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File metadata and controls

432 lines (327 loc) · 23.9 KB


An Underlay package is a collection of messages, files, and other packages.

They're represented as blank nodes with an rdf:type of, and prov:hadMember relations to their members. They're published as RDF Graphs (i.e. RDF Datasets without any named graphs).

Packages are subclasses of both PROV Collections and Linked Data Platform Direct Containers.

<> rdfs:subClassOf prov:Collection .
<> rdfs:subClassOf ldp:DirectContainer .

Here's an example package:

% cat package-a.jsonld
  "@context": {
    "@base": "",
    "prov": "",
    "ldp": "",
    "ldp:membershipResource": { "@type": "@id" }
  "@type": "",
  "ldp:membershipResource": "package-a",
  "ldp:hasMemberRelation":  { "@id": "prov:hadMember" },
  "prov:value": {
    "@id": "dweb:/ipfs/bafybeih4wdwetrvaz2ospgebag4rtndhhqebwgmos6hbwxdhfhtw3d2vde"
  "prov:hadMember": [
      "@id": "ul:/ipfs/bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse",
      "ldp:membershipResource": "package-a/jane-doe"
      "@id": "dweb:/ipfs/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4",
      "ldp:membershipResource": "package-a/8-cell-orig.gif"

Packages are designed to work with registry namespaces, so it's expected that every package will have a unique URI, managed by its parent registry, with a human-readable package name as the last path element of the URI, with no query or fragment components. In the JSON-LD examples here, the registry "root" URI path will always be given as the @base of the JSON-LD context, so that packages in the registry can be referenced simply as "@id": "package-name".

Resource URIs vs Content URIs

REST is very explicit about distinguishing between abstract resources and concrete representations:

The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal service (e.g. "today's weather in Los Angeles"), a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. In other words, any concept that might be the target of an author's hypertext reference must fit within the definition of a resource. A resource is a conceptual mapping to a set of entities, not the entity that corresponds to the mapping at any particular point in time. - Resources and Resource Identifiers

REST components perform actions on a resource by using a representation to capture the current or intended state of that resource and transferring that representation between components. A representation is a sequence of bytes, plus representation metadata to describe those bytes. Other commonly used but less precise names for a representation include: document, file, and HTTP message entity, instance, or variant. - Representations

Resources are what live in the mind of an author; representations are the bytes that computers operate on. Representations are specific and immutable; resources are what keep their identity across mutations.

The Underlay makes this distiction even more explicit by using two different kinds of URIs, called resource URIs and content URIs.

  • Content URIs identify representations by the hash of their bytes.
    • RDF resource representations are canonicalized RDF datasets and their content URIs start with ul:/ipfs/.
    • Non-RDF resource representations are files (opaque byte arrays) and their content URIs start with dweb:/ipfs/.
    • In both cases, the hash is the base32 CIDv1 of the IPFS file with raw leaves.
      • This means that for small files, the hash is the direct hash of its bytes with a raw CID codec.
      • IPFS splits larger files into chunks, in which case the hash is actually the root of a merkle tree, with a dag-pb CID codec.
      • The --raw-leaves option is not the default in IPFS clients and must be explicitly enabled.
    • The base32 CID is the first and only path element after /ipfs/ in the URI.
  • Resource URIs begin with a registry URL like and identify resources as paths, such as or

Version and representation are used interchangeably here - a "different version" doesn't imply a unique version number or label or anything other than a different representation of the same underlying abstract resource.

Referent chasing

It's important to be very clear on exactly what different URI formats refer to. Consider the example package from the introduction:

% cat package-a.jsonld | jsonld normalize | ipfs add --raw-leaves -Q | ipfs cid base32
% ipfs cat bafkreihqvh4pdolv5ihayngspc2zk6la46dzbqd4eiz5dcoysvnpfojboi
<dweb:/ipfs/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4> <> <> .
<ul:/ipfs/bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse> <> <> .
_:c14n0 <> <> .
_:c14n0 <> <> .
_:c14n0 <> <> .
_:c14n0 <> <dweb:/ipfs/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4> .
_:c14n0 <> <ul:/ipfs/bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse> .
_:c14n0 <> <dweb:/ipfs/bafybeih4wdwetrvaz2ospgebag4rtndhhqebwgmos6hbwxdhfhtw3d2vde> .

So the file package-a.jsonld is a representation of an RDF dataset, and its content URI is:


But what does this really refer to? It only refers to the RDF Dataset - the container that has these eight RDF statements as members - and nothing more. It does not refer to the package described by those statements; it refers to the literal collection of statements themsevles!

If we mean to refer to the package described in the dataset, we need to say so:


This is the content URI for this version of the package, and it's why packages representations need to use a blank node (and not the package resource URI) as the subject of all the package properties. Blank nodes, which are strictly scoped to their local dataset, serve as an externally content-addressable identity for specific versions of packages. The blank nodes are linked to their abstract resource URIs with a ldp:membershipResource predicate, but it's always the blank node that "defines" a package representation.

Typically, the package blank node will be the only blank node in the dataset, so it will always have the canonical label _:c14n0.


In the graph, the package blank node has a prov:wasRevisionOf property linking it to the content URI of its previous version, if it exists.


Packages can contain three distinct classes of members: messages, files, and other packages.

Membership in a package _:p of a version <content-URI> of an abstract resource <resource-URI> is delcared with two triples:

_:p <> <content-URI> .
<content-URI> <> <resource-URI> .

The second triple is required for included packages, but optional for messages and files, which may or may not have associated resource URIs.


Messages are the most common type of package member, and are described in the message spec. In this case, we really do want to refer to the message itself as an RDF dataset, so its content URI doesn't have a fragment identifier.

For example, given a message:

% cat message.jsonld
  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "",
    "prov": ""
  "prov:wasAttributedTo": { "name": "The Small Town Gazette" },
  "@graph": {
    "@id": "",
    "name": "Jane Doe",
    "jobTitle": "Professor",
    "knows": {
      "@id": ""
% cat data.jsonld | jsonld normalize | ipfs add -Q --raw-leaves | ipfs cid base32

...we can include this message in a package _:p with the triple

_:p <> <ul:/ipfs/bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse> .

Again, note that there is no fragment identifier in this URI - we want to refer to the entire dataset, not to any one of its individual graphs or statements or nodes.

If there is a natural name or identifier for this message in the conceptual organization of the package, such as a UUID for the entity that it describes, then we can identify the abstract resource URI for the message by appending the name as a path element to the package URI. This is a way of naming a message's abstract role in the package, as opposed to justdeclaring a specific message version's presence.

In the example, we might identify jane-doe as an appropriate message name. If our package URI is, then we would add:

<ul:/ipfs/bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse> <> <> .

... or in JSON-LD:

  "ldp:membershipResource": { "@id": "package-a" },
  "prov:hadMember": {
    "@id": "ul:/ipfs/bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse",
    "ldp:membershipResource": {
      "@id": "package-a/jane-doe"

This format - appending a single path element to the package resource URI - is the only valid message resource URI format. This means message names are restricted to valid URI path segments.

A message should be given a resource URI if it a) describes one coherent entity that has a stable identifier, or b) the message itself corresponds to some coherent named resource (e.g. "the data that was derived from this source / found in this place", even if the data itself is a loose pile of miscellaneous facts). In particular, a message should have a named resource if it is might be replaced (in later versions of the package) by another message that occupies the same place or fulfills the same role. In that case, the new package will have a different content URI as its prov:hadMember, but that new content URI will be a ldp:membershipResource of the same resource.

No two messages can be a version of the same resource in the same package.


Packages can also include non-RDF files, which we distinguish with a different URI scheme dweb:/ipfs/... instead of ul:/ipfs/.... Files should be included in packages if they are a major, focal subject of the data in the package's messages. They can be given resource URIs just like messages (by appending the filename to the package URL), although assertions should only refer to files by their direct content-address.

Using this image as an example file, we can find its CID:

% curl -s | \
ipfs add -Q --raw-leaves | \
ipfs cid base32

Including the file in a package under its original filename 8-cell-orig.gif would look like:

_:package <> <dweb:/ipfs/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4> .
<dweb:/ipfs/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4> <> <> .

... or in JSON-LD:

  "ldp:membershipResource": { "@id": "package-a" },
  "prov:hadMember": {
    "@id": "dweb:/ipfs/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4",
    "ldp:membershipResource": "package-a/8-cell-orig.gif"

Other packages

Packages can include other packages. This might be called "importing" in other contexts, but here we deliberately use the same language we use for other resources. Including a package means the same thing as directly including all of that package's contents - it's just more concise to express and makes it easier to update things when they change. Formally, the previous sentence is equivalent to the statement "prov:hadMember is a transitive relation".

Given our example from before of package-a with content URI ul:/ipfs/bafkreifw52aek3l2x44nhsutajpil3c6sc7gsig3bnbigskt6un3tw5pti#_:c14n0, we could include package-a in a version of another package package-b:

  "ldp:membershipResource": { "@id": "package-b" },
  "prov:hadMember": {
    "@id": "ul:/ipfs/bafkreihqvh4pdolv5ihayngspc2zk6la46dzbqd4eiz5dcoysvnpfojboi#_:c14n0",
    "ldp:membershipResource": { "@id": "package-a" }

Directory representation

IPFS can represent entire directory structures, which is very convenient for retrieving large trees of files.

One of the required properties of a package is a prov:value predicate linking to a dweb:/ipfs/ directory that holds the package's dependency tree. The package itself corresponds to the root directory, and its members are files (messages and files) or subdirectories (packages) named with either their resource name, if it exists, or with their base32 CID.

This means that instead requiring users to manually traverse the pacakge dependency tree and request each message and file individually, an entire package's state can be requested with a single root CID.

Names and file extensions

This prov:value is an opinionated, "direct" representation of a package, and as such it follows some opinionated conventions around naming.


A subpackage foo in a package appears twice in its directory representation:

  • a file named foo.nt that is the subpackage's canonicalized n-quads representation
  • a directory named foo that is the subpackage's directory representation

For example, the directory representation of a package package-b that includes our example package package-a would contain:

% ipfs ls bafybeib2iuzyhfcyjgoyuoscjxqsfd5kst3hfyyeqhpzxdm622azyoglxe
bafybeid4662p5ecspsddi226miwagviecfhwwupl263hyzakdq4xyek2ga -   package-a/
bafkreihqvh4pdolv5ihayngspc2zk6la46dzbqd4eiz5dcoysvnpfojboi 988 package-a.nt


A message bar in a package appears once as a file named bar.nt. If a message doesn't have a name (i.e. it doesn't have a resource URI), then its base32 CID is used instead, still appended with the .nt file extension. For example, if the message didn't have a resource URI, it would appear as package-a/bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse.nt instead of package-a/jane-doe.nt.


Files in a package's directory representation have filenames that are just their name (no file extension, unless the file extension is a part of their name), if they have a resource URI, or just their base32 CID (no file extension). For example, if the file didn't have a resource URI, it would appear as package-a/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4 instead of package-a/8-cell-orig.gif.


Assembling package directories is straightforward. Continuing our example:

% mkdir package-a
% ipfs cat bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse > package-a/jane-doe.nt
% ipfs cat bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4 > package-a/8-cell-orig.gif
% ipfs add package-a -r --raw-leaves -Q | ipfs cid base32
% ipfs ls bafybeid4662p5ecspsddi226miwagviecfhwwupl263hyzakdq4xyek2ga
bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4 640422 8-cell-orig.gif
bafkreib2xgk7gwailskap5ohnz4iua3pno2lm4wemop2bm7opgcun2dtse 375    jane-doe.nt

Incremental changes to an existing package directory are best done with the ipfs object patch CLI command:

% mkdir package-b
% ipfs add -r -Q package-b | ipfs cid base32
% ipfs object patch bafybeiczsscdsbs7ffqz55asqdf3smv6klcw3gofszvwlyarci47bgf354 add-link package-a.nt bafkreihqvh4pdolv5ihayngspc2zk6la46dzbqd4eiz5dcoysvnpfojboi
% ipfs object patch bafybeiek322btrjkwer7rc55sdes4f7obrbcs3w3ezo5fwhqghdm6krrr4 add-link package-a bafybeid4662p5ecspsddi226miwagviecfhwwupl263hyzakdq4xyek2ga

You can also reconstruct the directory tree with IPFS:

% ipfs get -o package-b bafybeieimsrctl5jccsrvoxhzuiprttfz4yzkqxwiqgahkktji6cfmpjn4
% find package-b -type f | xargs ls -l 
-rw-r--r--  1 joel  staff     988 Jan  6 13:38 package-b/package-a.nt
-rw-r--r--  1 joel  staff  640422 Jan  6 13:38 package-b/package-a/8-cell-orig.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 joel  staff     375 Jan  6 13:38 package-b/package-a/jane-doe.nt


This directory structure imposes some mild constraints on which names are valid in resource URIs:

  • No message or file can be given the same name as a package included in the same directory. For example, even though and are different resource URIs, you can't name a something in package B "" if package B also includes a version of, since that would induce a name conflict in the directory tree (both would want the name package-a).
  • Similarly, you can't name a file bar.nt if there's either a message named bar or a subpackage named bar in the same package, since that would also induce a name conflict in the directory tree (and you obviously can't name a file just baz if there's a message named baz since that would give them both the same resource URI, which is even worse).
  • No message or file can be given a name that is the CID of a different (named or unnamed) message or file in the same package. Nobody should ever want to do this anyway.

This directory CID has two major uses. It could be literally retrieved as an actual directory, physically materialized on a user's filesystem, or it could be used as a pinning mechanism for IPFS, where the current version of a package is always pinned (and unpinned when a new version is found). This means that anything in the dependency tree would always be pinned, and outdated versions would be unpinned and freed for garbage collection.

Naming guide

Packages always have associated resource URIs, but they're optional for messages and files. Messages and files that are included in packages without resource URIs are said to be included "directly", since a resource URI introduces a degree of indirection by allowing multiple versions of the resource to come and go under the same name.

Generally, you should name files and messages with explicit resource URIs if you expect that they will be modified and you are using the package structure to distribute those edits.

A good name for a file is often its regular filename - including a file extension, if available.

A good name for a message is often an identifier for the primary subject of its assertions, primary source of its provenance, or other distinguishing partition unique within the package - typically without any file extension, since "messages" are an abstract resource that should not be considered tied to any specific serialization.

Resource URIs are ideally stable identifiers, but it's not the end of the world if a name needs to change: the new package version will just not include the old resource URI, will include the new resource URI, and will include provenance describing the update.

Linked Data Platform Containers

The final required properties of a package blank node are two triples

_:p <> <> .
_:p <> <> .

... which are required properties of Linked Data Platform Direct Containers. The first triple declares the container's member relation; the second delcares which resource the blank node is a representation of.

JSON-LD Context Compaction

Applying the reverse property and property index features of JSON-LD produces a particularly concise package representation:

  "@context": {
    "@base": "",
    "prov": "",
    "ldp": "",
    "resource": {
      "@type": "@id",
      "@reverse": "ldp:membershipResource"
    "hadMember": {
      "@container": "@index",
      "@index": "resource"
  "@type": "",
  "ldp:hasMemberRelation":  { "@id": "prov:hadMember" },
  "ldp:membershipResource": { "@id": "package-a" },
  "prov:value": {
    "@id": "dweb:/ipfs/bafybeih4wdwetrvaz2ospgebag4rtndhhqebwgmos6hbwxdhfhtw3d2vde"
  "prov:hadMember": {
    "package-a/jane-doe": "ul:/ipfs/bafkreiel4jhpeqnu6g2cug6j67ho2xn5skyngidgutomsyj5bqjs4nn4ha",
    "package-a/8-cell-orig.gif": "dweb:/ipfs/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4"

... which can be further compacted by caching the context on IPFS:

% ipfs cat bafkreihz5jqpso43dctxgun3oi2zbs4l26fko2a3tbd4acdr5kgvq2y2ky
  "@context": {
    "@base": "",
    "prov": "",
    "ldp": "",
    "resource": {
      "@type": "@id",
      "@reverse": "ldp:membershipResource"
    "hadMember": {
      "@container": "@index",
      "@index": "resource"

... to give us a maximally concise package format:

  "@context": "ipfs://bafkreihz5jqpso43dctxgun3oi2zbs4l26fko2a3tbd4acdr5kgvq2y2ky",
  "@type": "",
  "ldp:hasMemberRelation":  { "@id": "prov:hadMember" },
  "ldp:membershipResource": { "@id": "package-a" },
  "prov:value": {
    "@id": "dweb:/ipfs/bafybeih4wdwetrvaz2ospgebag4rtndhhqebwgmos6hbwxdhfhtw3d2vde"
  "prov:hadMember": {
    "package-a/jane-doe": "ul:/ipfs/bafkreiel4jhpeqnu6g2cug6j67ho2xn5skyngidgutomsyj5bqjs4nn4ha",
    "package-a/8-cell-orig.gif": "dweb:/ipfs/bafybeiatr6vzozvaxtp5f32ghixj4bvauz6wgl4lbbh6np4yrrsvtep3y4"