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Gesture Detector with Openpose Software on ROS Kinetic

This repository aims to recognize gestures made by users. Recognized gestures can lead the robot to take certain actions and/or repeat user's movement.

Table of Contents

Compatible Platforms

This repository is written in standards-conforming Python. It is developed and tested on the following platforms:

  1. Ubuntu 16.04
  2. ROS Kinetic
  3. Openpose Software
  4. CUDA 8.0
  5. OpenCV 3.2+
  6. Librealsense SDK 2.10.0+

Hardware Requirements

Project uses following hardware:

  1. Intel Core-i7 6700HQ
  2. Nvidia Mobile Gtx 960
  3. RealSense SR300 (Firmware
  4. USB 3.0 Type-A port for camera connection

Software Prequisities

As the ROS will be main environment it needs to be installed first. You may switch between camera and openpose installation. However completing step 3 before 4 is vital to prevent kernel errors.

  1. Install ROS Kinetic.

  2. Install Openpose and OpenposeROS node following instructions below.

Unless you want to use a separate camera skip step 3 and 4.

  1. Install Realsense Camera Prerequisities.

  2. Install Realsense Camera ROS Node from source.


  1. Git clone the package into catkin workspace src folder.

    cd ~/catkin_ws git clone

  2. Go into the project folder and initialize your workspace.

    cd src/gesture_detector catkin_init_workspace

  3. Build your package.

    cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make

  4. Source you environment.

    source devel/setup.bash

  5. Invoke the launcher. You may modify it if you want to use another camera.

    roslaunch $(find gesture_detector)/launch/gesture_detector.launch


Unless otherwise noted, gesture_detector repository is licensed under a BSD license (see LICENSE.bsd).


This is a non-exhaustive list of contributors:

  • Dr. Francisco Lera