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223 lines (167 loc) · 6.56 KB

File metadata and controls

223 lines (167 loc) · 6.56 KB


This is the lua client for the crayon package.


  • From luarocks:
$ luarocks install crayon
  • From source:
$ luarocks make


  • openssl

OpenSSL troubleshooting

On some distributions / OSs installing luasec (which lua-requests depends on) will fail with some form of this error:

Error: Failed installing dependency: \
- Failed installing dependency: - Could not find library file for OPENSSL
  No file libssl.a in /usr/lib
  No file in /usr/lib
  No file matching* in /usr/lib
Linux fix

To fix this (assuming openssl is already installed):

$ locate
$ ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
Mac OS / OS X fix

Assuming you have Homebrew installed:

$ brew install openssl
$ brew list openssl
$ luarocks install luasec OPENSSL_DIR=/usr/local/$YOUR_PATH_TO_OPEN_SSL/openssl/<YOUR_VERSION>
$ luarocks install crayon



# Start new test server
$ docker run -d -p 7998:8888 -p 7999:8889 --name crayon_lua_test alband/crayon

# Run test script
$ lua(jit) test.lua

# Remove test server
$ docker rm -f crayon_lua_test

Usage example

local crayon = require("crayon")

--  Connect to the server
--  substitute localhost and port with the ones you are using
local cc = crayon.CrayonClient("localhost", 8889)

--  Create a new experiment
local foo = cc:create_experiment("foo")

--  Send some scalar values to the server with their time
foo:add_scalar_value("accuracy", 0, 11.3)
foo:add_scalar_value("accuracy", 4, 12.3)
--  You can force the step value also
foo:add_scalar_value("accuracy", 6, 13.3, 4)

--  Get the datas sent to the server
-- >> {
--   1 :
--     {
--       1 : 11.3
--       2 : 0
--       3 : 0
--     }
--   2 :
--     {
--       1 : 12.3
--       2 : 1
--       3 : 4
--     }
--   3 :
--     {
--       1 : 13.3
--       2 : 4
--       3 : 6
--     }
-- }

--  backup this experiment as a zip file
local filename = foo:to_zip()

--  delete this experiment from the server
--  using the `foo` object from now on will result in an error

--  Create a new experiment based on foo's backup
local bar = cc:create_experiment("bar", filename)

--  Get the name of all scalar plots in this experiment
-- >> {
--   1 : "accuracy"
-- }

--  Get the data for this experiment
-- >> {
--   1 :
--     {
--       1 : 11.3
--       2 : 0
--       3 : 0
--     }
--   2 :
--     {
--       1 : 12.3
--       2 : 1
--       3 : 4
--     }
--   3 :
--     {
--       1 : 13.3
--       2 : 4
--       3 : 6
--     }
-- }

Complete API


  • Creation: CrayonClient(hostname="localhost", port=8889)

    • Create a client object and connect it to the server at address hostname and port port.
  • get_experiment_names()

    • Returns a list of string containing the name of all the experiments on the server.
  • create_experiment(xp_name, zip_file=nil)

    • Creates a new experiment with name xp_name and returns a CrayonExperiment object.
    • If zip_file is provided, this experiment is initialized with the content of the zip file (see CrayonExperiment.to_zip to get the zip file).
  • open_experiment(xp_name)

    • Opens the experiment called xp_name that already exists on the server.
  • remove_experiment(xp_name)

    • Removes the experiment xp_name from the server.
    • WARNING: all elements from this experiment are permanently lost!
  • remove_all_experiments()

    • Removes all experiment from the server.
    • WARNING: all elements from all experiments are permanently lost!


  • Creation: can only be created by the CrayonClient

  • get_scalar_names()

    • Returns a list of string containing the name of all the scalar values in this experiment.
  • add_scalar_value(name, value, wall_time=-1, step=-1)

    • Adds a new point with value value to the scalar plot named name.
    • If not specified, the wall_time will be set to the current time and the step to the step of the previous point with this name plus one (or 0 if its the first point with this name).
  • add_scalar_dict(data, wall_time=-1, step=-1)

    • Add multiple points at the same times where data is a dictionary where each key is a scalar name and the associated value the value to add for this scalar plot.
    • wall_time and step are handled the same as for add_scalar_value for each entry independently.
  • get_scalar_values(name)

    • Return a list with one entry for each point added for this scalar plot.
    • Each entry is a list containing [wall_time, step, value].
  • get_histogram_names()

    • Returns a list of string containing the name of all the histogram values in this experiment.
  • add_histogram_value(name, hist, tobuild=false, wall_time=-1, step=-1)

    • Adds a new point with value hist to the histogram plot named name.
    • If tobuild is false, hist should be a dictionary containing: {"min": minimum value, "max": maximum value, "num": number of items in the histogram, "bucket_limit": a list with the right limit of each bucket, "bucker": a list with the number of element in each bucket, "sum": optional, the sum of items in the histogram, "sum_squares": optional, the sum of squares of items in the histogram}.
    • If tobuild if True, hist should be a list of value from which an histogram is going to be built.
    • If not specified, the wall_time will be set to the current time and the step to the step of the previous point with this name plus one (or 0 if its the first point with this name).
  • get_histogram_values(name)

    • Return a list with one entry for each point added for this histogram plot.
    • Each entry is a list containing [wall_time, step, hist].
    • Where each hist is a dictionary similar to the one specified above.
  • to_zip(filename=nil)

    • Retrieve all the datas from this experiment from the server and store it in filename. If filename is not specified, it is saved in the current folder.
    • Returns the name of the file where the datas have been saved.
    • This file can then be used to recreate a new experiment with the exact same content as this one.