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Benchmark Contracts with monitoring

This contract system is developed for TON blockchain stress-testing and optimization of transactions per second performance. When TPS exceeds some values, it becomes impossible to count it off-chain in ways like indexers, because they use databases that are not as fast as TON. Thanks to powerful smart-contract system TON can act as a database itself and through special set of contracts count TPS load.

To optimize performance for real life usage it is important that load created by benchmark is similiar to that characteristic for Dapps.

In this system, one type of contract called Retranslator implements logic similar to jettons plus some functionality of wallets. Thus main load created by this benchmark is analogous to chained jetton transfers. Every few such transfers (or hops), a report is sent to one of intermediate Counter Contracts located in basechain. And Counter Contracts, in turn, from time to time, sends reports to the Master Counter Contract every few seconds which resides in masterchain. Master Counter Contract saves the results to the history - hashmap with timestamp -> TPS data.

This contract system allows to trustlessly monitor TPS load created in all shardchains by verifying only Masterchain and polling one contract get method

Detailed description in code:


⚠️ Currently, to run in ownnet (MyLocalTon) or in Perfnet, you need to install Blueprint manually, with npx install-local. Because the changes were not published to npm.

Deploy and start

yarn blueprint run deployAllAndStart

This will generate a keypair for system (or read an existing one), deploy a Master Counter, will topup the first Retranslator and send an external message to it for start. Then you should see a TPS monitor.

Master Counter needs some coins for history calculations. We recommend you topup it with 100 TONs for ~10000 hops.

Start spam afer deploy

yarn blueprint run startSpam [retranslator-addr]

This will ask you for an address of a Retranslator you want to start from. Then it should automaticaly parse its id, topup or ask you for a topup, and send an external message to start.

Monitor TPS from a Master Counter

yarn blueprint run monitorTPS [master-addr]

This will ask you for an address and show the average TPS monitor. Will turn of in a minute if there is no txs on the Master Counter.

Withdraw unused coins

yarn blueprint run withdraw [from-addr] [dest-addr]

Ended your tests? This will help you send all the coins from a Retranslator or Master Counter just as from a simple wallet.

Run locally

yarn test

This will deploy everything, run a test spam and print a nice table of resulting transactions. You can play with settings in SmokeBench.spec.ts.


Here are the parameters you may change for benchmarking:

In code:
  • max_retranslators in retranslator.fc - the maximum number of retranslator id. Roughly, how much retranslators to use.
  • counter_calc_tries_per_hop in retranslator.fc - the number of tries to calculate the next counter in the same shard during a hop. If exceeds - uses the last calculated one (i.e. random counter).
  • retranslator_calc_tries_limit in retranslator.fc - the maximum number of tries to calculate the shard of the next retranslator. If exceeds - uses itself for the next hop.
  • monkey_mode in retranslator.fc - if set to -1 (true), the system will switch to the mode when the retranslator self-destructs after the hop. This is designed to test behavior under reduced state change per tx in the block: if contract goes uninit->uninit, instead of uninit->init block proof doesn't need to contain merkle tree of state update (note that even if contract storage is unchanged, for existing account update of last_lt/last_hash causes state update)
  • master_report_timestep in utils.fc - the time required to pass for a Counter to report again to master.
  • count_report_as_tx in counter.fc - if set to -1 (true), counter will count the message from the retranslator as hop.
  • history_step in master_counter.fc - the discreteness with which transactions will be written in the history dictionary.
On start, in external:

This parameters are different for every run, may be changed in scripts and tests, see startSpam.ts, deployAllAndStart.ts and SmokeBench.spec.ts.

  • amount - TONs for every thread, consumption: < 50 TON per 1000 hops.
  • hops - the amount of hops.
  • threads - default is 1. if > 1, the effect is identical to running 1 thread multiple times on retranslator.
  • splitHops - when a split occurs, the stream is divided into two such streams, which would have come out if there had been no split, but their amount becomes half as much. the split always occurs at the beginning of the chain. And if there are several splits, each stream that have turned out after the previous splits will be once again divided into two. So the number of threads is 2 ^ splitHops. For example, 2 splitHops will give 4 threads, 3 will give 8, 4 will give 16, etc.
  • txs_per_report - frequency of reports, or how rarely retranslator will report to counter.
  • sameShardProbability - the chance that when the retranslator is called, the next hop will be in its shard. It is used to regulate the load between shards or for tests of a single shard.
  • extraDataSizeBytesOrRef - you can add extra data for every hop message. For this, set it ot a number of bytes to add, or to a reference cell, which will be added to the message.