diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 81033c692..bc0619dad 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -49,6 +49,35 @@ python learn.py --multiagent true # task: 2-drone hover at z == 1.2 and 0.7
+### utiasDSL `pycffirmware` Python Bindings example (multiplatform, single-drone)
+Install [`pycffirmware`](https://github.com/utiasDSL/pycffirmware?tab=readme-ov-file#installation) for Ubuntu, macOS, or Windows
+cd gym_pybullet_drones/examples/
+python3 cff-dsl.py
+### Bitcraze Python bindings example (Ubuntu only, multi-drone)
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt -y install swig
+sudo apt-get install make gcc-arm-none-eabi
+git clone --recursive https://github.com/bitcraze/crazyflie-firmware.git
+cd crazyflie-firmware/
+make cf2_defconfig
+make -j 12
+make bindings_python
+cd build/
+python3 setup.py install --user
+cd gym_pybullet_drones/examples/
+python3 cff-bit.py
### Betaflight SITL example (Ubuntu only)
diff --git a/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/cff-bit.py b/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/cff-bit.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ee48aaa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/cff-bit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+"""Script demonstrating the use of crazyflie-firmware's Python bindings.
+In a terminal, run as:
+ $ python cff.py
+import os
+import time
+import argparse
+from datetime import datetime
+import pdb
+import math
+import random
+import numpy as np
+import pybullet as p
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import cffirmware
+from gym_pybullet_drones.utils.enums import DroneModel, Physics
+from gym_pybullet_drones.envs.CtrlAviary import CtrlAviary
+from gym_pybullet_drones.control.DSLPIDControl import DSLPIDControl
+from gym_pybullet_drones.utils.Logger import Logger
+from gym_pybullet_drones.utils.utils import sync, str2bool
+DEFAULT_DRONES = DroneModel("cf2x")
+DEFAULT_PHYSICS = Physics("pyb")
+def run(
+ num_drones=DEFAULT_NUM_DRONES,
+ user_debug_gui=DEFAULT_USER_DEBUG_GUI,
+ simulation_freq_hz=DEFAULT_SIMULATION_FREQ_HZ,
+ control_freq_hz=DEFAULT_CONTROL_FREQ_HZ,
+ duration_sec=DEFAULT_DURATION_SEC,
+ output_folder=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FOLDER,
+ ):
+ #### Initialize the simulation #############################
+ H = .1
+ H_STEP = .05
+ R = .3
+ #INIT_XYZS = np.array([[R*np.cos((i/6)*2*np.pi+np.pi/2), R*np.sin((i/6)*2*np.pi+np.pi/2)-R, H+i*H_STEP] for i in range(num_drones)])
+ INIT_XYZS = np.array([[.5*i, .5*i, .1] for i in range(num_drones)])
+ INIT_RPYS = np.array([[0, 0, i * (np.pi/2)/num_drones] for i in range(num_drones)])
+ #### Initialize a circular trajectory ######################
+ PERIOD = 10
+ NUM_WP = control_freq_hz*PERIOD
+ TARGET_POS = np.zeros((NUM_WP,3))
+ for i in range(NUM_WP):
+ TARGET_POS[i, :] = R*np.cos((i/NUM_WP)*(2*np.pi)+np.pi/2)+INIT_XYZS[0, 0], R*np.sin((i/NUM_WP)*(2*np.pi)+np.pi/2)-R+INIT_XYZS[0, 1], 0
+ wp_counters = np.array([int((i*NUM_WP/6)%NUM_WP) for i in range(num_drones)])
+ delta = 75 # 3s @ 25hz control loop
+ trajectory = [[0, 0, 0] for i in range(delta)] + \
+ [[0, 0, i/delta] for i in range(delta)] + \
+ [[i/delta, 0, 1] for i in range(delta)] + \
+ [[1, i/delta, 1] for i in range(delta)] + \
+ [[1-i/delta, 1, 1] for i in range(delta)] + \
+ [[0, 1-i/delta, 1] for i in range(delta)] + \
+ [[0, 0, 1-i/delta] for i in range(delta)]
+ #### Debug trajectory ######################################
+ #### Uncomment alt. target_pos in .computeControlFromState()
+ # INIT_XYZS = np.array([[.3 * i, 0, .1] for i in range(num_drones)])
+ # INIT_RPYS = np.array([[0, 0, i * (np.pi/3)/num_drones] for i in range(num_drones)])
+ # NUM_WP = control_freq_hz*15
+ # TARGET_POS = np.zeros((NUM_WP,3))
+ # for i in range(NUM_WP):
+ # if i < NUM_WP/6:
+ # TARGET_POS[i, :] = (i*6)/NUM_WP, 0, 0.5*(i*6)/NUM_WP
+ # elif i < 2 * NUM_WP/6:
+ # TARGET_POS[i, :] = 1 - ((i-NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP, 0, 0.5 - 0.5*((i-NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP
+ # elif i < 3 * NUM_WP/6:
+ # TARGET_POS[i, :] = 0, ((i-2*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP, 0.5*((i-2*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP
+ # elif i < 4 * NUM_WP/6:
+ # TARGET_POS[i, :] = 0, 1 - ((i-3*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP, 0.5 - 0.5*((i-3*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP
+ # elif i < 5 * NUM_WP/6:
+ # TARGET_POS[i, :] = ((i-4*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP, ((i-4*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP, 0.5*((i-4*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP
+ # elif i < 6 * NUM_WP/6:
+ # TARGET_POS[i, :] = 1 - ((i-5*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP, 1 - ((i-5*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP, 0.5 - 0.5*((i-5*NUM_WP/6)*6)/NUM_WP
+ # wp_counters = np.array([0 for i in range(num_drones)])
+ #### Create the environment ################################
+ env = CtrlAviary(drone_model=drone,
+ num_drones=num_drones,
+ initial_xyzs=INIT_XYZS,
+ initial_rpys=INIT_RPYS,
+ physics=physics,
+ neighbourhood_radius=10,
+ pyb_freq=simulation_freq_hz,
+ ctrl_freq=control_freq_hz,
+ gui=gui,
+ record=record_video,
+ obstacles=obstacles,
+ user_debug_gui=user_debug_gui
+ )
+ #### Obtain the PyBullet Client ID from the environment ####
+ PYB_CLIENT = env.getPyBulletClient()
+ #### Initialize the logger #################################
+ logger = Logger(logging_freq_hz=control_freq_hz,
+ num_drones=num_drones,
+ output_folder=output_folder,
+ colab=colab
+ )
+ #### Initialize the controllers ############################
+ if drone in [DroneModel.CF2X, DroneModel.CF2P]:
+ ctrl = [DSLPIDControl(drone_model=drone) for i in range(num_drones)]
+ cff_controller = cffirmware.controllerMellinger_t()
+ cffirmware.controllerMellingerInit(cff_controller)
+ #### Run the simulation ####################################
+ action = np.zeros((num_drones,4))
+ START = time.time()
+ for i in range(0, int(duration_sec*env.CTRL_FREQ)):
+ #### Make it rain rubber ducks #############################
+ # if i/env.SIM_FREQ>5 and i%10==0 and i/env.SIM_FREQ<10: p.loadURDF("duck_vhacd.urdf", [0+random.gauss(0, 0.3),-0.5+random.gauss(0, 0.3),3], p.getQuaternionFromEuler([random.randint(0,360),random.randint(0,360),random.randint(0,360)]), physicsClientId=PYB_CLIENT)
+ #### Step the simulation ###################################
+ obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = env.step(action)
+ #### Compute control for the current way point #############
+ for j in range(num_drones):
+ try:
+ target = trajectory[i]
+ pos = target+[INIT_XYZS[j][0], INIT_XYZS[j][1], 0]
+ vel = np.zeros(3)
+ acc = np.zeros(3)
+ yaw = i*np.pi/delta/2
+ rpy_rate = np.zeros(3)
+ print(pos)
+ except:
+ break
+ action[j, :], _, _ = ctrl[j].computeControlFromState(control_timestep=env.CTRL_TIMESTEP,
+ state=obs[j],
+ target_pos=[pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]],
+ # target_pos=np.hstack([TARGET_POS[wp_counters[j], 0:2], INIT_XYZS[j, 2]]),
+ # target_pos=INIT_XYZS[j, :] + TARGET_POS[wp_counters[j], :],
+ target_rpy=INIT_RPYS[j, :]
+ )
+ state = cffirmware.state_t()
+ state.attitude.roll = 0
+ state.attitude.pitch = -0 # WARNING: This needs to be negated
+ state.attitude.yaw = 0
+ state.position.x = obs[j][0]
+ state.position.y = obs[j][1]
+ state.position.z = obs[j][2]
+ state.velocity.x = obs[j][10]
+ state.velocity.y = obs[j][11]
+ state.velocity.z = obs[j][12]
+ sensors = cffirmware.sensorData_t()
+ sensors.gyro.x = obs[j][7]
+ sensors.gyro.y = obs[j][8]
+ sensors.gyro.z = obs[j][9]
+ setpoint = cffirmware.setpoint_t()
+ setpoint.mode.z = cffirmware.modeAbs
+ setpoint.position.z = INIT_XYZS[j, 2]
+ setpoint.mode.x = cffirmware.modeAbs
+ setpoint.velocity.x = TARGET_POS[wp_counters[j], 0]
+ setpoint.mode.y = cffirmware.modeAbs
+ setpoint.velocity.y = TARGET_POS[wp_counters[j], 1]
+ setpoint.mode.yaw = cffirmware.modeVelocity
+ setpoint.attitudeRate.yaw = 0
+ control = cffirmware.control_t()
+ step = i
+ cffirmware.controllerMellinger(cff_controller, control, setpoint, sensors, state, step)
+ # assert control.controlMode == cffirmware.controlModeLegacy
+ # print(control.thrust, control.roll, control.pitch, control.yaw)
+ actual = cffirmware.motors_thrust_uncapped_t()
+ cffirmware.powerDistribution(control, actual)
+ # print(actual.motors.m1, actual.motors.m2, actual.motors.m3, actual.motors.m4)
+ PWM2RPM_SCALE = 0.2685
+ PWM2RPM_CONST = 4070.3
+ MIN_PWM = 20000
+ MAX_PWM = 65535
+ new_action = PWM2RPM_SCALE * np.clip(np.array([actual.motors.m1, actual.motors.m2, actual.motors.m3, actual.motors.m4]), MIN_PWM, MAX_PWM) + PWM2RPM_CONST
+ print(i, new_action)
+ # action[j, :] = [actual.motors.m1, actual.motors.m2, actual.motors.m3, actual.motors.m4]
+ # action[j, :] = new_action
+ #### Go to the next way point and loop #####################
+ for j in range(num_drones):
+ wp_counters[j] = wp_counters[j] + 1 if wp_counters[j] < (NUM_WP-1) else 0
+ #### Log the simulation ####################################
+ for j in range(num_drones):
+ logger.log(drone=j,
+ timestamp=i/env.CTRL_FREQ,
+ state=obs[j],
+ control=np.hstack([TARGET_POS[wp_counters[j], 0:2], INIT_XYZS[j, 2], INIT_RPYS[j, :], np.zeros(6)])
+ # control=np.hstack([INIT_XYZS[j, :]+TARGET_POS[wp_counters[j], :], INIT_RPYS[j, :], np.zeros(6)])
+ )
+ #### Printout ##############################################
+ # env.render()
+ #### Sync the simulation ###################################
+ if gui:
+ sync(i, START, env.CTRL_TIMESTEP)
+ #### Close the environment #################################
+ env.close()
+ #### Save the simulation results ###########################
+ logger.save()
+ logger.save_as_csv("pid") # Optional CSV save
+ #### Plot the simulation results ###########################
+ if plot:
+ logger.plot()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ #### Define and parse (optional) arguments for the script ##
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Helix flight script using CtrlAviary and DSLPIDControl')
+ parser.add_argument('--drone', default=DEFAULT_DRONES, type=DroneModel, help='Drone model (default: CF2X)', metavar='', choices=DroneModel)
+ parser.add_argument('--num_drones', default=DEFAULT_NUM_DRONES, type=int, help='Number of drones (default: 3)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--physics', default=DEFAULT_PHYSICS, type=Physics, help='Physics updates (default: PYB)', metavar='', choices=Physics)
+ parser.add_argument('--gui', default=DEFAULT_GUI, type=str2bool, help='Whether to use PyBullet GUI (default: True)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--record_video', default=DEFAULT_RECORD_VISION, type=str2bool, help='Whether to record a video (default: False)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--plot', default=DEFAULT_PLOT, type=str2bool, help='Whether to plot the simulation results (default: True)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--user_debug_gui', default=DEFAULT_USER_DEBUG_GUI, type=str2bool, help='Whether to add debug lines and parameters to the GUI (default: False)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--obstacles', default=DEFAULT_OBSTACLES, type=str2bool, help='Whether to add obstacles to the environment (default: True)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--simulation_freq_hz', default=DEFAULT_SIMULATION_FREQ_HZ, type=int, help='Simulation frequency in Hz (default: 240)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--control_freq_hz', default=DEFAULT_CONTROL_FREQ_HZ, type=int, help='Control frequency in Hz (default: 48)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--duration_sec', default=DEFAULT_DURATION_SEC, type=int, help='Duration of the simulation in seconds (default: 5)', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--output_folder', default=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FOLDER, type=str, help='Folder where to save logs (default: "results")', metavar='')
+ parser.add_argument('--colab', default=DEFAULT_COLAB, type=bool, help='Whether example is being run by a notebook (default: "False")', metavar='')
+ ARGS = parser.parse_args()
+ run(**vars(ARGS))
diff --git a/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/cf.py b/gym_pybullet_drones/examples/cff-dsl.py
similarity index 100%
rename from gym_pybullet_drones/examples/cf.py
rename to gym_pybullet_drones/examples/cff-dsl.py