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Soarer's Converter

hasu@tmk edited this page Mar 24, 2020 · 21 revisions

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Connector	Breakout board
GND	        GND
Vcc/+5V	        VCC
Data	        PD0
Clock	        PD1
Keyboard Reset 	PB7

Diagnostic Output

The converter outputs some cryptic diagnostic information when in use - it's especially useful to see what is happening when it starts up.

The hid_listen program (from PJRC) can display this output, which mostly just consists of bytes read from and written to the keyboard when things are working correctly.

Most of the output takes the form of a prefix code, followed by a hex value, followed by a space. For example, 'r4A '.

Prefix	Description
r	byte read from keyboard
w	byte written to keyboard
R	read error
W	write error
+	HID code output from first translation stage (for key-press)
-	HID code output from first translation stage (for key-release)
d	HID code output (for key-press) v1.03+
u	HID code output (for key-release) v1.03+

Error codes

Code	Error	Description
R03	unknown	something bad happened!
R04	clock	missed one edge of the clock signal, usually because of a short spike
R05	timeout	started receiving clock from the board, but didn't receive enough for a full code
R06	start bit	read a start bit, but it was incorrect
R07	parity bit	failed to correctly read a parity bit
R08	stop bit	failed to correctly read a stop bit
W005	timeout	timeout while writing a command to the keyboard
W105	timeout	timeout while writing the first byte of a 2-byte command
W205	timeout	timeout while writing the second byte of a 2-byte command

Simple Logic Analyzer

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