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Siddharth Vidhani edited this page Nov 12, 2018 · 48 revisions



Jazz is an open source product that accelerates adoption of serverless architectures. Jazz helps your developers focus on code instead of managing infrastructure required for building and deploying your serverless applications.

High Level Features

  1. Create your serverless service within a couple of minutes!

    • Jazz helps your teams to quickly create serverless services (for example, API/Function/Static Website) in minutes. Once created, service endpoints are available to use almost instantaneously.
  2. Focus on your code!

    • Jazz bundles all the best practices into well-defined 'code templates' and pushes into a dedicated git repository.
    • Supports multiple programming languages: Java, Python, NodeJS.
  3. Intuitive User Interface to make software development a lot more fun!

    • Create, view and manage your services using Jazz's simple yet powerful user interface.
  4. CI/CD for serverless architectures - Solved!

    • Jazz comes with all the CI/CD hooks in place levaraging open source tools like Jenkins. In under a minute, developers changes are deployed without any additional setup.
    • CI/CD workflows come with other great goodies like automated code scan, code quality reports, unit testing etc. making Jazz enterprise ready!
  5. Authentication & Security

    • Supports Plug-and-Play authentication service. Default stack works with AWS Cognito which can extended to support other auth services.
    • Streamlined security model where security controls are applied to all your serverless services automatically which makes your services compliant by default.
  6. Logging

    • Supports Plug-and-Play logging service that can integrate with any log monitoring tool of your choice. Default installer works with ElasticSearch. Other extensions like Splunk are available under optional integrations.

Installation and Setup

Please follow the instructions in Jazz Installer's wiki.


Please refer to the following documentation for more details:


Create an API

Create a Static Website

Developer Experience

List of Jazz open source repositories

UI Automation Tests

Checkout the code from GitHub:

Protractor Installation

1: Open command prompt and type "npm install –g protractor" and hit Enter. Check the installation and version using "Protractor --version."

2: Update the Web driver manager.

Note: The web driver manager is used for running the tests against the angular web application in a specific browser. After Protractor is installed, the web driver manager needs to be updated to the latest version. This can be done by running the following command in the command prompt. webdriver-manager update

3: Start the web driver manager. This step will run the web driver manager in the background and will listen to any tests which run via protractor. Webdriver-manager start

4: Install Node JS and set the "path" on ENV variable properly (which will be set automatically)

##Files Needed for the run

Protractor needs two files to run, a spec file and configuration file.

  1. Configuration file: This File helps protractor to where the test files are placed (specs.js) and to talk with Selenium server (Selenium Address). Chrome is the default browser for Protractor.
  2. Spec file: This File contains the logic and locators to interact with the application.

To generate better reports, we use a package called jasmine-spec-reporter .

##How to configure jasmine-spec-reporter

  1. Install jasmine-spec-reporter through the command:
    npm install jasmine-spec-reporter --save-dev
  2. In the Protractor configuration file, import the package and configure the customizable options:

##Run the test: Open the command prompt: Execute the command: protractor protractor.conf.js

Points to note:

Configuration.js file should contain the following credentials to run:
EMAIL_ID: 'Your mail id’ [ This is optional]

USER_NAME: ‘ Give Jazz Admin Username',

PASSWORD: ‘This should be Jazz Admin Password’,

REG_USER_NAME: 'uname' + + '',

REG_PASS_WORD: 'passcode123' [We can give any values]

REG_CODE: 'jazz'

APPLN_URL: ‘This is the daily stack URL’