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[FEATURE-REQUEST] How to apply same MinMaxScaling to a set of columns? #1548

Answered by JovanVeljanoski
yohplala asked this question in Q&A
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What you describe is not how the MinMaxScaler is expected to work, but nothing stops you from doing this yourself.

Find the min and the max of the features you are interested in, and you can just use the formula for MinMax scaling (you can look this up online). You could write your own function for this, something like

def custom_minmax(df, features, fmin, fmax, a=0, b=1):
  for feat in features:
    df["scaled_"+feat] = (b-a)*(df[feat] - fmin)/(fmax - fmin) + a
  return df

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This discussion was converted from issue #1547 on August 28, 2021 14:41.