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Why should I use SecureXPC instead of Apple's frameworks?

Apple provides two XPC frameworks, their XPC C framework and their Objective-C framework which is often referred to as the NSXPCConnection API.

Write idiomatic Swift

While both can be used from Swift via its language bridging functionality, doing so requires significant non-idiomatic Swift usage throughout much of the codebase that it touches. For example to use NSXPCConnection requires that all data transferred over the XPC connection be annotated with @objc, conform to NSSecureCoding and be a class as structs and enums are not supported. Usage of the C API requires considerable manual boxing and unboxing of data types and with unsafe access required to transfer types such as String. In comparison, SecureXPC uses Codable and the Swift compiler will automatically generate conformance for simple structs and enums.

It's simple

XPC is very powerful, but can also be quite arcane. SecureXPC offers a simple yet powerful client server API. This is done by supporting most common scenarios while excluding a few less common ones. For example it takes just a few lines of code for your app to asynchronously call your server and get back a reponse. Only a little bit more code is needed for your client to receive an AsyncThrowingStream which can be populated as needed by the server. There is also now experimental support for directly sharing memory between processes.

This simplicity is achieved in a few key ways:

  • Full Swift concurrency (async and await) support means there's no need to use callback closures
  • Bi-directional functionality is exposed as an AsyncThrowingStream instead of adhoc function calls
  • Routing is built into SecureXPC so you don't have to roll your own solution as you would when using the C API
  • Security is automatic in most cases

It's secure

Mach services are by default accessible to any other non-sandboxed process on the system. This can (and often has*) resulted in serious security vulnerabilities. This is rather obviously true for services running as root such as those installed with SMJobBless or running as a daemon, but is also applicable for even sandboxed Mach services such as a login item which has been granted permissions to system resources like the Mac's microphone or camera.

SecureXPC automatically validates incoming connections for many types of common services including those installed with SMAppService, SMJobBless, and SMLoginItemSetEnabled. For those not automatically supported, a simple declarative API allows for specifying client requirements such as only allowing connections from clients with the same team identifier as the server. If desired requirements can be highly customized via Apple's code signing requirement language.

*There are so many documented cases of these types of security vulnerabilities that it'd be hard to list them all out; here are a few:

Can I use non-serializable types like Filehandle or IOSurface?

Yes! While SecureXPC uses Codable as its data transfer protocol, it provides property wrappers that make it possible to send these types across an XPC connection. See IOSurfaceForXPC, FileHandleForXPC, and FileDescriptorForXPC for details.

Is shared memory supported?

Yes, but it's currently in an experimental state. The basic building blocks are available for you to build your own multi-process data structures, namely both typed and untyped shared memory as well as a cross-process semaphore. If you have feedback on how this part of the API can be improved, please start a GitHub discussion!

What are the differences between Codable vs NSSecureCoding?

SecureXPC uses types conforming to Swift's Codable protocol to serialize data across the XPC connection. Due to the nature of how Codable is defined, it is not possible for the same instance to be referenced from multiple other deserialized instances. This is in contrast to how NSSecureCoding behaves, which is used by NSXPCConnection for serialization.

While there are considerable similarities between these two serialization protocols, there is a significant difference in how deserialization occurs. A Codable conforming type is always decoded via its initializer with no possibility of substitution. In contrast, an NSSecureCoding conforming type may use awakeAfter(using:) to substitute in an already initialized instance.

While Codable can be implemented by any type, in practice value types such as struct and enum are the most natural fit. The aforementioned deserialization behavior is by definition not applicable to value types.

What versions of macOS does SecureXPC support?

OS X 10.10 Yosemite through macOS 13 Ventura are supported. Starting with macOS 10.15, Swift concurrency may be used and currently there is full parity between the closure-based APIs and the Swift concurrency ones.

Note that on macOS 11 and earlier, Swift concurrency may not be used in Command Line Tools. While the code will compile, it will crash at runtime. This is due to an Apple limitation unrelated to SecureXPC.

My app and/or service is sandboxed, can I use SecureXPC?

Absolutely. However, Apple places extensive restrictions on a sandboxed process's ability to establish XPC connections. An app may always communicate with a bundled XPC service, but cannot directly establish a connection to an XPC Mach service.

How can my sandboxed app to talk to a Mach service?

This can be achieved as long as you're able and willing to create a non-sandboxed XPC service. Non-sandboxed XPC services are able to create connections to Mach services. At a high level this would look like:

Mach service:

  • Registers a route which returns its endpoint.

Non-sandboxed XPC service:

  • Creates a client which connects to the Mach service.
  • Registers a route which returns the Mach services endpoint. To do this registered handler uses its client to call the Mach service's route which returns its endpoint.

Sandboxed app:

  • Creates a client which connects to the non-sandboxed XPC service.
  • Calls the non-sandboxed XPC service's route to retrive the endpoint for the Mach service.
  • Create a client using the retrieved endpoint.

The above is possible using either the closure-based functions or the Swift concurrency ones, but it will be much simpler to do so using Swift concurrency.

Can I use SecureXPC in a Mac App Store app?

I don't know. If you've succesfully published a Mac App Store app with SecureXPC, please start a GitHub discussion to let me know.

SecureXPC makes use of the private API xpc_connection_get_audit_token on macOS 10.15 and earlier (a public equivalent exists starting with macOS 11). I can imagine this might result in the app being rejected. Otherwise only public APIs are used.