A command line tools to generate the Controller and the View files
which can import data to database and export data to the file which extension included excel, csv and pdf.
Notice that the package is based on Voyager.
You must confirm that laravel project created and the voyager package installed before.
Run the command below to install basic test data
php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy
Move the test data csv to 'public' folder
Suppose your current directory is path/to/VoyagerDataTransport
mv posts_data.csv public/data.csv
composer require vanchao0519/voyager-data-transport
The fastest way:
php artisan voyager:data:transport <data-tabel-name>
You can also used the single command which you want:
- Create import permission record to database
php artisan voyager:data:transport:import:permission <data-tabel-name>
- Create export permission record to database
php artisan voyager:data:transport:export:permission <data-tabel-name>
- Create import controller file
php artisan voyager:data:import:controller <data-tabel-name>
- Create export controller file
php artisan voyager:data:export:controller <data-tabel-name>
- Create browse view file
php artisan voyager:data:transport:browse:view <data-tabel-name>
- Create import data view file
php artisan voyager:data:transport:import-data:view <data-tabel-name>
- Create export data view file
php artisan voyager:data:transport:export-data:view <data-tabel-name>
- Create voyager data transport permission detail config file
php artisan voyager:data:transport:permission:detail:config <data-tabel-name>
- Create voyager data transport route detail config file
php artisan voyager:data:transport:route:detail:config <data-tabel-name>
- Publish config files to app/VoyagerDataTransport/config/permissions and app/VoyagerDataTransport/config/route folder
php artisan voyager:data:transport:publish:config
Here is a demonstrate more details after you execute the command line of this project