when it reaches animation-trigger-start-offset and ends when it reaches animation-trigger-end-offset.

    A pinned element should exist equal or below top of the trigger element so that it will pin the element when trigger element is reached.

    If you want to provide top offset, you can provide it as an object attribute.

    pin: {
      element: '.pin-Element',
      top: 20,
  • debug: Boolean or Object

    Indicate to show start offset markers and end offset markers in order to see where they are located visually. You can pass object in order to change markers color.

    debug: { 
       startTriggerOffsetMarker: '#f6a945',
       endTriggerOffsetMarker: '#ffd291',
       startScrollerOffsetMarker: '#4b45f6',
       endScrollerOffsetMarker: '#d5d4ff',
  • events: Object

    Events triggered on scroll.

    • onEnter:
    • onLeave:
    • onEnterBack:
    • onLeaveBack:
    • onUpdate:

Example scroll trigger object is

    trigger: boxes[1],
    start: 'top 40%',
    end: 'bottom center',
    lerp: true,
    debug: true,
    pin: false,
    actions: 'play none none reverse',
        { // Scroll Trigger Events
            onEnter: (trigger) => {},
            onLeave: (trigger) => {},
            onEnterBack: (trigger) => {},
            onLeaveBack: (trigger) => {},
            onUpdate: (trigger,progress) => {},


Tips and mistakes

  • Sometimes when the animation is not working, make sure that container element you provided is actually scrolling. You may want to listen to scroll event of that element.
    container.addEventListener('scroll',()=>console.log('yay scrolling'))
  • The start-intersection-trigger-offset needs to be lower than end-intersection-trigger-point offset. If it is not, animation/ triggering won't work.
  • Incorrect trigger offsets could probably happen because of initializing trigger before dom tree hasn't completed building yet. So workaround might be setting timeout.
      new AnimeScrollTrigger(element,animations)


  • configurable marker colors
  • pin option
    • it should pin the target element to trigger element until it reaches animation-end-offset
  • test on horizontal scroll