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class: center, middle

Hey, Erlang

Pre-alpha Kottans courses

class: center,middle

gen_server and gen_fsm

Lecture 8.

class: center,middle

gen_server behaviour

class: center

gen_server behaviour

--- # `gen_server` behaviour

For which purpose server is used? First than all client-server relationship is about sharing resources. So, gen_server behaviour is a special behaviour which used when we need to share some resource. Now it's a time to take a look on gen_server callbacks.

gen_server behaviour

For which purpose server is used? First than all client-server relationship is about sharing resources. So, gen_server behaviour is a special behaviour which used when we need to share some resource. Now it's a time to take a look on gen_server callbacks.

  • init/1 - special callback to initialize module using gen_server.

gen_server behaviour

For which purpose server is used? First than all client-server relationship is about sharing resources. So, gen_server behaviour is a special behaviour which used when we need to share some resource. Now it's a time to take a look on gen_server callbacks.

  • init/1 - special callback to initialize module using gen_server.
  • handle_call/3 - callback to handle synchronous calls (for calls which need to return result to client)

gen_server behaviour

For which purpose server is used? First than all client-server relationship is about sharing resources. So, gen_server behaviour is a special behaviour which used when we need to share some resource. Now it's a time to take a look on gen_server callbacks.

  • init/1 - special callback to initialize module using gen_server.
  • handle_call/3 - callback to handle synchronous calls (for calls which need to return result to client)
  • handle_cast/2 - callback to handle asynchronous casts (for requests which don't need to return any result)

gen_server behaviour

For which purpose server is used? First than all client-server relationship is about sharing resources. So, gen_server behaviour is a special behaviour which used when we need to share some resource. Now it's a time to take a look on gen_server callbacks.

  • init/1 - special callback to initialize module using gen_server.
  • handle_call/3 - callback to handle synchronous calls (for calls which need to return result to client)
  • handle_cast/2 - callback to handle asynchronous casts (for requests which don't need to return any result)
  • handle_info/2 - callback to handle all other requests. If server receives request other than call or cast - it is handled here

gen_server behaviour

For which purpose server is used? First than all client-server relationship is about sharing resources. So, gen_server behaviour is a special behaviour which used when we need to share some resource. Now it's a time to take a look on gen_server callbacks.

  • init/1 - special callback to initialize module using gen_server.
  • handle_call/3 - callback to handle synchronous calls (for calls which need to return result to client)
  • handle_cast/2 - callback to handle asynchronous casts (for requests which don't need to return any result)
  • handle_info/2 - callback to handle all other requests. If server receives request other than call or cast - it is handled here
  • terminate/2 - callback which called when your server need to be stopped. All cleanups are performed here

gen_server behaviour

For which purpose server is used? First than all client-server relationship is about sharing resources. So, gen_server behaviour is a special behaviour which used when we need to share some resource. Now it's a time to take a look on gen_server callbacks.

  • init/1 - special callback to initialize module using gen_server.
  • handle_call/3 - callback to handle synchronous calls (for calls which need to return result to client)
  • handle_cast/2 - callback to handle asynchronous casts (for requests which don't need to return any result)
  • handle_info/2 - callback to handle all other requests. If server receives request other than call or cast - it is handled here
  • terminate/2 - callback which called when your server need to be stopped. All cleanups are performed here
  • code_change/3 - callback which called when you update your code in realtime. All state migrations go here

gen_server behaviour

And now let's take a look how does full flow look like.

gen_server behaviour

And now let's take a look how does full flow look like.

  • First than all, gen_server:start is called. It contains lightweight initialization clauses needed for real server start.

gen_server behaviour

And now let's take a look how does full flow look like.

  • First than all, gen_server:start is called. It contains lightweight initialization clauses needed for real server start.
  • After that, gen_server:start_link prepares and creates gen_server process as a part of supervision tree. It awaits for next function call to complete.

gen_server behaviour

And now let's take a look how does full flow look like.

  • First than all, gen_server:start is called. It contains lightweight initialization clauses needed for real server start.
  • After that, gen_server:start_link prepares and creates gen_server process as a part of supervision tree. It awaits for next function call to complete.
  • ?MODULE:init/1 is called by gen_server:start_link and returns {ok, State} or {ok, State, Timeout} or {ok, State, hibernate} or {stop,Reason}. If timeout is passed, our server will receive timeout message each Timeout amount of milliseconds. {ok,State} is equal to {ok,State,infinity}. If hibernate atom is passed, gen_server will hibernate our target server - this will reduce amount of memory used and number of reductions scheduled for process.

gen_server behaviour

And now let's take a look how does full flow look like.

  • First than all, gen_server:start is called. It contains lightweight initialization clauses needed for real server start.
  • After that, gen_server:start_link prepares and creates gen_server process as a part of supervision tree. It awaits for next function call to complete.
  • ?MODULE:init/1 is called by gen_server:start_link and returns {ok, State} or {ok, State, Timeout} or {ok, State, hibernate} or {stop,Reason}. If timeout is passed, our server will receive timeout message each Timeout amount of milliseconds. {ok,State} is equal to {ok,State,infinity}. If hibernate atom is passed, gen_server will hibernate our target server - this will reduce amount of memory used and number of reductions scheduled for process.
  • At time of call, gen_server:call or gen_server:multi_call take care of call and calls final handler ?MODULE:handle_call/3. Result can be {reply,Reply,NewState}, {reply,Reply,NewState,Timeout} or {reply,Reply,NewState,hibernate}. Reply is forwarded to initial caller, and Timeout and hibernate operate as in ?MODULE:init/1. If function returns {noreply,NewState}, {noreply,NewState,Timeout} or {noreply,NewState,hibernate} - gen_server will just continue it's execution without sending any answer with NewState. Any reply need to be given explicitly using gen_server:reply/2. The last option is to reply with {stop,Reason,Reply,NewState} or {stop,Reason,NewState} - it will initiate ?MODULE:terminate/2.

gen_server behaviour

And now let's take a look how does full flow look like.

  • First than all, gen_server:start is called. It contains lightweight initialization clauses needed for real server start.
  • After that, gen_server:start_link prepares and creates gen_server process as a part of supervision tree. It awaits for next function call to complete.
  • ?MODULE:init/1 is called by gen_server:start_link and returns {ok, State} or {ok, State, Timeout} or {ok, State, hibernate} or {stop,Reason}. If timeout is passed, our server will receive timeout message each Timeout amount of milliseconds. {ok,State} is equal to {ok,State,infinity}. If hibernate atom is passed, gen_server will hibernate our target server - this will reduce amount of memory used and number of reductions scheduled for process.
  • At time of call, gen_server:call or gen_server:multi_call take care of call and calls final handler ?MODULE:handle_call/3. Result can be {reply,Reply,NewState}, {reply,Reply,NewState,Timeout} or {reply,Reply,NewState,hibernate}. Reply is forwarded to initial caller, and Timeout and hibernate operate as in ?MODULE:init/1. If function returns {noreply,NewState}, {noreply,NewState,Timeout} or {noreply,NewState,hibernate} - gen_server will just continue it's execution without sending any answer with NewState. Any reply need to be given explicitly using gen_server:reply/2. The last option is to reply with {stop,Reason,Reply,NewState} or {stop,Reason,NewState} - it will initiate ?MODULE:terminate/2.
  • The same is actual for gen_server:cast or gen_server:abcast. Result can be only tuples with noreply or stop atom.

gen_server behaviour

And now let's take a look how does full flow look like.

  • First than all, gen_server:start is called. It contains lightweight initialization clauses needed for real server start.
  • After that, gen_server:start_link prepares and creates gen_server process as a part of supervision tree. It awaits for next function call to complete.
  • ?MODULE:init/1 is called by gen_server:start_link and returns {ok, State} or {ok, State, Timeout} or {ok, State, hibernate} or {stop,Reason}. If timeout is passed, our server will receive timeout message each Timeout amount of milliseconds. {ok,State} is equal to {ok,State,infinity}. If hibernate atom is passed, gen_server will hibernate our target server - this will reduce amount of memory used and number of reductions scheduled for process.
  • At time of call, gen_server:call or gen_server:multi_call take care of call and calls final handler ?MODULE:handle_call/3. Result can be {reply,Reply,NewState}, {reply,Reply,NewState,Timeout} or {reply,Reply,NewState,hibernate}. Reply is forwarded to initial caller, and Timeout and hibernate operate as in ?MODULE:init/1. If function returns {noreply,NewState}, {noreply,NewState,Timeout} or {noreply,NewState,hibernate} - gen_server will just continue it's execution without sending any answer with NewState. Any reply need to be given explicitly using gen_server:reply/2. The last option is to reply with {stop,Reason,Reply,NewState} or {stop,Reason,NewState} - it will initiate ?MODULE:terminate/2.
  • The same is actual for gen_server:cast or gen_server:abcast. Result can be only tuples with noreply or stop atom.
  • And ?MODULE:handle_info is used for all other messages, not cast nor call (for example, exit messages).

gen_server behaviour

Good practice is to back your server with methods which will call corresponding gen_server call or cast. For example, we decide to create user. So let's start with API call for this:

create_user(Name) ->
  gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {create, Name}).

gen_server behaviour

Good practice is to back your server with methods which will call corresponding gen_server call or cast. For example, we decide to create user. So let's start with API call for this:

create_user(Name) ->
  gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {create, Name}).

And let's add corresponding cast for this:

handle_cast({create, Name}, State) ->
  {noreply, [Name|State]};
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
  {noreply, State}.

gen_server behaviour

Good practice is to back your server with methods which will call corresponding gen_server call or cast. For example, we decide to create user. So let's start with API call for this:

create_user(Name) ->
  gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {create, Name}).

And let's add corresponding cast for this:

handle_cast({create, Name}, State) ->
  {noreply, [Name|State]};
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
  {noreply, State}.

This code awaits from us to initialize State as a list.

init(_Args) ->
  {ok, []}.

gen_server behaviour

Good practice is to back your server with methods which will call corresponding gen_server call or cast. For example, we decide to create user. So let's start with API call for this:

create_user(Name) ->
  gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {create, Name}).

And let's add corresponding cast for this:

handle_cast({create, Name}, State) ->
  {noreply, [Name|State]};
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
  {noreply, State}.

This code awaits from us to initialize State as a list.

init(_Args) ->
  {ok, []}.

HW Part 1: Please complete this code to be full and complete gen_server module.

class: center,middle

gen_fsm behaviour

class: center

gen_fsm behaviour

--- # `gen_fsm` behaviour

gen_fsm generally looks like gen_server, but it has support of state transitions. They are implemented in next form:

StateName(Event, StateData) ->
    .. code for actions here ...
    {next_state, StateName', StateData'}

gen_fsm behaviour

Let's take a look at example of gen_fsm module.


-export([init/1, locked/2, open/2]).

start_link(Code) ->
    gen_fsm:start_link({local, code_lock}, code_lock, lists:reverse(Code), []).

button(Digit) ->
    gen_fsm:send_event(code_lock, {button, Digit}).

init(Code) ->
    {ok, locked, {[], Code}}.
% part 2 goes on next page

gen_fsm behaviour

% page 1 goes on previous page
locked({button, Digit}, {SoFar, Code}) ->
    case [Digit|SoFar] of
        Code ->
            {next_state, open, {[], Code}, 30000};
        Incomplete when length(Incomplete)<length(Code) ->
            {next_state, locked, {Incomplete, Code}};
        _Wrong ->
            {next_state, locked, {[], Code}}

open(timeout, State) ->
    {next_state, locked, State}.


Your HW Part 2 will be to create table with differences between implementations of gen_fsm and gen_server.

And third part of homework will be the largest one:

Create application app_3, which allows us to use some key-value storage backed by gen_server implementation. This implementation need to have API calls set/2 and get/1.

For challengers: please implement gen_fsm module which is an abstraction of some car. This car can have stopped engine, starting engine, started engine. Engine goes to start after 1 second of starting. So states chain will look like this:

StoppedEngine (start_engine) -> StartingEngine (1 second) -> StartedEngine

class: center,middle

End of Lecture 8

Subject of next lecture: Testing in Erlang. EUnit.

class: center,middle

Bye, folks!

Joe with notebook