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Releases: twilio/twilio-java


28 Feb 23:53
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7.6.0-alpha-1 Pre-release

This version of the Twilio Java library is a superset of 7.6.0 that includes all beta Twilio products.

Release Notes

  • Namespace all path parameters
  • Rename devices to sims in wireless
  • Add rooms API



28 Feb 23:38
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Release Notes

  • Add validated field to Addresses
  • Add FCM Credential support
  • Add Order parameter to Chat Message filterting
  • Remove required updating of friendlyName parameter when updating TaskRouter Activities
  • Accept multiple assignmentStatus's when filtering Tasks
  • Fix Workflow json generation
  • Add TaskRouterGrant
  • Add recordingStatusCallback and recordingStatusCallbackMethod to Record TwiML



28 Feb 23:59
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7.5.0-alpha-2 Pre-release

This version of the Twilio Java library is a superset of 7.5.0 that includes all beta Twilio products.

Release Notes

  • Add validated field to Addresses
  • Add FCM Credential support
  • Add Order parameter to Chat Message filterting
  • Remove required updating of friendlyName parameter when updating TaskRouter Activities
  • Accept multiple assignmentStatus's when filtering Tasks
  • Fix Workflow json generation
  • Add TaskRouterGrant
  • Add recordingStatusCallback and recordingStatusCallbackMethod to Record TwiML
  • Add AssignedAddOns to IncomingPhoneNumbers
  • Add marketplace to Preview
  • Support FCM notification types
  • Sync
    • Add Documents
    • Add Permissions for Lists and Maps



01 Mar 00:01
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7.4.0-alpha-1 Pre-release

This version of the Twilio Java library is a superset of 7.4.0 that includes all beta Twilio products.

Release Notes

  • Added new AddOnResults API.
  • Allow undocumented TwiML voice parameters for Conference, Dial, and Pause PR #317.
  • Fix dates being serialized to null in some locales PR #320.
  • Add emergencyEnabled field to Addresses.
  • Add support for emergency phone numbers.
  • Add support for ending conferences via the API.
  • Add region field to Conferences.
  • Wireless
    • Creating RatePlan now takes single renewal string instead of renewalPeriod and renewalUnits (backwards incompatible).
    • Change RatePlan renewal field to String (backwards incompatible).
  • Twilio Chat
    • Add membersCount and messagesCount to Channel.
    • Add support for filtering on channel type when reading list of Channels.
    • Add last_consumed_message_index and last_consumption_timestamp fields to Member.
    • Remove ability to update Message body, was never supported by API (backwards incompatible).
    • Add support for new UserChannel Resource.
  • Taskrouter
    • Add default worker fetch policy PR #313.
    • Add queue ordering for Workspace, TaskQueue.
    • Remove ability to specify attributes and workflowSid on Task creation (backwards incompatible).
    • Add addons, taskQueueFriendlyName, workflowFriendlyName, metdata to Task.
    • Use DateTimes for WorkspaceStatistics filtering (backwards incompatible).
    • Fix TaskQueueStatistics cumulative field incorrect type (backwards incompatible).
    • Fix TaskQueuesStatistics cumulative field incorrect type (backwards incompatible).
    • Remove ability to set friendlyName on TaskQueueStatistics (backwards incompatible).



28 Feb 23:41
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Release Notes

  • Added new AddOnResults API.
  • Allow undocumented TwiML voice parameters for Conference, Dial, and Pause PR #317.
  • Fix dates being serialized to null in some locales PR #320.
  • Add emergencyEnabled field to Addresses.
  • Add support for emergency phone numbers.
  • Add support for ending conferences via the API.
  • Add region field to Conferences.
  • Programmable Chat
    • Add membersCount and messagesCount to Channel.
    • Add support for filtering on channel type when reading list of Channels.
    • Add last_consumed_message_index and last_consumption_timestamp fields to Member.
    • Remove ability to update Message body, was never supported by API (backwards incompatible).
    • Add support for new UserChannel Resource.
  • TaskRouter
    • Add default worker fetch policy PR #313.
    • Add queue ordering for Workspace, TaskQueue.
    • Remove ability to specify attributes and workflowSid on Task creation (backwards incompatible).
    • Add addons, taskQueueFriendlyName, workflowFriendlyName, metdata to Task.
    • Use DateTimes for WorkspaceStatistics filtering (backwards incompatible).
    • Fix TaskQueueStatistics cumulative field incorrect type (backwards incompatible).
    • Fix TaskQueuesStatistics cumulative field incorrect type (backwards incompatible).
    • Remove ability to set friendlyName on TaskQueueStatistics (backwards incompatible).



28 Feb 23:42
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Release Notes

  • Add recordingStatusCallback and recordingStatusCallbackMethod to Conference TwiML
  • Fix TaskRouter Capabaility generation
  • Address potential NPE in ApiException



01 Mar 00:02
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7.3.0-alpha-1 Pre-release

This version of the Twilio Java library is a superset of 7.3.0 that includes all beta Twilio products.

Release Notes

  • Add recordingStatusCallback and recordingStatusCallbackMethod to Conference TwiML
  • Fix TaskRouter Capabaility generation
  • Address potential NPE in ApiException



28 Feb 23:44
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Release Notes

  • Use separate enum for Updating Call status. This enum only exposes the statuses that a Call can be updated to.
  • Move the body parameter to be required in updating Messages.
  • Move the friendlyName parameter to be required in creating Queues.
  • Add Particpant creation to Conferences.
  • Add filtering by CallSid to Recordings.
  • Add missing fields to Call Recordings.
  • Add missing fields to Conferences.
  • Add missing fields to IncomingPhoneNumbers.
  • Add missing fields to Messages.
  • Programmable Chat
    • Add Invites
    • Add reachabilityEnabled, preWebhookUrl, postWebhookUrl, webhookMethod, webhookFilters, notifications to Services.
    • Add attributes, friendlyName, isOnline, isNotifiable to Users.
    • Add lastConsumedMessageIndex, lastConsumptionTimestamp to Members.
    • Add attributes, index to Messages.
    • Add ability to update Members.
    • Add filtering by identity on Members.
    • Add webhook related parameters to Service updates.
    • Remove updating of type on Channels.



01 Mar 00:03
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7.2.0-alpha-1 Pre-release

This version of the Twilio Java library is a superset of 7.2.0 that includes all beta Twilio products.

Release Notes

  • Add PublicKey Credentials.
  • Add create/update to RatePlans.
  • Use separate enum for Updating Call status. This enum only exposes the statuses that a Call can be updated to.
  • Move the body parameter to be required in updating Messages.
  • Move the friendlyName parameter to be r equired in creating Queues.
  • Update to latest Notify.
  • Add Particpant creation to Conferences.
  • Add filtering by CallSid to Recordings.
  • Add missing fields to Call Recordings.
  • Add missing fields to Conferences.
  • Add missing fields to IncomingPhoneNumbers.
  • Add missing fields to Messages.
  • Twilio Chat
    • Add Invites
    • Add reachabilityEnabled, preWebhookUrl, postWebhookUrl, webhookMethod, webhookFilters, notifications to Services.
    • Add attributes, friendlyName, isOnline, isNotifiable to Users.
    • Add lastConsumedMessageIndex, lastConsumptionTimestamp to Members.
    • Add attributes, index to Messages.
    • Add ability to update Members.
    • Add filtering by identity on Members.
    • Add webhook related parameters to Service updates.
    • Remove updating of type on Channels.



28 Feb 23:45
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Release Notes

  • Update Usage Records to use LocalDate instead of DateTime
  • Update TwiML Generator to reflect latest docs:
    • Add statusCallbackEvent, statusCallbackMethod, statusCallback to Conference
    • Add recordingStatusCallback, recordingStatusCallbackMethod to Dial
