Name | Type | Description | Notes |
balanceAccountId | kotlin.String | The unique identifier of the destination or source balance account. You can only use this for periodic sweep schedules such as `schedule.type` daily or monthly. | [optional] |
merchantAccount | kotlin.String | The merchant account that will be the source of funds. You can only use this parameter with sweeps of `type` pull and `schedule.type` balance, and if you are processing payments with Adyen. | [optional] |
transferInstrumentId | kotlin.String | The unique identifier of the destination or source transfer instrument depending on the sweep `type` . To set up automated top-up sweeps to balance accounts, use this parameter in combination with a `merchantAccount` and a sweep `type` of pull. Top-up sweeps start a direct debit request from the source transfer instrument. Contact Adyen Support to enable this feature. | [optional] |