Petitions QC Inbox
- Inbox - oldest to newest by Received date
- Total documents in Inbox is displayed in inbox tab label: “Inbox (#)”
Petitions QC In Progress
- When Petitions are reviewed but not served (i.e. Save for Later) they display in the In Progress tab
- Total petitions in In Progress is displayed in in progress tab label: “In Progress (#)”
Petitions QC Served
- Served - newest to oldest by Served date
Section Document QC Inbox / My Document QC Inbox
- On click of Petition document link, app navigates to Petition QC screen > Parties tab
Section Document QC In Progress box / My Document QC In Progress box
- On click of Petition document link, app navigates to Review and Serve Your Petition screen
Section Document QC Served box/ My Document QC Served box
- On click of Petition document link, app navigates to Petition Document Detail screen
Petition link on Docket Record
- On click of Petition document link from Docket Record, app navigates to the standard Document Detail screen for the Petition
- If Unread - Bold with closed envelope icon
- If Unassigned - Yellow question mark
- after a Petition has been served, the case is automatically associated to the IRS Superuser role
- IRS Superuser role has full access to all cases within the system
- IRS Superuser does not display as Respondent Counsel in any associated cases