Bot utilities, helpers and decorators
Here are all the functions of common use and tools in general.
This path contains 2 packages:
- decorators
- helpers
Tools such as the logger or daemon are present as files, while decorators and helpers have their own subfolder.
A set of functions for using the shell must be placed in the Utils folder.
A single and recursive function to be used in a conditional control must be inserted in the Utils, precisely in the helpers subfolder if it is to be used within a function or in the decorators folder if it is intended as an event or must be performed before the main function.
- blacklist (synchronizer)
- daemon
- file (common operations)
- logger (custom exception logger)
- shell
- bypass
- chat
- message
- permissions
- h_chat
- h_group
- h_keyboard
- h_language
- h_message
- h_notes
- h_scam
- h_spam
- h_sql
- h_user
- h_variables