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File metadata and controls

497 lines (391 loc) · 21.9 KB

How LillyDAP handles Controls

Controls can make potent changes to LDAP behaviour. Their use in most applications will be best done automatically, which is why LillyDAP has filters that can be plugged into various places of LillyDAP.

Controls are additional OID-to-value mappings that can be sent along with an LDAPMessage. They can be used to indicate the willingness to interpret certain formats or extended behaviours.

In some cases, security may be a concern. This is at least the case with the Proxy Authorization Control that should perhaps not be processed by default. Incoming it would not make sense unless the application supported it, and in outgoing direction it should not be forwarded when not supported by the application.

This calls for default behaviours for each control, and the ability to filter them at various stages of decoding. Adding a filter does not take much space, nor code, but it does enable flexibility in using controls.

In LillyDAP, the following functions have built-in support for controls, which means they will look into the LillyDAP structure for a fixed filter setup:

  • lillyget_ldapmessage() filters the controls with the first in line of LillyDAP.lillyctl_recvop [opcode], LillyDAP.lillyctl_recvall and the built-in default incoming control filter; it will unpack controls through lillyctl_unpack() specified below, inasfar as it is requested by the flags in LillyDAP.control_unpack`
  • lillyput_ldapmessage() filters the controls with the first in line of LillyDAP.lillyctl_sendop [opcode], LillyDAP.lillyctl_sendall and the built-in default outgoing control filter; it will repack controls through lillyctl_pack() specified below, inasfar as it is requested by the flags in LillyDAP.control_unpack — note that this is the same flags register as used in lillyget_ldapmessage()

Your own functions may perform the same operations through additional API functions:

  • lillyctl_filter() applies a control filter to a dercursor that represents the Controls
  • lillyctl_unpack() and lillyctl_pack() will map a dercursor representing Controls to and from a fixed-size data structure that holds the control for this LDAPMessage as either (NULL,0) or as a derarray value pointing to the dercursor[] that unpacks the Control data structure known to apply to the OID; this behaviour will only be done for controls in LillyDAP.control_unpack, flags used in both directions; when the corresponding flag is 0, the entry will not be a derarray, but instead a dercursor set to either (NULL,0) when absent, or a standard (ptr,len) pair for the embedded value of the controlValue; finally, absense of the controlValue for a presented control is communicated as (LILLYCTL_NOVALUE,0) which may in many applications be successfully treated as an empty string, and in others as a separate value that must be distinguished; a required-absent controlValue is represented inside LillyDAP as a NULL packer reference.

Note that control filters may report a failure, for example when a required setting is absent, or a forbidden one is presented. This translates in a processing error for the entire LDAPMessage.

All Control OIDs have a short-hand index, enumerated as LILLYCTL_1_2_3 for OID 1.2.3 -- and so on. We also define aliases where possible. We generate an efficient mapping function from the LDAPOID string form of the OID to these index values, and anything inside LillyDAP then uses these index values. The efficient mapping function is lillyctl_index().

List of Controls

Are we missing entries? Then please submit an issue with the additional text! We will be happy to extend the tables.

RFC 2649, Section 1.1, Audit Trail Mechanism:

Signed directory operations is a straightforward application of
S/MIME technology that also leverages the extensible framework that
is provided by LDAP version 3.  LDAP version 3 is defined in [4], and
S/MIME is defined in [2].  The security used in S/MIME is based in
the definitions in [1].  The basic idea is that the submitter of an
LDAP operation that changes the directory information includes an
LDAP version 3 control that includes either a signature of the
operation, or a request that the LDAP server sign the operation on
the behalf of the LDAP client.  The result of the operation (in
addition to the change of the directory information), is additional
information that is attached to directory objects, that includes the
audit trail of signed operations.  The LDAP control is (OID =

   SignedOperation ::= CHOICE {
        signbyServer   NULL,
        signatureIncluded   OCTET STRING

RFC 2649, Section 2, Signed Results Mechanism:

A control is also defined that allows the LDAP v3 client to request
that the server sign the results that it returns.  It is intended
that this control is primarily used in concert with the LDAPSearch
operation.  This control MAY be marked as CRITICAL.  If it is marked
as CRITICAL and the LDAP Server supports this operation, then all
search results MUST be returned with a signature as attached in the
SignedResult control if it is willing to sign results for this user.
If the server supports this control but does not wish to sign the
results for this user then the error code unwillingToPerform(53)
should be returned, and the LDAP search will have failed.  In this
situation, an appropriate message (e.g. "Unwilling to sign results
for you!") MUST be included in the errorMessage of the LDAPResult.
If the LDAPSigType has the value FALSE then the client is requesting
that the server not sign this operation.  This may be done in
situations where servers are configured to always sign their

The LDAP control to include in the LDAP request is (OID =

   DemandSignedResult ::=  LDAPSigType

   LDAPSigType ::= BOOLEAN

RFC 2696, Section 2, The Control:

This control is included in the searchRequest and searchResultDone
messages as part of the controls field of the LDAPMessage, as defined
in Section 4.1.12 of [LDAPv3]. The structure of this control is as

pagedResultsControl ::= SEQUENCE {
        controlType     1.2.840.113556.1.4.319,
        criticality     BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
        controlValue    searchControlValue

The searchControlValue is an OCTET STRING wrapping the BER-encoded
version of the following SEQUENCE:

realSearchControlValue ::= SEQUENCE {
        size            INTEGER (0..maxInt),
                                -- requested page size from client
                                -- result set size estimate from server
        cookie          OCTET STRING

RFC 2891, Section 1.1, Request Control:

This control is included in the searchRequest message as part of the
controls field of the LDAPMessage, as defined in Section 4.1.12 of

The controlType is set to "1.2.840.113556.1.4.473". The criticality
MAY be either TRUE or FALSE (where absent is also equivalent to
FALSE) at the client's option. The controlValue is an OCTET STRING,
whose value is the BER encoding of a value of the following SEQUENCE:

              attributeType   AttributeDescription,
              orderingRule    [0] MatchingRuleId OPTIONAL,
              reverseOrder    [1] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }

RFC 2891, Section 1.2, Response Control:

This control is included in the searchResultDone message as part of
the controls field of the LDAPMessage, as defined in Section  4.1.12
of [LDAPv3].

The controlType is set to "1.2.840.113556.1.4.474". The criticality
is FALSE (MAY be absent). The controlValue is an OCTET STRING, whose
value is the BER encoding of a value of the following SEQUENCE:

   SortResult ::= SEQUENCE {
      sortResult  ENUMERATED {
          success                   (0), -- results are sorted
          operationsError           (1), -- server internal failure
          timeLimitExceeded         (3), -- timelimit reached before
                                         -- sorting was completed
          strongAuthRequired        (8), -- refused to return sorted
                                         -- results via insecure
                                         -- protocol
          adminLimitExceeded       (11), -- too many matching entries
                                         -- for the server to sort
          noSuchAttribute          (16), -- unrecognized attribute
                                         -- type in sort key
          inappropriateMatching    (18), -- unrecognized or
                                         -- inappropriate matching
                                         -- rule in sort key
          insufficientAccessRights (50), -- refused to return sorted
                                         -- results to this client
          busy                     (51), -- too busy to process
          unwillingToPerform       (53), -- unable to sort
          other                    (80)
    attributeType [0] AttributeDescription OPTIONAL }

RFC 3296, Section 3, The ManageDsaIT Control:

A client MAY specify the following control when issuing an add,
compare, delete, modify, modifyDN, search request or an extended
operation for which the control is defined.

The control type is 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2.  The control criticality
may be TRUE or, if FALSE, absent.  The control value is absent.

RFC 3672, Section 3, Subentries control:

The subentries control MAY be sent with a searchRequest to control
the visibility of entries and subentries which are within scope.
Non-visible entries or subentries are not returned in response to the

The subentries control is an LDAP Control whose controlType is, criticality is TRUE or FALSE (hence absent),
and controlValue contains a BER-encoded BOOLEAN indicating
visibility.  A controlValue containing the value TRUE indicates that
subentries are visible and normal entries are not.  A controlValue
containing the value FALSE indicates that normal entries are visible
and subentries are not.

Note that TRUE visibility has the three octet encoding { 01 01 FF }
and FALSE visibility has the three octet encoding { 01 01 00 }.

The controlValue SHALL NOT be absent.

RFC 3829, Section 3, Authorization Identity Request Control:

This control MAY be included in any bind request which specifies
protocol version 3, as part of the controls field of the LDAPMessage
as defined in [LDAPPROT].  In a multi-step bind operation, the client
MUST provide the control with each bind request.

The controlType is "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.16" and the controlValue is

Do however note RFC 4532, which says:

This specification is intended to replace the existing Authorization
Identity Controls [RFC3829] mechanism, which uses Bind request and
response controls to request and return the authorization identity.
Bind controls are not protected by security layers established by the
Bind operation that includes them.

RFC 3829, Section 4, Authorization Identity Response Control:

This control MAY be included in any final bind response where the
first bind request of the bind operation included an Authorization
Identity Request Control as part of the controls field of the
LDAPMessage as defined in [LDAPPROT].

The controlType is "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.15".  If the bind request
succeeded and resulted in an identity (not anonymous), the
controlValue contains the authorization identity (authzId), as
defined in [AUTH] section 9, granted to the requestor.  If the bind
request resulted in an anonymous association, the controlValue field
is a string of zero length.  If the bind request resulted in more
than one authzId, the primary authzId is returned in the controlValue

Do however note RFC 4532, which says:

This specification is intended to replace the existing Authorization
Identity Controls [RFC3829] mechanism, which uses Bind request and
response controls to request and return the authorization identity.
Bind controls are not protected by security layers established by the
Bind operation that includes them.

RFC 3876, Section 2, The valuesReturnFilter Control

The valuesReturnFilter control is either critical or non-critical as
determined by the user.  It only has meaning for the Search
operation, and SHOULD only be added to the Search operation by the
client.  If the server supports the control and it is present on a
Search operation, the server MUST obey the control, regardless of the
value of the criticality flag.

The object identifier for this control is 1.2.826.0.1.3344810.2.3.

The controlValue is an OCTET STRING, whose value is the BER encoding
[6], as per Section 5.1 of RFC 2251 [2], of a value of the ASN.1 [5]
type ValuesReturnFilter.

        ValuesReturnFilter ::= SEQUENCE OF SimpleFilterItem

        SimpleFilterItem ::= CHOICE {
                equalityMatch   [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
                substrings      [4] SubstringFilter,
                greaterOrEqual  [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
                lessOrEqual     [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
                present         [7] AttributeDescription,
                approxMatch     [8] AttributeValueAssertion,
                extensibleMatch [9] SimpleMatchingAssertion }

         SimpleMatchingAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
                matchingRule    [1] MatchingRuleId OPTIONAL,
                type            [2] AttributeDescription OPTIONAL,
--- at least one of the above must be present
                matchValue      [3] AssertionValue}

RFC 3928, Section 3.6, Sync Request Control:

The Sync Request Control is an LDAP Control [RFC2251, Section 4.1.2]
where the controlType is the object identifier and the
controlValue, an OCTET STRING, contains a BER-encoded

   syncRequestControlValue ::= SEQUENCE {
      updateType           ENUMERATED {
                              syncOnly       (0),
                              syncAndPersist (1),
                              persistOnly    (2) },
      sendCookieInterval   [0] INTEGER    OPTIONAL,
      scheme               [1] LCUPScheme OPTIONAL,
      cookie               [2] LCUPCookie OPTIONAL

The Sync Request Control is only applicable to the searchRequest
message.  Use of this control is described below.

RFC 3928, Section 3.7, Sync Update Control:

The Sync Update Control is an LDAP Control [RFC2251, Section 4.1.2]
where the controlType is the object identifier and the
controlValue, an OCTET STRING, contains a BER-encoded

   syncUpdateControlValue ::= SEQUENCE {
      stateUpdate   BOOLEAN,
      entryUUID     [0] LCUPUUID OPTIONAL, -- REQUIRED for entries --
      UUIDAttribute [1] AttributeType OPTIONAL,
      entryLeftSet  [2] BOOLEAN,
      persistPhase  [3] BOOLEAN,
      scheme        [4] LCUPScheme OPTIONAL,
      cookie        [5] LCUPCookie OPTIONAL

The Sync Update Control is only applicable to SearchResultEntry and
SearchResultReference messages.  Although entryUUID is OPTIONAL, it
MUST be used with SearchResultEntry messages.  Use of this control is
described below.

RFC 3928, Section 3.8, Sync Done Control:

The Sync Done Control is an LDAP Control [RFC2251, Section 4.1.2]
where the controlType is the object identifier and the
controlValue contains a BER-encoded syncDoneValue.

   syncDoneValue ::= SEQUENCE {
      scheme      [0] LCUPScheme OPTIONAL,
      cookie      [1] LCUPCookie OPTIONAL

The Sync Done Control is only applicable to SearchResultDone message.
Use of this control is described below.

RFC 4370, Section 3, Proxy Authorization Control:

The controlType of the proxy authorization control is

The criticality MUST be present and MUST be TRUE.  This requirement
protects clients from submitting a request that is executed with an
unintended authorization identity.

Clients MUST include the criticality flag and MUST set it to TRUE.
Servers MUST reject any request containing a Proxy Authorization
Control without a criticality flag or with the flag set to FALSE with
a protocolError error.  These requirements protect clients from
submitting a request that is executed with an unintended
authorization identity.

The controlValue SHALL be present and SHALL either contain an authzId
[AUTH] representing the authorization identity for the request or be
empty if an anonymous association is to be used.

(no limitation to opcodes)

RFC 4527, Section 3.1, Pre-Read Controls

The Pre-Read request control is a LDAP Control [RFC4511] whose
controlType is and whose controlValue is a BER-encoded
AttributeSelection [RFC4511], as extended by [RFC3673].  The
criticality may be TRUE or FALSE.  This control is appropriate for
the modifyRequest, delRequest, and modDNRequest LDAP messages.

The corresponding response control is a LDAP Control whose
controlType is and whose the controlValue, an OCTET
STRING, contains a BER-encoded SearchResultEntry.  The criticality
may be TRUE or FALSE.  This control is appropriate for the
modifyResponse, delResponse, and modDNResponse LDAP messages with a
resultCode of success (0).

RFC 4527, Section 3.1, Post-Read Controls

The Post-Read request control is a LDAP Control [RFC4511] whose
controlType is and whose controlValue, an OCTET
STRING, contains a BER-encoded AttributeSelection [RFC4511], as
extended by [RFC3673].  The criticality may be TRUE or FALSE.  This
control is appropriate for the addRequest, modifyRequest, and
modDNRequest LDAP messages.

The corresponding response control is a LDAP Control whose
controlType is and whose controlValue is a BER-encoded
SearchResultEntry.  The criticality may be TRUE or FALSE.  This
control is appropriate for the addResponse, modifyResponse, and
modDNResponse LDAP messages with a resultCode of success (0).

RFC 4528, Section 3, The Assertion Control:

The assertion control is an LDAP Control [RFC4511] whose controlType
is and whose controlValue is a BER-encoded Filter
[Protocol, Section 4.5.1].  The criticality may be TRUE or FALSE.
There is no corresponding response control.

The control is appropriate for both LDAP interrogation and update
operations [RFC4511], including Add, Compare, Delete, Modify,
ModifyDN (rename), and Search.  It is inappropriate for Abandon,
Bind, Unbind, and StartTLS operations.

RFC 4533, Section 2.2, Sync Request Control

The Sync Request Control is an LDAP Control [RFC4511] where the
controlType is the object identifier and the
controlValue, an OCTET STRING, contains a BER-encoded
syncRequestValue.  The criticality field is either TRUE or FALSE.

   syncRequestValue ::= SEQUENCE {
       mode ENUMERATED {
           -- 0 unused
           refreshOnly       (1),
           -- 2 reserved
           refreshAndPersist (3)
       cookie     syncCookie OPTIONAL,

The Sync Request Control is only applicable to the SearchRequest

RFC 4533, Section 2.3, Sync State Control

The Sync State Control is an LDAP Control [RFC4511] where the
controlType is the object identifier and the
controlValue, an OCTET STRING, contains a BER-encoded syncStateValue.
The criticality is FALSE.

   syncStateValue ::= SEQUENCE {
       state ENUMERATED {
           present (0),
           add (1),
           modify (2),
           delete (3)
       entryUUID syncUUID,
       cookie    syncCookie OPTIONAL

The Sync State Control is only applicable to SearchResultEntry and
SearchResultReference Messages.

RFC 4533, Section 2.4, Sync Done Control

The Sync Done Control is an LDAP Control [RFC4511] where the
controlType is the object identifier and the
controlValue contains a BER-encoded syncDoneValue.  The criticality
is FALSE (and hence absent).

   syncDoneValue ::= SEQUENCE {
       cookie          syncCookie OPTIONAL,
       refreshDeletes  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE

The Sync Done Control is only applicable to the SearchResultDone

RFC 5805, Section 2.2, Transaction Specification Control

A Transaction Specification Control is an LDAPControl where the
controlType is, the criticality is TRUE, and the
controlValue is a transaction identifier.  The control is appropriate
for update requests including Add, Delete, Modify, and ModifyDN
(Rename) requests [RFC4511], as well as the Password Modify requests

RFC 6171, Section 3, The Don't Use Copy Control

The Don't Use Copy control is an LDAP Control [RFC4511] whose
controlType is and controlValue is absent.  The
criticality MUST be TRUE.  There is no corresponding response

(no limitation to opcodes)