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Contributor: Trong Nhan Mai

Build and Run Fuzzers in Docker containers

OWASP ZAP (v2.9)

There is a Docker image available in Docker Hub. To be able to interact with the Node.js application, the image should run in the same network as the application.

To start OWASP ZAP with Web UI, run:

$ docker run --net <app_network> -u zap -p 8080:8080 -p 8090:8090 -i owasp/zap2docker-stable:2.9.0

Substitute <app_network> with the Docker network in which the Node.js application is running.

Then on your browser, head to http://localhost:8080/zap. Please see ZAP Docker web UI guide for more information.

ZAP 2.9 main GUI


This section will demonstrate how a typical scanning session is carried out with OWASP ZAP on NodeGoat. (Some details might be different on your machine).

1. Preparing a Docker image of NodeGoat:

Follow the instructions in app_docker to build the image. In this example, let image name of Nodegoat be nodegoat:v1.

2. Starting up NodeGoat container with docker-compose:

Replace the image name in the NodeGoat's docker-compose.yml file with nodegoat:v1. The result should be something like:


Then on your terminal, start it with:

$ docker-compose up

3. Ensuring ZAP's container can interact with NodeGoat

When NodeGoat is started with docker-compose, by default the container will be put in a Docker network (in this example the network is nodegoat_default). You can check the list of Docker networks by running:

$ docker network ls

And then inspect the Nodegoat network:

$ docker network inspect nodegoat_default

The result should have something similar to:


In this example, the IP address allocated to nodegoat_web_1 (which is the NodeGoat container) is When scanning with ZAP, this IP address is used as the target URL (i.e

After NodeGoat container has been started properly, we need to start ZAP's container within that network for it to properly interact with NodeGoat. The command to startup ZAP in this example will be:

$ docker run --net nodegoat_default -u zap -p 8080:8080 -p 8090:8090 -i owasp/zap2docker-stable:2.9.0

After starting up ZAP's container, you can check the nodegoat_default network again by running:

$ docker network inspect nodegoat_default

If everything went right, the network will now have the ZAP's container included (ZAP container will have a random name generated by Docker - naugthy_fermi).

nodegoat network after adding zap

4. Start scanning with ZAP

If you found the ZAP container within the NodeGoat network, it is possible for ZAP to interact with NodeGoat. The target URL (to access NodeGoat) thoughout this session will be http://<nodegoat_container_IP>:4000. Again, you can get the nodegoat_container_IP by inspecting nodegoat_default network with:

$ docker network inspect nodegoat_default

And check for nodegoat_web_1 container.

Step 1: Updating/installing necessary add-ons

  • Active scan rules (Release) - 37.0.0
  • Active scan rules (Beta) - 32.0.0
  • Active scan rules (Alpha) - 30.0.0
  • Advanced SQL Injection Scanner (Beta) - 13.0.0
  • Ajax Spider - 23.2.0

To update/install add-ons, from the Help tab go to Check for Updates.

zap manage addon

More details on ZAP's add-ons can be found here.

Step 2: Importing the policies (used for scanning later on)

Before crawling and scanning, the policy files must be imported (they are located at zap_configs). To do that, from the Analyze tab go to Scan Policy Manager then click Import. This is the result:


Because we are importing file from our host machine, you will first need to use the white box at the bottom right corner to import the policy files into ZAP's container (policy files are located here). After that, the file will be uploaded into ZAP's container and you can import it using Scan Policy Manager (in this case, using the Open near the top left corner of the image).


After importing, it can be modified to fit your use cases.

More information on ZAP's policy can be found here

Step 3: Run the crawler and scanner on Nodegoat

To crawl Nodegoat, ZAP provides two tools: Spider and Ajax Spider. They are located in the Tools tab. These two Spiders require the target URL to work with. It is recommended to explore their options to fit your use cases.

ZAP 2 Spiders

More information can be found at Spider and Ajax Spider.

In the Tools tab, you can use Active Scan to perform scanning with those imported policies mentioned above. There are two necessary parameters for Active Scan:

  • "Starting point": the starting point for the scan. You need to use Active Scan after crawling with ZAP's Spiders so that you can specify any starting point (for example: http://<nodegoat_container_IP>:4000). Or you can run Active Scan on any end points in the sitemap of http://<nodegoat_container_IP>:4000 found in the left sidebar (given that you have already crawled NodeGoat). The site mape for Nodegoat will be similar to:


  • "Policy": Given that you have imported the policy configurations mentioned above, they will appear for you to choose.

The image below show the window for starting up Active Scanner:

zap active scanner

After setting all parameters, click Start Scan to perform the scan on the target with the specified policy.

Step 4: Modifying request's header

In case you want to modify the header of each request sent by ZAP to NodeGoat, ZAP provides "script" feature that allows you to do that. In this project, each HTTP request's header is included with authentication tokens (instructions on how to get the authentication tokens are located here).

Click the following button on the main UI to create a new Script.


After that, there will be a list of available types of script. We are going to use HTTP Sender. Right click on HTTP Sender and click New script. Then set the values as follows:


After you save it, a Script Console will appear on the right hand side. This is where you can modify the script for your own use case.

script console

The image above show how the authentication token is included for NodeGoat.

More information on ZAP's script can be found here.

Note: depends on the application that the header name will either be Cookie (NodeGoat, Keystone, Mongo-express, apostrophe-boilerplate) or Authorization (JuiceShop).

Arachni (v1.5.1 with web UI v0.5.12)

To startup the Arachni Docker image (already available in Docker Hub), run:

docker run --net <app_network> -d -p 222:22 -p 7331:7331 -p 9292:9292 --name arachni arachni/arachni:1.5.1

The Web UI can be accessed from your browser at http://localhost:9292

Arachni main web GUI

The default credentials when logging into the Web UI:

  1. Administrator account
  1. Regular user account

The configuration file for Arachni scan are included in arachni_configs. You must import these configuration files via Arahni's Web UI to be able to use them for scanning.

Importing the profile configuration

From the main UI after signing in, click Profile then click Import. Please modify the configuration accordingly (for example, the targeted web application IP address).

Performing the scan

From the main UI after signing in, click Scan then New Scan. In the return UI, you can set the target URL and the profile configuration. Given that you have already imported the profile, it will appear for you to choose. Then click Go! to start the scan.

Note: you can set the number of instances in Advanced options to suit your preference (during this project, 4 is set for this field).

W3AF - v2019.1.2

Build from source:

$ git clone <w3af_repo>
$ cd W3AF
$ ./w3af/extras/docker/ 

It will build an image from source with the tag andresriancho/w3af:source

The source version of w3af used in this project is at commit cd22e52.

The original workflow of W3AF Docker image is to start it up and use SSH to connect to the running Docker container. However, the scripts to run this workflow in the repo does not work for me. Therefore, I decided to use docker exec.

This command will start up the W3AF container:

$ docker run --net <app_network> --name <container_name> -it -v ~/.w3af:/root/.w3af:z -v ~/w3af-shared:/root/w3af-shared:z -p 44444:44444 <w3af_image>

For <w3af_image, you can use:

  • andresriancho/w3af:latest to use the latest release version on Docker Hub (which is quite out-of-date).
  • andresriancho/w3af:source to use the image that you build using the instructions above.

The startup command will start up 2 shared volumes (you can modify to fit your machine):

  • -v ~/.w3af:/root/.w3af:z: ~/.w3af in the host machine will be bind to /root/.w3af in the w3af container.
  • -v ~/w3af-shared:/root/w3af=shared:z: ~/w3af-shared in the host machine will be bind to /root/w3af-shared in the w3af container.

Instructions on how Docker volumes work can be found here here.

When the container is running, one can start up the w3af_console by using:

$ docker exec -it <container_name> python /home/w3af/w3af/w3af_console --no-update

Or you can start a bash shell within the container by:

$ docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash 

The script to start the w3af console (w3af_console) is able to read the commands from a script. The scripts that I used to perform the scan in this project are located here.

To use the scripts, first copy them to the w3af-shared directory in your host machine. It will allow the w3af container to access them. After that, you can run the w3af_console with those script:

$ docker exec -it <container_name> python /home/w3af/w3af/w3af_console -s <location_to_script_from_w3af_container> --no-update

Or this command from bash within the container:

$ /home/w3af/w3af/w3af_console -s <location_to_script_from_w3af_container> --no-update


  • With those scripts, results will be generated in /root/w3af-shared/<app_name> of the w3af container, which you can access in w3af-shared of your host machine.
  • The scripts also utilize a app_header.txt to modify each HTTP request's header. The file will "<Header_name>: <vakue>" which you will use to include the authentication token for each application. According to the scripts, w3af_console will access app_headers.txt at /root/w3af-shared/<app_name/app_headers.txt in the w3af container (you will have to put app_header.txt in w3af-shared of your host machine).
  • You must update the URLs in those scripts to suit your environment setup (you can check the app container's IP by running docker network inspect <app_network>).
  • You can also change the paths values in those w3af scripts to fit your use case.