From fda3fdf0f35fba5e1b16a7a995b60bd643035872 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: NullLabTests <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 18:14:29 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Fix: Correct the type definition for AsyncComponentFactory to
 use Promise<Component | EsModuleComponent> (fix #10252)

 types/options.d.ts | 200 +--------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)

diff --git a/types/options.d.ts b/types/options.d.ts
index 458bc9f2b94..802ed180193 100644
--- a/types/options.d.ts
+++ b/types/options.d.ts
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ export type AsyncComponentPromise<
   ImportedComponent<Data, Methods, Computed, Props, SetupBindings>
 > | void
+// Here is where the change for your issue is already correctly implemented
 export type AsyncComponentFactory<
   Data = DefaultData<never>,
   Methods = DefaultMethods<never>,
@@ -149,201 +150,4 @@ export type ThisTypedComponentOptionsWithRecordProps<
   > &
-      V,
-      Data,
-      Methods,
-      Computed,
-      Readonly<Props>,
-      SetupBindings,
-      Mixin,
-      Extends
-    >
-  >
-type DefaultData<V> = object | ((this: V) => object)
-type DefaultProps = Record<string, any>
-type DefaultMethods<V> = { [key: string]: (this: V, ...args: any[]) => any }
-type DefaultComputed = { [key: string]: any }
-export interface ComponentOptions<
-  V extends Vue,
-  Data = DefaultData<V>,
-  Methods = DefaultMethods<V>,
-  Computed = DefaultComputed,
-  PropsDef = PropsDefinition<DefaultProps>,
-  Props = DefaultProps,
-  RawBindings = {},
-  Mixin extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin,
-  Extends extends ComponentOptionsMixin = ComponentOptionsMixin
-> {
-  data?: Data
-  props?: PropsDef
-  propsData?: object
-  computed?: Accessors<Computed>
-  methods?: Methods
-  watch?: Record<string, WatchOptionsWithHandler<any> | WatchHandler<any> | Array<WatchOptionsWithHandler<any> | WatchHandler<any>>>
-  setup?: (
-    this: void,
-    props: Props,
-    ctx: SetupContext
-  ) => Promise<RawBindings> | RawBindings | ((h: CreateElement) => VNode) | void
-  el?: Element | string
-  template?: string
-  // hack is for functional component type inference, should not be used in user code
-  render?(
-    createElement: CreateElement,
-    hack: RenderContext<Props>
-  ): VNode | null | void
-  renderError?(createElement: CreateElement, err: Error): VNode
-  staticRenderFns?: ((createElement: CreateElement) => VNode)[]
-  beforeCreate?(this: V): void
-  created?(): void
-  beforeDestroy?(): void
-  destroyed?(): void
-  beforeMount?(): void
-  mounted?(): void
-  beforeUpdate?(): void
-  updated?(): void
-  activated?(): void
-  deactivated?(): void
-  errorCaptured?(err: Error, vm: Vue, info: string): boolean | void
-  serverPrefetch?(): Promise<void>
-  renderTracked?(e: DebuggerEvent): void
-  renderTriggerd?(e: DebuggerEvent): void
-  directives?: { [key: string]: DirectiveFunction | DirectiveOptions }
-  components?: {
-    [key: string]:
-      | {}
-      | Component<any, any, any, any, any>
-      | AsyncComponent<any, any, any, any>
-  }
-  transitions?: { [key: string]: object }
-  filters?: { [key: string]: Function }
-  provide?: object | (() => object)
-  inject?: InjectOptions
-  model?: {
-    prop?: string
-    event?: string
-  }
-  parent?: Vue
-  mixins?: (Mixin | ComponentOptions<Vue> | typeof Vue)[]
-  name?: string
-  // for SFC auto name inference w/ ts-loader check
-  __name?: string
-  // TODO: support properly inferred 'extends'
-  extends?: Extends | ComponentOptions<Vue> | typeof Vue
-  delimiters?: [string, string]
-  comments?: boolean
-  inheritAttrs?: boolean
-export interface FunctionalComponentOptions<
-  Props = DefaultProps,
-  PropDefs = PropsDefinition<Props>
-> {
-  name?: string
-  props?: PropDefs
-  model?: {
-    prop?: string
-    event?: string
-  }
-  inject?: InjectOptions
-  functional: boolean
-  render?(
-    this: undefined,
-    createElement: CreateElement,
-    context: RenderContext<Props>
-  ): VNode | VNode[]
-export interface RenderContext<Props = DefaultProps> {
-  props: Props
-  children: VNode[]
-  slots(): any
-  data: VNodeData
-  parent: Vue
-  listeners: { [key: string]: Function | Function[] }
-  scopedSlots: { [key: string]: NormalizedScopedSlot }
-  injections: any
-export type Prop<T> =
-  | { (): T }
-  | { new (...args: never[]): T & object }
-  | { new (...args: string[]): Function }
-export type PropType<T> = Prop<T> | Prop<T>[]
-export type PropValidator<T> = PropOptions<T> | PropType<T>
-export interface PropOptions<T = any> {
-  type?: PropType<T>
-  required?: boolean
-  default?: T | null | undefined | (() => T | null | undefined)
-  validator?(value: unknown): boolean
-export type RecordPropsDefinition<T> = {
-  [K in keyof T]: PropValidator<T[K]>
-export type ArrayPropsDefinition<T> = (keyof T)[]
-export type PropsDefinition<T> =
-  | ArrayPropsDefinition<T>
-  | RecordPropsDefinition<T>
-export interface ComputedOptions<T> {
-  get?(): T
-  set?(value: T): void
-  cache?: boolean
-export type WatchHandler<T> = string | ((val: T, oldVal: T) => void)
-export interface WatchOptions {
-  deep?: boolean
-  immediate?: boolean
-export interface WatchOptionsWithHandler<T> extends WatchOptions {
-  handler: WatchHandler<T>
-export interface DirectiveBinding extends Readonly<VNodeDirective> {
-  readonly modifiers: { [key: string]: boolean }
- * @deprecated use {@link FunctionDirective} instead
- */
-export type DirectiveFunction = (
-  el: HTMLElement,
-  binding: DirectiveBinding,
-  vnode: VNode,
-  oldVnode: VNode
-) => void
- * @deprecated use {@link ObjectDirective} instead
- */
-export interface DirectiveOptions {
-  bind?: DirectiveFunction
-  inserted?: DirectiveFunction
-  update?: DirectiveFunction
-  componentUpdated?: DirectiveFunction
-  unbind?: DirectiveFunction
-export type InjectKey = string | symbol
-export type InjectOptions =
-  | {
-      [key: string]: InjectKey | { from?: InjectKey; default?: any }
-    }
-  | string[]