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File metadata and controls

204 lines (181 loc) · 5.09 KB

Fullstack Jenkins

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Demo Image

Simple Docker Jenkins Image for PHP 7.2



    docker-composer up -d

And go to http://localhost:8888 and login with:

  • Username: fullstack_jenkins
  • Password: fullstack_jenkins

Template Jobs

Theme Jenkins

Included PHP tools

Included Python tools

  • selenium
  • nose
  • virtualenv

Plugins Jenkins

  • blueocean-display-url
  • ldap
  • pipeline-stage-tags-metadata
  • apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api
  • blueocean
  • notification
  • sse-gateway
  • workflow-aggregator
  • warnings
  • dry
  • jdepend
  • structs
  • ace-editor
  • jackson2-api
  • jquery-detached
  • git-server
  • ant
  • role-strategy
  • pipeline-model-declarative-agent
  • resource-disposer
  • matrix-project
  • conditional-buildstep
  • momentjs
  • credentials-binding
  • ssh-credentials
  • pipeline-model-api
  • ssh
  • pipeline-model-extensions
  • publish-over-ssh
  • gradle
  • command-launcher
  • bitbucket
  • run-condition
  • jsch
  • build-timeout
  • workflow-step-api
  • docker-commons
  • cloverphp
  • blueocean-core-js
  • timestamper
  • pipeline-github-lib
  • ws-cleanup
  • antisamy-markup-formatter
  • gitlab-plugin
  • branch-api
  • variant
  • email-ext
  • blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline
  • durable-task
  • mapdb-api
  • testingbot
  • git-client
  • saferestart
  • blueocean-autofavorite
  • pipeline-model-definition
  • junit
  • display-url-api
  • git
  • pipeline-milestone-step
  • analysis-core
  • handlebars
  • blueocean-rest-impl
  • blueocean-dashboard
  • cloudbees-folder
  • github-api
  • workflow-support
  • external-monitor-job
  • blueocean-config
  • workflow-durable-task-step
  • maven-plugin
  • cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source
  • blueocean-commons
  • workflow-scm-step
  • config-file-provider
  • publish-over
  • mailer
  • pipeline-input-step
  • xunit
  • pipeline-stage-view
  • favorite
  • matrix-auth
  • blueocean-jwt
  • simple-theme-plugin
  • pipeline-build-step
  • workflow-multibranch
  • credentials
  • script-security
  • plot
  • pipeline-rest-api
  • nodejs
  • workflow-basic-steps
  • checkstyle
  • crap4j
  • embeddable-build-status
  • workflow-cps
  • jira
  • violations
  • workflow-cps-global-lib
  • blueocean-rest
  • plain-credentials
  • workflow-job
  • blueocean-github-pipeline
  • discard-old-build
  • authentication-tokens
  • git-changelog
  • blueocean-jira
  • github-branch-source
  • mercurial
  • blueocean-git-pipeline
  • docker-workflow
  • blueocean-personalization
  • thinBackup
  • gravatar
  • javadoc
  • internetmeme
  • scm-api
  • blueocean-web
  • pipeline-graph-analysis
  • jenkins-design-language
  • jobConfigHistory
  • pmd
  • token-macro
  • workflow-api
  • blueocean-i18n
  • blueocean-pipeline-api-impl
  • docker-build-publish
  • icon-shim
  • rebuild
  • blueocean-events
  • github
  • htmlpublisher
  • show-build-parameters
  • pipeline-stage-step
  • pubsub-light
  • blueocean-pipeline-scm-api
  • blueocean-pipeline-editor
  • handy-uri-templates-2-api
  • ssh-slaves


Get the list of plugins from an existing server

    JENKINS_HOST=username:[email protected]:port
    curl -sSL "http://$JENKINS_HOST/pluginManager/api/xml?depth=1&xpath=/*/*/shortName|/*/*/version&wrapper=plugins" | perl -pe 's/.*?<shortName>([\w-]+).*?<version>([^<]+)()(<\/\w+>)+/\1 \2\n/g'|sed 's/ /:/'


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