This information may be outdated. If you have some spare time, please to through the commit History and add the changes to the documentation.
- added comment field to addDvrEntry, updateDvrEntry, autorecEntryAdd, autorecEntryUpdate, timerecEntryAdd, timerecEntryUpdate
- added full UUID to channelAdd, tagAdd and dvrEntryAdd
- added ratingAuthority and ratingCountry to dvrEntryAdd and eventAdd
- added DVR configuration UUID to dvrEntryAdd, dvrEntryUpdate, autorecEntryAdd, autorecEntryUpdate, timerecEntryAdd, timerecEntryUpdate
- added broadcast type to autorec DVR entry
- added service provider name to channelAdd -> services
- added ratingLabel to EPG & DVR entries
- added ratingIcon to EPG & DVR entries
- added ageRating to DVR entries
- added updateAutorecEntry and updateTimerecEntry
- (and other changes not yet documented here)
- added descrambleInfo (not yet documented here)
- extended addDvrEntry, updateDvrEntry, dvrEntryAdd method
- added enabled
- extended getSysTime
- added gmtoffset
- extended updateDvrEntry method
- added channelId
- dvrEntry structures
- added files msg (multiple files) to the files field
- added dataSize field to show actual (last) file size in dvrEntry updates
- epg events - added subtitle field
- dvrEntry structures
- added subscriptionError, streamErrors, dataErrors fields
- added subtitle fields
- autorecEntry structures
- added dupDetect and fulltext fields
- added errors fields to the stream status
- added satpos to the subscription start
- added subscriptionError field to subscriptionStatus server-to-client method
- autorec/timerec structures
- added directory field (forced output directory)
- added enabled field
- added addTimerecEntry, deleteTimerecEntry methods
- added timerecEntryAdd, timerecEntryUpdate, timerecEntryDelete server-to-client methods
- extended addAutorecEntry method
- added start/startWindow/name fields
- added owner/creator fields
- obsoleted creator field
- extended dvrEntryAdd, dvrEntryUpdate
- added timerecId field
- added owner/creator fields
- extended addAutorecEntry, deleteAutorecEntry methods
- added start/startWindow fields
- obsoleted approxTime
- added name/owner/creator fields
- extended autorecEntryAdd, autorecEntryUpdate server-to-client methods
- fields like for addAutorecEntry
- extended getTag method
- added tagIndex field
- extended subscriptionStart server-to-client method
- added meta field
- changed H264 meta data handling (codec meta data are in the meta field only in start message)
- VORBIS and AAC codecs have codec specific meta data in the meta field in start message
- changed subscribe method
- the normts is always active and the parameter is ignored
- added getProfiles, getDvrConfigs methods
- removed getCodecs methods
- extended subscribe method
- add profile field
- extended channelAdd, channelUpdate server-to-client methods
- the channelIcon URL can be relative 'imagecache/%d' or '/imagecache/%d'
- extended getChannel method
- the channelIcon URL can be relative 'imagecache/%d' or '/imagecache/%d'
- added getChannel method
- added addAutorecEntry method
- added deleteAutorecEntry method
- added autorecEntryAdd, autorecEntryUpdate, autorecEntryDelete server-to-client methods
- extended channelAdd server-to-client method
- added channelNumberMinor (for {major}.{minor} channel numbers)
- extended dvrEntryAdd and dvrEntryUpdate server-to-client methods
- added eventId, autorecId, startExtra, stopExtra, retention, priority, contentType fields
- extended addDvrEntry method
- added retention
- extended updateDvrEntry method
- added retention, priority
- extended epgQuery method
- added minduration, maxduration
- added subscriptionGrace server-to-client method
- added subscriptionFilterStream method
- added getDvrCutpoints method
- added audio_type in the subscriptionStart server-to-client method
- added getCodecs method