Using Nix seems to provode GHC build .0o
Using Nix seems to provode GHC build .0o
Do not test via stack, instead require a successful Linux build.
Do not test via stack, instead require a successful Linux build.
Use pinned nixpkgs for stack shell.
Use pinned nixpkgs for stack shell.
Force enable Nix for dist.
Force enable Nix for dist.
Disable Windows build for being utterly broken.
Disable Windows build for being utterly broken.
Remove extra nix-shell call.
Remove extra nix-shell call.
Run patched yq and diff-yaml in CI.
Run patched yq and diff-yaml in CI.
enable accidentally disabled cachix.
enable accidentally disabled cachix.
Tests should work now.
Tests should work now.
Force push
Use diff-yaml script instead of pure diff.
Use diff-yaml script instead of pure diff.
Add a huge ugly hack for golden tests.
Add a huge ugly hack for golden tests.
Disable check-formatting action altogether.
Disable check-formatting action altogether.
Add awsm-css as a repo asset.
Add awsm-css as a repo asset.