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226 lines (130 loc) · 8.96 KB

File metadata and controls

226 lines (130 loc) · 8.96 KB

v0.29 [2024-03-27]

What's new?

  • New control added:
    • rds_mysql_postresql_db_no_unsupported_version (#174)

v0.28 [2024-04-06]


Powerpipe is now the preferred way to run this mod! Migrating from Steampipe →

All v0.x versions of this mod will work in both Steampipe and Powerpipe, but v1.0.0 onwards will be in Powerpipe format only.


  • Focus documentation on Powerpipe commands.
  • Show how to combine Powerpipe mods with Steampipe plugins.

v0.27 [2024-01-22]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the low_iops_ebs_volumes control to now suggest converting io1 and io2 volumes to GP3 volumes, when the base IOPS is less than 16,000 instead of 3000. (#167)

v0.26 [2023-11-03]

Breaking changes

  • Updated the plugin dependency section of the mod to use min_version instead of version. (#161)
  • Renamed the control lambda_function_with_graviton2 to lambda_function_with_graviton in order to maintain consistency. (#158) (Thanks @bluedoors for the contribution!)

v0.25 [2023-07-28]

What's new?

  • Added the following controls to check which resources are using non-graviton processors: (#144)
    • ec2_instance_with_graviton
    • ecs_cluster_container_instance_with_graviton
    • eks_node_group_with_graviton
    • rds_db_instance_with_graviton

v0.24 [2023-07-24]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the inline query of the vpc_nat_gateway_unused control to correctly list out the unused NAT gateways that should be deleted. (#150)

v0.23 [2023-07-13]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the inline query of the multiple_global_trails control to remove redundant global trails when organization trails are in use. (#141)
  • Fixed the inline query of the ebs_snapshot_max_age control to correctly list out the old EBS snapshots that should be deleted if not required. (#147)

v0.22 [2023-06-14]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the inline query of the secretsmanager_secret_unused control to correctly verify if a secret has remained unused for a specified duration. (#138)

v0.21 [2023-05-11]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the inline query of ebs_snapshot_max_age control to correctly query aws_ebs_snapshot table instead of aws_secretsmanager_secret table. (#129)

v0.20 [2023-03-22]


  • Added the column alias to connection_name common dimension to avoid having any ?column? column names due to unaliased columns.

Bug fixes

v0.19 [2023-02-03]

What's new?

v0.18 [2022-12-27]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed typo in the Usage section of docs/ to use steampipe check control.instances_with_low_utilization instead of steampipe check control.control.instances_with_low_utilization. (#115) (Thanks @PranavPeshwe for the contribution!)

v0.17 [2022-11-04]


  • Updated ec2_gateway_lb_unused and ec2_network_lb_unused queries to correctly handle empty column data. (#109)


  • AWS plugin v0.81.0 or higher is now required.

v0.16 [2022-11-03]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the ec2_classic_lb_unused query to handle the instances column correctly when empty in the aws_ec2_classic_load_balancer table. (#106) (Thanks @JoshRosen for the fix!)

v0.15 [2022-10-27]

What's new?

  • New benchmarks added:
    • Route 53 Checks (steampipe check benchmark.route53) (#83)
    • Secrets Manager Checks (steampipe check benchmark.secretsmanager) (#85)
  • New controls added:
    • ec2_instance_older_generation (#79)
    • lambda_function_with_graviton2 (#82)


  • Updated the unattached_ebs_volumes query to handle the attachments column correctly when empty in the aws_ebs_volume table. (#102)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the low_utilization_ec2_instance query to check for max(average) instead of avg(max) utilization. (#78)


  • AWS plugin v0.80.0 or higher is now required. (#104)

v0.14 [2022-05-09]


  • Updated docs/ and README with new dashboard screenshots and latest format. (#75)

v0.13 [2022-04-27]


  • Added category, service, and type tags to benchmarks and controls. (#72)

v0.12 [2022-04-06]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the old_ebs_snapshots query to correctly evaluate the age of the snapshots (#69)

v0.11 [2022-03-29]

What's new?

  • Added default values to all variables (set to the same values in steampipe.spvars.example)
  • Added *.spvars and *.auto.spvars files to .gitignore
  • Renamed steampipe.spvars to steampipe.spvars.example, so the variable default values will be used initially. To use this example file instead, copy steampipe.spvars.example as a new file steampipe.spvars, and then modify the variable values in it. For more information on how to set variable values, please see Input Variable Configuration.

v0.10 [2021-11-15]


  • docs/ file now includes the console output image

v0.9 [2021-09-30]

What's new?

  • Added: Input variables have been added to CloudWatch, Cost Explorer, DynamoDB, EBS, EC2, ECS, ElastiCache, RDS, and Redshift controls to allow different thresholds to be passed in. To get started, please see AWS Thrifty Configuration. For a list of variables and their default values, please see steampipe.spvars.

v0.8 [2021-09-09]


  • Lambda benchmark control and query names have been updated to maintain consistency

Bug fixes

  • The broken reference links in the Lambda benchmark document have been removed

v0.7 [2021-09-07]

What's new?

  • Added initial Lambda benchmark and controls

  • New controls added:

    • lambda_excessive_timeout
    • lambda_high_error_rate

v0.6 [2021-08-25]

What's new?

  • Added initial CloudFront, ECS and EMR benchmarks and controls along with new controls for the Redshift and the EC2 benchmarks

  • New controls added:

    • cloudfront_distribution_pricing_class
    • ec2_reserved_instance_lease_expiration_30_days
    • ecs_cluster_low_utilization
    • ecs_service_without_autoscaling
    • emr_cluster_instance_prev_gen
    • emr_cluster_is_idle_30_minutes
    • redshift_cluster_low_utilization
    • redshift_cluster_schedule_pause_resume_enabled

v0.5 [2021-07-23]

What's new?

  • New controls added:
    • ec2_application_lb_unused
    • ec2_classic_lb_unused
    • ec2_gateway_lb_unused
    • ec2_network_lb_unused
    • elasticache_cluster_age_90_days
    • redshift_cluster_age_90_days
    • vpc_nat_gateway_unused


  • Updated: Service benchmark docs now link to query pages instead of the GitHub repository code for default thresholds for more reliable linking

v0.4 [2021-05-28]

Bug fixes

  • Minor fixes in the docs