- Fix compiler error for references to external value classes
- Add KDoc for provider classes
- Allow configuring namespace to prefix generated ObjC filenames and classes to avoid symbol conflicts
- Add support for value classes
- Add check that Map keys are supported
- Fix support for primitive typealias in Kotlin
- Revert "Improve linking error message for missing RN module"
- Set originating file on correct type for ios
- Support sealed interfaces like sealed classes
- Fix handling of properties without backing fields (getters and setters only)
- Improve linking error message for missing RN module
- Update generation for compose views so props are direct values instead of flows
- Fix generation for compose views with no props and no callbacks
- Make compose views transparent on iOS
- Update iOS view manager code generation to only require interfaces for view wrapper and view wrapper factory in Obj-C code
- Fix view manager boolean react prop is always true
- Add workaround for "Cannot locate windowRecomposer" again
- Update Kotlin to 2.0.21
- Update KSP to 2.0.21-1.0.25
- Update KotlinPoet to 1.18.1
- Return interface (RCTBridgeModuleProtocol, ReactNativeModuleBase) instead of narrow type in RN module provider getModule
- Fix Compose view managers for multiple instances
- Add originating KS files for generated view manager and providers
- Update example app iOS part to correct setup for RN 0.74.0
- Implement ReactNativeViewManager and ReactNativeProp annotation to render Compose Multiplatform components in React Native with generated type-safe React Native wrapper components
- Generate TypeScript files in commonMain resources into reaktNativeToolkit/typescript directory
- Release maven artifacts with -legacy version suffix for legacy RN Android dependency
- Do not generate RN modules typescript file if there are none
- Build toolkit from source in example project by default
- Increase gradle jvm heap space in example project
- Only try to generate code for native modules without compiler errors
- Update kotlin to 1.9.23 (fix https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-65542/Cinterop-tasks-fails-if-Xcode-15.3-is-used)
- Update react-native to 0.74.0 in example, and get example working
- Improve error handling of native module processing
- Update android gradle plugin to 8.2.1
- Allow to reference external modules in generated TypeScript code
- Update github npm-publish action to v3
- Update actions/setup-java@v3 to v4
- Update actions/checkout@v3 to v4
- Add jvm and wasmJs kotlin targets
- Update kotlin to 1.9.22
- Update kotlinx coroutines to 1.8.0
- Update kotlinx serialization to 1.6.3
- Add ExportTypescriptType annotation to export typescript types for kotlin types manually
- Fix release pipeline
- Update kotlinx coroutines to 1.7.3
- Update kotlin to 1.9.21
- Update react-native to 0.72.7 in example
- Update jvm version to 17 in ci
- Change typescript type mapping using computed property names syntax
- Fix mapping of kotlin objects to empty objects in typescript
- Correct mapping of standalone sealed subclasses in typescript, remove discriminator key
- Replace lodash uniqueId with uuid v4
- Do not call exceptionInterceptor for internal ReactNativeUseFlowSubscriptionCancellationException
- Resubscribe in useFlow after native timeout returning previous value
- Fix that flow subscription cancellation exception is not ignored on iOS
- Pass throwable name and all messages to JS error on iOS promise rejection
- Add missing project setup instruction to README
- Cancel subscriptions of useFlow on unmount and parameter change
- The useFlow hook a new parameter "unsubscribe" to cancel subscriptions
- Add subscriptionId to the Next typealias
- Add unsubscribeFromToolkitUseFlow function to generated RN modules to cancel subscriptions
- Add UseFlowErrorInterceptor to customize error handling of useFlow
- Add "flowName" to useFlow hook to improve error messages
- Generate hooks for flows in RN modules
- Map types returned by flows in JS
- Update documentation to use generated hooks instead of useFlow
- Map keys of maps correctly in JS
- Fix trigger for publish artifact job
- Add mapping kotlin date types to js support
- Fix that complex ReactNativeFlow parameters are not serialized in JS
- Add TS generation support for custom sealed class discriminator keys
- Fix that external enum classes are not stubbed with any in TS generation
- Stub all external classes with any in TypeScript generation
- Handle unused parameter in ios wrapper
- Handle external class declarations
- Fix iOS generation for @ReactNativeFlow methods
- Add @ReactNativeFlow annotation to expose Flows to RN
- Auto-generate typescript native modules and interfaces of transferred data
- Update gradle wrapper to 7.5
- Update android gradle plugin to 7.4.1
- Generate common code for ReactNativeModuleProviders
- Add ReactNativeModuleProvider
- Update dependencies
- Update to kotlin to 1.8.21
- Enable Default hierarchy for kotlin source sets
- Remove jvm target use android target instead
- Use open-ended version range instead + for react-native Android dependency
- Implement EventEmitter for IOS
- Improve EventEmitter subscriber handling
- Add documentation for EventEmitter
- Update RN to 0.69.10
- Add iosSimulatorArm64 target