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DANG Truong edited this page Feb 18, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the euler-2D-kfvs wiki!

euler-2D-kfvs is an Euler equations unstructured solver using kinetic flux vector splitting (KFVS) scheme.

Some features:

  1. Finite volume method.
  2. Unstructured quadrilateral meshes.
  3. Kinetic flux vector splitting (KFVS) scheme.
  4. Written in Modern Fortran (Fortran 95 + some Fortran 2003). No real OOP has been implemented yet.
  5. Use core code of gmsh-to-vtk-and-tecplot as a mesh reader.

euler-2D-kfvs is inspired by the structured finite volume solver of Prof. Luc Mieussens. Link of the original structured solver of Prof. Luc Mieussens: A NACA0012 simulation result of euler-2D-kfvs

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