In this example, we want to demonstrate the interactions between Protobufs and Diesel.
The aim is to utilize protoc generated data structures, and carry that representation from a client over grpc to a backend and into the database through Diesel.
cargo install diesel_cli --features postgres
The example command line tool uses proto models on client and server-side. The story: The client side has an oil ordering tool. (Oil, bc get it...? protobufs + diesel, har har...)
We'll have 2 initial actions:
- Order a user-specified quantity, and a user-specified product of oil to a refinery
- For the sake of this narrative, oil for these jobs is going to be magical, and infinite. For the purposes of having a regular shaped object to add into the DB.
- Look at status of an order
- In a high-level summary
- List the shipments, and time of order
- In a per-shipment detail
- Show a report of the single order
- In a high-level summary
We want to highlight the following interactions:
- Getting user input from the command line, and marshalling into a protobuf derived type (I'm calling this "proto-native").
- Connecting to a backend grpc server, and sending/recieving proto-native data
- Receiving data from the client, and marshalling into a proto-native type
- Reading/Writing rust native types into the database
The version of pingcap's grpc library that compiles w/ TLS support is only in their github repo at the time of writing.
git clone
cd grpc-rs
git submodule update --init --recursive
You need to switch the reference to the grpcio dependency. See Cargo.toml
The example
is used to compile the protos.
In our Cargo.toml, there are references for the proto-rust code as a library, and a for import paths to use in and
# Install protobuf and all its other stuff on Macos
brew install protobuf
# Init grpc-rs
git clone
pushd grpc-rs
git submodule update --init --recursive
# Start postgres
docker-compose up -d
pushd workspace
# Install the database schema
diesel migration run
# In 2 terminals:
# Terminal 1: Backend
cargo run --bin backend
# Terminal 2: Client
cargo run --bin client -- order 1 diesel
cargo run --bin client -- summary