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412 lines (282 loc) Β· 26.1 KB

File metadata and controls

412 lines (282 loc) Β· 26.1 KB


2.4.4 (2024-09-08)

  • monaco: requests always cancel

2.4.3 (2024-09-08)

Bug Fixes

  • language-server: handle completion item snippet unsupported (withastro/language-tools#948)
  • monaco: getDiagnostics throws "TypeError: response is not a function"


  • language-server: improve error handling for unsupported capabilities

2.4.2 (2024-09-04)

Bug Fixes

  • language-server: prepare language service for synchronized documents
  • typescript: fix inlay hints mapping for large chunks of source code mapped verbatim to generated code (#236) - Thanks to @piotrtomiak!

2.4.1 (2024-08-29)


  • language-server: support files that do not exist in FS but are open in the editor for TS project (#235)

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: ensure unopened files are synced to project (vuejs/language-tools#4711) (vuejs/language-tools#4632) - Thanks to @davidmatter!
  • language-server: avoid project initialized twice
  • language-service: don't set item data if item has been resolved
  • language-service: don't set item data if LanguageServicePlugin does not provide resolve hook (#233)
  • test-utils: correct openUntitledDocument params order
  • typescript: runTsc does not recognize service script with preventLeadingOffset enabled
  • language-server: replace setTimeout with setImmediate (#234) - Thanks to @nieyuyao!


  • language-server: add onDidChange API for LanguageServer.workspaceFolders
  • language-core: add error, source params for verification.shouldReport hook

2.4.0 (2024-08-18)


Bug Fixes

  • language-service: multi-level DocumentSymbol results from different virtual code are not merged accurately
  • typescript: use Proxy instead of modifying LanguageService instance (#216)
  • typescript: implement directoryExists for language service host
  • typescript: improve accuracy of runTsc extensions parameter behavior (#222)
  • typescript: synchronize script snapshots in a side-effect-free manner (#226)
  • typescript: add missing workspace symbols support for TS plugin (vuejs/language-tools#4595)
  • typescript: add missing code actions support for TS plugin (vuejs/language-tools#4586)
  • monaco: can't recognize the package with type definitions in @types/xxx (#81)
  • language-server: simplify asFileName result if possible (volarjs/vscode-typescript-web#4497)
  • language-server: avoid loading diagnosticMessages for en language
  • language-server: use Program.getSourceFile instead of askedFiles to more accurately determine indirect reference files
  • language-server: respect client linkSupport property for declaration, definition, typeDefinition, implementation requests
  • jsdelivr: avoid sending read file request if pkgFilePath is empty
  • jsdelivr: avoid sending flat request for xxx.ts, xxx.d.ts module names
  • jsdelivr: avoid sending flat request for @types/xxx if package xxx do not exist
  • source-map: don't throw when fromOffsets is not sorted
  • labs: associated script mappings are not visible


  • language-server: update watchFiles API to return Disposable
  • language-server: only register event handlers when the language server does support a certain language feature
  • language-server: add setup hook for createTypeScriptProject function
  • langauge-server: improve LSP diagnostic integration (#230)
  • language-server: split code based on logical concerns (#231)
  • typescript: add setup hook for runTsc function
  • typescript: add extraExtensionsToRemove option for runTsc function for glint emit support
  • typescript: createAsyncLanguageServicePlugin's scriptKind param allows pass a getter
  • monaco: add setup hook for createSimpleWorkerLanguageService, createTypeScriptWorkerService functions
  • monaco: replace activateAutomaticTypeAcquisition with createNpmFileSystem from the new @volar/jsdelivr package (#218) (#219)
  • monaco: rename servicePlugins option to languageServicePlugins
  • monaco: update to monaco-languageserver-types 0.4 (#225) - Thanks @remcohaszing
  • language-core: no longer coupled to the TypeScript context, TypeScript properties are defined via interface merging in @volar/typescript (#215)
  • language-service: move project context from Language to language service option (#217)
  • test-utils: update startLanguageServer function to accept multiple workspace folders (#229)

2.3.4 (2024-06-25)

Bug Fixes

  • language-service: EmbeddedCodeFormattingOptions.level value incorrect

2.3.3 (2024-06-24)

Bug Fixes

2.3.2 (2024-06-24)

Bug Fixes

  • language-core: re-export SourceMap (#210) - Thanks @KermanX
  • language-service: make sure provideSelectionRanges array length is valid
  • language-service: don't format parent virtual code if formatting range inside embedded code
  • language-core: assert virtual code ID must be lowercase
  • language-server: fix Webpack compatibility

2.3.1 (2024-06-22)


  • labs: improving the capabilities of the virtual code editor (#208)

Bug Fixes

  • labs: language client ID should not be case sensitive
  • language-server: fix URI conversion for file names with similar embedded code ID
  • language-server: write virtual file command broken
  • vscode: error tolerant to contentChanges length (vuejs/language-tools#4457)


  • source-map: use binary search for translateOffset


  • source-map: decoupling from muggle-string
  • source-map: improve range mapping accuracy (#204)
  • source-map: API refactoring (Part of #206) - Thanks @piotrtomiak
  • language-service: delete SourceMapWithDocuments, LinkedCodeMapWithDocument
  • language-core: pluginized source map factory function (#207)

Other Changes

  • language-service: fix SourceMapWithDocuments virtualCode typo (#190) - Thanks @machty

2.3.0 (2024-06-09)


  • language-core: added option to resolve hidden extensions (#190)
  • language-core: reimplemented multi-source mapping (#194)
  • language-core: completed support for multi-source mapping in plugin mode (#197) - Thanks @piotrtomiak
  • language-server: added support for Workspace Diagnostics (#199)
  • language-server: accurately defined language server capabilities (#185)
  • typescript: added option to prevent offset in plugin mode (#191)

Bug Fixes

  • language-service: fixed conversion of markdown links
  • vscode: showed error on missing TypeScript lib (#195) - Thanks @msujew
  • monaco: fixed Monaco selection ranges conversion (#198) - Thanks @remcohaszing


  • vscode: auto insertion request now exits early on vscode (#157)
  • language-server: improved snapshot reusability (#196)
  • typescript: skips searchExternalFiles if extra extensions are empty


  • typescript: added setup option for createLanguageServicePlugin, createAsyncLanguageServicePlugin
  • language-core: LanguagePlugin now requires the first generic parameter to specify the script ID type
  • language-core: updateVirtualCode is now optional, if not provided, createVirtualCode is always called to update source script
  • language-server: createTypeScriptProjectProvider has been renamed to createTypeScriptProject
  • language-server: createSimpleProjectProvider has been renamed to createSimpleProject
  • language-server: no longer handles @vscode/l10n
  • language-server: removed InitializationOptions interface
  • language-service: LSP related logic has been changed to be completely based on URI (#182)
  • language-service: LanguageServiceEnvironment#workapceFolder is now a URI array and has been renamed to workspaceFolders
  • language-service: provideAutoInsertionEdit has been renamed to provideAutoInsertSnippet
  • language-service: normalized LanguageService API name format
  • labs: Codegen Stacks debug feature has been removed (#184)

2.2.5 (2024-05-23)


  • source-map: add API to support generated code with different length than original code #183 - Thanks @piotrtomiak

2.2.4 (2024-05-15)

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: path completion not working for meta files

2.2.3 (2024-05-15)

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: empty items list should be valid completion result vuejs/language-tools#4368
  • typescript: deduplication when merging hover infos #178
  • language-service: transforming volar embedded URIs in markdown #180 - Thanks @remcohaszing
  • language-server: memorize URI conversion results of synchronized documents #181

2.2.2 (2024-05-10)

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: TS plugin only displays the first hover info
  • language-core: isRenameEnabled respect CodeInformation.navigation.shouldRename
  • test-utils: use stdio transport for test server #175

2.2.1 (2024-05-06)


  • language-server: restored support for "Reload Project" command

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: additional completion not working in TS plugin vuejs/language-tools#4323
  • language-server: pass correct languageId when creating virtual code #173

2.2.0 (2024-05-01)


  • Add ESLint integration #171
  • language-service: auto insertion does not abstract selection #156

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: runTsc cannot display source code for errors vuejs/language-tools#4099
  • typescript: runTsc cannot display source code for errors with --incremental #158 #162 - Thanks @wangshunnn
  • typescript: handle invalid references result
  • typescript: parameter hints not working in TS plugin vuejs/language-tools#3948
  • typescript: fault tolerance with TS file size assertion vuejs/language-tools#4278
  • typescript: TS plugin find reference result's definition span should be able to fall back to file root
  • typescript: prioritize resolving JS virtual script to matched .d.ts file
  • typescript: more inclusive performance rename operation vuejs/language-tools#4297
  • typescript: normalize filePath for language service APIs vuejs/language-tools#4297
  • typescript: avoid eagerly updating source scripts #166
  • vscode: newly created file failed to match tsconfig immediately vuejs/language-tools#4297
  • vscode: avoid crash when workspace tsdk does not exist
  • language-server: fault-tolerant URI translation #159
  • language-core: handle empty mappings in updateVirtualCodeMapOfMap #161 - Thanks @remcohaszing



  • More accurate interface design and terminology #154
  • language-server: architecture improvements #167
  • language-server: remove ConfigurationHost abstract
  • language-service: expose changed setting sections on onDidChangeConfiguration
  • language-service: ServiceContext.inject method return nullable
  • typescript: decorateLanguageServiceHost less side effects #160
  • language-core: make CodeInformation properties optional
  • language-core: resolved language ID by LangaugePlugin #168

2.1.6 (2024-03-28)

Bug Fixes

2.1.5 (2024-03-23)

Bug Fixes

  • language-server: GetVirtualCodeRequest incorrectly responses empty vritual code if no mappings
  • typescript: mark the parent directory as exists when created a file

2.1.4 (2024-03-22)


  • test-utils: add 3 APIs: updateTextDocument, updateConfiguration, didChangeWatchedFiles

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: sys cache is not updated correctly in case sensitive file system #153
  • typescript: create a new file did not update sys cache (withastro/language-tools#685)

2.1.3 (2024-03-20)

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: fix emit signature to enable incremental work to function properly #150 - thanks @skywalker512
  • language-server: also consider deletions for getRootFiles #152 - thanks @Princesseuh

Other Changes

  • language-service: add name for SemanticToken tuple members
  • vscode: migrate from StatusBarItem to LanguageStatusItem

2.1.2 (2024-03-07)

Bug Fixes

2.1.1 (2024-03-05)

Bug Fixes

  • test-utils: allow unknown initialization options and expose locale option #142
  • typescript: virtual file update condition should be based generated snapshot rather than source script version
  • monaco: correct package name resolve on ATA #149
  • language-service: provideCodeActions's range param is not accurately mapped
  • language-service: provideInlayHints's range param is not accurately mapped


  • Webpack compatibility #144
  • language-service: add provide generic to ServicePlugin type #143

2.1.0 (2024-02-26)


  • language-service: more reliable embedded code formatting #138
    • Embedded code indentation is no longer handled by @volar/language-service, but instead calculated and passed as initialIndentLevel, which is then reliably handled by ServicePlugin for additional indentation in specific languages.
    • The provideDocumentFormattingEdits and provideOnTypeFormattingEdits APIs now accept the EmbeddedCodeFormattingOptions parameter, which includes initialIndentLevel.
    • Formatting ranges are now correctly mapped to embedded code formatting ranges.
    • Removed the no longer needed ServicePlugin.provideFormattingIndentSensitiveLines API.
    • No longer relies on the conventional volar.format.initialIndent editor setting.
    • Added ServicePlugin.resolveEmbeddedCodeFormattingOptions API, allowing downstream tools to modify the initialIndentLevel passed to ServicePlugin based on custom settings (replacing volar.format.initialIndent).


  • test-utils: server tester support ClientCapabilities param for initialize() API
  • test-utils: server tester expose sendDocumentRangeFormattingRequestRequest() and shutdown() API
  • language-core: make embeddedCodes optional in VirtualCode #137
  • language-server: SemanticTokens requests are no longer delayed by 200ms
  • language-server: APIs updates #140
    • createSimpleProjectProvider has been renamed to createSimpleProjectProviderFactory and needs to be invoked with no arguments.
    • createTypeScriptProjectProvider has been renamed to createTypeScriptProjectProviderFactory and needs to be invoked with a TS module as an argument.
    • Deprecate typescript#tsdk, typescript#tsdkUrl, ignoreTriggerCharacters initialization options.
    • Deprecate fullCompletionList initialization option. #139
    • Remove experimental provideDiagnosticMarkupContent API.

Bug Fixes

  • language-server: language features not working for untitled documents #135
  • language-server: pushDiagnostics should not be notified when closing a file if server push diagnostics are not enabled
  • language-service provideSelectionRanges API multiple result merging method is inconsistent with VSCode
  • language-service provideDocumentSemanticTokens API's range param is not mapped to virtual code
  • language-service provideDocumentFormattingEdits API's range param is not accurately mapped to virtual code #136
  • language-service fix caching of semantic diagnostics #141
  • test-utils: invalidate cache when calling openInMemoryDocument()
  • monaco: insertText and range properties of completion item not converted correctly
  • typescript: ts plugin incorrectly resolve module name

2.0.4 (2024-02-13)


Bug Fixes

  • language-service: transform markdown links in completion items #133
  • typescript: typescript plugin module resolve behavior inconsistent with language server
  • typescript: typescript plugin breaks semantic highlighting for .ts files (withastro/language-tools#788)

2.0.3 (2024-02-10)


  • labs: recognize Glint and other file extensions via reading installed extensions language configuration
  • labs: improve mapping decorations display

Bug Fixes

2.0.2 (2024-02-08)

Bug Fixes

  • labs: extension not working with framework version 2.0.0
  • typescript: remove runtime dependency on @volar/language-service
  • typescript: additional completion not working in ts plugin
  • typescript: remove warning when allowNonTsExtensions is not set

2.0.1 (2024-02-05)


  • typescript: expose FileRegistry in proxyCreateProgram() #128
  • typescript: re-support extra virtual scripts for LSP and Kit #132

Bug Fixes

  • vscode: update currentLabsVersion to 2
  • typescript: remove mistakenly published scripts lib/quickstart/create(Async)TSServerPlugin, please use lib/quickstart/create(Async)LanguageServicePlugin instead of

2.0.0 (2024-01-21)

Please refer to #85 for details.