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File metadata and controls

57 lines (37 loc) · 1.37 KB

Airbnb project notes

Adding location information from Google maps

Information returned from the API is like this example:

python --lat=40.83 --lng=-73.90 neighbourhood=Morrisania, sublocality=Bronx, locality=New York, level2=Bronx County, level1=New York, country=United States

The fields include "administrative_area_level_1" and "administrative_area_level_2". Others are named as shown.

ALTER TABLE room ADD COLUMN lat_round NUMERIC(9,4), ADD COLUMN lng_round NUMERIC(9,4)


PostGIS queries

The room.location column is in SRID 4326.

To find the SRID from the project file, load the file to

Import the shapefile using PgAdminIII.

Create an index:

CREATE INDEX gis_nyc_borough_gix ON gis_nyc_borough USING GIST (geom);

To set the SRID:

select UpdateGeometrySRID('Schema Name', 'mytable', 'the_geom', newSRID)

After setting the SRID of the imported shapefile properly:

select count(*) from room r, gis_nyc_borough b where survey_id = 105 and st_contains(b.geom, st_transform(r.location, 2263)) = true;

And this:

select b.boroname as borough, count(*) listings, sum(reviews) visits, sum(reviews * price)/1000.0 relative_income from room r, gis_nyc_borough b where survey_id = 105 and st_contains(b.geom, st_transform(r.location, 2263)) = true group by b.boroname order by 3 desc;