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WP Ajaxify Settings

Here is the list of all the settings used by WP Ajaxify plugin.

Name Key Type Default Description
Enable Ajaxify _wp_ajaxify_enable boolean true Read Here
Element IDs _wp_ajaxify_elements string body Read Here
Links Selectors _wp_ajaxify_selector string a:not(.no-ajaxy) Read Here
Forms Selectors _wp_ajaxify_forms string null Read Here
Canonical _wp_ajaxify_canonical boolean false Read Here
Refresh _wp_ajaxify_refresh boolean false Read Here
Request Delay _wp_ajaxify_requestdelay number 100 Read Here
Scroll Top _wp_ajaxify_scrolltop string true Read Here
Scroll Delay _wp_ajaxify_scrolldelay number 0 Read Here
Body Classes _wp_ajaxify_bodyclasses boolean true Read Here
Deltas _wp_ajaxify_deltas boolean true Read Here
Async _wp_ajaxify_asyncdef boolean false Read Here
Always Hints _wp_ajaxify_alwayshints string null Read Here
Inline _wp_ajaxify_inline boolean true Read Here
Inline Hints _wp_ajaxify_inlinehints string null Read Here
Inline Skip _wp_ajaxify_inlineskip string adsbygoogle Read Here
Inline Append _wp_ajaxify_inlineappend boolean true Read Here
Intercept Events _wp_ajaxify_intevents boolean true Read Here
Style _wp_ajaxify_style boolean false Read Here
Prefetch Off _wp_ajaxify_prefetchoff string true Read Here
Debugging _wp_ajaxify_verbosity boolean false Read Here
Passcount _wp_ajaxify_passcount boolean false Read Here
Memory Off _wp_ajaxify_memoryoff string true Read Here
Enable Loader _wp_ajaxify_loader_enable boolean true Read Here
Loader Type _wp_ajaxify_loader_type string type-1 Read Here
Loader Html _wp_ajaxify_loader_html string null Read Here
Primary Color _wp_ajaxify_loader_primary_color string #2872fa Read Here
Overlay Color _wp_ajaxify_loader_overlay_color string #000000 Read Here
Overlay Opacity _wp_ajaxify_loader_overlay_opacity number 0.45 Read Here
Ajaxify JS URL _wp_ajaxify_cdn_url string null Read Here
Uninstall _wp_ajaxify_uninstall boolean false Read Here

Detailed description of Settings

Below you'll find detailed information on each settings that will help you find the best settings for you theme and plugins that you're using with your WordPress website.

Enable Ajaxify

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_enable
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false

You can enable or disable the WP Ajaxify on frontend using this settings.

Element IDs

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_elements
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : body
Allowed Values  : CSS selectors string

In this setting, You have to put Selector for element IDs that are going to be swapped (e.g. #page, #wpadminbar).

This means if you put #page, #wpadminbar in this setting, only content inside #page & #wpadminbar will be swapped after Ajaxify render is completed.

When body is used as a value, it will swap all the body content. But using body could bring some conflicts in WordPress in some cases, in those cases, you can choose the different selectors.

To know more about it, See ID selection page.

Links Selectors

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_selector
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : body a:not(.no-ajaxy)
Allowed Values  : CSS selectors string

In this setting, you have to put Selector for links to trigger swapping - not elements to be swapped - i.e. a selection of links (e.g. #page a:not(.no-ajaxy, a[href*=logout])).

This means we have to define in which links click Ajaxify should trigger swapping. Using the CSS selectors, we can easily disable the Ajaxify trigger on various links on pages.

In above example, links inside #page ID content without no-ajaxy CSS class or not containing logout keyword in url will trigger the Ajaxify.

Forms Selectors

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_forms
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : null
Allowed Values  : CSS selectors string

In this setting, you have to put Selector for ajaxifying forms (e.g. form:not(.no-ajaxy)).

This is similar to the above setting but here we target form tags.

We should keep it disabled for all the forms in WordPress, to do that you can leave this field empty.


Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_canonical
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : false
Allowed Values  : true || false

In this setting, You can choose to Fetch current URL from "canonical" link if given, updating the History API. In case of a re-direct.


Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_refresh
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : false
Allowed Values  : true || false

In this setting, You can choose to Refresh the page even if link clicked is current page.

Request Delay

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_requestdelay
Setting Type    : number
Default Value   : 100
Allowed Values  : 0 || Any positive integer with increment range 100

From this setting, you can add a delay(in Milliseconds) on the Pronto request. If you are keeping loader enabled then you should keep this value higher than 0.

Scroll Top

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_scrolltop
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : s || true || false

From this setting, you can enable or disable the scroll top feature or can set Smooth scroll. When you have scroll enabled each page will be scrolled back to the top after rendering.

To know more about it, See Scroll page.

Scroll Delay

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_scrolldelay
Setting Type    : number
Default Value   : 0
Allowed Values  : 0 || Any positive integer with increment range 100

From this setting, you can add a Minimal delay on all scroll effects in Milliseconds, useful in case of e.g. smooth scroll

Body Classes

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_bodyclasses
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false

From this setting, you can choose to copy body attributes from target page.

You should keep this enabled in WordPress because each WordPress page has different class on body tag and some themes put different data- attributes in body tag.


True = deltas loaded, False = all scripts loaded

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_deltas
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false

This setting allows you control the Deltas loading.

To know more about it, See Delta-loading page.


Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_asyncdef
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : false
Allowed Values  : true || false

Default async value for dynamically inserted external scripts, False = synchronous / True = asynchronous

Always Hints

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_alwayshints
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : null
Allowed Values  : Text strings

From this setting, you can control files to be loaded every time around, even if you don’t control their inclusion on the server side.

To know more about it, See Alwayshints page.


True = all inline scripts loaded, False = only specific inline scripts are loaded.

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_inline
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false

From this setting, you can control the how you want to execute inline scripts. If settings is set to true then All inline scripts are re-fired, no matter what the contents of "Inline Hints" is, but excluding those specified in "Inline Skip".

To know more about it, See Inline page.

Inline Hints

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_inlinehints
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : null
Allowed Values  : Text strings

If matched in any inline scripts - only these are executed - set "inline" to false beforehand.

To know more about it, See Inline page.

Inline Skip

Leave empty to disable it.

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_inlineskip
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : adsbygoogle
Allowed Values  : Text strings

If matched in any inline scripts - these are NOT are executed - set "inline" to true beforehand.

To know more about it, See Inline page.

Inline Append

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_inlineappend
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false

From this setting, you can Append scripts to the main content element, instead of "eval"-ing them.

Intercept Events

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_intevents
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false

From this setting you can control Intercept events.

Intercept events that are fired only on classic page load and simulate their trigger on ajax page load ("DOMContentLoaded")


Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_style
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : false
Allowed Values  : true || false

From this setting, you can control the style tags loading.

True = all style tags in the head loaded, False = style tags on target page ignored.

You should keep it disabled in WordPress, if you enable it might create some design conflicts.

Prefetch Off

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_prefetchoff
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false || Text strings

From this setting, you can control the pre-fetch.

Plugin pre-fetches pages on hoverIntent - true = set off completely // strings - separated by ", " - hints to select out.

To know more about it, See Prefetch page.


Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_verbosity
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : false
Allowed Values  : true || false

You can control the console log debugging from this setting.


Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_passcount
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : false
Allowed Values  : true || false

You can control the show number of pass for debugging from this setting.

Memory Off

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_memoryoff
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false || Text strings

From this setting you can control the Memory effect. You can set true or false or provide page urls Separated by ", "

Separated by ", " - if matched in any URLs - only these are NOT executed - set to "true" to disable memory completely.

To know more about it, See Memory page.

Enable Loader

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_loader_enable
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : true
Allowed Values  : true || false

From this setting, you can turn on/off the loader. If you enable Loader, it will appear on each page before Pronto Request.

Loader Type

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_loader_type
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : type-1
Allowed Values  : type-1 || type-2 || type-3 || type-4 || custom

You can choose the loader type to be used in frontend. If you choose Custom Loader then put your loader HTML in Loader HTML field.

Loader Html

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_loader_html
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : null
Allowed Values  : Allowed WordPress HTML strings

You can add custom loader HTML in this setting, This HTML will be used when you choose Loader type = Custom.

If you leave this field empty after choosing the Loader type = Custom then Loader Type 1 will shown as your custom Loader HTML is empty.

Use <div>, <span>,<p> tags in setting, Don't use <script> and <style> tag in this setting, Write CSS for loader separatly in theme files or in WordPress Additional CSS.

Primary Color

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_loader_primary_color
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : #2872fa
Allowed Values  : Any HEX color code.

From this setting, you can choose the primary color for the in-built loaders.

Overlay Color

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_loader_overlay_color
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : #000000
Allowed Values  : Any HEX color code.

From this setting, you can choose the overlay background color for the loader.

Overlay Opacity

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_loader_overlay_opacity
Setting Type    : number
Default Value   : 0.45
Allowed Values  : Any 2 Digit Decimal value between 0 to 1

From this setting, you can choose the overlay background opacity for the loader.

Ajaxify JS URL

Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_cdn_url
Setting Type    : string
Default Value   : null
Allowed Values  : Text Strings

If you want to use or test a different version of Ajaxify.js then you can use a CDN or External url in this setting. Provide JS url will load in frontend by replacing default Ajaxify.js url.


Setting Key     : _wp_ajaxify_uninstall
Setting Type    : boolean
Default Value   : false
Allowed Values  : true || false

From this setting you can control Remove ALL WP Ajaxify data upon plugin deletion. All settings will be unrecoverable.