Please note that although Pollster has proven to be indispensable to overcome SmartThings device polling issue, it was brought to my attention that it does not meet SmartThings smart app approval criteria because polling of the devices does not play nicely with SmartThings platform and in some cases may lead to degraded system performance. Therefore, I do not recommend using Pollster and no longer support it. Use it at your own risk.
Many SmartThings devices rely on frequent polling to update their status periodically. These devices have 'polling' capability and implement poll() command that the SmartThings polling engine calls approximately every 10 minutes. The polling rate is not user-configurable and may not be frequent enough for some devices. Also, the SmartThings polling engine has been known to have bad days now and then, when it works intermittently or stops working for hours and even days.
Here comes Pollster to the rescue! Pollster works behind the scenes and periodically calls poll() or refresh() command for selected devices. Devices can be arranged into four groups with independently configurable polling intervals. The polling interval can be as short as one minute.
Before you can install Pollster using your SmartThings smart phone app, you have to self-publish it in the SmartThings IDE. Please refer to SmartThings Developer Documentation for more information.
Version 1.2. Released 2/8/2015
- Added ability to update devices that provide 'refresh' capability.
- Added "Poll Now" feature. You can now start the poll manually by touching the app icon.
Version 1.1. Released 8/23/2014
- Devices can be arranged into 4 polling groups with different polling interval.
Version 1.0. Released 7/14/2014
- Published to SmartThings shared apps directory.
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