Sudoku game to help Ukraine win the war against Russia.
- setup maestro e2e tests on CI pull request
- add sentry for error reporting
- add gamification and percentage of completeness
- best stats is confusing and not clear, especially time:
- add best time/score for each difficulty, when user selects difficulty show separate screen
- add animations
- add number flying to its stop?
- add more fun to winner page(ZSU, Ukraine, donation CTA)
- add more fun to looser page(ZSU, Ukraine, donation CTA)
- add winner confetti?
- migrate to monorepo
- extract logic for processing sudoku game into separate package
- optimize puzzle generation performance
- optimize puzzle processing performance
- add 90%+ code coverage and extensive test cases
- add unique check for generated field, sometimes puzzle can have multiple solutions
- extract logic for processing sudoku game into separate package
- Create separate flows for described items
- Pass selectors from
typescript selector files
- Cannot select value if not empty cell selected
- Deselect cell if value is completed
- Leave cell selection if value is not completed
- Animations:
- Select cell animation
- Complete row animation
- Complete col animation
- Complete group animation
- Complete value animation
- Win animation
- Win scenario:
- Win score and time
- Loose scenario:
- Win score and time
- Pause scenario:
- Return to game after pause
- No pause on other screens(win, loose, home)
- Reset app after pause
- Score calculation
- Best game on home page