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File metadata and controls

75 lines (61 loc) · 2.81 KB

Trinidad Valve Extension

This is an extension to allow Tomcat valves to be configured and attached to web applications running under Trinidad. Built-in Tomcat valves or any valve implementation accessible within the application's class-path can be used.

A list of built-in valves can be found at:


jruby -S gem install trinidad_valve_extension


This extension will configure valves from a list of hashes that contain the properties that configure each valve. The 'className' key might be used to define what valve class is being configured, just as when configuring tomcat using the traditional context.xml file. Tomcat valves (from the org.apache.catalina.valves package) might be specified simply as class name keys followed by a configuration for it's properties. Substitutions for values referenced within ${} will be performed with Java's system properties.

To enable the extension, specify at least one valve configuration with valves under the extensions key e.g. :

  # ...
      AccessLogValve: # class-name under org.apache.catalina.valves
        directory: log
      crawler_session_manager_valve: # underscored class-name
        # leave defaults
      remote_address_filter: # not a class-name since className specified
        className: org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve
        allow: "127\.0\.0\.1"

Alternatively, you can still use the traditional (old) syntax using the valve extension element with valves specified as an array e.g. :

        - className: org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve
          pattern:        "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b %T %S"
          directory:      "log"
          prefix:         "access_log"
          suffix:         ".log"
          fileDateFormat: ".yyyy-MM-dd"
        - className: org.apache.catalina.valves.CrawlerSessionManagerValve
          sessionInactiveInterval: 42


Please note that some valves actually consume the input stream (request body), which is being used, in case of requests such as POSTs, to parse parameters. JRuby::Rack passes the servlet env, including it's body, as is to Rack and lets it handle parameter/cookie parsing. In such cases you might see missing parameters within your requests - this is not a "bug" but an actual limitation of the API and JRuby::Rack provides a "solution" for that by pre-parsing request paramaters for Rack from the servlet request parameters. To try this out set Rack::Handler::Servlet.env = :servlet in an initializer.


Copyright (c) 2012 Team Trinidad. See LICENSE ( for details.