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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 2, 2024. It is now read-only.

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Installation & Setup

Install using npm with the -g global flag, or yarn using the global scope. Depending on your unique setup and configuration, you may need to use the sudo command.

npm i -g


yarn global add

To fund Arweave transaction submissions via the Bundlr Network, it is also important to install the Bundlr CLI in order to fund your instant Arweave data uploads.

See more information on the Bundlr CLI here:


The command usher --help returns a list of all commands and option flags.

$ usher --help

Usage: Usher CLI [options] [command]

  -v, --version     output the version number
  -h, --help        display help for command

  advertiser        Manage Advertiser
  campaign-details  Manage Campaign Details
  campaign          Manage Campaigns
  help [command]    display help for command

Authenticate with an Advertiser DID

To create, deploy and update Ceramic Documents (aka Streams), you are required to create a DID.

To simply create a new DID and Seed Key:

usher advertiser auth

Be sure to store your Seed Key in a safe place.

Create an Advertiser Profile/Doc

  1. Use the template command to create a JSON template file that you can edit to your preference.
     usher advertiser template > advertiser.json
  2. Once you've editted the advertiser.json file, create the Advertiser Doc:
     usher advertiser create --file ./advertiser.json --key auth_seed_key
  3. To verify that you have created the doc, you can find the doc in your doc list:
     usher advertiser list

Create a Campaign Details Doc

  1. Use the template command to create a JSON template file that you can edit to your preference.
     usher campaign-details template > details.json
  2. Once you've editted the details.json file, create the Campaign Details Doc:
     usher campaign-details create --file ./details.json --key auth_seed_key
  3. To verify that you have created the doc, you can find the doc in your doc list:
     usher campaign-details list

Create a Campaign

  1. Use the template command to create a JSON template file that you can edit to your preference.
     usher campaign template > campaign.json
  2. Take note of your Campaign Details and Adveriser Doc/Stream Identifiers.
    • These identifiers are relevant to the Ceramic Network.
    • usher campaign-details list and usher advertiser list can be used to fetch the relevant Ceramic Doc/Stream identifiers.
    • An example of an identifer is: kjzl6cwe1jw149392kdn0ny2dgskjvwykev1b1jxxegvt83cjgqzbbkbkrk70w5
  3. Once you've editted the campaign.json file, create the Campaign:
     usher campaign create --file ./campaign.json --key auth_seed_key --wallet wallet_private_key_or_file --currency matic --advertiser advertiser_stream_id --details details_stream_id

This process will automatically index the Campagin on Usher after deploying the payload to the immutable Arweave storage environment.

Bundlr Funding Error:
If you receive an error related to funding Bundlr, it is important you install the Bundlr CLI and perform the funding process with the relevant currency/network

npx bundlr fund 172936555468356 -h -w wallet_private_key -c matic

You can learn more about this here:

If you have funds on the Bundlr Network at a different Bundlr Node URL, be sure to pass the --bundlr-url to the usher campaign create command.

Index a Campaign

If you have made changes to your Campaign Details or Advertiser docs, you will need to re-index the Usher Campaign.

usher campaign index arweave_tx_id
