These are my notes from suing the Firebase CLI to interactively test the function. See firebase docs for more info. I don't have complete steps since I need to go back and
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase --version
# 3.14.0
cd functions
firebase serve --only functions # to only emulate functions
hmm... this used to work, but now it just shows this:
i functions: Preparing to emulate functions.
and hangs...
before I could do this and it would emulate my Cloud Function
{ kind: 'storage#object',
resourceState: 'exists',
id: '',
selfLink: '',
name: 'sand-contour-map.jpg',
bucket: '',
generation: '1507280848709169',
metageneration: '1',
contentType: 'image/jpeg',
timeCreated: '2017-10-06T09:07:28.666Z',
updated: '2017-10-06T09:07:28.666Z',
storageClass: 'STANDARD',
size: '153355',
mediaLink: '',
contentDisposition: 'inline; filename*=utf-8\'\'sand-contour-map.jpg',
metadata: { firebaseStorageDownloadTokens: '1cb6d00d-08fe-4bf2-9a9e-f4a70d78c961' },
crc32c: 'kbSHCQ==' })
I first tried this, based on console.log, I think...
doSomething({ timestamp: '2017-10-06T09:07:28.709Z',
eventType: 'providers/',
resource: 'projects/_/buckets/',
{ kind: 'storage#object',
resourceState: 'exists',
id: '',
selfLink: '',
name: 'sand-contour-map.jpg',
bucket: '',
generation: '1507280848709169',
metageneration: '1',
contentType: 'image/jpeg',
timeCreated: '2017-10-06T09:07:28.666Z',
updated: '2017-10-06T09:07:28.666Z',
storageClass: 'STANDARD',
size: '153355',
mediaLink: '',
contentDisposition: 'inline; filename*=utf-8\'\'sand-contour-map.jpg',
metadata: { firebaseStorageDownloadTokens: '1cb6d00d-08fe-4bf2-9a9e-f4a70d78c961' },
crc32c: 'kbSHCQ==' },
params: {} })