Here's a quick guide to our development process for folks who'd like to contribute.
The main purpose of this repository is to host the MNX specification(s) and related documents. We use GitHub Pages for this; the fully rendered specs live at
That GitHub Pages site uses the content in our repo's master
Please note that it takes GitHub Pages a few moments to update each
time master
is updated.
Here's the general process of how we organize ideas, issues and pull requests:
- Anybody can raise an issue in our issue tracker.
- The group co-chairs discuss and triage the issue. If it's out of scope, it might get closed outright. Otherwise, it'll be assigned a milestone -- which essentially sets a priority for the issue. See the list of milestones for descriptions of their meanings. The most important one is "V1", which covers issues that must be addressed in the first version of the MNX spec.
- We assign the "Active Review" label to issues that the community group wants to resolve in the near future. This basically amounts to our near-term to-do list.
We welcome pull requests, but please note that each pull request should have an associated issue in our issue tracker.