There are certain case-related documents (e.g., scanned payment receipt, cover letters included with filings, internal memos, etc.) that are not added to the case's docket record. Court users need to be able to see these items at the case level. The Court calls this the "correspondence" file.
- All internal court users are able to view the correspondence files.
- Only Petitions/Calendar Clerks and Docket Clerks will be able to add/edit/delete files
- External users will not be able to view these files/section
- Correspondence files will be displayed as a tab "correspondence" once the user clicks into a docket (case information)
- Date
- Correspondence Description
- Created By
- Edit link (only petitioner/docket clerk)
- Delete Link (only petitioner/docket clerk)
- Add Correspondence File link, above the table (only petitioner/docket clerk)
- petitioner/docket clerk can go to a case and under the actions button select add correspondence file
- petitioner/docket clerk can go to a case, navigate to the correspondence tab and select add correspondence file link
- Add correspondence file page loads
- User adds in a description of document and uploads a document
- when document is uploaded user will have option to change document before saving
- when user clicks finish correspondence tab will open with a success message file has been added to table. table will display new document To Edit a correspondence file
- petitioner/docket clerk can go to a case, navigate to the correspondence tab and select edit link
- The Correspondence edit page will load and petitioner/docket clerk can change the Correspondence description or change/upload a new file after saving the correspondence tab will load with a success message of file updated and updates to the title and file will display in table
- petitioner/docket clerk can go to a case, navigate to the correspondence tab and select delete link
- delete modal displays
- when user clicks Click Yes, Delete modal closes and document is removed from table with a success message the document has been removed