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Our backers
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- label: "Resources",
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- },
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- label: "Contribution guide",
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- "module": "@tsed/logger",
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- "symbolCode": "F",
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- "module": "@tsed/logger",
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- "module": "@tsed/logger",
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- "symbolCode": "F",
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- "stable"
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- "module": "@tsed/logger",
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- "symbolLabel": "Function",
- "symbolCode": "F",
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-@screen md {
- .animate-hero {
- transform: scale(1.1);
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- .hero-banner:hover .animate-hero {
- transform: scale(1.3) translateY(-20px) translateX(-20px) rotate(5deg);
- }
-.home-link {
- @apply underline transition-all;
- &:hover {
- @apply text-blue-active;
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-.content__default .custom-block a:not(.reset-link) {
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+import {defineLoader} from "vitepress";
+import * as fs from "node:fs/promises";
+import {mapApiReferences} from "@tsed/vitepress-theme/composables/api/mappers/mapApiReferences";
+import type {ApiResponse} from "@tsed/vitepress-theme/composables/api/interfaces/Api";
+export interface Data extends ApiResponse {
+ // data type
+declare const data: Data;
+export {data};
+export default defineLoader({
+ watch: ["./public/api.json"],
+ async load(watchedFiles) {
+ // fetch remote data
+ const response = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(watchedFiles[0], {encoding: "utf-8"}));
+ return mapApiReferences(response);
+ }
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@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
sidebar: false
+layout: page
+ - name: description
+ content: Api Reference of Ts.ED. Use decorator to build your model and map data.
+ - name: keywords
+ content: api reference model decorators ts.ed express typescript node.js javascript jsonschema json mapper serialization deserialization
-# Api Reference
diff --git a/docs/appenders/console.md b/docs/appenders/console.md
index 2fd02644..bf04ebe0 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/console.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/console.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ If you experience this problem, try switching to the [`stdout`](/appenders/stdou
## Configuration
type - `console`
-layout - object (optional, defaults to [`coloredLayout`](/layouts/colored.md)) - see [layouts](/layouts/readme.md)
+layout - object (optional, defaults to [`coloredLayout`](/layouts/colored.md)) - see [layouts](/layouts/index.md)
::: tip
Note that all log events are output using `console.log` regardless of the event's level (so `ERROR` events will not be logged using `console.error`).
diff --git a/docs/appenders/file-date.md b/docs/appenders/file-date.md
index 6281b272..5eba9917 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/file-date.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/file-date.md
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
# Date Rolling File Appender
-This is a file appender that rolls log files based on a configurable time, rather than the file size. When using the date file appender, you should also call [logger.shutdown()](/getting-started.md) when your application terminates, to ensure that any remaining asynchronous writes have finished. Although the date file appender uses the [streamroller](https://github.com/nomiddlename/streamroller) library, this is included as a dependency of log4js so you do not need to include it yourself.
+This is a file appender that rolls log files based on a configurable time, rather than the file size. When using the date file appender, you should also call [logger.shutdown()](/introduction/getting-started.md) when your application terminates, to ensure that any remaining asynchronous writes have finished. Although the date file appender uses the [streamroller](https://github.com/nomiddlename/streamroller) library, this is included as a dependency of log4js so you do not need to include it yourself.
## Configuration
- **type** - `file`
- **filename** - `string` - the path of the file where you want your logs written.
- **pattern** - `string` (optional, defaults to `.yyyy-MM-dd`) - the pattern to use to determine when to roll the logs.
-- **layout** - (optional, defaults to basic layout) - see [layouts](/layouts.md)
+- **layout** - (optional, defaults to basic layout) - see [layouts](/layouts/index.md)
Any other configuration parameters will be passed to the underlying [streamroller](https://github.com/nomiddlename/streamroller) implementation (see also node.js core file streams):
diff --git a/docs/appenders/file.md b/docs/appenders/file.md
index 15a384fc..f4b62a43 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/file.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/file.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
The file appender writes log events to a file. It supports an optional maximum file size, and will keep a configurable
number of backups.
-When using the file appender, you should also call [logger.shutdown()](/getting-started.md) when your application terminates,
+When using the file appender, you should also call [logger.shutdown()](/introduction/getting-started.md) when your application terminates,
to ensure that any remaining asynchronous writes have finished.
Although the file appender uses the [streamroller](https://github.com/nomiddlename/streamroller) library, this is included as a dependency of ts-log-debug so you do not
need to include it yourself.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ npm install --save @tsed/logger-file
- **filename - string** - the path of the file where you want your logs written.
- **maxLogSize - integer** (optional) - the maximum size (in bytes) for the log file. If not specified, then no log rolling will happen.
- **backups - integer** (optional, default value = 5) - the number of old log files to keep during log rolling.
-- **layout** - (optional, defaults to basic layout) - see [layouts](/layouts/readme.md)
+- **layout** - (optional, defaults to basic layout) - see [layouts](/layouts/index.md)
Any other configuration parameters will be passed to the underlying [streamroller](https://github.com/nomiddlename/streamroller)
implementation (see also node.js core file streams):
diff --git a/docs/appenders/readme.md b/docs/appenders/index.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/appenders/readme.md
rename to docs/appenders/index.md
diff --git a/docs/appenders/logstash-http.md b/docs/appenders/logstash-http.md
index a681dc6e..6a3b5d7c 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/logstash-http.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/logstash-http.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-The logstash appenders for [Ts.ED Logger](https://logger.tsed.io) send NDJSON formatted log events to [logstash](https://www.elastic.co/products/logstash) receivers.
+The logstash appenders for [Ts.ED Logger](https://logger.tsed.dev) send NDJSON formatted log events to [logstash](https://www.elastic.co/products/logstash) receivers.
This appender uses HTTP to send the events (there is another logstash appender that uses [UDP](/appenders/logstash-udp.md)).
diff --git a/docs/appenders/logstash-udp.md b/docs/appenders/logstash-udp.md
index 9003b8cd..36623e33 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/logstash-udp.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/logstash-udp.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-The logstash appenders for [Ts.ED Logger](https://logger.tsed.io).
+The logstash appenders for [Ts.ED Logger](https://logger.tsed.dev).
The logstash-udp appender supports sending log events to a [Logstash](https://www.elastic.co/products/logstash) server.
It uses the node.js core UDP support, and so requires no extra dependencies.
diff --git a/docs/appenders/rabbitmq.md b/docs/appenders/rabbitmq.md
index bb14290a..d1dcfbff 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/rabbitmq.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/rabbitmq.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ If you want to be sure that all messages have been sent before your programme ex
## Configuration
- `type` - `rabbitmq`
-- `layout` - `object` (optional, defaults to `messagePassThroughLayout`) - the layout to use for log events (see [Layouts](/docs/layouts/readme.md)).
+- `layout` - `object` (optional, defaults to `messagePassThroughLayout`) - the layout to use for log events (see [Layouts](/layouts/index.md)).
- `options.host` - `string` (optional, defaults to ``) - the location of the rabbitmq server
- `options.port` - `integer` (optional, defaults to `5672`) - the port the rabbitmq server is listening on
- `options.username` - `string` (optional, defaults to `guest`) - username to use when authenticating connection to rabbitmq
diff --git a/docs/appenders/smtp.md b/docs/appenders/smtp.md
index ab535803..e10e3881 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/smtp.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/smtp.md
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ npm install @tsed/logger-smtp
- `subject` - `string` (optional, defaults to message from first log event in batch) - subject for email
- `sender` - `string` (optional) - who the logs should be sent as
- `html` - `boolean` (optional, defaults to `false`) - send the email as HTML instead of plain text
-- `layout` - `object` (optional, defaults to basicLayout) - see [layouts](https://logger.tsed.io/layouts.html)
+- `layout` - `object` (optional, defaults to basicLayout) - see [layouts](https://logger.tsed.dev/layouts/index.html)
- `cc` - `string` (optional) - email addresses to send the carbon-copy logs to
- `bcc` - `string` (optional) - email addresses to send the blind-carbon-copy logs to
diff --git a/docs/appenders/stderr.md b/docs/appenders/stderr.md
index d6fd6240..f431dc12 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/stderr.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/stderr.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This appender writes all log events to the standard error stream.
## Configuration
type - `stderr`
-layout - object (optional, defaults to coloredLayout) - see [layouts](/layouts/readme.md)
+layout - object (optional, defaults to coloredLayout) - see [layouts](/layouts/index.md)
## Example
diff --git a/docs/appenders/stdout.md b/docs/appenders/stdout.md
index 7369e475..63d3a5c2 100644
--- a/docs/appenders/stdout.md
+++ b/docs/appenders/stdout.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ This appender writes all log events to the standard output stream.
## Configuration
type - `stdout`
-layout - object (optional, defaults to coloredLayout) - see [layouts](/layouts/readme.md)
+layout - object (optional, defaults to coloredLayout) - see [layouts](/layouts/index.md)
## Example
diff --git a/docs/contributing.md b/docs/contributing.md
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-# Contributing
-## Setup
-Clone your fork of the repository
-$ git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/logger.git
-Install npm dependencies
-npm install
-Run build process
-npm run tsc:compile
-## Test
-npm run test
-## Write documentation
-Ts.Logger use docsify to convert markdown to HTML. In addition, all documentation in your code will be used to generate
-the Api documentation. To preview your comments on a class you can run this command:
-npm run doc:serve
-## Guidelines
-- Ts.Logger follow the git flow to generate a release note. To write your commit message see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QrDFcIiPjSLDn3EL15IJygNPiHORgU1_OOAqWjiDU5Y/edit
-- Please try to combine multiple commits before pushing
-- Please use TDD when fixing bugs. This means that you should write a unit test that fails because it reproduces the issue, then fix the issue and finally run the test to ensure that the issue has been resolved. This helps us prevent fixed bugs from happening again in the future
-- Please keep the test coverage at 100%. Write additional unit tests if necessary
-- Please create an issue before sending a PR if it is going to change the public interface of Ts.ED or includes significant architecture changes,
-- Feel free to ask for help from other members of the Ts.Logger team
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+# https://vitepress.dev/reference/default-theme-home-page
+layout: home
+ name: "@tsed/logger"
+ text: "A multi-channel logger."
+ tagline: "Manage your logs of your application"
+ actions:
+ - theme: brand
+ text: Getting started
+ link: /introduction/getting-started
+ - theme: alt
+ text: Become sponsor
+ link: https://github.com/sponsors/Romakita
+ - title: Multi channel
+ icon:
+ details: Support multi destination like Console, Remote, File with configurable log rolling based on file size or date.
+ - title: Plugins based
+ icon:
+ details: Use decorators to declare your own appenders and layouts logger.
+ - title: Colored
+ icon:
+ details: Colored console logging to stdout or stderr.
+ - title: Node.js
+ href: https://nodejs.org/
+ src: https://tsed.dev/nodejs.png
+ - title: Bun
+ href: https://bun.sh/
+ src: https://tsed.dev/bun.png
+ - title: TypeScript
+ href: https://www.typescriptlang.org/
+ src: https://tsed.dev/typescript.png
+ - title: Jest
+ href: https://jestjs.io/
+ src: https://tsed.dev/jest.svg
+ - title: Vitest
+ href: https://vitest.dev/
+ src: https://tsed.dev/vitest.png
+ - title: Seq
+ href: /appenders/seq.md
+ src: https://blog.datalust.co/content/images/2018/09/Seq-380px-1.png
+ - title: LogEntries
+ href: /appenders/logentries.md
+ src: https://tsed.dev/logentries.svg
+ - title: Insight
+ href: /appenders/insight.md
+ src: /rapid7.svg
+ - title: RabbitMQ
+ href: /appenders/rabbitmq.md
+ src: /rabbitmq.svg
+ - title: Loggly
+ href: /appenders/loggly.md
+ src: https://tsed.dev/loggly.svg
+ - title: LogStash
+ href: /appenders/logstash-http.md
+ src: https://tsed.dev/elastic-logstash.svg
+ - title: Slack
+ href: /appenders/slack.md
+ src: https://tsed.dev/slack.svg
+ - title: eGain
+ href: https://www.egain.com/
+ src: https://tsed.dev/partners/egain.webp
+ - title: PXR-tech
+ href: https://pxr.homerun.co/
+ src: https://cdn.homerun.co/52878/logo-donker1665669278logo.png
+ class: "max-w-[100px]"
+ - title: Weseek
+ href: https://weseek.co.jp/
+ src: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6468105?v=4
+ class: "max-w-[100px]"
+ - title: Zenika
+ href: https://www.zenika.com
+ src: https://tsed.dev/partners/zenika.svg
+ - title: Club Med
+ href: https://clubmed.fr/
+ src: https://tsed.dev/partners/clubmed.svg
+ - title: schnell.digital
+ href: https://schnell.digital/
+ src: https://tsed.dev/partners/schnell.svg
+ class: "max-w-[120px]"
Team members
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+# Capabilities
+Ts.ED Logger is a Node.js and TypeScript multi-chanel logger.
+It provides plugins to log on the console, files, remote services, and more. The logger is designed to be extensible and easy to use.
+You can use the logger in your Node.js and browser applications without a complex configuration.
+You can find below the list of features and plugins provided by Ts.ED Logger and the compatibility with the different environment.
+## Appenders
+[Appenders](/appenders/index.md) serialise log events to some form of output.
+They can write to files, send emails, send data over the network.
+It's basically a plugin that allows you to define where your logs will be written.
+Here are the appenders list provided by Ts.ED logger and the compatibility with the different environments:
+::: tip
+If none of the above appenders meet your needs, you can create your own appender by following the [custom appender](/appenders/custom.md) guide.
+## Layouts
+[Layouts](/layouts/index.md) are functions used by [appenders](/appenders/index.md) to format log events for output. They take a log event as an argument and return a string. TsLogDebug comes with several layouts built-in, and provides ways to create your own if these are not suitable.
+For most use cases you will not need to configure layouts - there are some appenders which do not need layouts defined (for example, logstash-UDP);
+all the appenders that use layouts will have a sensible default defined.
+Most appender configuration will take a field called layout, which is an object - typically with a single field type which is the name of a layout defined below.
+Some layouts require extra configuration options, which should be included in the same object.
+| Features | Description |
+| [Basic](/layouts/basic.md) | Basic layout will output the timestamp, level, category, followed by the formatted log event data. |
+| [Colored](/layouts/colored.md) | Colored layout is the same as basic, except that the timestamp, level and category will be colored according to the log event's level. |
+| [Dummy](/layouts/dummy.md) | Dummy only outputs the first value in the log event's data. |
+| [Message Pass-Through](/layouts/message-pass-through.md) | Just formats the log event data, and does not output a timestamp,level or category |
+| [JSON](/layouts/json.md) | JSON layout outputs the log event data as a JSON string. |
+| [Pattern](/layouts/pattern.md) | Pattern layout allows you to define a custom layout using a pattern string. |
+::: tip
+If you need to create your own layout, you can follow the [custom layout](/layouts/custom.md) guide.
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@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Minimalist version:
import {$log} from "@tsed/logger";
$log.level = "debug";
$log.name = "APP";
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+# What is Ts.ED?
+Ts.ED is a framework for building server-side and scalable applications for Node.js environment. It's built with [TypeScript](http://www.typescriptlang.org/) and uses classes (OOP), decorators and Functional programming
+to develop your application.
+It uses [Express.js](https://expressjs.com/) HTTP server frameworks by default, but it's also possible to use [Koa.js](https://koajs.com) or [Serverless](https://www.serverless.com/) as well.
+Ts.ED provides a level of abstraction above these common Node.js frameworks (Express/Koa) with the [Platform API](https://tsed.dev/docs/platform-api)
+but also exposes their APIs directly for the developer. It gives developers the freedom to use the myriad of third-party
+node modules which are available for the underlying platform.
+Just want to try it out? Skip to the [Quickstart](/introduction/getting-started).
+## Philosophy
+Node.js opened the possibility of making server applications with Javascript, allowing to pool front-end and back-end skills.
+With this we have seen the birth of extraordinary projects like [React.js](https://reactjs.org/), [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org/), [Angular](https://angular.io).
+Each of these projects bring their vision of a web application, but we have the same wish, to make the developer's life easier by providing
+all the right tools to developers so that they are quickly productive.
+Ts.ED tends towards the same objective which is to achieve better productivity while remaining easy to understand.
+To achieve this, Ts.ED provides out-of-the-box an application architecture, highly testable, scalable and maintainable.
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-# License
-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2016 Romain Lenzotti
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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+ "name": "@tsed/docs-new",
+ "version": "8.0.1",
+ "type": "module",
+ "scripts": {
+ "docs:dev": "vitepress dev .",
+ "docs:build": "vitepress build .",
+ "docs:preview": "vitepress preview ."
+ },
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+ "@tsed/vitepress-theme": "1.4.0",
+ "@vueuse/core": "10.11.0",
+ "axios": "1.7.7",
+ "lodash": "4.17.21",
+ "lucide-vue-next": "^0.436.0",
+ "vitepress": "1.4.2"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "autoprefixer": "^10.4.19",
+ "postcss": "^8.4.39",
+ "tailwindcss": "3.4.4"
+ },
+ "packageManager": "yarn@4.1.1"
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+ "tailwindcss/nesting": {},
+ tailwindcss: {},
+ autoprefixer: {}
+ }
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-layout: Home
-sidebar: false
- - name: description
- content: A Node.js and TypeScript multi channel logger.
- - name: keywords
- content: Ts.Logger nodejs typescript logger javascript decorators
-gettingStartedText: Getting started
-gettingStartedUrl: /getting-started.html
-messengerText: Discussions
-messengerIcon: bxl-slack
-messengerUrl: https://api.tsed.io/rest/slack/tsedio/tsed
- - title: Colored
- icon: bxs-color-fill
- details: Colored console logging to stdout or stderr.
- - title: Multi channel
- icon: bxs-select-multiple
- details: File appender, with configurable log rolling based on file size or date.
- - title: Extensible
- icon: bx-extension
- details: Use decorators to declare your own appenders and layouts logger.
- classes: bg-gray-lighter
- title: Our awesome contributors
- cta:
- label: Become contributor
- url: /contributing.html
- badge:
- width: 45
- bgColor: white
- cta:
- label: Become backer
- url: https://opencollective.com/tsed#backers
- classes:
- title: Support us
- description: Ts.ED is under MIT-license and is an open-source project. Many thanks to our sponsors, partners and backers who contribute to promote and support our project!
- cta:
- label: Become sponsor
- url: /support.html
- items:
- - title: Premium sponsors
- class: w-1/2 sm:w-1/6 px-5 py-3
- style:
- maxHeight: 150px
- items:
- - title: Medayo
- href: https://www.medayo.com
- src: https://images.opencollective.com/medayo/1ef2d6b/logo/256.png
- - title: They use it
- class: w-1/3 sm:w-1/6 px-5 py-3
- style:
- maxHeight: 80px
- items:
- - title: Artips
- href: https://artips.fr
- src: /they-use-it/artips.png
- - title: Yumi.us
- src: https://yumi.us/image/https%3A%2F%2Fs3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com%2Fsecure.notion-static.com%2F6bc09fed-4612-4aa0-9192-225a0b3c7a30%2FYumi-logo-circle.png?table=block&id=1a875820-287a-4a97-aa40-ba3c8f3de9ae&width=250&userId=&cache=v2
- href: https://yumi.us/
-showContent: false
- - title: TypeScript
- href: https://www.typescriptlang.org/
- src: /typescript.png
- - title: Mocha
- href: https://mochajs.org/
- src: /mochajs.svg
- - title: Vuepress
- href: https://vuepress.vuejs.org
- src: https://vuepress.vuejs.org/hero.png
- - title: Lerna
- href: https://lerna.js.org
- src: https://lerna.js.org/images/lerna-hero.svg
- - title: Yarn
- href: https://yarnpkg.com/
- - title: Seq
- href: /appenders/seq.md
- src: https://blog.datalust.co/content/images/2018/09/Seq-380px-1.png
- - title: LogEntries
- href: /appenders/logentries.md
- src: /logentries.svg
- - title: Insight
- href: /appenders/insight.md
- src: /rapid7.svg
- - title: RabbitMQ
- href: /appenders/rabbitmq.md
- src: /rabbitmq.svg
- - title: Loggly
- href: /appenders/loggly.md
- src: /loggly.svg
- - title: LogStash
- href: /appenders/logstash-http.md
- src: /elastic-logstash.svg
- - title: Slack
- href: /appenders/slack.md
- src: /slack.svg
-::: slot hero-brand
-Ts.ED Logger
-A Node.js and TypeScript multi channel logger
-::: slot hero-slogan
-Manage your logs of your **application.** #Colored, #Console, #Configurable, #Extensible
-::: slot hero-content
-::: slot testimonial-title
-What is it ?
-::: slot testimonial-content
-Ts.Logger is a Node.js and TypeScript logger with multi channel support and configurable.
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-# Support
-Ts.ED is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible thanks to the support by the community.
-This framework is a result of the long road, full of sleepless nights, working after hours, and busy weekends.
-## How can you help?
-Ts.ED doesn't have a company that sits behind and is continuously paying for hours spent on the development.
-I fully rely on the **goodness** of the community.
-However, I would love to create a team around this framework to improve and maintain it.
-In order to help me, I run few supporting platforms:
-- become a backer or sponsor on [OpenCollective](https://opencollective.com/tsed)
-- use [PayPal](https://paypal.me/romainlenzotti) to send a one-time donation
-If you fell in love with Ts.ED, or you run a business which is using Ts.ED, consider sponsoring its development
-to ensure that the project which your product relies on is actively maintained and improved.
-Also, your support could help me and the future teams to work more on content that benefits whole Ts.ED community.
-## Our team members