Let's take a look at some real code and see how the features of Virgil have their expression in real programs.
// Internal data structure needed by HashMap to represent chained buckets.
class Bucket<K, V> {
def key: K;
var val: V;
var next: Bucket<K, V>;
new(key, val, next) { }
// A general-purpose HashMap implementation.
// For maximum reusability, this implementation accepts the hash and equality functions
// as delegates, and thus can map any key type to any value type.
class HashMap<K, V> {
def hash: K -> int; // user-supplied hash function
def equals: (K, K) -> bool; // user-supplied equality method
var table: Array<Bucket<K, V>>; // lazily allocated table
new(hash, equals) { }
// get the value for the given key, default if not found
def get(key: K) -> V {
var none: V;
if (table == null) return none; // empty table
// hash and do bucket search
for (bucket = table[dohash(key)]; bucket != null; bucket = bucket.next) {
if (bucket.key == key || equals(bucket.key, key)) {
return bucket.val;
return none;
// insert or overwrite the value for the given key
def set(key: K, val: V) {
if (table == null) {
// table not yet allocated,create
table = Array.new(11);
insert(Bucket.new(key, val, null));
// hash and search the table
var hashval = dohash(key), i = 0;
for (bucket = table[hashval]; bucket != null; bucket = bucket.next) {
if (equals(bucket.key, key)) {
bucket.val = val;
// insert into table
table[hashval] = Bucket.new(key, val, table[hashval]);
if (i > 4 && table.length < 1001) balance(); // rebalance if chain too long
// apply the given function to every (key, value) pair in the table
def apply(func: (K, V) -> void) {
if (table == null) return;
for (b in table) {
for (bucket = b; bucket != null; bucket = bucket.next) {
func(bucket.key, bucket.val);
private def insert(bucket: Bucket<K, V>) {
var hashval = dohash(bucket.key);
bucket.next = table[hashval];
table[hashval] = bucket;
private def dohash(key: K) -> int {
return (0x7FFFFFFF & hash(key)) % table.length;
private def balance() {
var old = table, nlen = table.length * 3 + 1;
table = Array.new(nlen);
for (i = 0; i < old.length; i++) {
for (b = old(i); b != null; b = b.next) {
var hashval = dohash(b.key);
table[hashval] = Bucket.new(b.key, b.val, table[hashval]);
// A demo class that is used as a key in a hashmap
class DemoKey(a: string, b: int) {
def hash() -> int {
return stringHash(a) + b;
def equal(that: DemoKey) -> bool {
return stringEqual(this.a, that.a) && this.b == that.b;
// a hashmap for integers that uses the identity hash
var x = HashMap<int, byte>.new(int.!<int>, int.==);
// a hashmap for bytes that uses the identity hash
var y = HashMap<byte, string>.new(int.!<byte>, byte.==);
// a hashmap for strings that uses custom hash and equality functions
var z = HashMap<string, bool>.new(stringHash, stringEqual);
// a hashmap for demo keys that uses custom hash and equality functions
var w = HashMap<DemoKey, bool>.new(DemoKey.hash, DemoKey.equal);
def stringEqual(a: string, b: string) -> bool {
if (a == b) return true;
if (a.length != b.length) return false;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
return true;
def stringHash(str: string) -> int {
var hashval = str.length;
for (c in str) hashval = hashval * 31 + c;
return hashval;