- swapagarwal / swag-for-dev:😎 👕 🧦 A list of swag opportunities for developers
- arialdomartini / Back-End-Developer-Interview-Questions:A list of back-end related questions you can be inspired from to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
- redacademy / vue-ethereum-ipfs:Distributed Application Starter: Vue front-end, Ethereum / IPFS Backend
- yangshun / front-end-interview-handbook:🕸 Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
- octref / polacode:📸 Polaroid for your code
- kusti8 / proton-native:A React environment for cross platform native desktop apps
- Submanifold / latex-mimosis:A minimal & modern LaTeX template for your (bachelor's | master's | doctoral) thesis
- kelseyhightower / nocode:The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
- sureskumar / sketch-isometric:Generate Isometric views from Artboards and Rectangles in Sketch app.
- Srinivas11789 / PcapXray:❄️ PcapXray - A Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram including device identification, highlight important communication and file extraction
- kamranahmedse / developer-roadmap:Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2018
- kjaisingh / high-school-guide-to-machine-learning:Being a high schooler myself and having studied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for a year now, I believe that there fails to exist a learning path in this field for High School students. This is my attempt at creating one.
- bradley / Blotter:A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
- cknadler / vim-anywhere:Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
- facebookresearch / Detectron:FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
- electerious / basicScroll:Standalone parallax scrolling for mobile and desktop with CSS variables.
- cncf / wg-serverless:CNCF Serverless WG
- SSYGEN / blog:gamedev blog
- bfirsh / jsnes:A JavaScript NES emulator.
- kriadmin / 30-seconds-of-python-code:Python implementation of 30-seconds-of-code
- koczkatamas / onelang:
- sweetalert2 / sweetalert2:A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies.
- yangshun / tech-interview-handbook:💯 Algorithms study materials, behavioral content and tips for rocking your coding interview
- apache / incubator-openwhisk:Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless event-based programming service and an Apache Incubator project.
- photonstorm / phaser:Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
- swapagarwal / swag-for-dev:😎 👕 🧦 A list of swag opportunities for developers
- arialdomartini / Back-End-Developer-Interview-Questions:A list of back-end related questions you can be inspired from to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
- kelseyhightower / nocode:The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
- kamranahmedse / developer-roadmap:Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2018
- kjaisingh / high-school-guide-to-machine-learning:Being a high schooler myself and having studied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for a year now, I believe that there fails to exist a learning path in this field for High School students. This is my attempt at creating one.
- cncf / wg-serverless:CNCF Serverless WG
- sindresorhus / awesome:😎 Curated list of awesome lists
- jwasham / coding-interview-university:A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- getify / You-Dont-Know-JS:A book series on JavaScript. @YDKJS on twitter.
- h5bp / Front-end-Developer-Interview-Questions:A list of helpful front-end related questions you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore.
- github / gitignore:A collection of useful .gitignore templates
- roboticcam / machine-learning-notes:This contains my past machine learning notes
- vuejs / awesome-vue:🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- CyC2018 / InterviewNotes:面试笔记,持续更新中
- ossu / computer-science:🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- EbookFoundation / free-programming-books:📚 Freely available programming books
- binhnguyennus / awesome-scalability:An updated and curated list of selected readings to illustrate Scalability, Availability, and Stability Design Patterns in Back-end Development.
- ethereum / wiki:The Ethereum Wiki -
- Legedric / ptmagic:Magic addon for Profit Trailer cryptocurrency trading bot.
- kelseyhightower / kubernetes-the-hard-way:Bootstrap Kubernetes the hard way on Google Cloud Platform. No scripts.
- i0natan / nodebestpractices:The largest Node.JS best practices list. Curated from the top ranked articles and always updated
- Tyki / VueJSAmsterdam-Slides:
- mtdvio / every-programmer-should-know:A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know
- sindresorhus / awesome-nodejs:⚡️ Delightful Node.js packages and resources
- fffaraz / awesome-cpp:A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
- Srinivas11789 / PcapXray:❄️ PcapXray - A Network Forensics Tool - To visualize a Packet Capture offline as a Network Diagram including device identification, highlight important communication and file extraction
- facebookresearch / Detectron:FAIR's research platform for object detection research, implementing popular algorithms like Mask R-CNN and RetinaNet.
- kriadmin / 30-seconds-of-python-code:Python implementation of 30-seconds-of-code
- schollz / raspberry-pi-turnkey:How to make a Raspberry Pi image that can be deployed anywhere and assigned to a WiFi network without SSH 👌
- deepfakes / faceswap:Non official project based on original /r/Deepfakes thread. Many thanks to him!
- tensorflow / models:Models and examples built with TensorFlow
- MrGemy95 / Tensorflow-Project-Template:A best practice for tensorflow project template architecture.
- keredson / gnomecast:A native Linux Chromecast GUI that supports transcoding and subtitles.
- donnemartin / system-design-primer:Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- colour-science / colour:Colour Science for Python
- creafz / pytorch-cnn-finetune:Fine-tune pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks with PyTorch
- asciinema / asciinema:Terminal session recorder 📹
- toddmotto / public-apis:A collective list of public JSON APIs for use in web development.
- narrowfail / django-channels-chat:A simple Django-Channels web chat!
- aniketpanjwani / chomper:Internet blocker for the Linux desktop.
- tensorflow / minigo:An open-source implementation of the AlphaGoZero algorithm
- ZoomerAnalytics / git-xltrail:Git extension for versioning Excel workbook files
- keras-team / keras:Deep Learning for humans
- carpedm20 / ENAS-pytorch:PyTorch implementation of "Efficient Neural Architecture Search via Parameters Sharing"
- imbal / safeyaml:SafeYAML: A linter for YAML-favoured JSON (& autoformatting too!)
- vinta / awesome-python:A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
- scikit-learn / scikit-learn:scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
- quentinhardy / msdat:MSDAT: Microsoft SQL Database Attacking Tool
- django / django:The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
- rg3 / youtube-dl:Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
- Ramotion / garland-view:≡ GarlandView seamlessly transitions between multiple lists of content. Made by @Ramotion
- Yummypets / YPImagePicker:📸 Instagram-like image picker & filters for iOS
- BenEmdon / CenteredCollectionView:A lightweight UICollectionViewLayout that 'pages' and centers it's cells 🎡 written in Swift
- danielsaidi / Sheeeeeeeeet:Sheeeeeeeeet is a Swift library for custom action sheets.
- dokun1 / Lumina:A camera designed in Swift that can use any CoreML model for object recognition, as well as streaming video, images, and qr/bar codes.
- davedelong / Chronology:Building a better date/time library for Swift
- Alamofire / Alamofire:Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- vsouza / awesome-ios:A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects
- mchoe / SwiftSVG:A simple, performant, and lightweight SVG parser
- lhc70000 / iina:The modern video player for macOS.
- Ramotion / folding-cell:📃 FoldingCell is an expanding content cell with animation inspired by folding paper card material UI design. Made by @Ramotion
- SwifterSwift / SwifterSwift:A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
- mas-cli / mas:📦 Mac App Store command line interface
- GitHawkApp / MessageViewController:A SlackTextViewController replacement written in Swift for the iPhone X.
- onmyway133 / DeepDiff:🦀 Very fast diffing in Swift
- fossasia / susi_iOS:SUSI AI iOS app http://susi.ai
- krzysztofzablocki / Sourcery:Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
- lkzhao / Hero:Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS
- kizitonwose / PodsUpdater:A macOS app which helps you manage dependency releases in your Podfile.
- ReactiveX / RxSwift:Reactive Programming in Swift
- danielgindi / Charts:Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
- matteocrippa / awesome-swift:A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!
- brentsimmons / Evergreen:Feed reader for macOS.
- IdeasOnCanvas / AppReceiptValidator:Parse and validate App Store receipt files
- Moya / Moya:Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- expo / expo:Expo iOS/Android Client
- ivpusic / react-native-image-crop-picker:iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- willowtreeapps / Hyperion-iOS:In-app design review tool to inspect measurements, attributes, and animations.
- react-community / react-native-maps:React Native Mapview component for iOS + Android
- google / promises:Promises is a modern framework that provides a synchronization construct for Swift and Objective-C.
- airbnb / lottie-ios:An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
- novemberfiveco / xib2Storyboard:A tool to convert Xcode .xib to .storyboard files
- gnachman / iTerm2:iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
- sequelpro / sequelpro:MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
- TextureGroup / Texture:Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
- facebook / WebDriverAgent:A WebDriver server for iOS that runs inside the Simulator.
- liman123 / GoogleTranslate:Google Translate Mac App
- vonovak / react-native-add-calendar-event:Add events to calendar in RN using the standard iOS / android dialogs
- halfrost / Halfrost-Field:✍️ 这里是写博客的地方 —— Halfrost-Field 冰霜之地
- cesarvr / pdf-generator:Cordova plugin to generate pdf in the client-side
- owncloud / ios:📱 iOS app for ownCloud
- kraffslol / react-native-braintree-xplat:Cross-platform Braintree module for React Native
- mapsplugin / cordova-plugin-googlemaps:Google Maps plugin for Cordova
- googleads / googleads-mobile-ios-mediation:
- uber / ios-snapshot-test-case:Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
- intercom / intercom-cordova:Cordova/PhoneGap plugin for Intercom
- signalapp / Signal-iOS:A private messenger for iOS
- mauron85 / cordova-plugin-background-geolocation:Sophisticated background and foreground geolocation plugin for Cordova. Tracks user when app is running in background.
- pwcremin / RNSync:
- braintree / braintree-ios-drop-in:Braintree Drop-In for iOS
- redacademy / vue-ethereum-ipfs:Distributed Application Starter: Vue front-end, Ethereum / IPFS Backend
- yangshun / front-end-interview-handbook:🕸 Almost complete answers to "Front-end Job Interview Questions" which you can use to interview potential candidates, test yourself or completely ignore
- octref / polacode:📸 Polaroid for your code
- kusti8 / proton-native:A React environment for cross platform native desktop apps
- sureskumar / sketch-isometric:Generate Isometric views from Artboards and Rectangles in Sketch app.
- bradley / Blotter:A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
- electerious / basicScroll:Standalone parallax scrolling for mobile and desktop with CSS variables.
- sweetalert2 / sweetalert2:A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes. Zero dependencies.
- bfirsh / jsnes:A JavaScript NES emulator.
- yangshun / tech-interview-handbook:💯 Algorithms study materials, behavioral content and tips for rocking your coding interview
- photonstorm / phaser:Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
- vuejs / vue:🖖 A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
- devunt / make-gis-great-again:This web extension adds back "View Image" button to Google Image Search results.
- dawnlabs / carbon:🎨 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
- facebook / react:A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- nativescript-vue / nativescript-vue:NativeScript with the ease of Vue
- facebook / create-react-app:Create React apps with no build configuration.
- supnate / rekit:Toolkit for building scalable web applications with React, Redux and React-router
- airbnb / javascript:JavaScript Style Guide
- GoogleChrome / puppeteer:Headless Chrome Node API
- prettier / prettier:Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- thedevs-network / kutt:Free Modern URL Shortener.
- storybooks / storybook:Interactive UI component dev & test: React, React Native, Vue, Angular
- axios / axios:Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- LeCoupa / awesome-cheatsheets:📚 Awesome cheatsheets for popular programming languages, frameworks and development tools. They include everything you should know in one single file.
- fullstorydev / grpcurl:Like cURL, but for gRPC: Command-line tool for interacting with gRPC servers
- banzaicloud / pipeline:REST API to provision or reuse managed Kubernetes clusters in the cloud and deploy cloud native apps
- esimov / caire:Content aware image resize library
- ethereum / go-ethereum:Official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
- golang / go:The Go programming language
- kitech / qt.go:Qt binding for Go (Golang) aims get Go's compile speed again.
- goreleaser / nfpm:NFPM is Not FPM - a simple deb and rpm packager written in Go
- git-chglog / git-chglog:CHANGELOG generator implemented in Go (Golang).
- kubernetes / kubernetes:Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
- containous / traefik:Træfik, a modern reverse proxy
- avelino / awesome-go:A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
- golang / dep:Go dependency management tool
- andlabs / ui:Platform-native GUI library for Go.
- gohugoio / hugo:The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- raksly / runner:Convenience library to not reinvent the wheel when working with goroutines in certain setups.
- openfaas / faas:OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple for Docker & Kubernetes
- mitchellh / go-server-timing:Go (golang) library for creating and consuming HTTP Server-Timing headers
- go-gitea / gitea:Gitea: Git with a cup of tea
- smartcontractkit / chainlink:node of the decentralized oracle network, bridging on and off-chain computation
- jackdoe / rochefort:poor man's kafka
- apex / up:Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
- iikira / BaiduPCS-Go:百度网盘工具箱 - Go语言编写
- istio / istio:An open platform to connect, manage, and secure microservices.
- getlantern / lantern:🔴 Lantern Latest Download https://github.com/getlantern/lantern/releases/tag/latest 🔴 蓝灯最新版本下载 https://github.com/getlantern/forum/issues/833 🔴
- gin-gonic / gin:Gin is a HTTP web framework written in Go (Golang). It features a Martini-like API with much better performance -- up to 40 times faster. If you need smashing performance, get yourself some Gin.
- akaita / easylauncher-gradle-plugin:Add a different ribbon to each of your Android app variants using this gradle plugin. Of course, configure it as you will
- spring-projects / spring-boot:Spring Boot
- florent37 / ShapeOfView:Give a custom shape to any android view
- TheAlgorithms / Java:All Algorithms implemented in Java
- iluwatar / java-design-patterns:Design patterns implemented in Java
- eugenp / tutorials:The "REST With Spring" Course:
- airbnb / lottie-android:Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
- TuGengs / cloudmanager:高校云考勤微信公众号( 用于大学、高中、初中、以及公司的考勤app )
- TuGengs / Blue_Bridge_Cup:2018蓝桥杯VIP题
- apache / hadoop:Mirror of Apache Hadoop
- elastic / elasticsearch:Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
- bumptech / glide:An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling
- TuGengs / Drosophila_Distinguish:基于android的果蝇识别app ( 采用随机森林,神经网络等多种算法 )
- ahmed-adel-said / socialmediasignup:Social Media Sign-up is a simple android library that makes the sign up integration with the most famous social media platforms more powerful and easier than you could imagine.
- square / okhttp:An HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
- udacity / ud851-Exercises:
- spring-projects / spring-framework:Spring Framework
- udacity / ud851-Sunshine:
- k0shk0sh / FastHub:FastHub the ultimate GitHub client for Android.
- react-native-community / react-native-camera:A Camera component for React Native. Also supports barcode scanning!
- square / retrofit:Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
- googlesamples / android-architecture-components:Samples for Android Architecture Components.
- bazelbuild / bazel:a fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system
- google / guava:Google core libraries for Java
- DrKLO / Telegram:Telegram for Android source
- ryanflorence / react-component-component:Declarative version of React.Component
- williamFalcon / test-tube:Python library to easily log, organize and optimize Deep Learning experiments
- wesbos / JavaScript30:30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
- octocat / Spoon-Knife:This repo is for demonstration purposes only.
- DeviaVir / zenbot:Zenbot is a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.
- GSA / data:Assorted data from the General Services Administration.
- facebookresearch / fastText:Library for fast text representation and classification.
- swagger-api / swagger-codegen:swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition.
- google / gson:A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
- almasaeed2010 / AdminLTE:AdminLTE - Free Premium Admin control Panel Theme Based On Bootstrap 3.x
- olegberman / bootstrap.build:🔥 Powerful Bootstrap theme builder for your next project
- dixonandmoe / rellax:Lightweight, vanilla javascript parallax library
- ariya / phantomjs:Scriptable Headless WebKit
- PipelineAI / pipeline:PipelineAI: The Standard Runtime For Every Real-Time Machine Learning and AI Prediction in the Enterprise
- google / styleguide:Style guides for Google-originated open-source projects
- portainer / portainer:Simple management UI for Docker
- highcharts / highcharts:Highcharts JS, the JavaScript charting framework
- jaywcjlove / awesome-mac: This repo is a collection of awesome Mac applications and tools for developers and designers.
- lipis / flag-icon-css:🎏 A collection of all country flags in SVG — plus the CSS for easier integration
- ropensci / drake:An R-focused pipeline toolkit for reproducibility and high-performance computing
- Polymer / polymer:Build modern apps using web components
- dansup / bulma-templates:free flexbox templates built with the bulma css framework
- primefaces / primeng:UI Components for Angular
- jjallaire / deep-learning-with-r-notebooks:Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
- JoshuaRogue / JoshuaRogue.github.io:WongZhenyu's personal blog
- android / android-ktx:A set of Kotlin extensions for Android app development.
- QuickPermissions / QuickPermissions:The most easiest way to handle Android Runtime Permissions
- Ramotion / fluid-slider-android:💧 A slider widget with a popup bubble displaying the precise value selected. Made by @Ramotion
- shadowsocks / shadowsocks-android:A shadowsocks client for Android
- sourcerer-io / sourcerer-app:🤖 Sourcerer app makes a visual profile from your GitHub and git repositories.
- JetBrains / kotlin:The Kotlin Programming Language
- Kotlin / dokka:Documentation Engine for Kotlin
- google / flexbox-layout:Flexbox for Android
- Ccixyj / JBusDriver:这是去幼儿园的班车(滑稽
- JetBrains / kotlin-native:Kotlin/Native infrastructure
- KotlinBy / awesome-kotlin:A curated list of awesome Kotlin related stuff Inspired by awesome-java.
- corda / corda:Corda is a distributed ledger platform designed to record, manage and automate legal agreements between business partners. Designed by (and for) the world's largest financial institutions yet with applications in multiple industries. It offers a unique response to the privacy and scalability challenges facing decentralised applications.
- Ekito / koin:KOIN - a concise and pragmatic dependency injection framework for Kotlin
- ReactiveX / RxKotlin:RxJava bindings for Kotlin
- ktorio / ktor:Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
- kittinunf / Fuel:The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
- edvin / tornadofx:Lightweight JavaFX Framework for Kotlin
- shyiko / ktlint:An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
- JetBrains / swot:Identify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. Help automate the process of approving or rejecting academic discounts.
- anthonycr / Lightning-Browser:A lightweight Android browser with modern navigation
- squanchy-dev / squanchy-android:Open source app for your conferences
- SUPERCILEX / Robot-Scouter:🤖 Easy, efficient, and collaborative FIRST robot scouting
- ingokegel / jclasslib:jclasslib bytecode viewer is a tool that visualizes all aspects of compiled Java class files and the contained bytecode.
- Kotlin / kotlin-koans-edu:Kotlin Koans for Educational Plugin and WebDemo
- tipsy / github-profile-summary:Tool for visualizing GitHub profiles
- cknadler / vim-anywhere:Use Vim everywhere you've always wanted to
- robbyrussell / oh-my-zsh:A delightful community-driven (with 1,000+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 200+ optional plugins (rails, git, OSX, hub, capistrano, brew, ant, php, python, etc), over 140 themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool so that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
- mthbernardes / sshLooter:Script to steal passwords from ssh.
- vedetta-com / caesonia:OpenBSD Email Service
- alefeans / elastic-stack:Aprenda Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana e Beats do jeito mais fácil !
- pi-hole / pi-hole:A black hole for Internet advertisements
- Osedea / nodock:Docker Compose for Node projects with Node, MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, NGINX, Apache2, Memcached, Certbot and RabbitMQ images
- wine-staging / wine-staging:Staging repository for Wine - Bugtracker: https://bugs.winehq.org/ - Patches: https://dev.wine-staging.com/patches/ - Website:
- jessfraz / dockerfiles:Various Dockerfiles I use on the desktop and on servers.
- creationix / nvm:Node Version Manager - Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
- Nyr / openvpn-install:OpenVPN road warrior installer for Debian, Ubuntu and CentOS
- laradock / laradock:Docker PHP development environment.
- trailofbits / algo:Set up a personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud
- Azure / azure-quickstart-templates:Azure Quickstart Templates
- Neilpang / acme.sh:A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
- dokku / dokku:A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications
- RetroPie / RetroPie-Setup:Shell script to set up a Raspberry Pi/Odroid/PC with RetroArch emulator and various cores
- dotnet / core:Home repository for .NET Core
- Bash-it / bash-it:A community Bash framework.
- sindresorhus / pure:Pretty, minimal and fast ZSH prompt
- CISOfy / lynis:Lynis - Security auditing tool for Linux, macOS, and UNIX-based systems. Assists with compliance testing (HIPAA/ISO27001/PCI DSS) and system hardening. Agentless, and installation optional.
- nodejs / docker-node:Official Docker Image for Node.js 🐳 🐢 🚀
- jakeday / linux-surface:Linux Kernel for Surface Devices
- thoughtbot / dotfiles:A set of vim, zsh, git, and tmux configuration files.
- LukeSmithxyz / mutt-wizard:A system for automatically configuring mutt and offlineIMAP with a simple interface and safe passwords