Releases: tustin2121/trihard-emerald
TPP Stream Release
The version played on stream when they got to the E4!
Note: This isn't the definitive version, but it is the guaranteed version. There might be a later release with more bug fixes and more things added later. Also note that this is the TPP build, with things like the gender selection tug-of-war and forced nicknaming intact.
Apply to an unmodified English Emerald ROM. The following sha1 sums should match. You will need to use a BSP patcher, such as this one:
f3ae088181bf583e55daf962a92bb46f4f1d07b7 pokeemerald.gba
7ed9ca13716ddddc22a398fda532ef670095dc49 trihardemerald.gba (Normal Version)
8946fc25d184052c601d46fe7a9a91fa11e775a2 trihardemerald.gba (TPP version)
Update 2019-08-28: Built and added the Non-TPP version of the ROM, which removes things like the gender selection tug of war, forced nicknaming, and some level adjustments. The original BSP release is renamed to include _tpp
Update 2019-12-03: Some cheat codes have been developed for the game, and can be found here.
Run Release v1.0.0
90d2432ffefb11a743d3ae0bddc6736786f998f4 trihardemerald.gba
It's showtime, boys. There are so many things still to fix.
Testing Release v0.9.3
Update version to 0.9.3
Testing Release v0.9.1
Added all Protag Sprites! - Updated version to 0.9.1 - All protagonist overworld sprites are now done! Thanks Kelcyus! - All protagonist map heads are done too. - Fixed a mistake in implementing a PC gag. - Fixed the arrow warp and jump shadow colors. - Updated the credits.
Testing Release v0.9.0
Updated version to 0.9.0
- This is the second testing version. Most story things should be in now.
Testing Release v0.8.0
Updated version to 0.8.0 - This is the first testing version.
Milestone Beta
This tag represents the minimum viable product. The game should be fully playable at this point, if not bug free. Bug testing may begin on this. Any bugs on this will go into a separate branch now and be cherry-picked or rebased onto master at the same time.
This release does NOT include any story changes. Spelling and grammar changes will go into master only. Dialog and cutscene changes will go into master as well.