diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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--- a/README.md
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# Events at University of Pennsylvania
-All events happening with event recommendations at University of Pennsylvania
-in an easy-to-use UI.
+All events happening with event recommendations at University of Pennsylvania in an easy-to-use UI.
## Run web server locally
-First, make sure that you have all Python backend as mentioned in
-`backend/requirements.txt` and recent version of `npm` installed.
+First, make sure that you have all Python backend as mentioned in `backend/requirements.txt` and recent version of `npm` installed (NodeJS 8+).
-You can run the web-application from the `frontend` folder by the following
+In order to run the web-application, if it is the first time, you need to install `gatsby-cli`:
-cd fronend
+# only once on first time
+npm install -g gatsby-cli
+and run from the `gatsby_site` folder as follows:
+cd gatsby_site
npm install
-npm start
+gatsby develop
-This will run Python backend (using Flask) on port 5001 and ReactJS frontend on port 3000.
-You will see the demo looks something like the following
+This will run Gatsby site on port `8000`. You will see the demo looks something like the following:
@@ -31,5 +35,5 @@ You will see the demo looks something like the following
## Contributions
-We are very welcome to all contribution. If you spot any errors, please
+We are very welcome to all contribution. If you spot any errors, please
feel free to report in the issue folder.
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+"Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - 11:30am","Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryDiscovering dynamic states of neural populationsNeural responses and behavior are influenced by internal brain states, such as arousal or task context. Ongoing variations of these internal states affect global patterns of neural activity, giving rise to apparent variability of neural responses under the same experimental conditions. Uncovering dynamics of internal states from data proved difficult with traditional techniques based on trial-averaged responses of single neurons. In this talk, I will describe our recent work leveraging multi-electrode neural activity recordings and computational models to reveal internal-state dynamics of neural populations during perception and goal-directed behavior. I will show how endogenous fluctuations of ensemble neural activity in the primate visual cortex depend on the global arousal and selective attention. The spatiotemporal structure of these fluctuations accounts for correlated variability across cortical layers and columns. I will then present a broadly applicable, non-parametric framework for discovering neural population dynamics directly from the data without a priori model assumptions. The framework uncovers dynamic computations from large-scale neural recordings with single-neuron, single-spike resolution.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Tatiana Engel,11:30 AM,,Discovering dynamic states of neural populations,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-tatiana-engel,30-04-2019
+"Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 11:30am","Institute of NeuroscienceNational Yang-Ming UniversityProbability estimation and its neurocomputational substratesMany decisions we make depend on how we evaluate potential outcomes and estimate their probabilities of occurrence. Outcome valuation is subjective – it requires consulting the decision maker’s internal preferences and is sensitive to context. Probability estimation is also subjective – but requires the decision maker to first extract statistics from the environment before using them to estimate probability. Currently, it is unclear whether the two computations share similar algorithms and neural-algorithmic implementations.I will present our recent work on context-dependent probability estimation, which we identified both similarities and differences in computational mechanisms between valuation and probability estimation. I will also talk about work on modeling probability estimation as Bayesian inference, which focuses on examining how and how well people estimate probability of reward in the presence of prior and likelihood information. Here we found suboptimal performance similar to base-rate neglect, which surprisingly is robust across a wide variety of setups that try to eliminate this behavior. Together, these results suggest many interesting aspects of probability estimation that have yet to be fully understood at the behavioral, computational, and neural algorithmic levels.Bio: I obtained my PhD (2008) from New York University working on representations and use of probability information in decision making under risk with Larry Maloney. As a postdoc (Caltech, 2008-2010), with Antonio Rangel, we investigated neural mechanisms for sequential information integration and context-dependent valuation. I am currently an Associate Professor in the Institute of Neuroscience at National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan where my lab studies the neural and computational mechanisms of decision making.",12:30 PM,,Barchi Library (140 John Morgan Building),Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Shih-Wei Wu,11:30 AM,,Probability estimation and its neurocomputational substrates,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-shih-wei-wu,16-04-2019
+"Tuesday, April 9, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of Biological SciencesUSCUnderstanding how inhibitory circuits in the thalamus contribute to visionThe thalamus is often viewed as a gatekeeper, relaying sensory signals to the cortex during waking and halting their flow during sleep. While true, this is an impoverished description. Our work explores how circuits in the visual thalamus contribute to sensory processing per se. Although thalamocortical cells make few local connections, they are embedded in two dense inhibitory networks. First, local interneurons supply feedforward inhibition; second, neurons in the visual sector of the thalamic reticular nucleus (a thin sheet of gabaergic cells that cloak the thalamus) provide feedback inhibition. We use anatomical, physiological and computational tools to understand how each inhibitory network operates and we compare results across species to resolve evolutionarily conserved aspects of thalamic structure and function.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Judith Hirsch,11:30 AM,,Understanding how inhibitory circuits in the thalamus contribute to vision,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-judith-hirsch,09-04-2019
+"Tuesday, April 2, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of NeurobiologyHarvard UniversityCortical dynamics for flexible navigation decisionsWe study flexible sensorimotor decision-making in mice during navigation-based tasks in virtual reality. I will present approaches to study this topic using analyses of population dynamics from calcium imaging movies, optogenetic perturbations, and measurements of behavioral variability. We have developed behavioral tasks in which mice integrate internally-stored contextual information, in the form of short-term memories, with sensory cues to guide navigation choices. We have used unbiased methods to identify regions of the mouse cortex involved in these tasks, leading to a particular focus on posterior parietal cortex, retrosplenial cortex, and V1. I will present findings that parietal and retrosplenial areas use mixed representations of sensory and contextual information to generate navigational trajectories toward rewarded goal locations. I will discuss potential decision-related roles for these cortical regions for mapping sensory and internal information onto navigational actions.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Chris Harvey,11:30 AM,,Cortical dynamics for flexible navigation decisions,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-chris-harvey,02-04-2019
+"Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 11:30am","Clélia de Mulatier
+Department of Physics and AstronomyUniversity of PennsylvaniaAnalyzing Binary Datasets with Spin Models: the Search for Simple ModelsAbstract forthcoming",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),,11:30 AM,,Analyzing Binary Datasets with Spin Models: the Search for Simple Models,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-cl%C3%A9lia-de-mulatier,26-03-2019
+"Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of Mathematics and Statistics Swarthmore CollegeReconstruction of Sparse Connectivity and Stimuli in Neuronal Networks Using Compressive Sensing of Network DynamicsSparsity is a fundamental characteristic of numerous biological, social, and technological networks. Neuronal network connectivity demonstrates sparsity on multiple spatial scales and natural stimuli typically also possess sparse representations in appropriate domains. In this talk, we address the role of sparsity in the efficient encoding of network structure and inputs through nonlinear neuronal network dynamics. We develop a theoretical framework for reconstructing sparse network data by leveraging compressive sensing theory and the linearity of input-output mappings commonly underlying neuronal dynamics. Addressing the theoretical and experimental challenges in measuring structural network connectivity, we reconstruct model neuronal network connections using the evoked dynamics in response to a small ensemble of random stimuli. Using the reconstructed connectivity matrix, we then accurately recover detailed network inputs distinct from the random input ensemble. Analyzing several receptive field models, we investigate how the accuracy of input reconstructions depends on the network architecture, and demonstrate that the center-surround structure common in the early visual system facilitates marked improvements in natural scene processing well beyond the uniformly-random connectivity typical in compressive sensing theory. However, we show that the spatial localization inherent in receptive fields combined with information loss introduced by nonlinear neuronal dynamics may underlie deficiencies in processing specific classes of non-natural stimuli, yielding a novel explanation for the manifestation of certain illusory effects. We expect this talk will provide a new perspective for understanding compressive encoding in sensory systems as well as the structure-function relationship in neuronal networks.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Victor Barranca,11:30 AM,,Reconstruction of Sparse Connectivity and Stimuli in Neuronal Networks Using Compressive Sensing of Network Dynamics,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-victor-barranca,19-03-2019
+"Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of NeuroscienceUniversity of PennsylvaniaThe caudate nucleus and reward-biased visual decisionsDecision making is a complex process that interprets sensory information within the context of reward contingency, task goal and intrinsic bias, etc. How and where this process is implemented in the brain remain unclear. The basal ganglia have been shown to contribute causally to reward-based economic decisions and to noisy sensory evidence-based perceptual decisions, leading to the hypothesis that sensory and reward information may be combined within the basal ganglia to support decision formation. In my talk, I will present our new results on how the caudate nucleus encodes combined signals at the single-neuron level and how disruption of caudate activity influences decision performance. These results further support the idea that the basal ganglia are a key player in the complex decision process.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Long Ding,11:30 AM,,The caudate nucleus and reward-biased visual decisions,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-long-ding-0,12-03-2019
+"Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of Psychological and Brain SciencesComputational Memory and Perception LabUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstBanishing Ghosts of Process from the Neural Machinery of Human Memory: A Representational Hierarchical Account of CognitionIn cognitive neuroscience, mental processes or cognitive functions have often served as labels for characterizing the functional division of labor in cortex. For example, distinct neuroanatomical substrates have been proposed for declarative memory versus perceptual learning, short-term versus long-term memory, and familiarity versus recollection. I will present theoretical and empirical work, including connectionist simulations, behavioral studies and fMRI data, that challenges process-based accounts of memory and visual cognition. Instead, I will argue that the ventral visual stream and medial temporal lobe (MTL) can be understood in terms of a hierarchy of representations – from simple features in V1, through feature-conjunctions in inferior temporal cortex, to complex conjunctions of items and context in MTL. Under this view, the processes that operate upon the representations to produce a behavioral output – e.g., “pattern completion” to produce recall of a memory – can occur anywhere along the hierarchy.The studies I will present demonstrate how a single brain region can support more than one cognitive process (visual discrimination and recognition memory); that a cognitive process (recollection) previously thought tied to one brain region (hippocampus) can also unfold elsewhere; and that this “Representational-Hierarchical” framework makes accurate predictions for the organization of representations within the ventral visual stream, and for the effects of aging on recognition memory. This suggests that it may be possible to banish the ghosts of process from the neural machinery of memory, and explain the neuroanatomical organization of cognition in terms of representations alone.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Rosie Cowell,11:30 AM,,Banishing Ghosts of Process from the Neural Machinery of Human Memory: A Representational Hierarchical Account of Cognition,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-rosie-cowell,26-02-2019
+"Tuesday, February 19, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of NeurologyUniversity of PennsylvaniaWhen nano meets neuro: high-resolution interfaces for multimodal mapping neural circuit dynamicUnraveling neural processes underlying cognition, sensation, volitional movement, neurological and neuromuscular diseases requires decoding the activity of millions of neurons at millisecond resolution, over months to years and without inducing foreign-body reactions. These requirements exceed the capabilities of available neurotechnologies: non-invasive clinical tools provide coarse, indirect measurements of collective neural network behavior, but they fail to identify the microcircuits underlying function and disease. Implantable metal and silicon electrodes can directly interface with individual neurons, but suffer from poor longevity and invasiveness issues. Genetically-encoded tools for optically monitoring and manipulating neural activity, are beginning to reveal the brain’s wiring, but alone they provide sparse information on “fast” circuit activity and network connectivity.In this talk I will discuss how nanoscale materials can be engineered into high-resolution, minimally invasive, multimodal neuroelectronic interfaces, designed to seamlessly interface with and control the activity of neural circuits. In the first part of the talk I will present high-resolution, low noise microelectrodes based on MXene nanomaterials. I will illustrate the fundamental electrochemical properties of MXene nanomaterials compared to conventional metals and how these translate into significant impedance and noise reduction when MXenes are integrated into cellular-scale devices. I will then present two examples of custom-fabricated MXene microelectrodes optimized for neural recordings in different areas of the brain. In the second part of the talk I will introduce flexible, transparent graphene optoelectronic devices engineered to simultaneously acquire electrophysiology and functional calcium imaging data. I will present the fabrication process yielding functional electrodes with >90% broadband transparency and demonstrate their application in multimodal mapping seizure dynamics at high-spatiotemporal resolution, in vivo in animal models of epilepsy.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Flavia Vitale,11:30 AM,,When nano meets neuro: high-resolution interfaces for multimodal mapping neural circuit dynamic,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-flavia-vitale,19-02-2019
+"Thursday, February 14, 2019 - 11:30am","Auditory Neurophysiology LaboratoryUniversity of SalamancaEmergence of deviance detection along the auditory neuroaxis and beyond: A neuronal correlate for predictive coding?The soundscape consists of a cacophony of multiple sources of sounds with complex properties overlapping temporally and spectrally. Nonetheless, what we can hear is an orderly acoustic stream organised according to sources and auditory objects, allowing us to distinguish deviant or novel events and select some sources or objects for further processing. Recent evidence suggests that these perceptual achievements are based on properties that are encoded at earlier stages of the auditory pathway.Stimulus-specific adaptation (SSA) is the reduction in the responses to a common sound relative to the same sound when rare. It was originally described in the primary auditory cortex (A1) as the neuronal correlate of the mismatch negativity (MMN), an important component of the auditory event-related potentials that is elicited by changes in the auditory environment. However, the relationship between SSA and the MMN is still a subject of debate. The MMN is a mid-late potential (~150-200 ms in humans), and its neural sources have been located mainly within non-primary auditory cortex in humans and animal models. Moreover, SSA is also present as early as in the auditory midbrain and thalamus (IC and MGB).In this talk, I will show our recent findings on recordings from single neurons in the IC, MGB and auditory cortex (AC) of anaesthetized rats and awake mouse to an oddball paradigm similar to that used for MMN studies. Our data demonstrate that most neurons in the non-lemnical divisions of the auditory brain show strong SSA and that there is a hierarchical emergence of prediction error signals along the central auditory system. We have also observed that although GABAergic and/or glycinergic inhibition play a role in modulating SSA in the IC and MGB, it is acetylcholine that shapes SSA by differently affecting the response to the standard or deviant tones sounds only. More recently, we have also started to record from prefrontal cortex and observed that neurons show the highest degree of prediction error along the auditory hierarchy.Taken together our results unify three coexisting views of perceptual deviance detection at different levels of description: neuronal physiology, cognitive neuroscience and the theoretical predictive coding framework.Financial support was provided by the Spanish MINECO (Grant # SAF2016-75803-P), Junta de Castilla y León (Grant # SA023P17) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 722098” to MSM.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Manuel Malmierca,11:30 AM,,Emergence of deviance detection along the auditory neuroaxis and beyond: A neuronal correlate for predictive coding?,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-manuel-malmierca,14-02-2019
+2019-05-07,"Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
+Event website: libwww.freelibrary.org/calendar/event/83359
+Cost: FREE",8:30 PM,,"Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
+",English Department,,7:30 PM,,"Free Library of Philadelphia: Reading with Lorene Cary, ""Ladysitting: My Year with Nana at the End of Her Century""",https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/07/free-library-philadelphia-reading-lorene-cary-ladysitting-my-year-nana-end-her,07-05-2019
+2019-05-08,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135
+Orchid Tierney will be giving a talk based on her completed dissertation on Wednesday, May 8 at 11 am in FBH Faculty Lounge. The title of her dissertation is Materials Poetics: Landfills and Waste Management in Contemporary Literature and Media. The talk will be followed by a discussion. Immediately after the discussion, we will celebrate Orchid getting her PhD and congratulate her on being appointed to a tenure-track position at Kenyon College, where she will be moving shortly.",1:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135
+",English Department,,11:00 AM,,Orchid Tierney Dissertation Talk and Celebration,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/08/orchid-tierney-dissertation-talk-and-celebration,08-05-2019
+2019-05-08,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 330 (Grad Lounge)
+Graduate students are invited to attend this important information session with Professor Dagmawi Woubshet, especially if you are planning on going on the job market next year (or applying for post-docs).",1:30 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 330 (Grad Lounge)
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Job Placement Meeting,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/08/job-placement-meeting,08-05-2019
+2019-05-15,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 135 (Faculty Lounge)
+Public Portion from 10:30-12pm.
+Celebration Toast from 12-1pm.",1:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 135 (Faculty Lounge)
+",English Department,,10:30 AM,,"Dissertation Defense: Chris Mustazza, ""Speech labs: Language experiments, early poetry audio archives, and the poetic record""",https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/15/dissertation-defense-chris-mustazza-speech-labs-language-experiments-early-poetry,15-05-2019
+2019-05-18,"with Mike Murphy, Arielle Pardes, and Albert Sun; hosted by Sam Apple
+Arts Cafe, Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk
+sponsored by: the Povich Journalism Program
+hosted by: Sam Apple
+rsvp: whalumniweekend@writing.upenn.edu or (215) 746-POEM",5:00 PM,,"Arts Cafe, Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk
+",English Department,,4:00 PM,,Covering Tech in the Digital Age,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/18/covering-tech-digital-age,18-05-2019
+2019-05-20,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, 2nd floor reception area
+Please join us and celebrate our graduating English and Cinema Studies seniors at the Post-Commencement Toast for Cinema Studies Program and English Department. Families and friends are welcome. We want to meet them!
+Delicious food, chocolate-covered strawberries, and champagne! Join us to toast our Graduating English and Cinema Studies Seniors!",1:30 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, 2nd floor reception area
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,2019 Graduation Reception for Cinema & Media Studies and English Graduating Seniors,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/20/2019-graduation-reception-cinema-media-studies-and-english-graduating-seniors,20-05-2019
+2019-07-22,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135",5:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135
+",English Department,,3:00 PM,,Natalie Amleshi’s Dissertation Defense,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/07/22/natalie-amleshi%E2%80%99s-dissertation-defense,22-07-2019
+2019-08-27,Faculty Offices,4:00 PM,,"Faculty Offices
+",English Department,,10:00 AM,,Graduate 50 Book Exams and Welcome Back,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/08/27/graduate-50-book-exams-and-welcome-back,27-08-2019
+2019-08-27,Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge (room 135),2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge (room 135)
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Graduate Orientation Luncheon ,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/08/27/graduate-orientation-luncheon,27-08-2019
+2019-08-27,Graduate Lounge,9:00 PM,,"Graduate Lounge
+",English Department,,5:00 PM,,Graduate 50-Book Exam Party,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/08/27/graduate-50-book-exam-party,27-08-2019
+2019-09-04,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate 50 Book Exams Reports due to Ann Marie Pitts,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/09/04/graduate-50-book-exams-reports-due-ann-marie-pitts,04-09-2019
+2019-09-13,Log in with Penn Key for location details,9:30 PM,,"Log in with Penn Key for location details
+",English Department,,7:00 PM,,Collation and Department Party,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/09/13/collation-and-department-party,13-09-2019
+2019-10-10,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 330 (Grad Lounge)",1:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 330 (Grad Lounge)
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Lunch Meeting with Graduate Students and Prof. Geraldine Heng (University of Texas at Austin),https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/10/10/lunch-meeting-graduate-students-and-prof-geraldine-heng-university-texas-austin,10-10-2019
+2019-10-10,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 401",5:30 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 401
+",English Department,,4:30 PM,,"Department Lecture: Prof. Geraldine Heng (University of Texas at Austin), ""A 9th Century Arab Dhow and Its Stories of Early Globalism: Art, World-Voyaging, and Industrial Modernity in the Global Middle Ages” ",https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/10/10/department-lecture-prof-geraldine-heng-university-texas-austin-9th-century-arab,10-10-2019
+WIPs Sign-up for Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Deadline",(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,WIPs Sign-up Deadline,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/10/12/wips-sign-deadline,12-10-2019
+2019-10-17,TBA,(All day),,"TBA
+",English Department,,(All day),,The Legacy of 1619: The 2019 Annual Callaloo Conference,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/10/17/legacy-1619-2019-annual-callaloo-conference,17-10-2019
+2019-10-19,"Third Years and Faculty Committees
+Dates for written and oral portions of Field Exams should be scheduled. Written Field Exams begin no sooner than 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and no later than last day of fall classes (Thursday, November 8- Monday, December 10, 2018). Oral portion of Field Exam takes place with 2 weeks of the written exam no later than Thursday, December 20, 2018.",(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Field Exams Scheduled,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/10/19/field-exams-scheduled,19-10-2019
+2019-10-19,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate Fall Language Exam,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/10/19/graduate-fall-language-exam,19-10-2019
+2019-11-08,"Third Years and Faculty Committees
+Written Field Exams begin no sooner than 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and no later than last day of fall classes (Thursday, November 8- Monday, December 10, 2018). Oral portion of Field Exam takes place within 2 weeks of the written exam no later than Thursday, December 20, 2018.",(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate Field Exams (Written),https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/11/08/graduate-field-exams-written,08-11-2019
+2019-11-09,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Kislak Fellowship Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/11/09/kislak-fellowship-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,09-11-2019
+2019-11-28,"Faculty and Students
+Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge",2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Works-in-Progress Workshop for Fifth Years,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/11/28/works-progress-workshop-fifth-years,28-11-2019
+2019-02-01,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Critical Writing Graduate Teaching Fellowships Applications Due to Val Ross,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/01/critical-writing-graduate-teaching-fellowships-applications-due-val-ross,01-02-2019
+SAS Dissertation Research Fellowships Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm
+(Students who expect to complete their dissertation in 2019-20 are ineligible)",(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate SAS Dissertation Completion Fellowship,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/01/graduate-sas-dissertation-completion-fellowship,01-02-2019
+2019-02-15,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,"WIPs Sign-up for Wednesday, April 24, 2019 Deadline",https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/15/wips-sign-wednesday-april-24-2019-deadline,15-02-2019
+2019-02-01,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,King’s College Fellowship Applications Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/01/king%E2%80%99s-college-fellowship-applications-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,01-02-2019
+2019-02-15,"Graduate Admissions Committee
+Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge",4:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+",English Department,,11:00 AM,,Graduate Admissions Final Meeting,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/15/graduate-admissions-final-meeting,15-02-2019
+2019-02-13,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+50-Book Exam Discussion (12-1pm)
+(First Years)
+Field Exam List Discussion (1-2pm)
+(Second Years)",2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,50-Book and Field Exam Discussion,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/13/50-book-and-field-exam-discussion,13-02-2019
+2019-02-12,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,SAS Dissertation Completion Fellowship and SAS Dissertation Research Fellowships Due to Graduate Division,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/12/sas-dissertation-completion-fellowship-and-sas-dissertation-research-fellowships,12-02-2019
+2019-03-15,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Junior Research Seminar (JRS) Graduate Student Mentor Application due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/03/15/junior-research-seminar-jrs-graduate-student-mentor-application-due-ann-marie,15-03-2019
+2019-03-13,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,50-Book Exam Committee Chair must be selected; notify Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/03/13/50-book-exam-committee-chair-must-be-selected-notify-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,13-03-2019
+2019-03-19,"Faculty and Students
+Fisher-Bennett Hall",(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate Recruitment Days,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/03/19/graduate-recruitment-visit-0,19-03-2019
+2019-03-25,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,CTL Graduate Fellowship Application due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/03/25/ctl-graduate-fellowship-application-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,25-03-2019
+2019-04-03,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+Town Hall to coordinate Department Speaker Series and Graduate Group Coordinators for 2019-20.",2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Graduate Student Town Hall - CANCELED,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/03/graduate-student-town-hall-canceled,03-04-2019
+2019-04-12,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate Spring Language Exams,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/12/graduate-spring-language-exams,12-04-2019
+2019-04-12,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,50-Book Exam Lists Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/12/50-book-exam-lists-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,12-04-2019
+2019-04-19,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Dissertation Proposals Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/19/dissertation-proposals-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,19-04-2019
+2019-04-24,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 135 (Faculty Lounge)",2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 135 (Faculty Lounge)
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Works-in-Progress Workshop for Fifth Years,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2020/04/24/works-progress-workshop-fifth-years,24-04-2019
+2019-04-26,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Field Exam Proposals Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/26/field-exam-proposals-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,26-04-2019
+"Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 203
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Minji Bang
+ University of Pennsylvania","Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/self-employment-decisions-and-household-risk-sharing,07-05-2019
+"Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 3:30pm",,"Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 5:00pm",,"PCPSE Room 202
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Marc Remer
+ Swarthmore College","Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 3:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/consumer-inertia-and-market-power,07-05-2019
+"Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 11:00am",,"Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 12:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 625
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Xiang Fang
+ University of Pennsylvania","Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 11:00am",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/essays-foreign-exchange-rates,08-05-2019
+"Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 200
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Sumedh Ambokar
+ University of Pennsylvania","Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/mortgage-search-heterogeneity-and-refinancing-decisions,09-05-2019
+"Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 3:30pm",,"Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 5:00pm",,"PCPSE Room 100
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Mushfiq Mobarak
+ Yale","Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 3:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/effects-emigration-rural-labor-markets,09-05-2019
+"Friday, May 10, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Friday, May 10, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 101
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Magdalena Rola-Janicka
+ University of Amsterdam visiting Penn","Friday, May 10, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/political-economy-regulating-fire-sales,10-05-2019
+"Monday, May 13, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Monday, May 13, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 202
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Youngsoo Heo
+ University of Pennsylvania","Monday, May 13, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/uncertainty-about-multiple-events-and-preference-simplicity,13-05-2019
+"Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 203
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Kian Samaee
+ University of Pennsylvania","Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/empirical-micro-lunch-18,14-05-2019
+"Monday, September 9, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, September 9, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Yulong Wang
+ Syracuse University","Monday, September 9, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-6,09-09-2019
+"Monday, September 16, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Monday, September 16, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Chris Hansen
+ Chicago Booth","Monday, September 16, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-lunch-2,16-09-2019
+"Monday, September 16, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, September 16, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Dacheng Xiu
+ University of Chicago","Monday, September 16, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-8,16-09-2019
+"Monday, September 30, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, September 30, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Joshua Chan
+ Purdue","Monday, September 30, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar,30-09-2019
+"Monday, October 7, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, October 7, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,,"Monday, October 7, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-reserved-penn-student-0,07-10-2019
+"Monday, October 14, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, October 14, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"George Kapetanios
+ King's College London","Monday, October 14, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-4,14-10-2019
+"Monday, October 21, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, October 21, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,,"Monday, October 21, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-reserved-penn-student-1,21-10-2019
+"Monday, October 28, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, October 28, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,,"Monday, October 28, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-reserved-penn-student,28-10-2019
+"Monday, November 11, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Monday, November 11, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE ROOM TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Roger Moon
+ University of Southern California","Monday, November 11, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-lunch-1,11-11-2019
+"Friday, October 25, 2019 - 9:00am to 5:00pm",,5:00pm,,Venue TBD,Earth and Environmental Science,TBD,9:00am,,Penn Symposium on Environmental Justice and Health Disparities in the U.S.,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/earth/events/penn-symposium-environmental-justice-and-health-disparities-us,25-10-2019
+"Friday, November 15, 2019 - 2:00pm",,,,358 Hayden Hall,Earth and Environmental Science,"Michael Foote, University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences",2:00pm,,"""Diversity-dependent evolution in marine animals""",https://www.sas.upenn.edu/earth/events/diversity-dependent-evolution-marine-animals,15-11-2019
+"Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 12:00pm",,2:00pm,,309 McNeil Building,Sociology Department,,12:00pm,,Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only),https://sociology.sas.upenn.edu/content/faculty-meeting-standing-faculty-only-40,08-05-2019
+EDT May 15,Please join us for the next CPeRT - Research In Progress Series on May 15 from 12-1 in 252 BRB., 1:00pm,,"252 BRB Seminar Room, 421 Curie Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104",Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB),,12:00pm ,,CPeRT - Research in Progress Series,http://events.med.upenn.edu/cceb/#!view/event/event_id/668687,15-05-2019
+EDT May 23,"“Metformin Pharmacoepidemiology: Some Interesting Facts About Prescribing Patterns and Some Attempts at Causal Inference”
+ James H. Flory, MD, MSCE
+ Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Research at Weill Cornell Medical College, and an Assistant Attending on the Endocrinology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
+ I am an endocrinology fellow and board certified internist. My time and expertise are divided between patient care and academic research.
+ Clinically, my focus is in type 2 diabetes, with secondary interests in type 1 diabetes, bone health, and thyroid disease. I have particularly extensive experience managing these conditions in oncology patients.
+ As a researcher, I am a specialist in using observational data (rather than clinical trial data) to study the safety and comparative effectiveness of medical treatments. I collaborate on projects in this area with investigators at Weill Cornell Medical College, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Food and Drug Administration. Some specific areas that I study are the safety and tolerability of metformin (the most widely used diabetes medication) and the optimal choice of second line drugs for diabetes after metformin. Methodologically my particular interests include the analysis of ‘messy’ longitudinal biomarker data using mixed linear models, missing data issues, instrumental variables, and simulation of clinical trials using observational results.", 10:00am,,"John Morgan Building, “Class of 62” 3620 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104",Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB),,9:00am ,,"CCEB Seminar- James Flory, MD, MSCE",http://events.med.upenn.edu/cceb/#!view/event/event_id/705922,23-05-2019
+EDT June 13,"“Acute Care Implementation Science: Narrowing the Evidence-to-Practice Gap For Our Most Vulnerable Patients”
+ Meghan Brooks Lane-Fall, MD, MSHP, FCCM
+ Assistant Professor Of Anesthesiology And Critical Care At The Hospital Of The University Of Pennsylvania
+ I am a physician-researcher with a specific interest in acute care implementation science and improvement science. My areas of methodological expertise include mixed methods, qualitative research, and survey research. My areas of content expertise include patient handoffs and care transitions, human factors, critical care medicine, anesthesiology, and perioperative care.", 10:00am,,"John Morgan Building, “Class of 62” 3620 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104",Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB),,9:00am ,,"CCEB Seminar- Meghan Brooks Lane-Fall, MD, MSHP, FCCM",http://events.med.upenn.edu/cceb/#!view/event/event_id/705929,13-06-2019
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,,http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+"Thursday, January 17","Abstract: Memory systems are on the verge of a renaissance: Scalable, persistent main memories (e.g., Intel’s 3DXPoint) are the first new technology to enter the upper layers of the memory hierarchy in 50 years. They bring a fundamentally new capability (i.e., persistence), a dramatic increase in capacity, and an array of complications (e.g., asymmetric read and write performance, power limitations, and wear out). This combination of characteristics raises a deceptively simple but fundamental question: What should we do with persistent main memory? In this talk, I will describe several potential answers and the systems my group has built to help understand how different answers affect performance, programmability, and other aspects of system design. I’ll also highlight the central challenges that these memories present and try to summarize what we have learned about them. Finally, I’ll describe what I see as the most interesting avenues for future work.
+Bio: Steven Swanson is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego and the director of the Non-volatile Systems Laboratory. His research interests include the systems, architecture, security, and reliability issues surrounding heterogeneous memory/storage systems, especially those that incorporate non-volatile, solid-state memories. He has received an NSF CAREER Award, Google Faculty Awards, a Facebook Faculty Award, and been a NetApp Faculty Fellow. He is a co-founder of the Non-Volatile Memories Workshop. In previous lives, he worked on low-power co-processors for irregular applications and building scalable dataflow architectures. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2006 and his undergraduate degree from the University of Puget Sound in 1999.",4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Steve Swanson Computer Science & Engineering University of California, San Diego ""What Should We Do With Persistent Main Memory?""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,17-01-2019
+"Tuesday, January 29","Abstract: Correctness and security problems in modern computer systems can result from problematic hardware event orderings and interleavings during an application’s execution. Since hardware designs are complex and since a single user-facing instruction can exhibit a variety of different hardware execution sequences, analyzing and verifying systems for correct event orderings is challenging. My work addresses these challenges by combining hardware architecture and systems approaches with formal methods to support the specification, analysis, and verification of implementation-aware event ordering scenarios, with the specific goal of automatically synthesizing implementation-aware programs capable of violating correctness or security guarantees. In this talk, I will present two formal, early-stage verification tools and techniques rooted in this approach. TriCheck conducts axiomatic full-stack memory consistency model (MCM) verification (from high-level programming languages down through hardware implementations). Using rigorous and efficient formal approaches, TriCheck identified flaws in RISC-V’s draft MCM specification and two counterexamples to a previously proven-correct compiler mapping scheme from C11 to IBM Power and ARMv7. Noting that MCM and security analysis are amenable to similar approaches, CheckMate uses related axiomatic techniques to evaluate susceptibility of a hardware design and its related system support to formally-specified classes of security exploits; in response, it synthesizes proof-of-concept exploit code when a design is susceptible. CheckMate automatically synthesized programs representative of Meltdown and Spectre attacks as well as new exploits, MeltdownPrime and SpectrePrime, that I have demonstrated on Intel hardware.
+Bio: Caroline Trippel is a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science Department at Princeton University. She is advised by Professor Margaret Martonosi on her computer architecture dissertation research, specifically on the topic of concurrency and security verification in heterogeneous parallel systems. Her work bridges computer architecture and formal methods and demonstrates the importance of that bridge in specifying and verifying the correct and secure execution of software running on such systems. Trippel has influenced the design of the RISC-V ISA memory consistency model (MCM) both via full-stack MCM analysis of its draft specification and her subsequent participation in the RISC-V Memory Model Task Group; she received recognition for this work via the 2017-2018 NVIDIA Graduate Research Fellowship. Additionally, Trippel has developed a novel methodology and tool that synthesized two new variants of the recently publicized Meltdown and Spectre attacks; this work lead to a funded collaboration with Intel on side-channel attack research. She received her B.S. in Computer Engineering from Purdue University in 2013 and her M.A. in Computer Science from Princeton University in 2015. She will receive her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University in Spring 2019.",4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Caroline Trippel Department of Computer Science Princeton University Title: ""Made to Order: Verifying Correctness and Security of Hardware through Event Orderings""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,29-01-2019
+"Tuesday, February 12th,",,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Dominik Moritz Computer Science and Engineering Department University of Washington Title: ""Visualization for People + Systems""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,12-02-2019
+"Thursday, February 14th,",,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Yonatan Belinkov School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University Title: ""Deep Learning Models for Language: What they learn, where they fail, and how to make them more robust""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,14-02-2019
+"Friday, February 15th Special time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium",,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Jianjun Wu Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science MIT Title ""Physical Scene Understanding""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,15-02-2019
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, February 21st Jeffery Regier Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley Title:""Cataloging the Visible Universe through Bayesian Inference at Petascale""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+Special time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Friday, February 22nd Wen Sun School of Computer Science CMU Title: Towards Generalization and Efficiency in Reinforcement Learning",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, February 26th Angjoo Kanazawas School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of California, Berkeley Title: ""Perceiving Humans in the 3D World""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, February 28th Nandita Vijaykumar Electrical and Computer Engineering Department CMU Title:"" Rethinking the hardware-software contact: Enabling practical and general cross-layer optimization """,http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, March 12th Dinesh Jayaraman School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Title: ""Towards Embodied Visual Intelligence""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+Special time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Wednesday, March 13th Mark Yatskar Computer Science Department University of Washington Title Language as a Scaffold for Grounded Intelligence",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, March 14th Raul Castro Fernandez Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT Title: ""Data Discovery: Unleashing the Value of Data""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, March 19th Elissa Redmiles Department of Computer Science University of Maryland Title:""Security for all: Modeling Structural Inequities to Design More Secure Systems""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+Special time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Wednesday, March 20th Siva Reddy Computer Science Department, NLP Group Stanford University Title: ""Interacting with machines in natural languages""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, March 21st Chi Jin Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley Title: Machine Learning: Why Do Simple Algorithms Work So Well?",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, March 26th Earlence Fernandes Computer Science Department, University of Washington Title: "" Computer Security for Emerging Technologies""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, March 28th Frank Li Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley Title:"" Improving Security at an Internet Scale: A Data-Driven-Approach""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+Special time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Friday March 29th Fisher Yu Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley Title: ""Towards Human-Level Recognition via Contextual, Dynamic, and Predictive Representations""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, April 2nd Nima Anari Computer Science Department, Stanford University Title:",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, April 4th Mark Jeffery Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT Title: ""Making Parallelism Pervasive with the Swarm Architecture""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, April 9th Guy Van den Broeck Computer Science Department University of California, Los Angeles Title:",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,,http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,,http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,
+"March 12, 2018 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm","""Analyzing high-dimensional genomic data through the lens of prior knowledge"" March 12, 2018 JMB Reunion Hall Auditorium 2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. Seminar Abstract: Gene set testing, or pathway analysis, is an important bioinformatics technique that lets researchers step back from the level of individual genomic variables and explore associations for biologically meaningful groups of genes, e.g., genes involved in a single metabolic pathway. By focusing the analysis on a smaller number of functional gene sets, this approach can substantially improve…
+Find out more »",3:00 pm,,"Reunion Hall, John Morgan Building,
+3620 Hamilton Walk
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,2:00 pm,,"IBI Seminar: H. Robert Frost, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/ibi-seminar-h-robert-frost-phd/,12-03-2018
+"March 14, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Christina Curtis, PhD Assistant Professor of Medicine and Genetics Stanford University Co-Director of the Molecular Tumor Board, Stanford Cancer Institute Title: Quantifying the evolutionary dynamics of tumor progression and metastasis Abstract: Cancer results from the acquisition of somatic alterations in an evolutionary process that typically occurs over many years, much of which is occult. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics that are operative at different stages of progression in individual tumors might inform the earlier detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. Although…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Christina Curtis, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-christina-curtis-phd/,14-03-2018
+"March 20, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Greg Cooper, MD, PhD Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics and of Intelligent Systems University of Pittsburgh Causal Network Discovery from Biomedical and Clinical Data Abstract: This talk will provide an introduction to concepts and methods for learning causal relationships in the form of causal networks from biomedical and clinical data, including solely observational data. Examples will be given of applying these methods to biomedical data. The talk will also provide pointers to software for learning causal networks from data, including…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"337 Towne Building,
+220 S. 33rd St.
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"IBI/CIS Invited Seminar – Greg Cooper, MD, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/ibi-cis-invited-seminar-greg-cooper-phd/,20-03-2018
+"April 11, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Suchi Saria, PhD John C. Malone Assistant Professor of Computer Science Johns Hopkins University Individualizing Healthcare with Machine Learning Abstract: Healthcare is rapidly becoming a data-intensive discipline, driven by increasing digitization of health data, novel measurement technologies, and new policy-based incentives. Critical decisions about whom and how to treat can be made more precisely by layering an individual’s data over that from a population. In this talk, I will begin by summarizing open challenges associated with learning models from these data. Next, I will…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Suchi Saria, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-suchi-saria-phd/,11-04-2018
+"May 2, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Peter Kharchenko, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics Harvard University Exploring human brain with single-cell transcriptional and epigenetic measurements Abstract: Single-cell genomic protocols provide powerful means for characterization of cell type and cell state composition in complex biological tissues. Human brain is by far the most complex organ, consisting of 100 billion spatially organized and functionally connected neurons, complemented by over a trillion other cells. In an effort to characterize major cell types of the human brain we used single-cell…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Peter Kharchenko, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-peter-kharchenko-phd/,02-05-2018
+"May 30, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm","Registration is closed.
+Find out more »",5:00 pm,,"College of Physicians of Philadelphia,
+19 S. 22nd St.
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,8:00 am,,2018 Institute for Biomedical Informatics/Genomics and Computational Biology Retreat,http://upibi.org/event/2018-retreat/,30-05-2018
+"May 31, 2018","Registration is open, but space is limited. To register, click here. Keynote lecture: Hamish Fraser, MBChB, MSc Associate Professor of Medical Science Brown University “Challenges and strategies in effective scale up OpenMRS and other eHealth systems in resource poor environments” Other speakers include: Mary Regina Boland, PhD, Assistant Professor of Informatics, PSOM Kathy Bowles, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, Professor of Nursing Bimal R. Desai, MD, MBI, FAAP, Assistant Vice President & Chief Health Informatics Officer, CHOP Michael Draugelis, Chief Data…
+Find out more »",,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,,,Informatics Day 2018,http://upibi.org/event/informatics-day-2018/,31-05-2018
+"September 21, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm","Nir Yosef, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science University of California Berkeley Details TBA
+Find out more »",5:00 pm,,,Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,8:00 am,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Nir Yosef, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-nir-yosef-phd/,21-09-2018
+"October 3, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Gill Bejerano, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Developmental Biology, Computer Science, Pediatrics, Biomedical Data Science Stanford University Automating and democratizing the future of genetic diagnosis Abstract: I will describe a number of works from our lab, focusing on Mendelian/monogenic disease diagnosis. The works combine elements from medical genetics, genomics, machine learning, natural language processing, cryptography and more. Taken together, these works start to paint a compelling picture for the future of genetic diagnosis. The talk will be aimed at both practicing…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Gill Bejerano, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-gill-bejerano/,03-10-2018
+"November 28, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Melissa Gymrek, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Medicine University of California San Diego Dissecting the contribution of repetitive genetic variation to human traits Recent studies have made substantial progress in identifying genetic variants associated with disease and molecular phenotypes in humans. However, these studies have primarily focused on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), ignoring more complex variants that have been shown to play important functional roles. Here, I focus on short tandem repeats (STRs), one of the most…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Melissa Gymrek, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-melissa-gymrek-phd/,28-11-2018
+"December 5, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","This event has been canceled due to scheduling conflicts.
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"CANCELED: Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Joel Dudley, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-joel-dudley-phd/,05-12-2018
+January 23 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm,"Sarah Pendergrass, Ph.D., M.S. Assistant Professor of Biomedical & Translational Informatics Geisinger Redefining our Understanding of Disease, Outcome, Phenotype and the Impact of Genetic Architecture through Electronic Health Records Disease is the sum of many parts, and risk, progression, and severity is not the same for each person. Working with large, phenotypically rich datasets, such as electronic health records (EHRs), we can leverage complexity to redefine our understanding of disease, outcome, and phenotype. Advancing how we use ever-expanding EHR data…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Sarah Pendergrass, PhD, MS",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-sarah-pendergrass-phd-ms/,23-01-2019
+February 13 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm,"Tandy Warnow, PhD Professor of Computer Science, Bioengineering University of Illinois Improving Bioinformatics Analyses using Ensembles of Hidden Markov Models Abstract: Profile Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are statistical models that are in wide use in bioinformatics. In this talk I will present a novel way of using HMMs that improves many bioinformatics analyses. The key approach is to represent a multiple sequence alignment using a collection of profile HMMs, and then use this complex model to analyze new sequences. As…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Tandy Warnow, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-tandy-warnow-phd/,13-02-2019
+March 12 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm,"Kelly Frazer, PhD Professor of Pediatrics Division Chief, Genome Information Sciences Director, Institute for Genomic Medicine University of California, San Diego Using iPS cells and derived cell types to functionally annotate human genetic variants Abstract: Over the past six years, Dr. Frazer’s lab has systematically derived and characterized a unique collection of iPSC lines from 222 individuals – referred to as iPSCORE (iPSC Collection for Omic Research). iPSCORE is currently being used to analyze genotype – molecular phenotype associations in…
+Find out more »",5:00 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,8:00 am,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Kelly Frazer, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-kelly-frazer-phd/,12-03-2019
+April 10 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm,"Cole Trapnell, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Genome Sciences University of Washington Massively multiplex chemical transcriptomics at single cell resolution Abstract: High-throughput screens of bioactive compound libraries typically employ low-content assays, e.g. cell survival, which sharply limits what can be learned about mechanisms of action and off-target effects, and furthermore obscures heterogeneity in the responses of individual cells. Here we introduce sci-Chem, a method that employs “oligo hashing” to capture the global transcriptional responses of cells to a large number of…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Cole Trapnell, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-cole-trapnell-phd/,10-04-2019
+"May. 13, 2019 5:00pm to 6:30pm","In a world beset by serious and unconscionable health disparities, by dangerous contagions that can circle our globalized planet in hours, and by a bewildering confusion of health actors and systems, humankind needs a new vision, a new architecture, new coordination among renewed systems to ensure central health capabilities for all. Dr. Jennifer Prah Ruger's book Global Health Justice and Governance (Oxford University Press, 2018) lays out the critical problems facing the world today and offers a new theory of justice and governance as a way to resolve these seemingly intractable issues.
+In this conversation with author Dr. Jennifer Prah Ruger and Perry World House Deputy Director LaShawn R. Jefferson, Dr. Prah Ruger will address the fundamental responsibility of society to ensure human flourishing; the central role that health plays in flourishing and how that places a unique claim on our public institutions and resources to ensure central health capabilities to reduce premature death and avoid preventable morbidities; and the new global health architecture that is desperately needed in order to address staggering inequalities, imperiling epidemics, and inadequate systems.
+Jennifer Prah Ruger is the Amartya Sen Professor of Health Equity, Economics, and Policy in the School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) and the former Associate Dean for Global Studies and Faculty Chair at the Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Prah Ruger is the founder and director of the Health Equity and Policy Lab (HEPL) that conducts quantitative and qualitative research on the equity implications of health and social policies. She served previously at the World Bank as speechwriter to president James D. Wolfensohn and on the health and development satellite secretariat of WHO Director-General Gro Harlem Brundtland’s Transition Team.",6:30pm,,Perry World House 3803 Locust Walk,Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),,5:00pm,,"Special Book Event with Jennifer Prah Ruger (""Global Health Justice and Governance"")",https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/special-book-event-jennifer-prah-ruger,13-05-2019
+"May. 17, 2019 12:00pm to 1:15pm","Rising costs, uneven access and quality of care, too often litter the headlines describing health care in the U.S. This session explores the current system of paying for long-term care, proven models of care and wellness, patient and caregiver-directed partnerships, and technological and organizational innovations as key opportunities to enhance and improve health care delivery. What is critical is to be sure that the changes sought are aligned with your needs, values, and preferences. Attendees will be engaged in an interactive dialogue with a multidisciplinary panel of UPenn experts to help move the needle on achieving high value care for an aging society.
+Mary Naylor, PhD, RN, FAANMarian S. Ware Professor; Director, NewCourtland Center for Transitions and Health, School of Nursing
+Nancy Hodgson, PhD, RN, FAANChair of Gerontology, School of Nursing
+George Demiris, PhD, FACMIPenn Integrates Knowledge University Professor
+Rachel Werner, MD, PhDProfessor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine
+Norma Coe, PhDAssociate Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine
+Allison Hoffman, JDProfessor of Law, Law School
+Pilar Gonalons-Pons, PhDAssistant Professor of Sociology, School of Arts and Sciences
+Sponsored by the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI), the School of Nursing, The Wharton School, Perelman School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, Annenberg School, Law School, 50th Reunion and Old Guard.",6:30pm,,"Houston Hall, Class of ’49 Auditorium, 3417 Spruce Street",Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),,5:00pm,,"LDI Panel Discussion (""Planning for your Future Health Care Needs: What Matters Most To You"")",https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/ldi-panel-discussion-2019,17-05-2019
+"May. 17, 2019 3:00pm to 4:30pm","Dr. Shah brings over twenty years of experience in business, government, and philanthropy to The Rockefeller Foundation. Appointed as USAID Administrator by President Obama in 2009, and unanimously confirmed by the Senate, Dr. Shah was charged with reshaping the $20 billion agency’s operations to provide greater assistance to pressing development challenges around the globe. By elevating the importance of innovation, promoting public-private partnerships, rethinking internal practices, and shifting how dollars were spent to deliver stronger results, Shah secured bipartisan support that enabled USAID to dramatically accelerate its work to end extreme poverty. Despite partisan gridlock on many issues, two significant Presidential priorities – Feed the Future and Power Africa – passed the House and Senate with bipartisan support and were signed into law by President Obama, and the Global Food Security Act is the second largest global development legislation after PEPFAR. Shah’s work delivered results for countries facing democratic transitions, post-conflict situations, and humanitarian crises, and is widely credited with providing life-saving access to food, health, and water for millions of children across the planet.
+When Dr. Shah left USAID in 2015, he continued to follow his passion for creating opportunities for communities to thrive in the developing world by founding Latitude Capital, a private equity firm focused on power and infrastructure projects in Africa and Asia. He was also appointed a Distinguished Fellow in Residence at Georgetown University.
+Raised outside of Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Shah is a graduate of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and the Wharton School of Business. Prior to his appointment at USAID, Shah served as Chief Scientist and Undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics at the United States Department of Agriculture. He also served in a number of leadership roles at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where he helped launch the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (a joint venture by the Gates and Rockefeller foundations) and the International Financing Facility for Immunization (credited with raising more than $5 billion for childhood immunizations worldwide) and where he supported the creation of the Global Development Program. He and his wife, Shivam Mallick Shah have three children.
+This event is free and open to the public, but please register.
+Co-Sponsored by: The Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, The Division of General Internal Medicine, and The National Clinician Scholars Program",6:30pm,,"Colonial Penn Center Auditorium, 3641 Locust Walk",Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),"Dr. Rajiv J. Shah President, The Rockefeller Foundation",5:00pm,,"Samuel P. Martin, III, MD Memorial Lecture with Rajiv J. Shah (""Charting a Course: the Power of Data to Help Save Lives, Fight Poverty, and Change the Future for Good"")",https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/samuel-p-martin-iii-md-memorial-lecture-rajiv-j-shah,17-05-2019
+"Jun. 1, 2019 9:00am to 4:30pm","About the Event
+The ANEW Way Forward event is an inaugural one-day symposium that fosters a collaborative learning community for researchers and practitioners in behavioral health and primary care settings. Come join us at the University of Pennsylvania for:
+Skills-based lectures and seminar sessions delivered by national experts to prepare for the evolving primary care landscape
+Poster presentations on cutting-edge research and successful pilot programs in the field
+Unique networking opportunities designed for symposium attendees
+The ANEW symposium is dedicated to providing a national platform for addressing gaps in integrated behavioral health training among the primary care workforce.
+Support for the symposium comes from joint collaboration between ANEW and the NCIBH:
+Advancing Nursing Education Workforce (ANEW)
+ The HRSA-funded Advancing Nursing Education Workforce (ANEW) grant focuses on developing and implementing clinical training for primary care APRNs interested in caring for underserved populations through the Penn School of Nursing’s A4CP: APRNs for Community Practice Program.
+The National Center for Behavioral Health (NCIBH)
+ The National Center for Behavioral Health (NCIBH) is an innovation hub for testing, developing, and disseminating best practices to improve the quality, accessibility, and effectiveness of treatment for mental health and substance use disorders in primary care through effective training models
+Open to all researchers, practitioners, students, and educators in mental health and/or primary care with an interest in integrated behavioral health training and education.
+Registration Form
+Registration is free. Space is limited to 250 people and offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
+Click here for more information about the symposium and registration.",6:30pm,,"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania",Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),,5:00pm,,ANEW Way Forward: Innovations in Interprofessional Training Using Integrated Behavioral Models in Primary Care,https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/anew-way-forward-innovations-interprofessional-training-using-integrated-behavioral-models,01-06-2019
+"Jun. 14, 2019 12:00pm to 1:00pm","Penn's Department of Family Medicine and Community Health is pleased to host Dr. Richard C. Wender, MD, Chief Cancer Control Officer of the American Cancer Society.
+Richard C. Wender, MD, chief cancer control officer of the American Cancer Society, helps lead the only comprehensive cancer control organization in the world. He drives the effort to transform the face of cancer here and around the globe by developing strategies for access to care, patient navigation, and health equity. Prior to joining the Society’s staff in 2013, he provided extensive volunteer leadership at the organization’s state and local levels. In 2006, he was elected national president of the Society, becoming the first primary care physician to serve in this capacity.
+Dr. Wender worked for more than three decades as a family physician in the department of family and community medicine at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. From 2002 until 2013, he served as alumni professor and chair of the department. Dr. Wender has led numerous initiatives designed to improve preventive care and chronic disease management. He currently serves as chair of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable.
+Click here for more information and to register for event.",6:30pm,,"Philadelphia Heart Institute, 51 North 39th Street",Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),"Richard C. Wender, MD Chief Cancer Control Officer of the American Cancer Society",5:00pm,,Penn DFMCH Grand Rounds with Dr. Richard Wender,https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/penn-dfmch-grand-rounds-dr-richard-wender,14-06-2019
+"Jun. 14, 2019 12:00pm to 1:00pm",,6:30pm,,,Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),,5:00pm,,,https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/penn-dfmch-grand-rounds-dr-richard-wender,14-06-2019
+"Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 10:00am","Kim Program Undergraduate Fellows will be presenting original research on topics related to Korean Studies. Take a break from finals, and join us in supporting our students and fellow classmates at this showcase event that will highlight the academic achievements of the Undergraduate Fellows.",,,,Korean Studies,"Kim Program Undergraduate Fellows
+ University of Pennsylvania",10:00am,,Kim Program Undergraduate Research Symposium,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/koreanstudies/events/kim-program-undergraduate-research-symposium-0,08-05-2019
+May 23 2019,"Moderated by Professor Jacques DeLisle, Stephen A. Cozen Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science; Deputy Director, Center for the Study of Contemporary China",1:15pm,,"CSCC Conference Room, Perelman 418, 133 S. 36th St.",Center for the Study of Contemporary China,Chinese Consul General Huang Ping,12:15pm,,Roundtable Discussion on U.S. – China Relations,https://cscc.sas.upenn.edu//events/2019/05/23/roundtable-discussion-us-china-relations,23-05-2019
+Nov 20 2019,,6:00pm,,,Center for the Study of Contemporary China,"Kyle Jaros, Associate Professor of Political Economy, University of Oxford",4:30pm,,China's Urban Champions: The Politics of Spatial Development,https://cscc.sas.upenn.edu//events/2019/11/20/chinas-urban-champions-politics-spatial-development,20-11-2019
+"Friday, May 10, 2019 - 9:00am to 4:00pm","Event Information: The Fels Institute of Government hosts a semi-annual public policy symposium that shines a light on what local and state government officials are doing to address nationally relevant issues in Philadelphia. This semester’s symposium will address the burgeoning opioid crisis by evaluating how public policy can stem the ever-growing number of newly addicted individuals. Government officials have dedicated a substantial amount of resources and attention to treating people who are already addicted to opioids, but less resources have been dedicated to addressing some of the root causes of an individual’s addiction.
+Attendees will wrestle with how an individual gets addicted to opioids, the trajectory of their addiction, and the impact of overprescribing of opioids by the medical community. The discussion will also explore what lessons the policy community has learned from the opioid crisis that can be used to prevent and address the next potential drug crisis.
+Registration is required to attend. Please RSVP here: https://bit.ly/2IhHTUd
+Tentative Program Overview:
+8:30 AM Registration Opens
+9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks
+Michael DiBerardinis, Fels Professor of Practice Jim Kenney, Mayor, City of PhiladelphiaWendell Pritchett, Provost, University of PennsylvaniaThomas Farley, M.D., MPH, Health Commissioner, City of Philadelphia
+9:35 AM Topic 1: ""The Opioid Crisis in America""
+Presentation by Vikram Krishnasamy, M.D., MPHPhysician and Medical Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
+9:55 AM Topic 1 Panel Discussion
+Moderator/Discussant: Virginia Calega, M.D., Vice President, Medical Affairs, Independence Blue CrossDiscussants: Rachel Levine, M.D., Secretary of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Laura Murray, D.O., Behavioral Health Chief Medical Officer, Merakey Chris Tjoa, M.D., Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Adult Services, Community Behavioral Health Lara Weinstein, M.D., MPH, DrPH, Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University; Site Medical Director, Project HOME Health Services
+10:45 AM Break
+10:55 AM Topic 2: ""Drug regulation, drug treatment, and preventing the next drug crisis""
+Presentation by Joshua M. Sharfstein, M.D.Professor of the Practice in Health Policy and ManagementJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
+11:15 AM Topic 2 Panel Discussion
+Moderator/Discussant: Patrick J. Brennan, M.D., Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President, University of Pennsylvania Health SystemsDiscussants: Hope Selarnick, M.D., Director of Addiction Services, CMCVAMC Sosunmolu O. Shoyinka, M.D., MBA, Chief Medical Officer, Philadelphia Dept. of Behavioral Health and disAbility Services Jennifer Smith, Secretary of PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs
+12:05 PM Lunch
+1:20 PM Topic 3: Addressing over-prescribing of opioids by health care professionals
+Presentation by Andrew Kolodny, M.D.Co-Director of Opioid Policy Research, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University;Executive Director, Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing
+1:45 PM Topic 3 Panel Discussion
+Moderator/Discussant: Sue Freeman, M.D., President & CEO, Creative HealthCare Initiatives, Inc.Discussants: Jeff Hom, M.D., MPH, Policy Advisor, Philadelphia Department of Health Andrew Kolodny, M.D. Samir Mehta, M.D., Chief of the Orthopedic Trauma and Fracture Service, University of Pennsylvania; Vice Chair, Clinical Research, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
+2:40 PM Closing Remarks
+3:00 PM Reception",4:00pm,,"133 S 36th StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19104 Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics",Fels institute,Fels Symposium | Philadelphia's Opioid Crisis,9:00am,,Fels Symposium | Philadelphia's Opioid Crisis,https://www.fels.upenn.edu/events/event/fels-symposium-philadelphias-opioid-crisis/2019-05-10-090000-2019-05-10-160000,10-05-2019
+"Thursday, May 16, 2019 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm","Event Information: Join us on Thursday, May 16 from 5 - 7 PM inside Philadelphia's City Hall for a Fels networking happy hour event! This is a great opportunity for Fels alumni working in or around City Hall to meet with current Fels faculty and staff and to learn about new upcoming opportunities to get involved at Fels.
+We also welcome prospective students to network with members of the Fels community and learn more about the updates to the Executive MPA program and a new scholarship for experienced government workers -- just in time for the Executive MPA Program Fall 2019 deadline on June 1!
+This event is open to the public. Please RSVP below!",7:00pm,,"1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19102 Philadelphia City Hall | Conversation Hall, Room 201",Fels institute,Fels City Hall Networking Happy Hour,5:00pm,,Fels City Hall Networking Happy Hour,https://www.fels.upenn.edu/events/event/fels-city-hall-networking-happy-hour/2019-05-16-170000-2019-05-16-190000,16-05-2019
+"Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 11:45am to 1:45pm","Event Information: On graduation day Fels Student Association invites you to keep the celebration going and join us for a reception following graduation on May 19th at Independence Beer Garden, just a few steps from the National Constitution Center. Fels has space reserved from 11:45AM to 1:45PM with bar snacks, sandwiches, and a drinks for all to enjoy in addition to the wonderful outdoor space, games, and activities provided at Independence Beer Garden.
+RSVP is required below by May 14th to attend this reception.
+Due to limited space, this is a private event open only to guests attending the Fels commencement ceremony.",1:45pm,,"100 S Independence Mall WestPhiladelphia, PA 19106 Independence Beer Garden",Fels institute,FSA Graduation Reception at Independence Beer Garden (RSVP Required),11:45am,,FSA Graduation Reception at Independence Beer Garden (RSVP Required),https://www.fels.upenn.edu/events/event/fsa-graduation-reception-independence-beer-garden-rsvp-required/2019-05-19-114500-2019,19-05-2019
+"Wednesday, May 8, 2019","Heritage Day is the Science History Institute’s annual celebration of the achievements and promise of the sciences and technologies that shape material culture and innovation. Festivities will include the presentation of the following awards: Frederick Frank
+ Chair, EVOLUTION Life Science Partners Jody Roberts (Moderator)
+ Director, Institute for Research and Managing Director, West Coast Office, Science History Institute John LaMattina
+ Former President of Global R&D, Pfizer",8:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,10:30 a.m.,,Heritage Day 2019,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/heritage-day-2019,08-05-2019
+"Saturday, May 11, 2019","Sculptor and lecturer Rebecca Kamen hosts this month’s Saturday Speaker Series. Her two-year research journey to find meaning and inspiration for interpreting the periodic table through art took her from the Science History Institute to as far as India and Bhutan. Join us for a lively talk, as Kamen shares her insights and discoveries about the transformational power of the periodic table from an artist’s point of view. This program is presented in celebration of the International Year of the Periodic Table. Rebecca Kamen with Platonic Solids
+Rebecca Kamen in front of her installation The Platonic Solids, 2011.
+Conrad Erb Rebecca Kamen in front of her installation The Platonic Solids, 2011. Conrad Erb",12:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,11:00 a.m.,,Interpreting the Periodic Table through Art,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/interpreting-the-periodic-table-through-art,11-05-2019
+"Saturday, May 11, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. WikiSalon Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201905,11-05-2019
+"Tuesday, May 14, 2019","Join us for a Lunchtime Lecture by Rocio Gomez, a Science Institute Fellow. While historians of science emphasize scientists in Europe, such as Marie Curie and Alexander von Humboldt, scientists in Latin America rarely receive a mention. Even historians of Latin America neglect scientists in their discussions of institutions. Using letters and scientific treatises, Gomez’s project examines the work of chemist and engineer Andrés Manuel del Río (1764–1849). Gomez will argue that del Río encountered bias against Mexican science despite his discovery of the element vanadium. This finding coincided with the turmoil of the Wars of Independence in Mexico (1810–1821), which emphasized geopolitical rifts and a break with European institutions. Vanadium’s importance reaches into the 20th century as it becomes crucial to the steel industry and the war effort. This talk will examine how del Río’s discovery shaped technology in the Wars of Independence in Mexico and the World War II effort while spurring the mining industry on both sides of the border. Rocio Gomez Rocio Gomez is an assistant professor of history at the University of Arkansas and holds a PhD in Latin American history from the University of Arizona. Her research interests include Latin America, history of science, environmental history, and the history of medicine. At the Science History Institute she will be exploring the work of Andrés Manuel del Rio (1764–1849) and his scientific contributions to the history of chemistry, geology, and the modern mining sector. Her first book, Silver Veins and Dusty Lungs: Water, Public Health, and the Environmental Legacies of Industry in Modern Mexico, 1834–1945 (University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming), explores the effects of silver mining on the human body and water systems in Zacatecas, Mexico.",1:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,"To Victory with Vanadium! Technology, Mining, and Latin American Science",https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/to-victory-with-vanadium-technology-mining-and-latin-american-science,14-05-2019
+"Tuesday, May 21, 2019","Join us for a Lunchtime Lecture by Alexandre Hocquet and Frédéric Wieber, Otlet Fellows at the Science History Institute. Computational chemistry is a scientific field within which the computer is a pivotal element. This scientific community emerged in the 1980s and was involved with two major industries: the computer manufacturers and the pharmaceutical industry, the latter becoming a potential market for the former through molecular-modeling software packages. Hocquet and Wieber will address the difficult relationships between scientific modeling methods and the software that implemented these methods throughout the 1990s. Developing, using, licensing, and distributing software leads to multiple tensions among the actors in intertwined academic and industrial contexts. In order to understand these tensions, Hocquet and Wieber explore the Computational Chemistry List. This mailing list, created in 1991, constitutes a natively digital kind of corpus that reveals how issues of theories, methods, code, reproducibility of results, epistemic transparency, intellectual property, user management, and the commercialization of software are articulated Alexandre Hocquet and Frédéric Wieber
+Alexandre Hocquet (left) and Frédéric Wieber (right).",1:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,“Only the Initiates Will Have the Secrets Revealed”: Software Packages in Computational Chemistry,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/only-the-initiates-will-have-the-secrets-revealed-software-packages-in-computational-chemistry,21-05-2019
+"Thursday, May 23, 2019","Do you ever look back at key moments in history and think, “I would’ve made a better choice”? We’ll test that assumption using a real-world scenario where Cold War tensions meet the Wild West. Uranium Game
+Science History Institute Science History Institute It’s an age of new frontiers, where some people are trying to make a fortune. Newspapers are reporting that anyone with a few supplies, some hard work, and a stick of dynamite can strike it rich. Rumor has it that out West even the cowboys are hanging up their spurs for a chance to cash in on this valuable metal hiding in the ground. Welcome to the uranium prospecting boom of the 1950s.",8:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,6:00 p.m.,,Pick Your Own Path,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/pick-your-own-path,23-05-2019
+"Monday, June 3, 2019","The Center for Oral History is proud to provide training to scholars and researchers interested in learning oral history and research interview methodologies. Center for Oral History This weeklong workshop will introduce attendees to all aspects of the interview process, including general oral history theory and methodology, interviewing techniques and performance of mock interviews, legal and ethical issues, transcription practices, archiving, recording equipment and its use, data management, and other relevant topics. Interested participants are encouraged to bring their research ideas. Advance registration is required. For more information please contact Samantha Blatt at 215.873.8242 or sblatt@sciencehistory.org.",4:00 p.m.,,"James B. Hunt Jr. Library1070 Partners Way, James B. Hunt Jr. Library, 1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606",Science History Institute,,9:00 a.m.,,Oral History Training Institute at North Carolina State University,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/oral-history-training-institute-at-north-carolina-state-university,03-06-2019
+"Saturday, June 8, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon7.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201906,08-06-2019
+"Saturday, June 22, 2019","Modern science relies on vision and not just the metaphorical kind. Since the Scientific Revolution, natural philosophers and scientists have worked to develop tools and knowledge that are almost entirely dependent on what we can see. oil_immersion_microscope.jpg
+Oil-immersion microscope, wooden carrying case, vial of oil, and wooden rack, ca. 1946.
+Science History Institute Oil-immersion microscope, wooden carrying case, vial of oil, and wooden rack, ca. 1946. Science History Institute But is vision necessarily any more reliable or less subjective than our other senses when it comes to understanding the world around us? Why do we privilege sight in the history and modern creation of science, and what happens when we learn things using other senses?",3:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,1:00 p.m.,,History Lab: Through the Lens of Disability,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/history-lab-through-the-lens-of-disability,22-06-2019
+"Thursday, June 27, 2019","Producing podcasts offers an appealing option for anyone interested in creating audio stories built around oral history. This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of creating a narrative podcast using oral histories. We’ll discuss the elements and steps involved in creating a 25-minute podcast episode: the necessary equipment (as well as tips and tricks) required for narrative reporting and audio gathering, how to use oral histories in a narrative podcast, how to gather additional archival materials, and best practices for scripting and editing. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops and a project they’re currently working on. marketing-distillations-podcast-interviewee.png
+Conrad Erb Conrad Erb The workshop will teach skills useful for students, teachers, researchers, oral history practitioners, and a variety of jobs in academic and public organizations. We’ll also offer insight into how to engage students in project-based learning, along with practical ways to incorporate podcast production into curriculums, from syllabus design, through scaffolded assignments, to guiding students through their final edits. The Institute has been conducting interviews for more than 30 years and has roughly 5,000 hours of recordings in its collections. We are one of the only institutions in the United States to focus our oral history work on scientists from diverse disciplinary fields. Distillations exists where science and the humanities overlap. Each episode of Distillations podcast takes a deep dive into a moment of science-related history in order to shed light on the present.",4:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,10:00 a.m.,,Creating Narrative Podcasts with Oral Histories,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/creating-narrative-podcasts-with-oral-histories,27-06-2019
+"Monday, July 8, 2019","The Center for Oral History is proud to provide training to scholars and researchers interested in learning oral history and research interview methodologies. Center for Oral History This weeklong workshop will introduce attendees to all aspects of the interview process, including general oral history theory and methodology, interviewing techniques and performance of mock interviews, legal and ethical issues, transcription practices, archiving, recording equipment and its use, data management, and other relevant topics. Interested participants are encouraged to bring their research ideas. Advance registration is required. For more information please contact Samantha Blatt at 215.873.8242 or sblatt@sciencehistory.org.",4:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,9:00 a.m.,,Oral History Training Institute,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/oral-history-training-institute-201907,08-07-2019
+"Saturday, July 13, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon1.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201907,13-07-2019
+"Monday, July 15, 2019","The Center for Oral History is proud to provide training to scholars and researchers interested in learning oral history and research interview methodologies. Center for Oral History This weeklong workshop will introduce attendees to all aspects of the interview process, including general oral history theory and methodology, interviewing techniques and performance of mock interviews, legal and ethical issues, transcription practices, archiving, recording equipment and its use, data management, and other relevant topics. Interested participants are encouraged to bring their research ideas. Advance registration is required. For more information please contact Samantha Blatt at 215.873.8242 or sblatt@sciencehistory.org.",4:00 p.m.,,"MIT Building E5170 Memorial Drive, MIT Building E51, 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139",Science History Institute,,9:00 a.m.,,Oral History Training Institute at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/oral-history-training-institute-at-massachusetts-institute-of-technology,15-07-2019
+"Saturday, July 27, 2019","Psychologists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries began developing standardized methods for testing and measuring human intelligence. Since then STEM fields have grown especially enamored with the idea of intelligence and the appearance of a purely merit-based reward system in science. laboratory_staff_working.jpg
+Laboratory staff working with radioactive material, 1959.
+Science History Institute Laboratory staff working with radioactive material, 1959. Science History Institute But what about people who learn in ways that are not well-supported by our modern educational or scientific institutions? What about those who require more time, additional support, or altogether different teaching approaches to learn?",3:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,1:00 p.m.,,History Lab: Moving Beyond Scientific Genius,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/history-lab-moving-beyond-scientific-genius,27-07-2019
+"Saturday, August 10, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon10.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201908,10-08-2019
+"Saturday, August 17, 2019","Mobility impairments shape how people perform their tasks of daily living. In the lives of those with physical disabilities, things that able-bodied individuals often complete with very little forethought or planning often become acts of collaboration with other humans, animals, and machines. But are the able-bodied really doing things “independently”? completion_of_first.jpg
+Completion of First Beckman LS 9800 Liquid Scintillation Instrument, 1981.
+Science History Institute Completion of First Beckman LS 9800 Liquid Scintillation Instrument, 1981. Science History Institute This program looks at how the life stories of scientists with mobility disabilities can help us ask questions about the networks of hidden labor and privilege that enable the production of modern scientific knowledge and the ways in which the myth of the “independent scientist” is indeed just that, a myth.",3:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,1:00 p.m.,,History Lab: Disability and the Myth of the Independent Scientist,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/history-lab-disability-and-the-myth-of-the-independent-scientist,17-08-2019
+"Monday, September 9, 2019",On Innovation Day early-career industry leaders come together to celebrate innovation in the chemical industry today and seek solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. Please check back soon for schedule and award details. For more information contact Zackary Biro at 215.873.8203 or send email to zbiro@sciencehistory.org.,7:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,3:00 p.m.,,Innovation Day 2019,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/innovation-day-2019,09-09-2019
+"Saturday, September 14, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon4.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201909,14-09-2019
+"Saturday, October 12, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon8.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201910,12-10-2019
+"Saturday, November 9, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon11.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201911,09-11-2019
+"Monday, March 25th, 2019 ","NatCon is the largest behavioral health conference in health care, hosted by the National Council for Behavioral Health. In partnership with the National Council and other organizations in an advisory capacity, CHIP is developing a toolkit for donors navigating the field of mental health and addiction. This will include a decision-making framework and examples of evidence-based approaches that philanthropy can support.
+On March 27th, CHIP will be hosting a private workshop on how philanthropy can have the greatest impact on mental health and addiction. Experts will be invited to participate in generative discussions and provide feedback on CHIP’s early answers.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,NatCon19,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/natcon19/,25-03-2019
+"Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 ","Kat Rosqueta, founding executive director of CHIP, gave a keynote on nonprofits having a higher impact at the annual Eagles Care Summit in Lincoln Financial Field.
+The Eagles Care Summit is a full-day conference designed to bring Philadelphia nonprofits together with a focus on capacity building. Its goal is to make our communities stronger by providing local nonprofit staff with the tools, information, resources and connections they need to perform at their highest levels, regardless of focus area or mission.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,Eagles Care Summit,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/eagles-care-summit/,13-03-2019
+"Saturday, February 16th, 2019 ","OWN IT Penn is a women’s empowerment, on-campus organization that aims to bridge the gap between female leaders and the young women who admire them, as well as to create awareness of the hurdles women still face in the workplace by hosting a diverse and accessible summit for college-aged students.
+Neha Butala, our Social Impact Fellow working on The XX Factor, was invited to speak on a panel at the 2019 OWN IT Summit. Her panel, The Power of Speaking Up: Women in Activism, also included Katlyn Grasso (Founder of genHERation), Jeannine Lisitski (Executive Director and President of Women Against Abuse), Jennifer Morris (President of Conservation International), and Melissa Silverstein (Founder of Women and Hollywood).",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,OWN IT Penn Women’s Empowerment Conference,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/own-it-penn-womens-empowerment-conference/,16-02-2019
+"Tuesday, January 29th, 2019 ","Impact 100 Richmond will welcome Kat Rosqueta, founding executive director of CHIP, as the guest speaker for its annual Big Learn event. Kat will lead Impact 100 members in a discussion on practical ways individual donors can become high-impact philanthropists and do the most good. Register here for the event, which will be hosted at the Williams Mullen offices in Richmond, VA.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,6:00 PM - 8:00 PM,,Impact 100 Richmond: Big Learn 2019,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/impact-100-richmond-big-learn-2019/,29-01-2019
+"Monday, January 28th, 2019 ","Spring Point Partners and Permit Capital Advisors will host a panel discussion with experts in philanthropy and investment research, exploring ways to support women and girls and promote gender equity. CHIP’s work on The XX Factor, in particular the 5 key dimensions of women’s lives and evidence-based points of intervention, will be featured.
+The panel will include Kat Rosqueta (founding Executive Director, Center for High Impact Philanthropy), Angélica Fuentes (Latin-American businesswoman and impact investor), Simran Sidhu (Director, The HIVE at Spring Point), and Angela Sun (Head of Strategy and Corporate Development, Bloomberg L.P.).",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,4:30 PM - 7:30 PM,,How to Positively Impact the Future for Women and Girls,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/how-to-positively-impact-the-future-for-women-and-girls/,28-01-2019
+"Friday, November 16th, 2018 ","Glenmede and Flora Stone Mather Center for Women at Case Western Reserve University are bringing together a group of influential women for an afternoon of engaging conversation surrounding the topic of investing in women. Kat Rosqueta, founding Executive Director of the Center for High Impact Philanthropy, will be the keynote speaker at this event. She will present the five dimensions of a woman’s life that are critical to her flourishing, as well as CHIP’s recent guidance The XX Factor Guidebook: How to Align Financial Investments to Improve the Lives of Women and Girls.
+The event will be held on Friday, November 16 at the Linsalata Alumni Center of Case Western Reserve University.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,11:30 AM,,Funding the Future: Investing in Women,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/funding-the-future-investing-in-women/,16-11-2018
+"Thursday, November 1st, 2018 ","The world’s first global Gender-Smart Investing Summit, presented by Catalyst at Large and UBS, was an invitation-only forum bringing together 300 of the world’s brightest minds in gender lens investing. Over two and a half days in Central London, these leaders come together to connect, collaborate, share information, and take action to deploy more capital, more strategically, in ways that make a difference to the lives of women and girls. Several colleagues who were instrumental in developing The XX Factor: A Comprehensive Framework for Improving the Lives of Women and Girls participated, including Summit host Suzanne Biegel (Chief Catalyst, Catalyst at Large), Sandra Maro Hunt (Senior Director, Wharton Social Impact Initiative), and Ruth Shaber (President, Tara Health Foundation).",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,Gender-Smart Investing Summit,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/gender-smart-investing-summit/,01-11-2018
+"Thursday, October 25th, 2018 ","The Center for High Impact Philanthropy is hosting scholars, foundation staff, and nonprofit leaders for an invite-only workshop to refine our funder toolkit for strengthening democracy.
+Launched in April 2018, the Strengthening Democracy aims to answer the question: how can philanthropy strengthen democracy? Our guidance will describe characteristics of a strong democracy; outline the most promising, evidence-based strategies for strengthening democracy—and provide indicators to help understand progress. Our partner in developing this guidance is Democracy Fund, a bipartisan foundation established by eBay founder and philanthropist Pierre Omidyar that invests in organizations working to ensure that our political system is able to withstand new challenges and deliver on its promise to the American people.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,Strengthening Democracy Workshop,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/strengthening-democracy-workshop/,25-10-2018
+"Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018 ","SOCAP18 is the 11th annual convening hosted by Social Capital Markets, a network of investors, entrepreneurs, and social impact leaders addressing the world’s toughest challenges through market-based solutions. SOCAP’s flagship event each fall in San Francisco is the leading gathering for impact investors and social entrepreneurs.
+Ruth Shaber, President of Tara Health Foundation, and member of the Advisory Board for The XX Factor, spoke about CHIP’s guidance during a session on impact investing, “Moving From Good Impact Deals to Great Systems Change.”",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,SOCAP18,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/socap18/,23-10-2018
+"Sunday, October 21st, 2018 ","Women’s Collective Giving Grantmaking Network (WCGN) is one of the largest networks of women-powered collective giving grantmaking organizations, representing 60 organizations in 28 states and Australia. Members of WCGN have granted more than $100 million to nonprofits throughout the country.
+Every 18 months, WCGN convenes an exciting educational conference and celebration of women’s collective giving grantmaking hosted by a member organization in its own hometown. This year, Impact100 is hosting the 2018 WCGN Conference in Philadelphia from Sunday, Oct 21 through Tuesday October 23. The theme is “We the Women – Changing the Face of Philanthropy.”
+Kat Rosqueta, Executive Director of the Center for High Impact Philanthropy, gave the opening keynote “Amplify the Money You Give” on Monday, October 22.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,We the Women: 2018 WCGN Conference,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/we-the-women-2018-wcgn-conference/,21-10-2018
+26 August 2019,"https://www.sas.upenn.edu/italians/center/events/archives
+https://twitter.com/PennItalian",,,,Italian Studies,,,,Click on this link for the events of this past academic year! Next fall's events will be announced on August 27. Have a great summer!,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/italians/event/2019/08/click-link-events-past-academic-year-next-falls-events-will-be-announced-august-27-hav,26-08-2019
+"May 10, 2019 • 1:30 PM – 3 PM","May 10, 2019 • 1:30 PM – 3 PM
+CEMB Conference Room, 112A LRSM
+NOTE: All Working Group meetings are meant to be all-hands meetings, and are intended for discussion among the entire center, not those already expert in the particular area. Everyone should try to attend all WG meetings.
+Working Group 4 Meeting: Cross-cutting and Emerging technologies
+Organizers: Chris Chen and Treena Arinzeh
+Rebeca Well, M.D., Department of Medicine, UPenn
+Matthew Kutys, Ph.D., postdoc in Chen Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, BU.
+Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. EST
+Location: LRSM Building at 3231 Walnut Street, ROOM 112A, CEMB Conference Room, University of Pennsylvania or remotely via GoToMeeting",3 PM,,"CEMB Conference Room, 112A LRSM",Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,1:30 PM,,Working Group Meeting: MAY 10,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/working-group-meeting-may-10note-all-working-group-meetings-are-meant-to-be-all-hands-meetings-and-are-intended-for-discussion-among-the-entire-center-not-those-already-expert-in-the-particular-a/?rd=20190510,10-05-2019
+"May 20, 2019","May 20, 2019 • 12 AM",,,,Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,"May 20, 2019",,Admin Deadline: Annual Report submitted to NSF_ May 20,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/admin-deadline-annual-report-submitted-to-nsf_-may-20/?rd=20190520,20-05-2019
+"May 24, 2019 • 1:30 PM – 3 PM","May 24, 2019 • 1:30 PM – 3 PM
+CEMB Conference Room, 112A LRSM
+NOTE: All Working Group meetings are meant to be all-hands meetings, and are intended for discussion among the entire center, not those already expert in the particular area. Everyone should try to attend all WG meetings.
+Working Group Leaders Meeting
+Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. EST
+Location: LRSM Building at 3231 Walnut Street, ROOM 112A, CEMB Conference Room, University of Pennsylvania or remotely via GoToMeeting",3 PM,,"CEMB Conference Room, 112A LRSM",Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,1:30 PM,,Working Group Meeting: MAY 24,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/working-group-meeting-may-24/?rd=20190524,24-05-2019
+"May 28, 2019 • 8 AM","May 28, 2019 • 8 AM
+The 10-week Research Experience for Undergraduates begins at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Pennsylvania. Program ends on August 2, 2019.
+Apply at: https://cemb.upenn.edu/diversity/reu/",,,,Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,Summer REU begins at WashU and UPenn_ May 28,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/summer-reu-begins-at-washu-and-upenn_-may-28/?rd=20190528,28-05-2019
+"June 17, 2019 • 8 AM","June 17, 2019 • 8 AM
+The 7-week Research Experience for Teachers begins at the University of Pennsylvania. Program ends on August 2, 2019.
+Apply at: https://cemb.upenn.edu/diversity/stem-teacher-ret/",,,,Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,Summer RET begins at UPenn_ JUNE 17,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/summer-ret-begins-at-upenn_-june-17/?rd=20190617,17-06-2019
+"June 19, 2019 • 8 AM","June 19, 2019 • 8 AM
+Singh Center for Nanotechnology, UPENN
+Day 1
+Annual Site Visit
+June 19-20
+Glandt Forum, Singh Center of Nanotechnology, 3205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA",,,"Singh Center for Nanotechnology, UPENN",Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,NSF Site Visit (Day 1) – June 19-20,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/nsf-site-visit-jaune-19-20/?rd=20190619,19-06-2019
+"June 20, 2019 • 8 AM","June 20, 2019 • 8 AM
+Singh Center for Nanotechnology, UPENN
+Day 2 – Executive Committee ONLY
+Annual Site Visit
+June 19-20
+Glandt Forum, Singh Center of Nanotechnology, 3205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA",,,"Singh Center for Nanotechnology, UPENN",Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,NSF Site Visit (Day 2) – June 19-20,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/nsf-site-visit-day-2-june-19-20/?rd=20190620,20-06-2019
+"October 12, 2019 • 8 AM","October 12, 2019 • 8 AM
+Washington University in St. Louis
+This symposium is being organized by the Center for Engineering MechanoBiology with support from the National Science Foundation. This year, the symposium will run as a satellite meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, taking place at Washington University in St. Louis from October 13-15. For more information, go to SES2019.
+Details at Symposium Webpage.",,,Washington University in St. Louis,Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,2nd Annual Mechanobiology Symposium_ OCT12,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/2nd-annual-mechanobiology-symposium_-oct12/?rd=20191012,12-10-2019
+"May 20, 2019","The Center for Advanced Studies of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON), the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Center for Business Ethics and Corporate Governance are organizing an international symposium on the “Economics Profession in Russia” as part of the VIII Conference on “Business Ethics and National Patterns of Behavior.” The conference will take place at UNECON in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on Monday and Tuesday 20-21 May 2019. The organizers are accepting paper proposals until 13 February 2019.
+The objective of this conference is to develop an understanding of the present condition and nature of what is called in Russia “the economic profession.” In keeping with the ongoing objective of this conference series, the conference will also consider ethical implications of changes within the profession and effects on the study and practice of business ethics.
++ Google Calendar+ iCal Export",5:00 PM,,,Zicklincenter Center for Business Ethics,,8:00 AM,,Business Ethics and National Patterns of Behavior: The Economics Profession in Russia,https://zicklincenter.wharton.upenn.edu/event/business-ethics-and-national-patterns-of-behavior-the-economics-profession-in-russia/,20-05-2019
+"March 28, 2019","Professor Shoemaker from University of Wisconsin Law School will present his paper “The Devil’s Justice”.
+ Abstract: “Among the most underappreciated aspects of the devil’s medieval career is that he was once the lead plaintiff in the world’s most spectacularly ambitious lawsuit. He lost. He was defeated by the arguments of a woman, the Virgin Mary. The bitter defeat was amplified by the fact that the judge in the case was the very same person the devil had accused of violently despoiling him of the human souls whose ownership was in dispute. In hindsight, the loss might be what social scientists call overdetermined. The venue for the suit – heaven – and the day of the trial – Good Friday – were certainly not auspicious. Nonetheless, the devil initiated his lawsuit supremely confident that he would prevail. His confidence rested upon his belief that both the applicable laws and the overarching principles of justice were entirely on his side.
+ It was that the lawsuit contained the “preposterous” image of a woman serving in the role of lawyer. Perhaps worst of all, the outcome of the case did not turn solely on rational legal argumentation – the give and take of reasons and responses - but also, as we will see below, upon the tears of an emotionally overwrought woman. Serious scholars, he stressed, would not waste time with the text. Let’s revisit these judgments”",1:20 PM,59444,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Workshop: Karl Shoemaker,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/59444/view/event,28-03-2019
+"February 6, 2019","The Legal History Workshop, the Constitutional Law Workshop, and the Wharton Legal Studies department are cosponsoring a workshop with Jed Shugerman and his co-authors Ethan Lieb and Andrew Kent. They will be presenting “Faithful Execution and Article II.” The workshop is open to Faculty and invited guests.",1:30 PM,59278,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,"Legal History/Constitutional Law/Wharton Legal Studies Workshop: Jed Shugerman, Ethan Leib and Andrew Kent",https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/59278/view/event,06-02-2019
+"November 15, 2018","Professor Anna Lvovsky will be presenting.
+ Anna Lvovsky is an Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where she teaches American legal history, the history of policing, criminal law, and evidence. Professor Lvovsky’s scholarship focuses on the legal and cultural dimensions of policing, judicial uses of professional knowledge, and the regulation of gender, sexuality, and morality. Her recent work examines judicial deference to police expertise and the role of moral judgment in the Supreme Court’s Fourth Amendment jurisprudence.
+ Professor Lvovsky’s book project, Queer Expertise: Urban Policing and the Discovery of the Gay World, 1920-1970, under contract with the University of Chicago Press, examines how the police drew on a combination of scientific expertise and lay stereotype about homosexuality to shape the legal status of gay men in the United States. As a dissertation, the project received the 2016 Julien Mezey Dissertation Award from the Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities.
+ Prior to joining HLS, Professor Lvovsky was an Academic Fellow at Columbia Law School. She clerked for Judge Michael Boudin of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and for Judge Gerard E. Lynch of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Professor Lvovsky graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, where she was articles co-chair of the Harvard Law Review and the recipient of the LGBTQ Writing Prize, and received her Ph.D. in the History of American Civilization from Harvard University. She earned a B.A. summa cum laude from Yale College.",1:30 PM,58627,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Anna Lvovsky,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/58627/view/event,15-11-2018
+"November 5, 2018","Professor Hirota’s current book project, “The Business of the Nation: Foreign Contract Labor and the Rise of American Immigration Control,” examines the transnational business of importing Asian, Canadian, European, and Mexican contract laborers to the United States and the evolution of federal alien contract labor law designed to restrict this form of immigration over the course of the long nineteenth century. Since the early nineteenth century, Americans opposed the immigration of poor foreign workers who would degrade the dignity of labor and lower American wage standards. The opposition to immigrant labor became especially strong in the case of contract workers. In 1885, American workers’ antipathy to “alien contract labor” resulted in the passage of the federal Foran Act to ban the landing of foreign contract workers and deport those already in the United States back to their countries of origin. This project examines how hostility toward contract labor migration influenced American immigration law and how the alien contract labor law in turn affected immigrant workers.
+ The paper traces the intellectual and legal genealogy of alien contract labor law by surveying the antebellum roots of opposition to imported labor in the United States. While labor radicalism in the late nineteenth century played a crucial role in the introduction of the Foran Act, the federal law was built upon earlier discourses on servile labor and the economic impact on Americans of immigration of certain kinds. In particular, the paper identifies the following four issues in antebellum America as the ideological and legal origins of the alien contract labor law: 1) Free Soilism, 2) “pauper labor” discourse, 3) assisted emigration, and 4) coolieism. The analysis in this paper is not intended to provide new evidence or revise historiography on these topics. Instead, the paper aims to demonstrate how the antebellum debates over the four issues collectively, if not exclusively, laid the foundations for the federal alien contract labor law, placing it in the broader framework of immigration politics beyond the labor conflict in the late nineteenth century.
+ Hidetaka Hirota is a non-tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Institute for Advanced Study at Waseda University in Japan. He received his Ph.D. in History from Boston College, where his dissertation won the university’s best humanities dissertation prize. He previously held research and teaching positions at Columbia University and the City University of New York-City College. He is the author of Expelling the Poor: Atlantic Seaboard States and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of American Immigration Policy (OUP, 2017) and has published articled in the Journal of American History, American Quarterly, and the Journal of American Ethnic History. His scholarship has earned multiple distinctions, including book awards from the Immigration and Ethnic History Society, the New England American Studies Association, and the American Conference for Irish Studies, as well as the Paul L. Murphy Award, the Cromwell Dissertation Prize, and the Cromwell Fellowship from the American Society for Legal History.
+ Professor Hirota’s major works have appeared in the Journal of American History, American Quarterly, and the Journal of American Ethnic History. His published articles received best essay awards from the Organization of American Historians, the Immigration and Ethnic History Society, and the Society for History in the Federal Government. Professor Hirota, and his work, has been featured by CUNY Radio, C-SPAN, The Atlantic, TIME, and The Irish Times.
+ Professor Hirota is currently working on two book projects. One of them, The Business of the Nation, examines the significance of foreign contract labor in American immigration history, demonstrating how concerns about contract laborers from Asia, Europe, and Mexico transformed immigration control from a regional affair for coastal states to an issue of national-level significance in the United States. He is also developing another book, Democratic Intolerance, which provides a synthetic history of American nativism from the American Revolution to the present.",1:30 PM,58555,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,The Genealogy of Alien Contract Labor Law: Hidetaka Hirota,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/58555/view/event,05-11-2018
+"September 13, 2018","Please join us in welcoming Bok Visiting International Professor Michael Lobban to our first Legal History Workshop of the year.
+ Michael Lobban is Professor of Legal History at the London School of Economics. He is a prolific and widely respected historian of the eighteenth and nineteenth-century English common law, whose work has earned recognition and plaudits both in the United Kingdom and the United States. He has written two monographs (the first, The Common Law and English Jurisprudence, 1760-1850 (Oxford, 1991), and then White Man’s Justice: South African Political Trials in the Black Consciousness Era (Oxford, 1996). He is also the author of volume 8 of the multivolume Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence (his 2007 volume is titled A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Common Law World, 1600-1900), and the co-author of three volumes of the massive Oxford History of the Laws of England (which cover the period 1820 – 1914), published in 2010), and finally the co-editor of three major edited volumes, including a symposium issue of Comparative Studies in the Development of the Law of Torts in Europe (Cambridge, 2012), Legitimacy and Illegitimacy in Nineteenth Century Law, Literature, and History (Palgrave, 2010), and a symposium issue of Current Legal Issues (Oxford, 2003).
+ He will be presenting a paper titled Martial Law, the Privy Council and The Zulu Rebellion of 1906.",1:10 PM,58672,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Michael Lobban,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/58672/view/event,13-09-2018
+"April 11, 2018","Dylan C. Penningroth specializes in African American history and in U.S. socio-legal history. His first book, The Claims of Kinfolk: African American Property and Community in the Nineteenth-Century South (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003), won the Avery Craven Prize from the Organization of American Historians. His articles have appeared in the Journal of American History, the American Historical Review, and the Journal of Family History. Penningroth has held fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, and the Stanford Humanities Center, and has been recognized by the Organization of American Historians’ Huggins-Quarles committee, a Weinberg College Teaching Award (Northwestern University), a McCormick Professorship of Teaching Excellence (Northwestern), and a MacArthur Foundation fellowship.
+ Before joining Berkeley Law in 2015, Dylan Penningroth was on the faculty of the History Department at the University of Virginia (1999-2002), at Northwestern University (2002-2015), and a Research Professor at the American Bar Foundation (2007-2015).
+ Penningroth is currently working on a study of African Americans’ encounter with law from the Civil War to the modern civil rights movement. Combining legal and social history, the study explores the practical meaning of legal rights for black life. His next project is a study of the legacies of slavery in colonial Ghana.",1:20 PM,56357,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,"Professor Dylan Penningroth, University of California, Berkeley, will be presenting.",Legal History Consortium Workshop: Dylan Penningroth,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/56357/view/event,11-04-2018
+"March 15, 2018","Margot Canaday is a legal and political historian who studies gender and sexuality in modern America. She holds a B.A. from the University of Iowa and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Her first book, The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth Century America (Princeton, 2009), won the Organization of American Historians’ Ellis Hawley Prize, the American Political Science Association’s Gladys M. Kammerer Award (co-winner), the American Studies Association’s Lora Romero Prize, the American Society for Legal History’s Cromwell Book Prize, the Committee on LGBT History’s John Boswell Prize, the Lambda Literary Award for LGBT Studies, as well as the Association of American Law Schools’ Order of the Coif Biennial Book Award. Canaday has won fellowships from the Social Science Research Council, the Princeton University Society of Fellows, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the American Council of Learned Societies. With Thomas Sugrue, Glenda Gilmore, Michael Kazin, and Stephen Pitti, she is co-editor of the series Politics and Culture in Modern America at the University of Pennsylvania Press.",1:20 PM,56356,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,"Professor Margot Canaday, Princeton University, will be discussing her book chapter “‘Making the ‘Business Case’: Gay Rights Inside the Post-Fordist Corporation.”",Legal History Consortium Workshop: Margot Canaday,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/56356/view/event,15-03-2018
+"February 1, 2018","Shaun Ossei-Owusu is an Academic Fellow at Columbia Law School. He studies social inequality and his work sits at the intersection of law, history, and sociology. His research coheres around an interest in how government provides services to the poor, specifically legal aid and health care. His manuscript, which is based on his dissertation, explores the development of criminal legal aid and its unexamined relationship to racial inequality. He also studies how interface of federal legislation, municipal politics, and post-Great Society health care restructuring have impacted urban hospitals and the communities that they serve.
+ Before coming to Columbia, Ossei-Owusu received his J.D. and Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley, where his work was supported the National Science Foundation, the American Bar Foundation, the American Society of Criminology and the American Society for Legal History. He has worked as a Pro Bono Fellow at Whitman Walker Health in Washington D.C. and as a teacher in North Philadelphia. His work has appeared in various scholarly and public outlets.",1:20 PM,56448,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Shaun Ossei-Owusu,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/56448/view/event,01-02-2018
+"November 27, 2017","Between 1967 and 1979, the United States’ divorce rate doubled. The rapidly rising divorce rate created a widespread crisis among women who had relied on their husbands for economic support and access to social insurance benefits such as Social Security and health insurance. In reponse, a now-forgotten strand of the 1970s feminist movement, which I call “the feminist divorce reform movement,” emerged and organized itself around securing women’s place in the United States’ marriage-based insurance system. This paper, part of a larger project on this movement, examines divorce’s decreasing political salience as more and more women entered the permanent workforce. In the 1970s, one-third of married American women were in the paid labor force. By 1985 that number had shot up. Even women with young children were now as likely to be found in the workforce as at home: around 50 percent of mothers with children under three and roughly 70 percent of mothers with children over six were in the labor force. In response, feminists who had once focused on shoring up the marriage-based insurance system turned their efforts toward securing women’s place in the employment-based insurance system. In this paper I consider how legislative battles over the Family and Medical Leave Act, universal child care, and welfare reform fit into a longer history of feminist activism dedicated to creating a social insurance system that protected women from the economic vulnerabilities created by their carework obligations.
+ Suzanne Kahn received her Ph.D. in American History from Columbia University in 2015. Her dissertation, “Divorce and the Politics of the American Social Welfare Regime, 1969-2001,” was awarded the American Society for Legal History’s 2016 Cromwell Dissertation prize. She has received fellowships from the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation, the ACLS, and the Schlesinger Library at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. She currently works as a research analyst at SEIU 32BJ.",1:30 PM,56125,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Suzanne Kahn,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/56125/view/event,27-11-2017
+"October 11, 2017","Professor Elizabeth Papp Kamali, an Assistant Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, will be presenting her paper Trial by Ordeal by Jury in Medieval England, or Saints and Sinners in Literature and Law.
+ Using a miracle tale as a focal point, this paper illuminates the political and cultural context of York at the turn of the twelfth to thirteenth century in order to make sense of England’s rapid transition from trial by ordeal to trial by jury after 1215. More specifically, the paper highlights the possible impact of the period of papal interdict (c. 1208 – 1214), imposed by Pope Innocent III in response to King John’s intransigence over the appointment of a new archbishop of Canterbury, during this transitional period in criminal procedure. It argues that the interdict, with its suspension of liturgies, might have forced experimentation with alternative means of reaching verdicts in felony cases. The paper also suggests that juries might have been involved in the issuance of ordeal verdicts in the late ordeal period in England, in which case the shift from trial by ordeal to trial by jury may be less a moment of rupture than a transition from one form of trial using juries to another, albeit a trial form more starkly desacralized after 1215. It is the author’s hope that the paper will serve as a starting point for further research, not a decisive answer to the questions it raises, including whether England’s rapid adoption of final jury verdicts may owe something to the tussle between King John and a particularly imperial and imperious pope.
+ Elizabeth Papp Kamali is an Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where she teaches Criminal Law, English Legal History, Medieval English Law, and a seminar on Mind and Criminal Responsibility. She is a faculty member of Harvard’s Standing Committee on Medieval Studies. Her research focuses on the medieval English common law and the history of criminal law, with a particular interest in the early criminal trial jury. Her current projects include studies of the role of criminal intent in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century English felony cases, medieval understandings of anger’s operation in felony adjudication, conflict between urban customary law and the English common law in the early fourteenth century, and the influence of Roman law on the early development of the common law. Recent publications include “The Devil’s Daughter of Hell Fire: Anger’s Role in Medieval English Felony Cases” (Law and History Review, 2017) and “Law and Equity in a Medieval English Manor Court” (in Texts and Contexts in Legal History: Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue, 2016).",1:15 PM,55474,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,Workshop open to faculty and invited guests,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Elizabeth Kamali,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/55474/view/event,11-10-2017
+"Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 9:30am","This event is free and open to the public.
+Enjoy some networking and breakfast during an hour-long roundup of our famous 60-Second Lectures. The live lectures, given by Penn Arts and Sciences’ foremost faculty, students, and alumni, prove that a world of knowledge can be condensed into just one minute. Find out how these Quakers, backed by the Power of Penn, are impacting their communities and the world as critical thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders. Vote for your favorite lecture and see who walks away with the grand prize.
+Email events@sas.upenn.edu for more information.",,,"Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall
+3417 Spruce Street, Philadelphia",Penn SAS,,9:30am,,Penn Arts and Sciences' 60-Second Slam,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/events/penn-arts-and-sciences-60-second-slam,18-05-2019
+"Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 12:00pm","Be sure to stop by the Penn Arts and Sciences Tent for an opportunity to reconnect with other College alumni, pick up some unique Penn swag, and find out about opportunities to get involved. Alumni from all generations are also invited to contribute notable Penn anecdotes and remembrances to Penn Back Then, a web-based audio scrapbook. Click HERE to hear past recordings.
+Follow Penn Arts and Sciences on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @PennSAS.",,,College Green,Penn SAS,,12:00pm,,Penn Arts and Sciences Tent on College Green,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/events/penn-arts-and-sciences-tent-college-green,18-05-2019
+"Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 6:30pm","The College Graduation Ceremony celebrates the achievements of the graduating seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Each participant's name is read as they cross the stage and receive the congratulations of the dean of the school, the dean of the College, faculty, fellow students, friends and family.
+Recommendations and Guidelines for Guests:
+Wear low heels. The stands are very steep.
+Wear sunglasses. Guests will be facing west during sunset.
+Guests are not permitted in the student assembly area or the student seating area.
+The ceremony will be held at Franklin Field rain or shine. The stadium is not covered.
+Gates open at 5:30 pm. Guests enter at the Southeast corners of Franklin Field.
+Guests are asked to meet their party away from Franklin Field at approximately 9:30 pm.
+There will be a live webcast of the ceremony.
+For more information, please visit The College Graduation Ceremony event page.",,,"Franklin Field
+233 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia",Penn SAS,"Class of 2019 Speaker: Hannah Sweeney, C'19
+Graduation Speaker: Stacey Snider, C'82, PAR'19",6:30pm,,College of Arts and Sciences Graduation Ceremony,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/events/college-arts-and-sciences-graduation-ceremony,19-05-2019
+"Wed, 05/08/2019 - 10:00 - 11:00","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",11:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,"Brian Beckford, University of Michigan",10:00 ,,"High Energy Theory seminar: ""Latest Results from KOTO""",https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/high-energy-theory-seminar-latest-results-koto,08-05-2019
+"Thu, 05/09/2019 - 13:30 - 14:30","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",14:30,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,"Tomohiro Yamazaki, University of Tokyo",13:30 ,,"High Energy Theory seminar: ""Search for the supersymmetric partner of the top quark with the ATLAS""",https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/high-energy-theory-seminar-search-supersymmetric-partner-top-quark-atlas,09-05-2019
+"Mon, 05/13/2019 - 14:00 - 16:00","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",16:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,"Xingang Chen, Harvard University",14:00 ,,High Energy Theory seminar,https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/high-energy-theory-seminar-27,13-05-2019
+"Fri, 05/17/2019 - 08:30 - 18:00","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",18:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,Graduate Students,08:30 ,,Physics and Astronomy Graduate Symposium,https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/physics-and-astronomy-graduate-symposium,17-05-2019
+"Sat, 05/25/2019 - 09:00 - 18:00","Jon Bloom, Broad Institute:""The Morse homology of PCA, deep learning, and the brain""",18:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,,09:00 ,,Workshop on Applied Topology,https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/workshop-applied-topology,25-05-2019
+"Wed, 10/09/2019 - 14:00 - 15:00","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",15:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,Adi Nusser (Technion),14:00 ,,Astronomy seminar,https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/astronomy-seminar-4,09-10-2019
+"Friday, 1 August 2014—Sunday, 31 May 2015","Co-curated by Alex Pezzati, Senior Archivist, Penn Museum, Eric Schnittke, Assistant Archivist, Penn Museum, and Joani Etskovitz, Summer internMore information",,,"Archives corridor, Penn Museum",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,,,Year of Color: Art in the Archives,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/year-color-art-archives,01-08-2014
+"Saturday, 16 August 2014—Sunday, 5 July 2015","Co-curated by C. Brian Rose, Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section, Penn Museum, and Frank Matero, Professor of Architecture, Historic Preservation, University of PennsylvaniaMore information",,,"Special Exhibitions Gallery, 3rd floor, Penn Museum",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,,,Year of Color: Stone and Marble from Antiquity to the Present,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/year-color-stone-and-marble-antiquity-present,16-08-2014
+"Wednesday, 17 September 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Widely regarded as one of England’s most talented authors, Zadie Smith is a masterful painter of characters of all shades and hues. Her humorous and fiercely nuanced portraits of voice, ethnicity, black culture, and diasporic spaces span both her fiction and her essays on painting, art, philosophy, and literary traditions ranging from E.M. Forster to Zora Neale Hurston. Received to widespread acclaim, Zadie Smith's first novel, White Teeth (2000), is a vibrant portrait of contemporary multicultural London, told through the story of three ethnically diverse families. The book won a number of awards and prizes, including the Guardian First Book Award, Whitbread First Novel Award, Commonwealth Writers Prize (Overall Winner, Best First Book), and two BT Ethnic and Multicultural Media Awards (Best Book/Novel and Best Female Media Newcomer). It was also shortlisted for the Mail on Sunday/John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, the Orange Prize for Fiction, and the Author’s Club First Novel Award. White Teeth has been translated into over twenty languages and was adapted for Channel 4 television for broadcast in autumn 2002. Her tenure as Writer in Residence at the Institute of Contemporary Arts resulted in the publication of an anthology of erotic stories entitled Piece of Flesh (2001). More recently, she has written the introduction for The Burned Children of America (2003), a collection of eighteen short stories by a new generation of young American writers.Zadie Smith’s second novel, The Autograph Man (2002), is a story of loss, obsession and the nature of celebrity. It won the 2003 Jewish Quarterly Literary Prize for Fiction. In 2003 and 2013 Granta magazine named her as one of 20 Best of Young British Novelists. Her third novel, On Beauty (2005), won the 2006 Orange Prize for Fiction. She has also written a nonfiction book about writing entitled Fail Better (2006). Her book, Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays, came out in 2009. Her novel, NW (2012) was named as one of the New York Times 10 Best Books of 2012.",6:30pm,,"Harrison Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,The Writer's Palette,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/writers-palette,17-09-2014
+"Wednesday, 8 October 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Emperor Hadrian's villa near Rome was a vast complex, resplendent with many buildings surrounded by gardens, groves, statues, and water features. Archaeologist Bernard Frischer, an international authority on virtual heritage, describes his remarkable project to scan, model, and digitally restore to their full color and shape representative statues and other sculptures from this World Heritage Site.
+Bernard Frischer is a leading digital humanist widely published on virtual heritage, Classics, and the survival of the Classical world.He received his B.A. in Classics from Wesleyan University and his Ph.D. in Classics from the University of Heidelberg. He taught Classics at UCLA from 1976 to 2004, following which he was Professor of Art History and Classics at the University of Virginia until joining Indiana University in 2013.Frischer has been a guest professor at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Bologna, and Beijing Normal University and held the post of Professor-in-Charge of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, a Fellow of the Michigan Society of Fellows, a Fellow and trustee of the American Academy in Rome. He has also won research fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts. From 1996 to 2003 he directed the excavations of Horace's Villa sponsored by the American Academy in Rome, and from 1996 to 2004 he was founding director of the UCLA Cultural Virtual Reality Laboratory. The lab was one of the first in the world to use 3D computer modeling to reconstruct cultural heritage sites. Frischer has overseen many significant modeling projects, including ""Rome Reborn,"" the virtual recreation of the entire city of ancient Rome within the Aurelian Walls. In 2005 he was given the Pioneer Award of the International Society on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. In 2009, he was the recipient of the Tartessus Lifetime Achievement Prize from the Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology. In 2010-11 he held the Senior Prize Fellowship at the Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Recovering Polychromy in the Statues of Hadrian's Villa,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/recovering-polychromy-statues-hadrians-villa,08-10-2014
+"Sunday, 12 October 2014 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+ INDIAKaker Kolkata (Rowena Potts, Baidehi Sengupta, 2013)Mecho Bazaar (Potts, Sengupta 2006)In the series opener, we present two short folkloric films about Calcutta. Kaker Kolkata tells of the unique and antic relationship between crows and people, Mecho Bazaar visits the fish market of the old town. Come and join the conversation with Bengali scholar Dr. Manjita Mukharji.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Kaker Kolkata AND Mecho Bazaar,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/kaker-kolkata-and-mecho-bazaar,12-10-2014
+"Wednesday, 22 October 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Religion, power, and science, as well as craft and fashion intertwine in this fascinating account by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Roald Hoffmann of the use and influence of indigo in world cultures. The vast journey of blue moves from Hebrew ritual uses of snail pigments to the chemistry and economics of blue jean dyes.
+American chemist Roald Hoffmann is widely known for using quantum mechanics to help reveal the mechanisms of chemical reactions. He was born Roald Safran in 1937 in a small Polish town that is now part of the Ukraine. Hoffmann's father was a civil engineer familiar with the local infrastructure, which made him of value to the Nazis. For a while the family was allowed to remain in its own home, but was later relocated to a labor camp, where many of the Nazi guards could be bribed. After being paid off, the guards allowed 5-year-old Roald, his mother, two aunts, and an uncle to escape in early 1943. A Ukrainian couple hid them in the attic and storeroom of a nearby schoolhouse where the husband taught. Hoffmann's father remained behind in the camp, where he was tortured and killed by the Nazis in June 1943 for his involvement in a plot to arm camp prisoners.After the war ended, Hoffmann and his mother relocated to New York, where he later won a Westinghouse science scholarship to Columbia University, earning his BA there. He took his doctorate in chemistry from Harvard and in 1965 began teaching chemistry at Cornell, where he is now Rhodes Professor of Humane Letters Emeritus. Since 2002, Hoffmann has hosted a monthly cabaret called ""Entertaining Science"" at Cornelia Street Café in Greenwich Village.In 1963 Hoffmann introduced the extended Hückel method, a molecular orbital theory that allows calculation of the electronic structure of molecules. In 1965, in collaboration with Nobel laureate Robert Burns Woodward, he introduced the Woodward-Hoffmann rules, a method for exploring the electronic structure of transition states and intermediates in organic reactions. Hoffmann and Japanese chemist Kenichi Fukui shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1981 for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions (Woodward had died two years earlier and thus was ineligible).Hoffmann is also a published poet, playwright, and essayist. His poems appear in several collections: The Metamict State (1987), Gaps and Verges (1990), Memory Effects (1999), and Soliton (2002). In addition, he is a philosopher of science who has made significant contributions to our conceptual, historical, and normative understanding of chemistry. Many of his philosophical essays have been collected in Roald Hoffman on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry by Jeffrey Kovac and Michael Weisberg, eds. (2012).",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,The Allure of Indigo,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/allure-indigo,22-10-2014
+"Saturday, 1 November 2014—Saturday, 20 December 2014","The exhibition examines how artists have engaged with ideas of homeland and belonging that fail to cohere to a unitary sense of time or place. Through film, photography and performance, the artists in this exhibition explore the contours of belonging across different contexts - from the invention of nationalist social rituals to the homecoming of veterans, from the trope of the ""haunted"" house to that of the family portrait. By bringing together the work of an international group of artists approaching home as a volatile concept, this exhibition examines how fantasies of belonging involve complex psychic and affective responses to specific material and historical conditions informed by race, gender, sexuality and class.""Itinerant Belongings"" grounds this inquiry by revisiting critical debates that bridged activism and art in the 1980s and 1990s. Responding to the presence of the homeless, the displaced, and the disenfranchised in American cities, two of the artists in the exhibition, William Pope.L and Krzysztof Wodiczko, produced projects in this critical moment that questioned the very notion of what it meant for a space to be ""public."" This exhibition aims to reanimate this dialogue and extend it to a contemporary global landscape marked by mass displacement, armed conflict, and debates around borders and immigration.Work by Yael Bartana, Jamie Diamond, Andrew Moore, William Pope.L, Paul Salveson, Jessica Vaughn, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, and Krzysztof Wodiczko will be on display at Slought and the Addams Gallery at PennDesign, and viewers are encouraged to take an itinerant path from one exhibition site to another.
+More information",,,"Slought, 4017 Walnut Street, PhiladelphiaAddams Fine Arts Hall, 200 S. 36th Street, Philadelphia",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,,,Itinerant Belongings,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/itinerant-belongings,01-11-2014
+"Sunday, 9 November 2014 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+Day of the Dead(A.L. Palos, 2010)Tiempo de vals (Rebecca Savage, 2006)Renowned muralist and Mexican culture celebrant Cesar Viveros will present a short film about the glorious Zapotec Dia de muertos in Teotitlan del Valle, and a second film about the Quincenara as a right of passage in Tlaxcala.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Day of the Dead AND Tiempo de vals,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/day-dead-and-tiempo-de-vals,09-11-2014
+"Wednesday, 12 November 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","In the same years that black women writers were emerging as major innovators in American literature, black women singers like Syreeta Wright, Minnie Riperton, and Deniece Williams were forging new pathways in American music, rethinking traditional ideas about race and women's vocality. Farah Jasmine Griffin, whose latest book is Harlem Nocturne: Women Artists and Progressive Politics During World War II, will play some of the great recordings from the mid–1970s and discuss their cultural significance.
+Farah Jasmine Griffin teaches English, comparative literature, and African American Studies at Columbia University, where she also served as director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies.In addition to editing several collections of letters and essays, she is the author of Who Set You Flowin': The African American Migration Narrative (Oxford, 1995), If You Can't Be Free, Be a Mystery: In Search of Billie Holiday (Free Press, 2001), and Clawing At the Limits of Cool: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and the Greatest Jazz Collaboration Ever (Thomas Dunne, 2008). She also wrote ""A Conversation with Mary Lou,"" a stage tribute to jazz legend Mary Lou Williams, presented at the Harlem Stage Gatehouse in New York in March 2014.Griffin took her B.A. from Harvard and Ph.D. from Yale. Her major fields of interest are American and African American literature, music, history, and politics. The recipient of numerous honors and awards for her teaching and scholarship, in 2006-2007 Professor Griffin was a fellow at the New York Public Library Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,New Shades of Blue,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/new-shades-blue,12-11-2014
+"Wednesday, 19 November 2014 - 5:00pm—7:00pm","No other human physical trait has become laden with more significance than the color of our skin. Anthropologist and paleobiologist Nina Jablonski discusses her groundbreaking research on the physical evolution of skin color in humans and how its meanings, associations, and values have changed over time.
+Nina G. Jablonski is a biological anthropologist and paleobiologist who studies the evolution of adaptations to the environment in Old World primates including humans. Her work is focused in two major areas. Her paleoanthropological research concerns the evolutionary history of Old World monkeys, and currently includes an active field project in China. Her research on the evolution of human adaptations to the environment centers on how human skin and skin pigmentation have evolved over time, and includes an active field project examining the relation between skin pigmentation and vitamin D production.Professor Jablonski is currently collaborating on the development of new approaches to science education in the United States. These approaches have the dual aims of improving the understanding of evolution and human diversity, and of stimulating interest among students in pursuing STEM courses and careers. With the support of the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) and active collaboration of Henry Louis Gates, Jr., she is leading a group of 30 scholars in the development of ""genetics and genealogy"" curricula for K-12 and college undergraduate students.She also leads a major new scholarly effort to study the effects of race in South African society. With the support of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, she is the convener of the ""Effects of Race"" program, in which a select group of scholars assemble annually to formulate new ways to study race and to mitigate racial discrimination.",7:00pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,The Colors of Human Skin,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/colors-human-skin,19-11-2014
+"Wednesday, 10 December 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","The brilliant colors of butterfly wings reveal much about aesthetics, evolution, and engineering. How do their patterns provide protective camouflage in tropical rain forests? How is nanotechnology using the waterproofing properties of butterfly colors to fabricate energy-efficient materials for buildings? In this panel discussion, Penn researchers discuss how their scientific and technological work imitates nature.
+Using holographic lithography, Shu Yang and her Penn research team recently developed a material that mimics the iridescent and water-resistant qualities of butterfly wings. Applying this innovation, they developed a superhydrophobic coating that can be sprayed onto any surface. The solution contains nanoscopic particles that add a nearly invisible layer of roughness to a surface. Among other things, this highly water resistant coating is now being used on solar panels to keep them drier, cleaner and more efficient.
+In 2004, Shu Yang was named one of the World's Top 100 Innovators Under 35 by MIT Technology Review. In 2006, she received the prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation. And in 2011, she was selected by the National Academy of Engineering to present at the Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. In addition to being widely published, Dr. Yang holds over 20 patents, issued or pending.
+Daniel Janzen is an evolutionary ecologist, biologist, and conservationist renowned for his pioneering work in tropical ecology and the conservation of endangered tropical ecosystems throughout the world. A former director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, he divides his time between Penn, where he teaches biology, and his research and field work in Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, he serves as technical advisor to Area de Conservacion Guanacaste (ACG), a 165,000 hectare government/private hybrid conservation area. He is also president of the Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund (GDFCF), the US-based NGO for ACG.
+He and his wife, Winnie Hallwachs, are currently working to further the CBOL (Consortium for the Barcode of Life) and iBOL (International Barcode of Life) efforts to DNA barcode all species of the world for their identification and species discovery by anyone anywhere at any time. Janzen is also an international authority on the taxonomy and biology of tropical caterpillars, and is a member of the US and the Costa Rican National Academy of Sciences, and recipient of the Crafoord Prize (1984), the Kyoto Prize (1997), and BBVA Prize (2012).
+John Tresch is an historian of science and technology. Trained in anthropology and philosophy, his work explores the diversity of the sciences, especially in their interactions with other cultural formations. He focuses on connections between cosmology, experience, social order, and ritual; changing methods, instruments, and disciplinary arrangements in the sciences, arts, and media; and shifting definitions of the rational and real.
+His book The Romantic Machine, which is set in France before the revolution of 1848, examines intersections between romanticism, science, industry, and utopian politics. It won the 2013 History of Science Society's Pfizer Award for Outstanding Book and was named one of the Best Books of 2012 by The New Museum in New York. His forthcoming book, Poe's Machinery: Twisted Visions, Incredible Facts, and the Forging of US Science, shows Edgar Allan Poe's technical obsessions in the light of the efforts of scientists to institute authority over knowledge. Tresch is also working on the study of cosmograms as a tool for comparative cosmology, notably in the Anthropocene and the digital age; as well as a study of contemporary neuroscience in its encounters with contemplative practices.
+Tresch has held fellowships at Columbia's Society of Fellows in the Humanities, Northwestern, the University of Chicago, the Max Planck Institute for History of Science, the Huntington Library, and the Cullman Center at the New York Public Library.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Beautiful Science,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/beautiful-science,10-12-2014
+"Sunday, 14 December 2014 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+Kyeremu Proverbs(R. Lane Clark, 1995)
+Lane Clark, who has been making films in the same coastal Ghanaian town for 30 years, will present his newly re-mastered film about Twi language proverbs and how they colorfully inform and instruct.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Kyeremu Proverbs,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/kyeremu-proverbs,14-12-2014
+"Sunday, 11 January 2015 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+In a State of Dress(Madelief de Heer, 2010)H. Kristina Haugland, Philadelphia Museum of Art Textiles curator of costume and textiles, presents a film about the few remaining elderly women in a small town in Holland who painstakingly dress in 16th century attire as a matter of tradition, or perhaps habit.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,In a State of Dress,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/state-dress,11-01-2015
+"Wednesday, 21 January 2015 - 6:00pm","In collaboration with Penn Cinema Studies and International House Philadelphia
+Award-winning cinematographer Bradford Young is known for expressive lighting, bold colors, and nuanced representations of dark skin tones on screen. Part of an exciting new wave of independent African American filmmaking, Young uses his stunning visuals to tell stories of family, violence, and diaspora across black communities from New York City to rural Mississippi.
+PANEL DISCUSSION with special appearance by Bradford Young!
+Before the screening, Bradford Young joins a distinguished panel of Philadelphia filmmakers and film scholars: Louis Massiah (Scribe Video Center) and Salamishah Tillet (Penn). Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to learn what's going on in contemporary Black cinematography, including new tools and techniques of racial representation in film and video.
+SCREENINGMother of George (dir. Andrew Dosunmu, 2013, 107 min.)
+Adenike and Ayodele (The Walking Dead's Danai Gurira and veteran actor Isaach De Bankolé) are a Nigerian couple living in Brooklyn. Following their joyous wedding celebration, the couple soon learns they are unable to conceive a child, news that devastates their family and defies cultural expectations. Adenike makes a shocking decision that could either save her family or destroy it. Acclaimed director Andrew Dosumnu (Restless City) captures thenuances of the unique and fascinating Nigerian culture by creating a vibrant, moving portrait of a young immigrant couple whose joys and struggles are at once intimate and universal. Bradford Young won the 2013 Sundance Award for Cinematography.
+Trailer",,,"International House, 3701 Chestnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,6:00pm,,Mother of George,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/mother-george,21-01-2015
+"Wednesday, 4 February 2015 - 7:00pm","In collaboration with Penn Cinema Studies and International House Philadelphia
+Award-winning cinematographer Bradford Young is known for expressive lighting, bold colors, and nuanced representations of dark skin tones on screen. Part of an exciting new wave of independent African American filmmaking, Young uses his stunning visuals to tell stories of family, violence, and diaspora across black communities from New York City to rural Mississippi.
+SCREENINGPariah (dir. Dee Rees, 2011, 86 min.)
+Alike, a 17-year-old African American teenager, comes to terms with her identity as a butch lesbian and its impact on her family.
+Trailer",,,"International House, 3701 Chestnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,7:00pm,,Pariah,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/pariah,04-02-2015
+"Sunday, 8 February 2015 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+Stilt Dancers of Long Bow Village(Richard Gordon, Carma Hinton, 1980)Guomen: A Village Wedding (Gordon, Hinton, 2003)James Chan presents two films from the Long Bow Village group, one about the rebirth of stilt dancing in a small village in China, joyfully practiced by very young children and elders, the second about folkloric marriage customs returning to Huang Cun village.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Stilt Dancers of Long Bow Village AND Guomen: A Village Wedding,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/stilt-dancers-long-bow-village-and-guomen-village-wedding,08-02-2015
+"Wednesday, 11 February 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Ethnic-haute is the improbable joining of two seemingly separate food worlds, across class and restaurant cultures. It is also the basis for many of today's urban culinary success stories. Food studies scholar Krishnendu Ray describes the cosmopolitan phenomenon of Asian chefs who are changing the palates, tastes, and aesthetics of contemporary dining.
+Before joining the NYU faculty in 2005, food studies scholar Krishnendu Ray taught at the Culinary Institute of America, where he was also an associate dean for curriculum development. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from SUNY Binghamton and his master's in Political Science from Delhi University, India.Ray is the author of The Migrant's Table: Meals and Memories in Bengali-American Households (Temple University, 2004), as well as several book chapters, including ""Exotic Restaurants and Expatriate Home Cooking"" in David Inglis and Debra Gimlin, eds., The Globalization of Food (Oxford: Berg, 2009), and ""Ethnic Succession and the New American Restaurant Cuisine,"" in David Beriss and David Sutton, eds., The Restaurants Book: Ethnographies of Where We Eat (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007).Among his journal articles are ""Nation and Cuisine: The Evidence from American Newspapers ca. 1830-2003,"" Food & Foodways, 16:4 (August 2008); ""Domesticating Cuisine: Food and Aesthetics on American Television,"" Gastronomica 7:1 (Winter 2007). His most recent co-edited book is Curried Cultures: Globalization, Food and South Asia (University of California Press, 2012).He is currently working on his next book-length project tentatively titled ""Taste, Toil and Ethnicity: Immigrant Restaurateur and the American City."" He serves on the editorial board of the journal Food, Culture & Society.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Colorful Food,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/colorful-food,11-02-2015
+"Wednesday, 18 February 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Thanks to the work of countless artists and community organizers, Philadelphia has gained national recognition as the City of Murals. Muralists Betsy Casañas and Ernel Martinez join Mural Arts Program founder and director Jane Golden in this conversation on culture, community building, and arts education. Moderated by Penn urban design professor Amy Hillier, the event will feature site-specific mural projects from around the city.Jane Golden, as the driving force behind the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, is a true agent of social change, a Philadelphia phenom. Conceived as an anti-graffiti program in 1984, the Mural Arts Program has under Golden's leadership produced over 3600 landmark works of public art in nearly every neighborhood throughout the city. What do these murals embody? So much—about what transforms places, people, communities, and institutions. Read the program's mission statement: ""We believe art ignites change."" Live its golden rule: ""When we create art with each other and for each other, the force of life can triumph."" And celebrate its ""Palette of Core Values."" Do these things, and you will know why Jane Golden has been honored with so many awards, among them the Philadelphia Award, the Hepburn Medal, the 2012 Governor's Award for Innovation in the Arts, and the Distinguished Daughter of Pennsylvania Award.Betsy Casañas is a studio and public mural artist, a community activist, and an educator who was born and raised in the heart of ""The Badlands"" of North Philadelphia's barrio. She received her BFA from Moore College of Art and Design, and has worked in the Latino community since 1994. Casañas has exhibited her work in various solo and group exhibits and has designed over 40 public murals and mosaics nationally and internationally. In 2007 she cofounded The Semilla Arts, a grassroots initiative that uses collaborative art as a means of empowering people and communities in underserved areas. In 2010 she opened ""A Seed of Diamond Gallery,"" a community space where artists of different cultural background gather to tell their stories through spoken word, music, and visual arts.Ernel Martinez was inspired to become a mural artist while a PennDesign student in Jane Golden's class on public art at the University of Pennsylvania, where one of his mentors was Terry Adkins. Martinez received his MFA from Penn in 2004 and has since worked on over 25 murals across Philadelphia, including A Place to Call Home, The Color of Your Voice.Amy Hillier holds joint faculty appointments in Penn's School of Design and School of Social Policy and Practice, where she teaches and studies the impact of the built environment on public health and welfare—in particular, the impact to disadvantaged communities of more limited access to services and resources. Her research spans such topics as food, physical activity, and obsesity; outdoor advertising; and historical mapping projects. She is, for example, currently directing a public history project to map race and class in the W.E.B. DuBois Seventh Ward of Philadelphia. One result of the project has been to collaborate with the city's Mural Arts Program on Mapping Courage, a mural honoring Du Bois and Engine Company 11, Philadelphia's historically segregated black fire house.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Public Art,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/public-art-0,18-02-2015
+"Friday, 20 February 2015 - 10:00am—5:00pm","This symposium is an opportunity to prompt conversations among artists and academics across multiple disciplines on the history of political, economic and aesthetic values attached to color. Value with respect to color can mean the relative lightness or darkness of a hue, but can also mean aesthetic merit, political importance, moral acceptability, or material worth. The question of color's values is also fundamentally a question of sensory perception, constructed at the level of the individual synapse as well as the cultural collective. We want to consider the descriptive language of color—how we evoke color with and/or through value-laden words or actions, how we assign qualities or quantities to different colors, how color is experienced through taste or touch as well as sight.Four distinguished scholars - Richard Doyle, Torkwase Dyson, Nicole Fleetwood, and Mohan Matthen - will explore the values of color from a variety of perspectives. How and why do we classify and assign values (moral, economic, social, epistemic) to particular colors, even 'people of color,' or material gradations, from light to dark? How does color function in a modern economy? What is its role in making subjectivity legible through its performance? How does color function as nonverbal communication that is affectively felt? To what degree is color a 'natural' or physical property and in what ways is it a rhetorical or cultural construction? And, how do institutions assign value to color?
+SCHEDULE10:00-10:15am | WelcomeElizabeth Della Zazzera, Graduate Humanities Forum ChairNese Devenot, GHF Mellon Fellow
+10:15am-12:30pm | Panel DiscussionModerators: Jeannie Kenmotsu and Ting Fung Ho, GHF Mellon FellowsCommentators: Louise Daoust and Alan Niles, GHF Mellon Fellows
+Richard Doyle
+By the Way, Which One's Pink?: On the Minimal Conditions for a Transmission of Philip K. Dick's Valis?!
+Torkwase Dyson
+The Color of Crude
+Nicole Fleetwood
+Black. Life. Matter.
+Mohan Matthen
+Colour: Aesthetics vs. Utility
+12:30-1:30pm | Lunch
+1:30-3:00pm | Roundtable 1Moderator: Chi-ming Yang, Associate Professor of English, Penn; 2014-2015 ""Color"" Topic Director, and GHF Faculty Advisor, Penn Humanities ForumCommentator: Tyler Williams, SAS Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, South Asia Studies, Penn The Relationship between the Perception of Color and ValueRichard Doyle, Torkwase Dyson, Nicole Fleetwood, Mohan Matthen
+3:00-3:30pm | Break
+3:30-5:00pm | Roundtable 2Moderators: Don James McLaughlin, Charlotte Ickes, and Laura Soderberg, GHF Mellon FellowsCommentator: Gary Hatfield, Seybert Professor of Philosophy, Penn A Synthetic Look at Questions Raised by the SymposiumRichard Doyle, Torkwase Dyson, Nicole Fleetwood, Mohan Matthen",5:00pm,,"Slought, 4017 Walnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,10:00am,,Values of Color,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/values-color,20-02-2015
+"Wednesday, 25 February 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Imagine a world of magenta Tuesdays, wavy green symphonies, tastes that have shapes, and words that have taste. Called synesthesia, this human perceptual condition in which information between the senses is blended has long fascinated scientists and laypeople alike. Award-winning neuroscientist and New York Times bestselling author David Eagleman presents new findings from his research into the behavioral, neurological, and genetic characteristics of synesthetes.
+There are an infinite number of boring things to do in science. But we live these short life spans. Why not do the thing that's the coolest thing in the world to do? —David Eagleman, The New Yorker
+David Eagleman is best known for his work on time perception, synesthesia, and neurolaw. He directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action at the Baylor College of Medicine, whose goal is to understand how the brain constructs perception, how different brains do so differently, and how this matters for society. He also founded and directs Baylor's Initiative on Neuroscience and Law, which studies how new discoveries in neuroscience should navigate the way we make laws, punish criminals, and develop rehabilitation. And, he founded and is chief scientific officer for BrainCheck, a company that uses interactive testing on portable tablets to measure brain function, which schools are using to rapidly measure concussions at the sidelines.
+In 2011, Eagleman was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, and that same year won the Eric Hoffer Book Award Montaigne Medal for his book Wednesday is Indigo Blue: Discovering the Brain of Synesthesia, coauthored with Richard Cytowic. In 2012 he was named Science Educator of the Year by the Society for Neuroscience, and was featured as one of the year's Brightest Idea Guys by Italy's Style Magazine. In 2014, he received the John J. McGovern Award for Excellence in Biomedical Education from the American Medical Writers' Association.
+One of his latest books, Livewired: How the Brain Rewrites its Own Circuitry, is due in spring 2015 (Doubleday Canada). Also in Fall 2015, Eagleman will host the new PBS science series, ""The Brain with Dr. David Eagleman.""
+From the Eagleman Laboratory website, in his own words:""Public understanding of science is a passion of mine, and to that end I have written for the New York Times, Discover Magazine, Atlantic, The Week, Slate, Wired, New Scientist, and others. I speak often on National Public Radio and BBC to discuss what's new and important in science. I have founded a prize in mathematics and physics.""I am fortunate to be a Guggenheim Fellow. Within the scientific community, I serve as an editor for Journal of Vision, PLoS One, and Seminars in Brain and Consciousness. I also serve on the board of directors for several organizations, including The Long Now Foundation.""My book of fiction, Sum, was lucky enough to become an international bestseller. It has been translated into 27 languages and was named a Best Book of the Year by Barnes and Noble, New Scientist, and the Chicago Tribune. British musician Brian Eno and I performed a musical reading of Sum at the Sydney Opera House, and German composer Max Richter translated Sum into a full opera at the Royal Opera House in London.""My neuroscience book Incognito became a New York Times bestseller, and was named a Book of the Year by Amazon, Goodreads, Houston Chronicle, and Boston Globe. No one is writing an opera for that one yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.""",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,The Kaledioscopic Brain of Synesthesia,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/kaledioscopic-brain-synesthesia,25-02-2015
+"Wednesday, 4 March 2015 - 7:00pm","In collaboration with Penn Cinema Studies and International House Philadelphia
+Award-winning cinematographer Bradford Young is known for expressive lighting, bold colors, and nuanced representations of dark skin tones on screen. Part of an exciting new wave of independent African American filmmaking, Young uses his stunning visuals to tell stories of family, violence, and diaspora across black communities from New York City to rural Mississippi.
+SCREENINGMississippi Damned (dir. Tina Mabry, 2009, 120 min.)
+Three sisters in a small rural Mississippi town endure cycles of family dysfunction that include alcoholism, illness and even murder.
+Trailer",,,"International House, 3701 Chestnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,7:00pm,,Mississippi Damned,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/mississippi-damned,04-03-2015
+"Sunday, 8 March 2015 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+ INDIAHimself He Cooks (Valérie Berteau, Philippe Witjes, 2012)Speakers Dr. Amardeep Singh and Samian Kaur will give insight into this amazing film which without words depicts the entire symphonic performance of seva, a daily round the clock food offering at the Golden Temple in Amritsar in which meals are served to 100,000 people. Please stay after for our closing party with chaat snacks, bring a beverage to share.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Himself He Cooks,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/himself-he-cooks,08-03-2015
+"Wednesday, 18 March 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","In our current world of climate change, environmental planning must consider social needs and welfare to offer a truly sustainable model of living. Co-founder of the historic Black Environment Network and author of numerous books and articles, Julian Agyeman charts the future of the global city through the topics of resource distribution, race, class, and space.
+Julian Agyeman is Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. He is an environmental social scientist whose expertise and current research interests concern the complex and embedded relations between humans and the environment, whether mediated by governmental institutions or social movements, and the effects of this on public policy and planning, particularly in relation to notions of justice and equity. He is co-founder and editor-in-chief of the international journal Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. With over 150 publications, his recent books include Cultivating Food Justice : Race, Class and Sustainability (MIT Press 2011), Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning and Practice (Zed Books 2013), and Incomplete Streets: Processes, Practices and Possibilities (Routledge 2015).",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Beyond Green Environmentalism,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/beyond-green-environmentalism,18-03-2015
+"Wednesday, 18 March 2015 - 7:00pm","In collaboration with Penn Cinema Studies and International House Philadelphia
+Award-winning cinematographer Bradford Young is known for expressive lighting, bold colors, and nuanced representations of dark skin tones on screen. Part of an exciting new wave of independent African American filmmaking, Young uses his stunning visuals to tell stories of family, violence, and diaspora across black communities from New York City to rural Mississippi.
+SCREENINGSMiddle of Nowhere (dir. Ava DuVernay, 2012, 97 min.)
+Medical student Ruby learns to live another life when her husband is imprisoned.
+The Door (dir. Ava DuVernay, 2013, 9 min.)
+Fifth in fashion brand Miu Miu's ""Women's Tales"" series, The Door follows five African American women whose strong bond helps one overcome a deep depression following divorce.",,,"International House, 3701 Chestnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,7:00pm,,Middle of Nowhere AND The Door,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/middle-nowhere-and-door,18-03-2015
+"Wednesday, 25 March 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","For decades, journalistic objectivity was associated with black and white images. In this fascinating history of photojournalism since the 1950s, visual studies scholar Vanessa Schwartz track the transition to the now-ubiquitous color news picture, with particular attention to the career of Magnum photographer Ernst Haas, known as the ""Paganini of Kodachrome.""
+Vanessa Schwartz is Professor of History, Art History and Film at the University of Southern California. She was founding director of the Visual Studies Graduate Certificate program from 2006–2009, returning in Fall 2013 to direct the new Visual Studies Research Institute and the Certificate program. She recently received the Raubenheimer Award, the highest faculty recognition in the College. Before joining the USC faculty, she taught at The American University in Washington, DC.A historian of modern visual culture, Schwartz was trained in modern European history with a concentration on France and urban culture at Princeton (Phi Beta Kappa, 1986) and UC Berkeley where she received her PhD in 1993.She is the author of It’s So French! Hollywood, Paris and the Making of Cosmopolitan Film Culture as well as Spectacular Realities: Early Mass Culture in fin-de-siècle Paris. Her most recent book is Modern France: A Very Short Introduction.She is currently working on two book projects: the history of photojournalism and the dawn of the jet age. She has co-edited two books, Cinema and the Invention of Modern Life and The Nineteenth Century Visual Culture Reader and is currently co-editing, with Jason Hill, Getting the Picture: The History and Visual Culture of the News (Bloomsbury, forthcoming spring 2015).Schwartz has been a fellow at the Getty Research Institute, the University of California Humanities Research Institute, and Harvard's Warren Center, and a visiting professor at Stanford, McGill, and Paris I, Sorbonne.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,"Picturing the News, in Color",http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/picturing-news-color,25-03-2015
+"Friday, 27 March 2015 - 9:00am—3:30pm","9:00–9:30a | Breakfast and registration
+9:30–9:45a | Opening Remarks
+Timothy Rommen, Faculty Advisor, UHF; Professor of Music and Africana Studies
+Leah Davidson, Chair and Mellon Research Fellow, UHF
+9:45–11:00a | TRANSMISSIONS
+Moderator: Ann Kuttner, Associate Professor of History of Art
+Juan Cabrera, CAS, 2017; Linguistics(De)colonizing Representations: Influence of 20th Century Indigenous/Indigenist Art in Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico
+Leah Davidson, Wharton, 2016; Management and Global InnovationThe Colors of Environmental Art: A Study of Psychology and Activism
+Abrina Hyatt, CAS, 2015; EnglishFinding God in Oneself & For Colored Girls: A Revolutionary Performance of Language, Naming & Spacing
+Kimberly Schreiber, CAS, 2015; Comparative Literature Documenting Disremembrance: Histories of Loss in Contemporary Chinese Representation
+11:05a–12:20p | SATURATIONS
+Moderator: Jim Sykes, Assistant Professor of Music
+Anwar Akrouk, CAS, 2015; HistoryThe Last Jihad: Arab Nationalism, the Fall of the Ottoman Empire, and Minorities
+Danielle Kerker, CAS, 2015; History""The Implacable Surge of History"": Investigating Jewish Activism in Atlanta During the Civil Rights Movement
+Abigail Koffler, CAS, 2015; History 'He too has a right to be educated': Inclusion and Identity in Ecuador's Indigenous Movement, 1927-2009
+Kimberly Kolor, CAS, 2015; Religious Studies, South Asia StudiesColor-coding the Margins: Personal & Public Beautification and Community Identity in Eastern Sri Lanka
+12:30–1:30p | Lunch
+1:45–3:00p | DIFFRACTIONS
+Moderator: John L. Jackson, Jr., Dean, School of Social Policy & Practice; Richard Perry University Professor; Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professor
+Jose Romero, CAS, 2015; AnthropologySensing Inhumanity: Brownness at the Limits of the Political in Washington
+Brendan Van Gorder, CAS, 2015; Political Science, SociologyHow Sight Creates Prejudice: The Marketing and Protesting of Brazil's 11:05 World Cup
+Melanie White, CAS, 2015; Cultural AnthroplogyAs Long as You're a Black Wo/man You're an African: Creole Diasporic Politics in the Age of Mestizo Nationalism
+3:00–3:30p | CLOSING REMARKS
+Kimberly Kolor and Jose Romero, Steering Committee and Mellon Research Fellows, UHF",3:30pm,,"Kislak Center, 6th floor, Van Pelt Library",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,9:00am,,Color Matters,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/color-matters,27-03-2015
+"May 7, 2019 - 4:30pm","Join on Tuesday May 7 at 4:30 (room TBD) for an end-of-year reception to celebrate this year's accomplishments by our students in the area of performance!
+Ensemble directors and performance instructors of spring '19 will be present. We'll take the opportunity to celebrate the 25 years of service at Penn of Gwyn Roberts, thanking her for all that she has done for the Baroque and the Recorder Ensembles, and more. Finally, we'll announce the 2019-20 Theme of the Year: Migrations.
+Faculty and staff are welcome.",,,,Department of Music,,4:30pm,,A Celebration of Performance,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/music/events/celebration-performance,07-05-2019
+19 May 2019 - 10:00am to 12:00pm,"The Annenberg School for Communication is pleased to invite graduating seniors, along with their friends and family, to its Communication Major Graduation Ceremony on May 19, 2019.
+At this ceremony, which takes place the day prior to the University Commencement on Franklin Field, we celebrate the graduation of Penn's Communication Majors with the distribution of certificates and awards. The event also includes short speeches by several undergraduates, and an address from a distinguished alumnus. This year, Dylan Hewitt (C'14, G'15), Director of Intergovernmental Relations for New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, will speak.
+**Students must RSVP for the ceremony by May 15.**
+The times and locations on May 19 are as follows:
+10-11am: Ceremony
+Zellerbach Theater, Annenberg Center for The Performing Arts
+3680 Walnut Street, Philadelphia
+11am - Noon: Reception
+The Agora, Annenberg Public Policy Center
+202 South 36th Street, Philadelphia
+Students should arrive at the Zellerbach theater by 9:40 a.m. There will be assigned seating on stage. Attire for students is business professional. Academic regalia is not worn for this ceremony.
+Tickets are not required, and seating will be available on a first come basis. Ushers will be available to direct guests in wheelchairs or with limited mobility to accessible seating.
+Please click here to view frequently asked questions.",12:00pm,,Location: Philadelphia,Annenberg School of Communication,,10:00am,,2019 Communication Major Graduation Ceremony,https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/events/2019-communication-major-graduation-ceremony,19-05-2019
+,"Courses Offered During Summer Session 1: May 28 - July 3
+COMM 125: Communication Behavior (Pawel Popiel and Celeste M. Wagner)
+This course introduces students to exploring communication and behavior, with a focus on mass and social media processes and effects. Topics include: the influence of social media on social relationships; the effects of biased media representations of social groups; the emotional experiences underlying the consumption of media, including for mood management; the political economy of the media industries; the political role and impact of the news media; the social and political impact of social media use; and other current topics. The aim of the course is to provide students with (1) a general understanding of research design and methods for the study of communication, and (2) the basic conceptual tools needed to critically evaluate the findings, assumptions, theories, and methods examining communication behavior and media effects. The class will survey social scientific, critical, and cultural studies approaches to understanding communication and media processes, and their broader social implications. Students who take this course will acquire the tools to better understand and conceptualize issues and problems related to communication, and mass and social media prevalent today.
+COMM 225: Children and Media (Leeann Siegel)
+This course examines children's relationship to media in its historic, economic, political, and social contexts. The class explores the ways in which ""childhood"" is created and understood as a time of life that is qualitatively unique and socially constructed over time. It continues with a review of various theories of child development as they inform children's relationship with and understanding of media. It next reviews public policies designed to empower parents and limit children's exposure to potentially problematic media content and simultaneously considers the economic forces that shape what children see and buy. The course concludes with a critical examination of research on the impact of media on children's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. Students in this course produce a prototype for an educational children's media property as their capstone project.
+COMM 290: Visual Culture and Communication (Jasmine Erdener and Hanna E. Morris)
+This course will introduce students to foundational aspects of visual communication theory and practice with particular attention to contemporary culture in the United States. Course readings will engage with critical questions of power, representation and ways of seeing in an increasingly globalized and digitally mediated context. Class discussions will unpack the power dynamics and visual regimes of race, gender, class, and citizenship. Historical case studies will supplement contemporary discussions of the visual. A key theme of this course will be creative forms of subversion and resistance—or, the “image politics” of visual communication. This course will be grounded in the everyday and will draw upon current events and contemporary controversies. Students will become well versed in the study and practice of visual communication—with the option of producing a final creative visual project or critical critique depending on students’ interests.
+Courses Offered During Summer Session 2: July 5 - August 9
+COMM 130: Media Industries and Society (Lauren Bridges and Diami Virgilio)
+The aim of this course is to prepare you to work in the media business as well as to be an informed citizen by acquainting you with the work and language of media practitioners. The class also investigates the exciting, and (to some employed there) scary changes taking place in the news and publishing industry, the advertising industry, the movie industry, and several other areas of the media system. In doing that, the course ranges over economic, political, legal, historical, and ""cultural"" considerations that shape what we see when we go online, use social media, watch TV, read books, play video games, and more. You'll never look at media the same way again.
+COMM 339: Critical Perspectives in Journalism (Jennifer R. Henrichsen)
+Journalists and the role of journalism in democratic societies is frequently in the headlines and of increasing importance to our national debate. This course will draw from the headlines and key scholars to provide undergraduate students with a critical understanding of and orientation toward journalism. Students will read theoretical selections and commentary by and about journalists. Students will analyze and contextualize readings related to current events. Specific attention will be paid to the changing roles of journalists amidst significant technological and political change. A comparative lens of journalism in different cultural contexts will also occur. Students will engage with different models of journalistic practice; changing norms, values, sourcing practices; and journalism ethics. Class will comprise of lecture, discussion, and engagement with various forms of news media, including articles and documentaries. The majority of class will be a structured seminar in which students will discuss the required readings within the context of current events and the overarching context of the class. Students should come to each class prepared to discuss, ask questions, and engage in constructive ways with their fellow students and their instructor.
+Courses Offered During 11-Week Session: May 21 - August 3
+COMM 290: The Internet: Then, Now, and Right Now (Ryan Tsapatsaris)
+Through a series of case-studies, this course will seek to answer the questions “how do people behave online” and “when and how are online behaviors specific or universal”. The course will primarily focus on contemporary behaviors in spaces like YouTube, Facebook, (Black) Twitter, Grindr, Tinder, Myspace, and MMORPGs (World of Warcraft) along with a brief analysis of the early web spaces of the 1970s-1990s. It will also explore cultural production, such as memes, and other user-generated content. In the final weeks of the course, we will examine contemporary Internet happenings from Summer 2019 and investigate how current behaviors are similar and dissimilar from historical practices. While previous familiarity with various Internet spaces will be helpful, this course is meant as a primer, and as such, will make no assumptions about students’ prior knowledge of the myriad sites being analyzed. That being said, students will be encouraged to discuss spaces they engage with online that may not appear in the assigned readings.
+COMM 491: Communications Internship (Susan Haas)
+A scholarly counterpart for students' internships in various communication-related organizations. Through individually-selected readings, class discussion and individual conferences, students develop their own independent research agendas which investigate aspects of their internship experience or industry. In written field notes and a final paper, students combine communication theory and practice in pursuit of their individual questions. Class date and time to be determined by enrolled students schedules. (Requires approval of Undergraduate Office)",,,Location: Philadelphia,Annenberg School of Communication,,,,2019 Annenberg Summer Courses,https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/events/2019-annenberg-summer-courses,
+,"The World Bank-Annenberg Summer Institute is designed for leaders, strategists, and advisors who want to strengthen the critical communication skills required to support change agents and reform initiatives in developing countries.
+This year, we are offering a one-week course tailored for senior level executives who want to learn the most recent advances in strategic communication and best practices for reform. We also will offer a second week that includes specialized sessions for capacity building, executing campaigns, and building communication metrics to measure reform.
+The course will be taught by leading experts acrpss the World Bank Group, the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California, and the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.
+Click here to download a flyer about the program.
+Program Benefits
+Interpreting and using political analysis
+Crafting multi-stakeholder collaboration and network building strategies to support reform
+Developing strategic communication skills that lead to development results
+Leveraging social/digital media tools and analytics effectively
+Building communication metrics to measure reform
+Connecting with a global network of development professionals working on initiatives in the public, private, and non-profit sectors
+Who Should Apply?
+The course is intended for professionals working on reform initiatives around the world including: strategists, government advisors, senior development practitioners, communication professionals, social entrepreneurs and executives who want to build leadership capacity and effect change.
+Successful applicants will possess:
+A minimum 10 to 15 years of professional experience with a focus on multi-stakeholder engagement
+A masters degree or equivalent in communication, public affairs, political science, international relations, economics, or related field
+Fluency in spoken and written English
+How to Apply
+Please visit the institute's website and fill out the 2019 application form. A Selection Committee will review applications and notify those accepted via email. Space is limited.
+Registration Fee
+Registration includes daily instruction, meals during sessions, and site visit to a leading public affairs, media, or advertising firm. The fee does not include airfare, lodging, or other living expenses. For more information on program and fees, see the program’s website or the attached flyer.",,,"Location: University of Southern California, Los Angeles",Annenberg School of Communication,,,,World Bank-Annenberg Summer Institute 2019,https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/events/world-bank-annenberg-summer-institute,
+26 Aug 2019 - 11:00am to 12:00pm,"The Annenberg School Convocation Ceremony will be held on Monday, August 26 at 11:00am. Dean John L. Jackson, Jr. will welcome incoming graduate students, faculty, scholars, and staff and give the annual presentation on the state of the school.",12:00pm,,Location: Annenberg School,Annenberg School of Communication,,11:00am,,Annenberg School Convocation 2019,https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/events/annenberg-school-convocation-2019,26-08-2019
+"Saturday, September 08, 2018, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM",,5:00 PM,,"Event Location:
+Class of 1978 Pavillion Kislak CenterVan Pelt Library, 6th Floor",Department of Religious Studies,,9:30 AM,,Unstable Archives: A Workshop on Gender and Digital Humanities in South Asia,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/events/unstable-archives,08-09-2018
+"Thursday, November 02, 2017, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM",,9:00 PM,,"Event Location:
+Cohen 254 (Religious/ Classical Studies Lounge)",Department of Religious Studies,,7:00 PM,,RELS PSCO: THINKING WITH ANCIENT ANIMALS,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/events/2017/nov/rels-psco-thinking-ancient-animals,02-11-2017
+"Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM",,6:00 PM,,"Event Location:
+Lightbulb CafeWorld Cafe Live3025 Walnut StreetPhiladelphia PA 19104",Department of Religious Studies,,4:00 PM,,What Standing Rock Protests Can Teach us about Climate Change Advocacy,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/events/2017/jun/what-standing-rock-protests-can-teach-us-about-climate-change-advocacy,13-06-2017
+"Thursday, April 20, 2017, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM",,6:00 PM,,"Event Location:
+Kislak Center, Class of 1978 Pavillion Room 6th Floor, Van Pelt Library 3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104",Department of Religious Studies,,4:00 PM,,"2017 Boardman Symposium: Sanctuary: A Public Conversation on Religion, Immigration, and Contested Spaces",https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/events/2017/apr/2017-boardman-sanctuary,20-04-2017
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,On and Off the Derech: Turning Towards and Away from Ultra-Orthodox Judaism: A Family Story,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2017/mar/Donald_Weber,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,CAS ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/oct/cas-annual-symposium,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,CAS Grad Conference- Spring 2017,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/oct/cas-grad-conference-spring-2017,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,"Religion & Violence, Spring 2017",https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/oct/religion-violence-spring-2017,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Penn Journal of Religious Studies- Call for Applications,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/sep/penn-journal-religious-studies-call-applications,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Religious Studies Undergraduate Society,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/sep/religious-studies-undergraduate-society,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Professor Justin McDaniel launches the Digital Library of Ancient Thai Manuscripts Project!,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/apr/digital-library-manuscripts-project,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,"Prof. McDaniel among 34st Street's ""Penn's Best Professors""",https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2015/jul/prof-mcdaniel-among-34st-streets-penns-best-professors,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Prof. Elias on opposition to images of Muhammad in Islam,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2015/jul/prof-elias-opposition-images-muhammad-islam,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Prof. Butler in the Washington Post,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2015/jul/prof-butler-washington-post,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Prof. Weitzman reflects on his first year as Katz Center director,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2015/jul/prof-weitzman-reflects-his-first-year-katz-center-director,
+"Wednesday, April 4, 2018 - 10:00am","If you are interested in higher education policy and/or international higher education, please join us at 10 AM on 04/04/2018 @ 3819 Chestnut Street, Conf. Rm. 102 for this great a talk by Tobias Schultze-Cleven. The entire AHEAD team will be present, so we are looking for a stimulating discussion!
+Please download a copy of the flyer and help us spread the word!",,,"St. Leonard's Court, 3819 Chestnut Street, Conference Room 102",Penn AHEAD,,10:00am,,Liberalizing Higher Education: Competition and Control in the United States and Germany,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/liberalizing-higher-education-competition-and-control-united-states-and-germany,04-04-2018
+,"See the Agenda | See Photos of the Conference
+An emerging body of research begins to shed light on various aspects of college promise programs (including free tuition programs), but too little is known about the full range of program outcomes, or the ideal structure and design of programs serving different groups of students in different sectors of higher education in different communities, regions, and states.
+This research conference, to be held October 19-20, 2017 on the University of Pennsylvania campus, is designed to stimulate production of a set of papers that collectively address the following questions:
+What are the characteristics of students who participate in promise programs? How do characteristics of participating students vary based on program characteristics?
+What are the outcomes of promise programs for participating students?
+What are the outcomes of promise programs for other stakeholders, including K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and communities?
+How do program outcomes for students and other stakeholders vary based on program characteristics?
+Conference Organizer: Laura Perna (University of Pennsylvania)Conference Planning Committee: Martha Kanter (Civic Nation); Mary Rauner (REL West)
+This research conference is supported by a grant from the Education Research Conferences Program of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).",,,University of Pennsylvania,Penn AHEAD,,,,Improving Research-Based Knowledge of College Promise Programs,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/improving-research-based-knowledge-college-promise-programs,
+"Friday, May 6, 2016 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm","Join Penn AHEAD and The Netter Center for the fifth and final session on the role of higher educational and anchor institutions in promoting college and career readiness of high school students in Philadelphia. This session features Alexandrea Robinson- Rogers, College and Career Readiness, School District of Philadelphia; Glenn Bryan, The University of Pennsylvania; Larry Eichel, The Pew Charitable Trusts; Elaine Leigh and Ed Smith, The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education.
+The panel is facilitated by Laura Perna, James S. Riepe Professor, The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education; and Cory Bowman, Associate Director, The Netter Center for Community Partnerships.
+Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Janeé Franklin: janeef@upenn.edu.
+To view the presentations from this session, please click below:
+Larry Eichel, The Pew Charitable Trusts: The State of the City
+Glenn Bryan, The University of Pennsylvania: Economic Inclusion Program Overview
+Elaine Leigh and Ed Smith, The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education: University-Community Partnerships: Food for Thought",2:00pm,,"Graduate School of Education, 3700 Walnut Street, Room 200",Penn AHEAD,,12:00pm,,How Can Higher Education and Anchor Institutions Work with High Schools to Advance Employment and College and Career Readiness for Philadelphia Youth? The final session of a five-session seminar.,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/how-can-higher-education-and-anchor-institutions-work-high-schools-advance-employment-and-1,06-05-2016
+"Monday, September 26, 2016 - 8:30am to 3:30pm",,3:30pm,,Turnbull Conference Center,Penn AHEAD,,8:30am,,Florida State University College of Education's 10th Annual Dean's Symposium,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/florida-state-university-college-educations-10th-annual-deans-symposium,26-09-2016
+"Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 11:00am to 12:00pm","AHEAD Executive Director Laura Perna travels to the University of Louisville to speak about the need for a comprehensive approach to improving higher education attainment. This event is part of the University of Louisville's Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational Development's speaker series.
+Click here to view event flyer.",12:00pm,,"University of Louisville, University Club, Mary Bingham Room",Penn AHEAD,,11:00am,,Improving Higher Education Attainment for All Students: The Need for a Comprehensive Approach,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/improving-higher-education-attainment-all-students-need-comprehensive-approach,31-03-2016
+"Thursday, November 5, 2015","PennAHEAD Executive Director and President of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) delivered her presidential address at the 2015 ASHE Conference. She offers a top-ten list for how ASHE research must capitalizing on their strategic advantages to ensure the value of their work to higher education policy and practice into the future.
+Read more here.",,,"2015 ASHE (Association for the Study of Higher Education) Conference in Denver, CO",Penn AHEAD,,,,Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Ten Ways to Ensure That Higher Education Research Continues to Matter,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/throwing-down-gauntlet-ten-ways-ensure-higher-education-research-continues-matter,05-11-2015
+"Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 7:00am",,,,,Penn AHEAD,,7:00am,,AERA Releases “Ed-Talk” Videos and Research Fact Sheets on Important Issues in Education and Learning,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/aera-releases-%E2%80%9Ced-talk%E2%80%9D-videos-and-research-fact-sheets-important-issues-education-and,07-09-2016
+"Friday, September 18, 2015","Penn AHEAD Executive Director Dr. Laura Perna delivered a keynote address at the 2015 Kansas-Missouri Summit on Access, Persistence and Completion in Higher Education. Dr. Perna's speech focused on the importance of closing the gaps in college-related outcomes that persist across demographic groups. For a summary of her speech, please click here.",,,University of Kansas- Edwards Campus,Penn AHEAD,,,,Improving College Access & Attainment for Diverse Populations: The Role of Higher Education Institutions,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/improving-college-access-attainment-diverse-populations-role-higher-education-institutions,18-09-2015
+"Tuesday, February 3, 2015 - 10:00am","Dr. Margaret Cahalan, Director of The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education & Vice President for Research, Council for Opportunity in Education and Dr. Laura Perna, Executive Director of Penn AHEAD shared dialogue about findings from their new report: Indicators of Higher Education in Equity in the United States: 45-Year Report.",,,"National Press Club, Washington, DC",Penn AHEAD,,10:00am,,Educational Equity in Higher Education: A National Imperative,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/educational-equity-higher-education-national-imperative,03-02-2015
+,,,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,,,,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/wires-walk-reentry-services-clinic/2019-05-07/,
+May 8,,03:30PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,02:30PM,,Dean and Students Meeting,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/dean-and-students-meeting-5/,08-05-2019
+May 14,,05:00PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,08:00AM,,Event Category: AcademicsMSW Summer Session 1 Begins,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/msw-summer-session-1-begins/,14-05-2019
+,,,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,,,,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/wires-walk-reentry-services-clinic/2019-05-14/,
+May 17,"The party under the tent is back! Fun, food favorites and live music have made this one of our most popular events. This event is open to the entire SP2 community.
+Part of Alumni Weekend 2019. Please register here.",08:30PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,05:30PM,,Event Category: SP2 EventsAll Alumni Reception,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/all-alumni-reception-3/,17-05-2019
+May 19,"Historically reserved for members of the SP2 alumni community ages 55 and over, this year’s event is open to all graduates. Enjoy great food and live jazz music at Alumni Weekend’s final event.
+Part of Alumni Weekend 2019. Please register here.",01:00PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,11:00AM,,Event Category: SP2 EventsSecond Century Society Jazz Brunch,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/second-century-society-jazz-brunch-2/,19-05-2019
+May 19,The Penn Chapter of the Association of Black Social workers proudly presents the 26th Annual Rites of Passage Ceremony.,07:00PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,04:00PM,,Event Category: Student OrganizationsRites of Passage Ceremony,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/rites-of-passage-ceremony/,19-05-2019
+May 20,,11:59PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,12:00AM,,Event Categories: AcademicsMSW Field PlacementSP2 Events2019 Commencement,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/commencement-5/,20-05-2019
+,,,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,,,,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/wires-walk-reentry-services-clinic/2019-05-21/,
+May 27,,11:59PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,12:00AM,,Event Category: AcademicsMemorial Day – No Classes or Field Placement,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/memorial-day-no-classes-or-field-placement/,27-05-2019
+9.5.18,"We are thankful for the delayed presentation on Restorative Justice & Campus Sexual Assault by Mary Koss, PhD of the University of Arizona. While Koss's career has made sweeping changes in how assault is studied, she sees the same problems with the issue as she did starting out in 1980 at Kent State.
+Preeminent expert on sexual assault for more than 25 years. Focused expertise on sexual assault response in organizations including universities, the military, and business. Proponent of thoughtful restorative justice programs for sexual assault.
+Koss authored “I Never Called It Rape: The Ms. Guide to Recognizing, Fighting and Surviving Date and Acquaintance Rape.”
+Co-Sponsored by the Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies department at the University of Pennsylvania.
+Use #KossAtPenn to discuss on Twitter.",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Mary Koss, PhD on Restorative Justice and Campus Sexual Assault - Feb. 20, 2019",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2018/09/05/save-the-date-mary-koss-phd-on-campus-sexual-assault,05-09-2018
+9.5.18,"See highlights from Rothman's presentation here.
+Based on a study Rothman conducted among high school students in 2016, the talk will explore how, in the absence of comprehensive sex education, pornography is shaping ideas about pleasure, intimacy, and power among teens. Register for this presentation by Emily Rothman, ScD of Boston University School of Public Health.
+Emily F. Rothman, ScD, is a Professor at the Boston University School of Public Health with secondary appointments at the Boston University School of Medicine in Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine. She is also a visiting scientist at the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. Dr. Rothman has authored more than 80 publications that span the areas of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, firearm violence, and pornography. She has been a PI or coinvestigator on numerous NIH and NIJ research grants and worked closely with multiple state sexual assault and domestic violence coalitions, state health departments, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on issues related to sexual assault prevention.
+Can't make it to the event? Read the feature on Emily Rothman's Porn Literacy study in the February 7, 2018 issue of New York Times Magazine.
+This event is sponsored by the following:",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Let's talk about pornography: What is learned & why it matters with Emily Rothman - Oct. 11, 2018",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2018/09/05/save-the-date-emily-rothman-scd-on-teens-internet-porn,05-09-2018
+4.5.18,"From T-Ball to the NFL
+This one-day symposium is the first university event to closely examine athletes and abuse across the spectrum of sports and ages. Leading experts, athletes, officials, and policymakers will shine a light on how to change the sports culture that puts children at risk.
+The symposium is organized around four sessions -- youth sports, high school and college athletics, elite or Olympic-level athletes, and professional sports, from the NFL and MLB to the NBA and NHL.
+8:30-9:00 Coffee & light breakfast
+9:00-9:30 Opening Remarks
+Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro
+9:45-11:00 Youth Sports
+Moderator: Sara Jaffee, Professor of Psychology, UPenn
+Steven Berkowitz, M.D., Director, Penn Center for Youth & Family Trauma, Response, and Recovery; Medical
+ Director, Pediatric Integrated Care Program, CHOP
+Patty Dailey Lewis, Esq., Executive Director, Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children
+Steve Salem, Executive Director, Cal Ripken, Sr., Foundation
+Dan Baum, Executive Director, The Redwood Groups Foundation
+11:15-12:30 High School and College Sports
+Moderator: Susan B. Sorenson, Professor of Social Policy, Executive Director, Ortner Center on Violence & Abuse in Relationships, UPenn
+Sean V. Burke, Esq., Associate General Counsel, UPenn Office of General Counsel
+Ann Coker, Ph.D., MPH, Verizon Wireless Endowed Chair, Center for Research on Violence Against Women;
+ Professor of Epidemiology, University of Kentucky
+Chris Newlin, M.S., L.P.C., Executive Director, National Children's Advocacy Center
+Mary Wilfert, M. Ed., Associate Director, NCAA Sports Science Institute
+12:30-1:30 Lunch
+1:30-2:00 Keynote Address & Book Signing
+Dominique Moceanu, 1996 Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast
+2:00-3:15 Olympic Sports
+Moderator: Marci Hamilton, Fox Professor of Practice, UPenn; CEO, CHILD USA
+Shellie Pfohl, CEO, U.S. Center for SafeSport
+Nancy Hogshead-Makar, CEO, ChampionWomen
+Han Xiao, President, USOC Athletes' Advisory Committee
+Steven Ungerleider, Ph.D., Co-Founder, Global Sports Development
+3:30-4:45 Professional Sports
+Moderator: Richard J. Gelles, Joanne and Raymond Welsh Chair of Child Welfare and Family Violence, UPenn
+Mary Pilan, Contributing writer, Bleacher Report; Bestselling author of The Monopolists
+Doug Glanville, Former MLB outfielder, Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs, Texas Rangers; Consultant,
+ Baseball Factory; Author of The Game from Where I Stand
+Arthur Pincus, Author, The Official Illustrated NHL History; Former VP of Public Relations, NHL
+5:00 - 5:30 Closing Remarks
+Andrea Kremer, Chief Correspondent for the NFL Network
+ and conveners: Richard J. Gelles, Ph.D.; Marci A. Hamilton, Esq.; Susan B. Sorenson, Ph.D.
+Presentation materials
+Coker - Bystander Training
+Wilfert - NCAA",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Athletes & Abuse Symposium - April 25, 2018",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2018/04/05/athletes-abuse-symposium-april-25-2018,05-04-2018
+1.3.18,"Join us for a special presentation on February 1, 2018 at noon in The Arch, room 108.
+Visiting scholar, Cathy Spatz Widom, PhD will present her findings and discuss the effects of long-term child abuse and neglect.
+Cindy Christian, MD of CHOP and Richard Gelles, PhD of Penn Social Policy and Practice will serve as discussants.
+This event is open to the public. Lunch is included and registration is required.
+Reserve your free ticket HERE. (space is limited)
+Special thanks to our sponsors:
+Penn Social Policy and Practice
+Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
+The Field Center for Children's Policy, Practice and Research
+Safe Place - The Center for Child Protection and Health
+The Arch, Room 108
+3601 Locust Walk
+University of Pennsylvania",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Cathy Spatz Widom on Long-Term Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect - Feb. 1, 2018",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2018/01/03/cathy-spatz-widom-ortner,03-01-2018
+11.10.17,"Giving thanks with Leslie Morgan Steiner and Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross
+11 a.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 2017
+750 Race Street (Police Headquarters), Room 314
+""For over 20 years, I've wanted to thank the two police officers who responded when I finally called for help after a particularly vicious beating by my husband. Before that night, I'd hidden the abuse to protect my husband, and because I hoped we could save our marriage. I didn't think anyone could understand how crazy it felt to be trapped in an abusive relationship. Those police officers, whose names I still don't know, understood what I was experiencing. They helped make that night the last time he assaulted me. Intervening in an abusive relationship can be dangerous, challenging work for police, advocates, family and friends. But victims usually can't leave without community intervention and support. Police who know what to say and how to help a victim reeling from abuse are invaluable. Thank you to all the police officers who respond to 911 calls from abuse victims. Your work matters. Your work saved my life.""",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Leslie Morgan Steiner: Thank You to the Police Who Helped Me Leave My Abusive Husband - Nov. 10, 2017",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2017/11/10/leslie-morgan-steiner-thank-you-to-the-police-who-helped-me-leave-my-abusive-husband,10-11-2017
+04/24/2019,"Every Wednesday through May, master world percussionist Joseph Tayoun hosts a drum circle session in the galleries. Guests are asked to bring their own drum, though a limited number will be handed out. This is a class for all ages and skill levels.",8:00PM,158437,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,6:30PM,,Drum Workshop,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/drum-workshop-0,24-04-2019
+05/06/2019,,4:00AM,158272,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Final Examinations Monday-Tuesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/final-examinations-monday-tuesday,06-05-2019
+05/07/2019,"Crown Castle, the largest provider in the U.S. of shared communications infrastructure, joins a panel of experts who will discuss the technologies that will power 5G and the Internet of Things. The discussion is timed with Philly Tech Week.",11:00AM,158549,"Pennovation Center, 3401 Grays Ferry Ave.",Penn Today Events,,9:00AM,,Future of Wireless Connectivity,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/future-wireless-connectivity,07-05-2019
+05/09/2019,Museum guests are invited to take a one-mile group stroll through the galleries as part of their morning walking routine.,9:30AM,158444,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,8:30AM,,Museum Mile,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/museum-mile-1,09-05-2019
+05/09/2019,"The Penn Program in Environmental Humanities, in collaboration with the Wolf Humanities Center and Perry World House, hosts a gathering of scientists, artists, historians, educators, and community partners for a series of lectures, roundtables, and performances that evaluate academia's role in combatting climate change.",5:30PM,158450,"Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th St.",Penn Today Events,,4:00PM,,Learning with Waters,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/learning-waters,09-05-2019
+05/10/2019,"Museum guests are invited to spend their morning coffee with Chantel White, archaeobotanical teaching specialist at Penn's Center for the Analysis of Archaeological Materials",11:00AM,158420,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,9:30AM,,Coffee with a Keeper,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/coffee-keeper-0,10-05-2019
+05/10/2019,"A semi-annual public policy symposium hosted by the Fels Institute of Government, this discussion aims to explore how public policy can be used to address the current drug crisis and prevent the next one.",4:00PM,158274,"Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics, 133 S. 36th St.",Penn Today Events,,9:00AM,,Philadelphia's Opioid Crisis,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/philadelphias-opioid-crisis,10-05-2019
+05/11/2019,This Mother's Day grave gardens guided tour explores the more than 100 gardens that cover the Victorian cemetery. The tour also covers the history of the site.,12:00PM,158512,"The Woodlands, ",Penn Today Events,,10:00AM,,Grave Garden Tour,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/grave-garden-tour,11-05-2019
+05/14/2019,,4:00AM,158275,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Spring Term Ends Tuesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/spring-term-ends-tuesday,14-05-2019
+05/16/2019,"John Gans, director of communications and research at Perry World House, talks about his new book “White House Warriors,” exploring the history of the National Security Council and how it came to be such a strong influence on American foreign policy and aggression abroad.",7:30PM,158510,"Penn Book Center, 130 S. 34th St.",Penn Today Events,,6:00PM,,White House Warriors,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/white-house-warriors,16-05-2019
+05/18/2019,,4:00AM,158299,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Alumni Day Saturday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/alumni-day-saturday,18-05-2019
+05/18/2019,"Faculty, students, and alumni present a series of 60-second lectures in this grandslam of the School of Arts and Sciences' 60-Second Lecture series. Breakfast is served. Attendees can vote for a winner.",9:30AM,158386,"Houston Hall, 3417 Spruce St.",Penn Today Events,,9:30AM,,60-Second Slam,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/60-second-slam,18-05-2019
+05/18/2019,"Penn Creative Writing Instructor Sam Apple hosts a forum to discuss how journalists are covering technology and also shaped by it in how they're reporting. Alumni journalists Mike Murphy, Arielle Pardes, and Albert Sun join the discussion.",4:00PM,158504,"Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk",Penn Today Events,,4:00PM,,Covering Tech,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/covering-tech,18-05-2019
+05/19/2019,,4:00AM,158300,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Baccalaureate Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/baccalaureate-sunday,19-05-2019
+05/20/2019,,4:00AM,158305,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Commencement Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/commencement-monday,20-05-2019
+05/20/2019,"The conferral of degrees takes place, with remarks from University officials and a speech by Bryan Stevenson, public interest lawyer and founder and executive director of The Equal Justice Initiative.",10:15AM,158207,"Franklin Field, 235 S. 33rd St.",Penn Today Events,,10:15AM,,Commencement 2019,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/commencement-2019,20-05-2019
+05/24/2019,"Cinema Studies' Will Schmenner discusses the history of 1930s B-movies, also known as independent films of the 1930s that often tackle more controversial subjects of the time period. The talk is followed by a screening of 1933 film “Damaged Lives.”",6:00PM,158490,"International House Philadelphia, 3701 Chestnut St.",Penn Today Events,,6:00PM,,B-Movies,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/b-movies,24-05-2019
+05/27/2019,,4:00AM,158308,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Memorial Day Observed (no classes) Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/memorial-day-observed-no-classes-monday,27-05-2019
+05/28/2019,,4:00AM,158306,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,11-Week Session Classes Begin,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/11-week-session-classes-begin,28-05-2019
+05/28/2019,,4:00AM,158307,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Session I Classes Begin,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/session-i-classes-begin,28-05-2019
+05/31/2019,"The Museum invites kids age 6 to 12 and their chaperones to this sleepover featuring games, a flashlight expedition, and a scavenger hunt. Guests are asked to bring their own sleeping bags.",9:00AM,158445,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,5:30PM,,40 Winks,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/40-winks,31-05-2019
+06/05/2019,"Simon Martin, lead curator of the Mexico and Central America Galleries, explains the history of the New World civilization's philosophy of the life and afterlife, according to the nuances of the ancient, multi-dimensional Mayan cosmos.",7:00PM,158205,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,6:00PM,,Great Maya Cosmos,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/great-maya-cosmos,05-06-2019
+07/03/2019,,4:00AM,158309,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Session I Classes End Wednesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/session-i-classes-end-wednesday,03-07-2019
+07/04/2019,,4:00AM,158311,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Independence Day Observed (no classes),https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/independence-day-observed-no-classes,04-07-2019
+07/05/2019,,4:00AM,158310,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Session II Classes Begin Friday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/session-ii-classes-begin-friday,05-07-2019
+08/09/2019,,4:00AM,158312,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Session II & 11-Week Session Classes End Friday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/session-ii-11-week-session-classes-end-friday,09-08-2019
+08/21/2019,,4:00AM,158313,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Move-in for First-Year & Transfer Students Wednesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/move-first-year-transfer-students-wednesday,21-08-2019
+08/21/2019,,4:00AM,158315,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,New Student Orientation Wednesday-Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/new-student-orientation-wednesday-monday,21-08-2019
+08/26/2019,,4:00AM,158316,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Opening Exercises and Freshman Convocation Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/opening-exercises-and-freshman-convocation-monday,26-08-2019
+08/27/2019,,4:00AM,158317,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,First Day of Classes Tuesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/first-day-classes-tuesday,27-08-2019
+09/02/2019,,4:00AM,158318,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Labor Day (no classes) Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/labor-day-no-classes-monday,02-09-2019
+09/16/2019,,4:00AM,158319,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Course Selection Period Ends Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/course-selection-period-ends-monday,16-09-2019
+10/07/2019,,4:00AM,158321,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Drop Period Ends Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/drop-period-ends-monday,07-10-2019
+10/10/2019,,4:00AM,158320,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Fall Term Break Thursday-Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/fall-term-break-thursday-sunday,10-10-2019
+10/14/2019,,4:00AM,158322,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Classes Resume Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/classes-resume-monday,14-10-2019
+10/28/2019,,5:00AM,158324,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Advance Registration for Spring Term Monday-Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/advance-registration-spring-term-monday-sunday,28-10-2019
+11/01/2019,,4:00AM,158323,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Family Weekend Friday-Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/family-weekend-friday-sunday,01-11-2019
+11/08/2019,,5:00AM,158325,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Last Day to Withdraw From a Course Friday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/last-day-withdraw-course-friday-0,08-11-2019
+11/09/2019,,5:00AM,158326,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Homecoming Saturday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/homecoming-saturday,09-11-2019
+11/26/2019,,5:00AM,158331,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Thurs-Fri Class Schedule on Tue-Wed,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/thurs-fri-class-schedule-tue-wed,26-11-2019
+11/28/2019,,5:00AM,158332,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Thanksgiving Break Thursday-Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/thanksgiving-break-thursday-sunday,28-11-2019
+12/02/2019,,5:00AM,158333,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Classes Resume Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/classes-resume-monday-0,02-12-2019
+12/09/2019,,5:00AM,158334,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Last Day of Classes Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/last-day-classes-monday,09-12-2019
+12/10/2019,,5:00AM,158335,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Reading Days Tuesday-Wednesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/reading-days-tuesday-wednesday,10-12-2019
+12/12/2019,,5:00AM,158336,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Final Examinations Thursday-Thursday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/final-examinations-thursday-thursday,12-12-2019
+12/19/2019,,5:00AM,158337,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Fall Term Ends Thursday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/fall-term-ends-thursday,19-12-2019
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+"Tuesday, April 30, 2019 - 11:30am","Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryDiscovering dynamic states of neural populationsNeural responses and behavior are influenced by internal brain states, such as arousal or task context. Ongoing variations of these internal states affect global patterns of neural activity, giving rise to apparent variability of neural responses under the same experimental conditions. Uncovering dynamics of internal states from data proved difficult with traditional techniques based on trial-averaged responses of single neurons. In this talk, I will describe our recent work leveraging multi-electrode neural activity recordings and computational models to reveal internal-state dynamics of neural populations during perception and goal-directed behavior. I will show how endogenous fluctuations of ensemble neural activity in the primate visual cortex depend on the global arousal and selective attention. The spatiotemporal structure of these fluctuations accounts for correlated variability across cortical layers and columns. I will then present a broadly applicable, non-parametric framework for discovering neural population dynamics directly from the data without a priori model assumptions. The framework uncovers dynamic computations from large-scale neural recordings with single-neuron, single-spike resolution.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Tatiana Engel,11:30 AM,,Discovering dynamic states of neural populations,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-tatiana-engel,30-04-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Tuesday, April 16, 2019 - 11:30am","Institute of NeuroscienceNational Yang-Ming UniversityProbability estimation and its neurocomputational substratesMany decisions we make depend on how we evaluate potential outcomes and estimate their probabilities of occurrence. Outcome valuation is subjective – it requires consulting the decision maker’s internal preferences and is sensitive to context. Probability estimation is also subjective – but requires the decision maker to first extract statistics from the environment before using them to estimate probability. Currently, it is unclear whether the two computations share similar algorithms and neural-algorithmic implementations.I will present our recent work on context-dependent probability estimation, which we identified both similarities and differences in computational mechanisms between valuation and probability estimation. I will also talk about work on modeling probability estimation as Bayesian inference, which focuses on examining how and how well people estimate probability of reward in the presence of prior and likelihood information. Here we found suboptimal performance similar to base-rate neglect, which surprisingly is robust across a wide variety of setups that try to eliminate this behavior. Together, these results suggest many interesting aspects of probability estimation that have yet to be fully understood at the behavioral, computational, and neural algorithmic levels.Bio: I obtained my PhD (2008) from New York University working on representations and use of probability information in decision making under risk with Larry Maloney. As a postdoc (Caltech, 2008-2010), with Antonio Rangel, we investigated neural mechanisms for sequential information integration and context-dependent valuation. I am currently an Associate Professor in the Institute of Neuroscience at National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan where my lab studies the neural and computational mechanisms of decision making.",12:30 PM,,Barchi Library (140 John Morgan Building),Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Shih-Wei Wu,11:30 AM,,Probability estimation and its neurocomputational substrates,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-shih-wei-wu,16-04-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Tuesday, April 9, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of Biological SciencesUSCUnderstanding how inhibitory circuits in the thalamus contribute to visionThe thalamus is often viewed as a gatekeeper, relaying sensory signals to the cortex during waking and halting their flow during sleep. While true, this is an impoverished description. Our work explores how circuits in the visual thalamus contribute to sensory processing per se. Although thalamocortical cells make few local connections, they are embedded in two dense inhibitory networks. First, local interneurons supply feedforward inhibition; second, neurons in the visual sector of the thalamic reticular nucleus (a thin sheet of gabaergic cells that cloak the thalamus) provide feedback inhibition. We use anatomical, physiological and computational tools to understand how each inhibitory network operates and we compare results across species to resolve evolutionarily conserved aspects of thalamic structure and function.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Judith Hirsch,11:30 AM,,Understanding how inhibitory circuits in the thalamus contribute to vision,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-judith-hirsch,09-04-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Tuesday, April 2, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of NeurobiologyHarvard UniversityCortical dynamics for flexible navigation decisionsWe study flexible sensorimotor decision-making in mice during navigation-based tasks in virtual reality. I will present approaches to study this topic using analyses of population dynamics from calcium imaging movies, optogenetic perturbations, and measurements of behavioral variability. We have developed behavioral tasks in which mice integrate internally-stored contextual information, in the form of short-term memories, with sensory cues to guide navigation choices. We have used unbiased methods to identify regions of the mouse cortex involved in these tasks, leading to a particular focus on posterior parietal cortex, retrosplenial cortex, and V1. I will present findings that parietal and retrosplenial areas use mixed representations of sensory and contextual information to generate navigational trajectories toward rewarded goal locations. I will discuss potential decision-related roles for these cortical regions for mapping sensory and internal information onto navigational actions.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Chris Harvey,11:30 AM,,Cortical dynamics for flexible navigation decisions,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-chris-harvey,02-04-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Tuesday, March 26, 2019 - 11:30am","Clélia de Mulatier
+Department of Physics and AstronomyUniversity of PennsylvaniaAnalyzing Binary Datasets with Spin Models: the Search for Simple ModelsAbstract forthcoming",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),,11:30 AM,,Analyzing Binary Datasets with Spin Models: the Search for Simple Models,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-cl%C3%A9lia-de-mulatier,26-03-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Tuesday, March 19, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of Mathematics and Statistics Swarthmore CollegeReconstruction of Sparse Connectivity and Stimuli in Neuronal Networks Using Compressive Sensing of Network DynamicsSparsity is a fundamental characteristic of numerous biological, social, and technological networks. Neuronal network connectivity demonstrates sparsity on multiple spatial scales and natural stimuli typically also possess sparse representations in appropriate domains. In this talk, we address the role of sparsity in the efficient encoding of network structure and inputs through nonlinear neuronal network dynamics. We develop a theoretical framework for reconstructing sparse network data by leveraging compressive sensing theory and the linearity of input-output mappings commonly underlying neuronal dynamics. Addressing the theoretical and experimental challenges in measuring structural network connectivity, we reconstruct model neuronal network connections using the evoked dynamics in response to a small ensemble of random stimuli. Using the reconstructed connectivity matrix, we then accurately recover detailed network inputs distinct from the random input ensemble. Analyzing several receptive field models, we investigate how the accuracy of input reconstructions depends on the network architecture, and demonstrate that the center-surround structure common in the early visual system facilitates marked improvements in natural scene processing well beyond the uniformly-random connectivity typical in compressive sensing theory. However, we show that the spatial localization inherent in receptive fields combined with information loss introduced by nonlinear neuronal dynamics may underlie deficiencies in processing specific classes of non-natural stimuli, yielding a novel explanation for the manifestation of certain illusory effects. We expect this talk will provide a new perspective for understanding compressive encoding in sensory systems as well as the structure-function relationship in neuronal networks.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Victor Barranca,11:30 AM,,Reconstruction of Sparse Connectivity and Stimuli in Neuronal Networks Using Compressive Sensing of Network Dynamics,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-victor-barranca,19-03-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Tuesday, March 12, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of NeuroscienceUniversity of PennsylvaniaThe caudate nucleus and reward-biased visual decisionsDecision making is a complex process that interprets sensory information within the context of reward contingency, task goal and intrinsic bias, etc. How and where this process is implemented in the brain remain unclear. The basal ganglia have been shown to contribute causally to reward-based economic decisions and to noisy sensory evidence-based perceptual decisions, leading to the hypothesis that sensory and reward information may be combined within the basal ganglia to support decision formation. In my talk, I will present our new results on how the caudate nucleus encodes combined signals at the single-neuron level and how disruption of caudate activity influences decision performance. These results further support the idea that the basal ganglia are a key player in the complex decision process.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Long Ding,11:30 AM,,The caudate nucleus and reward-biased visual decisions,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-long-ding-0,12-03-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Tuesday, February 26, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of Psychological and Brain SciencesComputational Memory and Perception LabUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstBanishing Ghosts of Process from the Neural Machinery of Human Memory: A Representational Hierarchical Account of CognitionIn cognitive neuroscience, mental processes or cognitive functions have often served as labels for characterizing the functional division of labor in cortex. For example, distinct neuroanatomical substrates have been proposed for declarative memory versus perceptual learning, short-term versus long-term memory, and familiarity versus recollection. I will present theoretical and empirical work, including connectionist simulations, behavioral studies and fMRI data, that challenges process-based accounts of memory and visual cognition. Instead, I will argue that the ventral visual stream and medial temporal lobe (MTL) can be understood in terms of a hierarchy of representations – from simple features in V1, through feature-conjunctions in inferior temporal cortex, to complex conjunctions of items and context in MTL. Under this view, the processes that operate upon the representations to produce a behavioral output – e.g., “pattern completion” to produce recall of a memory – can occur anywhere along the hierarchy.The studies I will present demonstrate how a single brain region can support more than one cognitive process (visual discrimination and recognition memory); that a cognitive process (recollection) previously thought tied to one brain region (hippocampus) can also unfold elsewhere; and that this “Representational-Hierarchical” framework makes accurate predictions for the organization of representations within the ventral visual stream, and for the effects of aging on recognition memory. This suggests that it may be possible to banish the ghosts of process from the neural machinery of memory, and explain the neuroanatomical organization of cognition in terms of representations alone.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Rosie Cowell,11:30 AM,,Banishing Ghosts of Process from the Neural Machinery of Human Memory: A Representational Hierarchical Account of Cognition,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-rosie-cowell,26-02-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Tuesday, February 19, 2019 - 11:30am","Department of NeurologyUniversity of PennsylvaniaWhen nano meets neuro: high-resolution interfaces for multimodal mapping neural circuit dynamicUnraveling neural processes underlying cognition, sensation, volitional movement, neurological and neuromuscular diseases requires decoding the activity of millions of neurons at millisecond resolution, over months to years and without inducing foreign-body reactions. These requirements exceed the capabilities of available neurotechnologies: non-invasive clinical tools provide coarse, indirect measurements of collective neural network behavior, but they fail to identify the microcircuits underlying function and disease. Implantable metal and silicon electrodes can directly interface with individual neurons, but suffer from poor longevity and invasiveness issues. Genetically-encoded tools for optically monitoring and manipulating neural activity, are beginning to reveal the brain’s wiring, but alone they provide sparse information on “fast” circuit activity and network connectivity.In this talk I will discuss how nanoscale materials can be engineered into high-resolution, minimally invasive, multimodal neuroelectronic interfaces, designed to seamlessly interface with and control the activity of neural circuits. In the first part of the talk I will present high-resolution, low noise microelectrodes based on MXene nanomaterials. I will illustrate the fundamental electrochemical properties of MXene nanomaterials compared to conventional metals and how these translate into significant impedance and noise reduction when MXenes are integrated into cellular-scale devices. I will then present two examples of custom-fabricated MXene microelectrodes optimized for neural recordings in different areas of the brain. In the second part of the talk I will introduce flexible, transparent graphene optoelectronic devices engineered to simultaneously acquire electrophysiology and functional calcium imaging data. I will present the fabrication process yielding functional electrodes with >90% broadband transparency and demonstrate their application in multimodal mapping seizure dynamics at high-spatiotemporal resolution, in vivo in animal models of epilepsy.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Flavia Vitale,11:30 AM,,When nano meets neuro: high-resolution interfaces for multimodal mapping neural circuit dynamic,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-flavia-vitale,19-02-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Thursday, February 14, 2019 - 11:30am","Auditory Neurophysiology LaboratoryUniversity of SalamancaEmergence of deviance detection along the auditory neuroaxis and beyond: A neuronal correlate for predictive coding?The soundscape consists of a cacophony of multiple sources of sounds with complex properties overlapping temporally and spectrally. Nonetheless, what we can hear is an orderly acoustic stream organised according to sources and auditory objects, allowing us to distinguish deviant or novel events and select some sources or objects for further processing. Recent evidence suggests that these perceptual achievements are based on properties that are encoded at earlier stages of the auditory pathway.Stimulus-specific adaptation (SSA) is the reduction in the responses to a common sound relative to the same sound when rare. It was originally described in the primary auditory cortex (A1) as the neuronal correlate of the mismatch negativity (MMN), an important component of the auditory event-related potentials that is elicited by changes in the auditory environment. However, the relationship between SSA and the MMN is still a subject of debate. The MMN is a mid-late potential (~150-200 ms in humans), and its neural sources have been located mainly within non-primary auditory cortex in humans and animal models. Moreover, SSA is also present as early as in the auditory midbrain and thalamus (IC and MGB).In this talk, I will show our recent findings on recordings from single neurons in the IC, MGB and auditory cortex (AC) of anaesthetized rats and awake mouse to an oddball paradigm similar to that used for MMN studies. Our data demonstrate that most neurons in the non-lemnical divisions of the auditory brain show strong SSA and that there is a hierarchical emergence of prediction error signals along the central auditory system. We have also observed that although GABAergic and/or glycinergic inhibition play a role in modulating SSA in the IC and MGB, it is acetylcholine that shapes SSA by differently affecting the response to the standard or deviant tones sounds only. More recently, we have also started to record from prefrontal cortex and observed that neurons show the highest degree of prediction error along the auditory hierarchy.Taken together our results unify three coexisting views of perceptual deviance detection at different levels of description: neuronal physiology, cognitive neuroscience and the theoretical predictive coding framework.Financial support was provided by the Spanish MINECO (Grant # SAF2016-75803-P), Junta de Castilla y León (Grant # SA023P17) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 722098” to MSM.",12:30 PM,,"Barchi Library, 140 John Morgan Building",Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI),Manuel Malmierca,11:30 AM,,Emergence of deviance detection along the auditory neuroaxis and beyond: A neuronal correlate for predictive coding?,https://cni.upenn.edu/events/cni-seminar-manuel-malmierca,14-02-2019,11:30:00,12:30:00
+2019-05-07,"Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
+Event website: libwww.freelibrary.org/calendar/event/83359
+Cost: FREE",8:30 PM,,"Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
+",English Department,,7:30 PM,,"Free Library of Philadelphia: Reading with Lorene Cary, ""Ladysitting: My Year with Nana at the End of Her Century""",https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/07/free-library-philadelphia-reading-lorene-cary-ladysitting-my-year-nana-end-her,07-05-2019,19:30:00,20:30:00
+2019-05-08,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135
+Orchid Tierney will be giving a talk based on her completed dissertation on Wednesday, May 8 at 11 am in FBH Faculty Lounge. The title of her dissertation is Materials Poetics: Landfills and Waste Management in Contemporary Literature and Media. The talk will be followed by a discussion. Immediately after the discussion, we will celebrate Orchid getting her PhD and congratulate her on being appointed to a tenure-track position at Kenyon College, where she will be moving shortly.",1:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135
+",English Department,,11:00 AM,,Orchid Tierney Dissertation Talk and Celebration,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/08/orchid-tierney-dissertation-talk-and-celebration,08-05-2019,11:00:00,13:00:00
+2019-05-08,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 330 (Grad Lounge)
+Graduate students are invited to attend this important information session with Professor Dagmawi Woubshet, especially if you are planning on going on the job market next year (or applying for post-docs).",1:30 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 330 (Grad Lounge)
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Job Placement Meeting,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/08/job-placement-meeting,08-05-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+2019-05-15,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 135 (Faculty Lounge)
+Public Portion from 10:30-12pm.
+Celebration Toast from 12-1pm.",1:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 135 (Faculty Lounge)
+",English Department,,10:30 AM,,"Dissertation Defense: Chris Mustazza, ""Speech labs: Language experiments, early poetry audio archives, and the poetic record""",https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/15/dissertation-defense-chris-mustazza-speech-labs-language-experiments-early-poetry,15-05-2019,10:30:00,13:00:00
+2019-05-18,"with Mike Murphy, Arielle Pardes, and Albert Sun; hosted by Sam Apple
+Arts Cafe, Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk
+sponsored by: the Povich Journalism Program
+hosted by: Sam Apple
+rsvp: whalumniweekend@writing.upenn.edu or (215) 746-POEM",5:00 PM,,"Arts Cafe, Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk
+",English Department,,4:00 PM,,Covering Tech in the Digital Age,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/18/covering-tech-digital-age,18-05-2019,16:00:00,17:00:00
+2019-05-20,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, 2nd floor reception area
+Please join us and celebrate our graduating English and Cinema Studies seniors at the Post-Commencement Toast for Cinema Studies Program and English Department. Families and friends are welcome. We want to meet them!
+Delicious food, chocolate-covered strawberries, and champagne! Join us to toast our Graduating English and Cinema Studies Seniors!",1:30 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, 2nd floor reception area
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,2019 Graduation Reception for Cinema & Media Studies and English Graduating Seniors,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/05/20/2019-graduation-reception-cinema-media-studies-and-english-graduating-seniors,20-05-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+2019-07-22,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135",5:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge, room 135
+",English Department,,3:00 PM,,Natalie Amleshi’s Dissertation Defense,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/07/22/natalie-amleshi%E2%80%99s-dissertation-defense,22-07-2019,15:00:00,17:00:00
+2019-08-27,Faculty Offices,4:00 PM,,"Faculty Offices
+",English Department,,10:00 AM,,Graduate 50 Book Exams and Welcome Back,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/08/27/graduate-50-book-exams-and-welcome-back,27-08-2019,10:00:00,16:00:00
+2019-08-27,Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge (room 135),2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge (room 135)
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Graduate Orientation Luncheon ,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/08/27/graduate-orientation-luncheon,27-08-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+2019-08-27,Graduate Lounge,9:00 PM,,"Graduate Lounge
+",English Department,,5:00 PM,,Graduate 50-Book Exam Party,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/08/27/graduate-50-book-exam-party,27-08-2019,17:00:00,21:00:00
+2019-09-04,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate 50 Book Exams Reports due to Ann Marie Pitts,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/09/04/graduate-50-book-exams-reports-due-ann-marie-pitts,04-09-2019,allday,allday
+2019-09-13,Log in with Penn Key for location details,9:30 PM,,"Log in with Penn Key for location details
+",English Department,,7:00 PM,,Collation and Department Party,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/09/13/collation-and-department-party,13-09-2019,19:00:00,21:30:00
+2019-10-10,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 330 (Grad Lounge)",1:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 330 (Grad Lounge)
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Lunch Meeting with Graduate Students and Prof. Geraldine Heng (University of Texas at Austin),https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/10/10/lunch-meeting-graduate-students-and-prof-geraldine-heng-university-texas-austin,10-10-2019,12:00:00,13:00:00
+2019-10-10,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 401",5:30 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 401
+",English Department,,4:30 PM,,"Department Lecture: Prof. Geraldine Heng (University of Texas at Austin), ""A 9th Century Arab Dhow and Its Stories of Early Globalism: Art, World-Voyaging, and Industrial Modernity in the Global Middle Ages” ",https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/10/10/department-lecture-prof-geraldine-heng-university-texas-austin-9th-century-arab,10-10-2019,16:30:00,17:30:00
+WIPs Sign-up for Wednesday, November 28, 2018 Deadline",(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,WIPs Sign-up Deadline,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/10/12/wips-sign-deadline,12-10-2019,allday,allday
+2019-10-17,TBA,(All day),,"TBA
+",English Department,,(All day),,The Legacy of 1619: The 2019 Annual Callaloo Conference,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/10/17/legacy-1619-2019-annual-callaloo-conference,17-10-2019,allday,allday
+2019-10-19,"Third Years and Faculty Committees
+Dates for written and oral portions of Field Exams should be scheduled. Written Field Exams begin no sooner than 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and no later than last day of fall classes (Thursday, November 8- Monday, December 10, 2018). Oral portion of Field Exam takes place with 2 weeks of the written exam no later than Thursday, December 20, 2018.",(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Field Exams Scheduled,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/10/19/field-exams-scheduled,19-10-2019,allday,allday
+2019-10-19,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate Fall Language Exam,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/10/19/graduate-fall-language-exam,19-10-2019,allday,allday
+2019-11-08,"Third Years and Faculty Committees
+Written Field Exams begin no sooner than 2 weeks before Thanksgiving and no later than last day of fall classes (Thursday, November 8- Monday, December 10, 2018). Oral portion of Field Exam takes place within 2 weeks of the written exam no later than Thursday, December 20, 2018.",(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate Field Exams (Written),https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/11/08/graduate-field-exams-written,08-11-2019,allday,allday
+2019-11-09,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Kislak Fellowship Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/11/09/kislak-fellowship-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,09-11-2019,allday,allday
+2019-11-28,"Faculty and Students
+Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge",2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Works-in-Progress Workshop for Fifth Years,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2018/11/28/works-progress-workshop-fifth-years,28-11-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+2019-02-01,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Critical Writing Graduate Teaching Fellowships Applications Due to Val Ross,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/01/critical-writing-graduate-teaching-fellowships-applications-due-val-ross,01-02-2019,allday,allday
+SAS Dissertation Research Fellowships Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm
+(Students who expect to complete their dissertation in 2019-20 are ineligible)",(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate SAS Dissertation Completion Fellowship,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/01/graduate-sas-dissertation-completion-fellowship,01-02-2019,allday,allday
+2019-02-15,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,"WIPs Sign-up for Wednesday, April 24, 2019 Deadline",https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/15/wips-sign-wednesday-april-24-2019-deadline,15-02-2019,allday,allday
+2019-02-01,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,King’s College Fellowship Applications Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/01/king%E2%80%99s-college-fellowship-applications-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,01-02-2019,allday,allday
+2019-02-15,"Graduate Admissions Committee
+Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge",4:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+",English Department,,11:00 AM,,Graduate Admissions Final Meeting,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/15/graduate-admissions-final-meeting,15-02-2019,11:00:00,16:00:00
+2019-02-13,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+50-Book Exam Discussion (12-1pm)
+(First Years)
+Field Exam List Discussion (1-2pm)
+(Second Years)",2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,50-Book and Field Exam Discussion,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/13/50-book-and-field-exam-discussion,13-02-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+2019-02-12,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,SAS Dissertation Completion Fellowship and SAS Dissertation Research Fellowships Due to Graduate Division,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/02/12/sas-dissertation-completion-fellowship-and-sas-dissertation-research-fellowships,12-02-2019,allday,allday
+2019-03-15,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,Junior Research Seminar (JRS) Graduate Student Mentor Application due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/03/15/junior-research-seminar-jrs-graduate-student-mentor-application-due-ann-marie,15-03-2019,allday,allday
+2019-03-13,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,50-Book Exam Committee Chair must be selected; notify Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/03/13/50-book-exam-committee-chair-must-be-selected-notify-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,13-03-2019,allday,allday
+2019-03-19,"Faculty and Students
+Fisher-Bennett Hall",(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate Recruitment Days,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/03/19/graduate-recruitment-visit-0,19-03-2019,allday,allday
+2019-03-25,FBH,(All day),,"FBH
+",English Department,,(All day),,CTL Graduate Fellowship Application due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/03/25/ctl-graduate-fellowship-application-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,25-03-2019,allday,allday
+2019-04-03,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+Town Hall to coordinate Department Speaker Series and Graduate Group Coordinators for 2019-20.",2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall Faculty Lounge
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Graduate Student Town Hall - CANCELED,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/03/graduate-student-town-hall-canceled,03-04-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+2019-04-12,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Graduate Spring Language Exams,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/12/graduate-spring-language-exams,12-04-2019,allday,allday
+2019-04-12,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,50-Book Exam Lists Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/12/50-book-exam-lists-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,12-04-2019,allday,allday
+2019-04-19,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Dissertation Proposals Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/19/dissertation-proposals-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,19-04-2019,allday,allday
+2019-04-24,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 135 (Faculty Lounge)",2:00 PM,,"Fisher-Bennett Hall, room 135 (Faculty Lounge)
+",English Department,,12:00 PM,,Works-in-Progress Workshop for Fifth Years,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2020/04/24/works-progress-workshop-fifth-years,24-04-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+2019-04-26,Fisher-Bennett Hall,(All day),,"Fisher-Bennett Hall
+",English Department,,(All day),,Field Exam Proposals Due to Ann Marie Pitts by 12pm,https://www.english.upenn.edu/events/2019/04/26/field-exam-proposals-due-ann-marie-pitts-12pm,26-04-2019,allday,allday
+"Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 203
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Minji Bang
+ University of Pennsylvania","Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/self-employment-decisions-and-household-risk-sharing,07-05-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 3:30pm",,"Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 5:00pm",,"PCPSE Room 202
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Marc Remer
+ Swarthmore College","Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 3:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/consumer-inertia-and-market-power,07-05-2019,15:30:00,17:00:00
+"Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 11:00am",,"Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 12:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 625
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Xiang Fang
+ University of Pennsylvania","Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 11:00am",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/essays-foreign-exchange-rates,08-05-2019,11:00:00,12:30:00
+"Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 200
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Sumedh Ambokar
+ University of Pennsylvania","Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/mortgage-search-heterogeneity-and-refinancing-decisions,09-05-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 3:30pm",,"Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 5:00pm",,"PCPSE Room 100
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Mushfiq Mobarak
+ Yale","Thursday, May 9, 2019 - 3:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/effects-emigration-rural-labor-markets,09-05-2019,15:30:00,17:00:00
+"Friday, May 10, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Friday, May 10, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 101
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Magdalena Rola-Janicka
+ University of Amsterdam visiting Penn","Friday, May 10, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/political-economy-regulating-fire-sales,10-05-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"Monday, May 13, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Monday, May 13, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 202
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Youngsoo Heo
+ University of Pennsylvania","Monday, May 13, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/uncertainty-about-multiple-events-and-preference-simplicity,13-05-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room 203
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Kian Samaee
+ University of Pennsylvania","Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/empirical-micro-lunch-18,14-05-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"Monday, September 9, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, September 9, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Yulong Wang
+ Syracuse University","Monday, September 9, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-6,09-09-2019,16:30:00,18:00:00
+"Monday, September 16, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Monday, September 16, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Chris Hansen
+ Chicago Booth","Monday, September 16, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-lunch-2,16-09-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"Monday, September 16, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, September 16, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Dacheng Xiu
+ University of Chicago","Monday, September 16, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-8,16-09-2019,16:30:00,18:00:00
+"Monday, September 30, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, September 30, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Joshua Chan
+ Purdue","Monday, September 30, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar,30-09-2019,16:30:00,18:00:00
+"Monday, October 7, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, October 7, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,,"Monday, October 7, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-reserved-penn-student-0,07-10-2019,16:30:00,18:00:00
+"Monday, October 14, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, October 14, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"George Kapetanios
+ King's College London","Monday, October 14, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-4,14-10-2019,16:30:00,18:00:00
+"Monday, October 21, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, October 21, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,,"Monday, October 21, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-reserved-penn-student-1,21-10-2019,16:30:00,18:00:00
+"Monday, October 28, 2019 - 4:30pm",,"Monday, October 28, 2019 - 6:00pm",,"PCPSE Room TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,,"Monday, October 28, 2019 - 4:30pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-seminar-reserved-penn-student,28-10-2019,16:30:00,18:00:00
+"Monday, November 11, 2019 - 12:00pm",,"Monday, November 11, 2019 - 1:30pm",,"PCPSE ROOM TBD
+ United States",Department of Economics,"Roger Moon
+ University of Southern California","Monday, November 11, 2019 - 12:00pm",,,https://economics.sas.upenn.edu/events/econometrics-lunch-1,11-11-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"Friday, October 25, 2019 - 9:00am to 5:00pm",,5:00pm,,Venue TBD,Earth and Environmental Science,TBD,9:00am,,Penn Symposium on Environmental Justice and Health Disparities in the U.S.,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/earth/events/penn-symposium-environmental-justice-and-health-disparities-us,25-10-2019,09:00:00,17:00:00
+"Friday, November 15, 2019 - 2:00pm",,,,358 Hayden Hall,Earth and Environmental Science,"Michael Foote, University of Chicago, Department of Geophysical Sciences",2:00pm,,"""Diversity-dependent evolution in marine animals""",https://www.sas.upenn.edu/earth/events/diversity-dependent-evolution-marine-animals,15-11-2019,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 12:00pm",,2:00pm,,309 McNeil Building,Sociology Department,,12:00pm,,Faculty Meeting (Standing Faculty Only),https://sociology.sas.upenn.edu/content/faculty-meeting-standing-faculty-only-40,08-05-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+EDT May 15,Please join us for the next CPeRT - Research In Progress Series on May 15 from 12-1 in 252 BRB., 1:00pm,,"252 BRB Seminar Room, 421 Curie Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19104",Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB),,12:00pm ,,CPeRT - Research in Progress Series,http://events.med.upenn.edu/cceb/#!view/event/event_id/668687,15-05-2019,12:00:00,13:00:00
+EDT May 23,"“Metformin Pharmacoepidemiology: Some Interesting Facts About Prescribing Patterns and Some Attempts at Causal Inference”
+ James H. Flory, MD, MSCE
+ Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Research at Weill Cornell Medical College, and an Assistant Attending on the Endocrinology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
+ I am an endocrinology fellow and board certified internist. My time and expertise are divided between patient care and academic research.
+ Clinically, my focus is in type 2 diabetes, with secondary interests in type 1 diabetes, bone health, and thyroid disease. I have particularly extensive experience managing these conditions in oncology patients.
+ As a researcher, I am a specialist in using observational data (rather than clinical trial data) to study the safety and comparative effectiveness of medical treatments. I collaborate on projects in this area with investigators at Weill Cornell Medical College, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Food and Drug Administration. Some specific areas that I study are the safety and tolerability of metformin (the most widely used diabetes medication) and the optimal choice of second line drugs for diabetes after metformin. Methodologically my particular interests include the analysis of ‘messy’ longitudinal biomarker data using mixed linear models, missing data issues, instrumental variables, and simulation of clinical trials using observational results.", 10:00am,,"John Morgan Building, “Class of 62” 3620 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104",Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB),,9:00am ,,"CCEB Seminar- James Flory, MD, MSCE",http://events.med.upenn.edu/cceb/#!view/event/event_id/705922,23-05-2019,09:00:00,10:00:00
+EDT June 13,"“Acute Care Implementation Science: Narrowing the Evidence-to-Practice Gap For Our Most Vulnerable Patients”
+ Meghan Brooks Lane-Fall, MD, MSHP, FCCM
+ Assistant Professor Of Anesthesiology And Critical Care At The Hospital Of The University Of Pennsylvania
+ I am a physician-researcher with a specific interest in acute care implementation science and improvement science. My areas of methodological expertise include mixed methods, qualitative research, and survey research. My areas of content expertise include patient handoffs and care transitions, human factors, critical care medicine, anesthesiology, and perioperative care.", 10:00am,,"John Morgan Building, “Class of 62” 3620 Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104",Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (CCEB),,9:00am ,,"CCEB Seminar- Meghan Brooks Lane-Fall, MD, MSHP, FCCM",http://events.med.upenn.edu/cceb/#!view/event/event_id/705929,13-06-2019,09:00:00,10:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,,http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+"Thursday, January 17","Abstract: Memory systems are on the verge of a renaissance: Scalable, persistent main memories (e.g., Intel’s 3DXPoint) are the first new technology to enter the upper layers of the memory hierarchy in 50 years. They bring a fundamentally new capability (i.e., persistence), a dramatic increase in capacity, and an array of complications (e.g., asymmetric read and write performance, power limitations, and wear out). This combination of characteristics raises a deceptively simple but fundamental question: What should we do with persistent main memory? In this talk, I will describe several potential answers and the systems my group has built to help understand how different answers affect performance, programmability, and other aspects of system design. I’ll also highlight the central challenges that these memories present and try to summarize what we have learned about them. Finally, I’ll describe what I see as the most interesting avenues for future work.
+Bio: Steven Swanson is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of California, San Diego and the director of the Non-volatile Systems Laboratory. His research interests include the systems, architecture, security, and reliability issues surrounding heterogeneous memory/storage systems, especially those that incorporate non-volatile, solid-state memories. He has received an NSF CAREER Award, Google Faculty Awards, a Facebook Faculty Award, and been a NetApp Faculty Fellow. He is a co-founder of the Non-Volatile Memories Workshop. In previous lives, he worked on low-power co-processors for irregular applications and building scalable dataflow architectures. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 2006 and his undergraduate degree from the University of Puget Sound in 1999.",4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Steve Swanson Computer Science & Engineering University of California, San Diego ""What Should We Do With Persistent Main Memory?""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,17-01-2019,15:00:00,16:00:00
+"Tuesday, January 29","Abstract: Correctness and security problems in modern computer systems can result from problematic hardware event orderings and interleavings during an application’s execution. Since hardware designs are complex and since a single user-facing instruction can exhibit a variety of different hardware execution sequences, analyzing and verifying systems for correct event orderings is challenging. My work addresses these challenges by combining hardware architecture and systems approaches with formal methods to support the specification, analysis, and verification of implementation-aware event ordering scenarios, with the specific goal of automatically synthesizing implementation-aware programs capable of violating correctness or security guarantees. In this talk, I will present two formal, early-stage verification tools and techniques rooted in this approach. TriCheck conducts axiomatic full-stack memory consistency model (MCM) verification (from high-level programming languages down through hardware implementations). Using rigorous and efficient formal approaches, TriCheck identified flaws in RISC-V’s draft MCM specification and two counterexamples to a previously proven-correct compiler mapping scheme from C11 to IBM Power and ARMv7. Noting that MCM and security analysis are amenable to similar approaches, CheckMate uses related axiomatic techniques to evaluate susceptibility of a hardware design and its related system support to formally-specified classes of security exploits; in response, it synthesizes proof-of-concept exploit code when a design is susceptible. CheckMate automatically synthesized programs representative of Meltdown and Spectre attacks as well as new exploits, MeltdownPrime and SpectrePrime, that I have demonstrated on Intel hardware.
+Bio: Caroline Trippel is a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science Department at Princeton University. She is advised by Professor Margaret Martonosi on her computer architecture dissertation research, specifically on the topic of concurrency and security verification in heterogeneous parallel systems. Her work bridges computer architecture and formal methods and demonstrates the importance of that bridge in specifying and verifying the correct and secure execution of software running on such systems. Trippel has influenced the design of the RISC-V ISA memory consistency model (MCM) both via full-stack MCM analysis of its draft specification and her subsequent participation in the RISC-V Memory Model Task Group; she received recognition for this work via the 2017-2018 NVIDIA Graduate Research Fellowship. Additionally, Trippel has developed a novel methodology and tool that synthesized two new variants of the recently publicized Meltdown and Spectre attacks; this work lead to a funded collaboration with Intel on side-channel attack research. She received her B.S. in Computer Engineering from Purdue University in 2013 and her M.A. in Computer Science from Princeton University in 2015. She will receive her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Princeton University in Spring 2019.",4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Caroline Trippel Department of Computer Science Princeton University Title: ""Made to Order: Verifying Correctness and Security of Hardware through Event Orderings""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,29-01-2019,15:00:00,16:00:00
+"Tuesday, February 12th,",,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Dominik Moritz Computer Science and Engineering Department University of Washington Title: ""Visualization for People + Systems""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,12-02-2019,15:00:00,16:00:00
+"Thursday, February 14th,",,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Yonatan Belinkov School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University Title: ""Deep Learning Models for Language: What they learn, where they fail, and how to make them more robust""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,14-02-2019,15:00:00,16:00:00
+"Friday, February 15th Special time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium",,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Jianjun Wu Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science MIT Title ""Physical Scene Understanding""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,15-02-2019,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, February 21st Jeffery Regier Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley Title:""Cataloging the Visible Universe through Bayesian Inference at Petascale""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+Special time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Friday, February 22nd Wen Sun School of Computer Science CMU Title: Towards Generalization and Efficiency in Reinforcement Learning",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, February 26th Angjoo Kanazawas School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of California, Berkeley Title: ""Perceiving Humans in the 3D World""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, February 28th Nandita Vijaykumar Electrical and Computer Engineering Department CMU Title:"" Rethinking the hardware-software contact: Enabling practical and general cross-layer optimization """,http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, March 12th Dinesh Jayaraman School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Title: ""Towards Embodied Visual Intelligence""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+Special time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Wednesday, March 13th Mark Yatskar Computer Science Department University of Washington Title Language as a Scaffold for Grounded Intelligence",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, March 14th Raul Castro Fernandez Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT Title: ""Data Discovery: Unleashing the Value of Data""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, March 19th Elissa Redmiles Department of Computer Science University of Maryland Title:""Security for all: Modeling Structural Inequities to Design More Secure Systems""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+Special time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Wednesday, March 20th Siva Reddy Computer Science Department, NLP Group Stanford University Title: ""Interacting with machines in natural languages""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, March 21st Chi Jin Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley Title: Machine Learning: Why Do Simple Algorithms Work So Well?",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, March 26th Earlence Fernandes Computer Science Department, University of Washington Title: "" Computer Security for Emerging Technologies""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, March 28th Frank Li Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley Title:"" Improving Security at an Internet Scale: A Data-Driven-Approach""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+Special time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Wu & Chen Auditorium,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Friday March 29th Fisher Yu Computer Science Department, University of California, Berkeley Title: ""Towards Human-Level Recognition via Contextual, Dynamic, and Predictive Representations""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, April 2nd Nima Anari Computer Science Department, Stanford University Title:",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Thursday, April 4th Mark Jeffery Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory MIT Title: ""Making Parallelism Pervasive with the Swarm Architecture""",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,"Tuesday, April 9th Guy Van den Broeck Computer Science Department University of California, Los Angeles Title:",http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,,http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+,,4:00 PM,,,CIS,,3:00 PM,,,http://www.cis.upenn.edu/about-cis/events/index.php,,15:00:00,16:00:00
+"March 12, 2018 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm","""Analyzing high-dimensional genomic data through the lens of prior knowledge"" March 12, 2018 JMB Reunion Hall Auditorium 2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. Seminar Abstract: Gene set testing, or pathway analysis, is an important bioinformatics technique that lets researchers step back from the level of individual genomic variables and explore associations for biologically meaningful groups of genes, e.g., genes involved in a single metabolic pathway. By focusing the analysis on a smaller number of functional gene sets, this approach can substantially improve…
+Find out more »",3:00 pm,,"Reunion Hall, John Morgan Building,
+3620 Hamilton Walk
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,2:00 pm,,"IBI Seminar: H. Robert Frost, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/ibi-seminar-h-robert-frost-phd/,12-03-2018,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"March 14, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Christina Curtis, PhD Assistant Professor of Medicine and Genetics Stanford University Co-Director of the Molecular Tumor Board, Stanford Cancer Institute Title: Quantifying the evolutionary dynamics of tumor progression and metastasis Abstract: Cancer results from the acquisition of somatic alterations in an evolutionary process that typically occurs over many years, much of which is occult. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics that are operative at different stages of progression in individual tumors might inform the earlier detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. Although…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Christina Curtis, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-christina-curtis-phd/,14-03-2018,15:00:00,16:30:00
+"March 20, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Greg Cooper, MD, PhD Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics and of Intelligent Systems University of Pittsburgh Causal Network Discovery from Biomedical and Clinical Data Abstract: This talk will provide an introduction to concepts and methods for learning causal relationships in the form of causal networks from biomedical and clinical data, including solely observational data. Examples will be given of applying these methods to biomedical data. The talk will also provide pointers to software for learning causal networks from data, including…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"337 Towne Building,
+220 S. 33rd St.
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"IBI/CIS Invited Seminar – Greg Cooper, MD, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/ibi-cis-invited-seminar-greg-cooper-phd/,20-03-2018,15:00:00,16:30:00
+"April 11, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Suchi Saria, PhD John C. Malone Assistant Professor of Computer Science Johns Hopkins University Individualizing Healthcare with Machine Learning Abstract: Healthcare is rapidly becoming a data-intensive discipline, driven by increasing digitization of health data, novel measurement technologies, and new policy-based incentives. Critical decisions about whom and how to treat can be made more precisely by layering an individual’s data over that from a population. In this talk, I will begin by summarizing open challenges associated with learning models from these data. Next, I will…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Suchi Saria, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-suchi-saria-phd/,11-04-2018,15:00:00,16:30:00
+"May 2, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Peter Kharchenko, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics Harvard University Exploring human brain with single-cell transcriptional and epigenetic measurements Abstract: Single-cell genomic protocols provide powerful means for characterization of cell type and cell state composition in complex biological tissues. Human brain is by far the most complex organ, consisting of 100 billion spatially organized and functionally connected neurons, complemented by over a trillion other cells. In an effort to characterize major cell types of the human brain we used single-cell…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Peter Kharchenko, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-peter-kharchenko-phd/,02-05-2018,15:00:00,16:30:00
+"May 30, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm","Registration is closed.
+Find out more »",5:00 pm,,"College of Physicians of Philadelphia,
+19 S. 22nd St.
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,8:00 am,,2018 Institute for Biomedical Informatics/Genomics and Computational Biology Retreat,http://upibi.org/event/2018-retreat/,30-05-2018,08:00:00,17:00:00
+"May 31, 2018","Registration is open, but space is limited. To register, click here. Keynote lecture: Hamish Fraser, MBChB, MSc Associate Professor of Medical Science Brown University “Challenges and strategies in effective scale up OpenMRS and other eHealth systems in resource poor environments” Other speakers include: Mary Regina Boland, PhD, Assistant Professor of Informatics, PSOM Kathy Bowles, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, Professor of Nursing Bimal R. Desai, MD, MBI, FAAP, Assistant Vice President & Chief Health Informatics Officer, CHOP Michael Draugelis, Chief Data…
+Find out more »",,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,,,Informatics Day 2018,http://upibi.org/event/informatics-day-2018/,31-05-2018,,
+"September 21, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm","Nir Yosef, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science University of California Berkeley Details TBA
+Find out more »",5:00 pm,,,Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,8:00 am,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Nir Yosef, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-nir-yosef-phd/,21-09-2018,08:00:00,17:00:00
+"October 3, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Gill Bejerano, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Developmental Biology, Computer Science, Pediatrics, Biomedical Data Science Stanford University Automating and democratizing the future of genetic diagnosis Abstract: I will describe a number of works from our lab, focusing on Mendelian/monogenic disease diagnosis. The works combine elements from medical genetics, genomics, machine learning, natural language processing, cryptography and more. Taken together, these works start to paint a compelling picture for the future of genetic diagnosis. The talk will be aimed at both practicing…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Gill Bejerano, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-gill-bejerano/,03-10-2018,15:00:00,16:30:00
+"November 28, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","Melissa Gymrek, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Medicine University of California San Diego Dissecting the contribution of repetitive genetic variation to human traits Recent studies have made substantial progress in identifying genetic variants associated with disease and molecular phenotypes in humans. However, these studies have primarily focused on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), ignoring more complex variants that have been shown to play important functional roles. Here, I focus on short tandem repeats (STRs), one of the most…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Melissa Gymrek, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-melissa-gymrek-phd/,28-11-2018,15:00:00,16:30:00
+"December 5, 2018 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm","This event has been canceled due to scheduling conflicts.
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"CANCELED: Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Joel Dudley, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-joel-dudley-phd/,05-12-2018,15:00:00,16:30:00
+January 23 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm,"Sarah Pendergrass, Ph.D., M.S. Assistant Professor of Biomedical & Translational Informatics Geisinger Redefining our Understanding of Disease, Outcome, Phenotype and the Impact of Genetic Architecture through Electronic Health Records Disease is the sum of many parts, and risk, progression, and severity is not the same for each person. Working with large, phenotypically rich datasets, such as electronic health records (EHRs), we can leverage complexity to redefine our understanding of disease, outcome, and phenotype. Advancing how we use ever-expanding EHR data…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Sarah Pendergrass, PhD, MS",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-sarah-pendergrass-phd-ms/,23-01-2019,15:00:00,16:30:00
+February 13 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm,"Tandy Warnow, PhD Professor of Computer Science, Bioengineering University of Illinois Improving Bioinformatics Analyses using Ensembles of Hidden Markov Models Abstract: Profile Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are statistical models that are in wide use in bioinformatics. In this talk I will present a novel way of using HMMs that improves many bioinformatics analyses. The key approach is to represent a multiple sequence alignment using a collection of profile HMMs, and then use this complex model to analyze new sequences. As…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Tandy Warnow, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-tandy-warnow-phd/,13-02-2019,15:00:00,16:30:00
+March 12 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm,"Kelly Frazer, PhD Professor of Pediatrics Division Chief, Genome Information Sciences Director, Institute for Genomic Medicine University of California, San Diego Using iPS cells and derived cell types to functionally annotate human genetic variants Abstract: Over the past six years, Dr. Frazer’s lab has systematically derived and characterized a unique collection of iPSC lines from 222 individuals – referred to as iPSCORE (iPSC Collection for Omic Research). iPSCORE is currently being used to analyze genotype – molecular phenotype associations in…
+Find out more »",5:00 pm,,"BRB Auditorium,
+421 Curie Blvd
+United States",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,8:00 am,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Kelly Frazer, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-kelly-frazer-phd/,12-03-2019,08:00:00,17:00:00
+April 10 @ 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm,"Cole Trapnell, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Genome Sciences University of Washington Massively multiplex chemical transcriptomics at single cell resolution Abstract: High-throughput screens of bioactive compound libraries typically employ low-content assays, e.g. cell survival, which sharply limits what can be learned about mechanisms of action and off-target effects, and furthermore obscures heterogeneity in the responses of individual cells. Here we introduce sci-Chem, a method that employs “oligo hashing” to capture the global transcriptional responses of cells to a large number of…
+Find out more »",4:30 pm,,"Austrian Auditorium, CRB,
+415 Curie Blvd.
+19104",Institute for Biomedical Informatics (UPIBI),,3:00 pm,,"Penn Bioinformatics Forum – Cole Trapnell, PhD",http://upibi.org/event/penn-bioinformatics-forum-cole-trapnell-phd/,10-04-2019,15:00:00,16:30:00
+"May. 13, 2019 5:00pm to 6:30pm","In a world beset by serious and unconscionable health disparities, by dangerous contagions that can circle our globalized planet in hours, and by a bewildering confusion of health actors and systems, humankind needs a new vision, a new architecture, new coordination among renewed systems to ensure central health capabilities for all. Dr. Jennifer Prah Ruger's book Global Health Justice and Governance (Oxford University Press, 2018) lays out the critical problems facing the world today and offers a new theory of justice and governance as a way to resolve these seemingly intractable issues.
+In this conversation with author Dr. Jennifer Prah Ruger and Perry World House Deputy Director LaShawn R. Jefferson, Dr. Prah Ruger will address the fundamental responsibility of society to ensure human flourishing; the central role that health plays in flourishing and how that places a unique claim on our public institutions and resources to ensure central health capabilities to reduce premature death and avoid preventable morbidities; and the new global health architecture that is desperately needed in order to address staggering inequalities, imperiling epidemics, and inadequate systems.
+Jennifer Prah Ruger is the Amartya Sen Professor of Health Equity, Economics, and Policy in the School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2) and the former Associate Dean for Global Studies and Faculty Chair at the Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Prah Ruger is the founder and director of the Health Equity and Policy Lab (HEPL) that conducts quantitative and qualitative research on the equity implications of health and social policies. She served previously at the World Bank as speechwriter to president James D. Wolfensohn and on the health and development satellite secretariat of WHO Director-General Gro Harlem Brundtland’s Transition Team.",6:30pm,,Perry World House 3803 Locust Walk,Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),,5:00pm,,"Special Book Event with Jennifer Prah Ruger (""Global Health Justice and Governance"")",https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/special-book-event-jennifer-prah-ruger,13-05-2019,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"May. 17, 2019 12:00pm to 1:15pm","Rising costs, uneven access and quality of care, too often litter the headlines describing health care in the U.S. This session explores the current system of paying for long-term care, proven models of care and wellness, patient and caregiver-directed partnerships, and technological and organizational innovations as key opportunities to enhance and improve health care delivery. What is critical is to be sure that the changes sought are aligned with your needs, values, and preferences. Attendees will be engaged in an interactive dialogue with a multidisciplinary panel of UPenn experts to help move the needle on achieving high value care for an aging society.
+Mary Naylor, PhD, RN, FAANMarian S. Ware Professor; Director, NewCourtland Center for Transitions and Health, School of Nursing
+Nancy Hodgson, PhD, RN, FAANChair of Gerontology, School of Nursing
+George Demiris, PhD, FACMIPenn Integrates Knowledge University Professor
+Rachel Werner, MD, PhDProfessor of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine
+Norma Coe, PhDAssociate Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Perelman School of Medicine
+Allison Hoffman, JDProfessor of Law, Law School
+Pilar Gonalons-Pons, PhDAssistant Professor of Sociology, School of Arts and Sciences
+Sponsored by the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics (LDI), the School of Nursing, The Wharton School, Perelman School of Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, Annenberg School, Law School, 50th Reunion and Old Guard.",6:30pm,,"Houston Hall, Class of ’49 Auditorium, 3417 Spruce Street",Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),,5:00pm,,"LDI Panel Discussion (""Planning for your Future Health Care Needs: What Matters Most To You"")",https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/ldi-panel-discussion-2019,17-05-2019,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"May. 17, 2019 3:00pm to 4:30pm","Dr. Shah brings over twenty years of experience in business, government, and philanthropy to The Rockefeller Foundation. Appointed as USAID Administrator by President Obama in 2009, and unanimously confirmed by the Senate, Dr. Shah was charged with reshaping the $20 billion agency’s operations to provide greater assistance to pressing development challenges around the globe. By elevating the importance of innovation, promoting public-private partnerships, rethinking internal practices, and shifting how dollars were spent to deliver stronger results, Shah secured bipartisan support that enabled USAID to dramatically accelerate its work to end extreme poverty. Despite partisan gridlock on many issues, two significant Presidential priorities – Feed the Future and Power Africa – passed the House and Senate with bipartisan support and were signed into law by President Obama, and the Global Food Security Act is the second largest global development legislation after PEPFAR. Shah’s work delivered results for countries facing democratic transitions, post-conflict situations, and humanitarian crises, and is widely credited with providing life-saving access to food, health, and water for millions of children across the planet.
+When Dr. Shah left USAID in 2015, he continued to follow his passion for creating opportunities for communities to thrive in the developing world by founding Latitude Capital, a private equity firm focused on power and infrastructure projects in Africa and Asia. He was also appointed a Distinguished Fellow in Residence at Georgetown University.
+Raised outside of Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Shah is a graduate of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and the Wharton School of Business. Prior to his appointment at USAID, Shah served as Chief Scientist and Undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics at the United States Department of Agriculture. He also served in a number of leadership roles at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, where he helped launch the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (a joint venture by the Gates and Rockefeller foundations) and the International Financing Facility for Immunization (credited with raising more than $5 billion for childhood immunizations worldwide) and where he supported the creation of the Global Development Program. He and his wife, Shivam Mallick Shah have three children.
+This event is free and open to the public, but please register.
+Co-Sponsored by: The Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, The Division of General Internal Medicine, and The National Clinician Scholars Program",6:30pm,,"Colonial Penn Center Auditorium, 3641 Locust Walk",Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),"Dr. Rajiv J. Shah President, The Rockefeller Foundation",5:00pm,,"Samuel P. Martin, III, MD Memorial Lecture with Rajiv J. Shah (""Charting a Course: the Power of Data to Help Save Lives, Fight Poverty, and Change the Future for Good"")",https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/samuel-p-martin-iii-md-memorial-lecture-rajiv-j-shah,17-05-2019,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Jun. 1, 2019 9:00am to 4:30pm","About the Event
+The ANEW Way Forward event is an inaugural one-day symposium that fosters a collaborative learning community for researchers and practitioners in behavioral health and primary care settings. Come join us at the University of Pennsylvania for:
+Skills-based lectures and seminar sessions delivered by national experts to prepare for the evolving primary care landscape
+Poster presentations on cutting-edge research and successful pilot programs in the field
+Unique networking opportunities designed for symposium attendees
+The ANEW symposium is dedicated to providing a national platform for addressing gaps in integrated behavioral health training among the primary care workforce.
+Support for the symposium comes from joint collaboration between ANEW and the NCIBH:
+Advancing Nursing Education Workforce (ANEW)
+ The HRSA-funded Advancing Nursing Education Workforce (ANEW) grant focuses on developing and implementing clinical training for primary care APRNs interested in caring for underserved populations through the Penn School of Nursing’s A4CP: APRNs for Community Practice Program.
+The National Center for Behavioral Health (NCIBH)
+ The National Center for Behavioral Health (NCIBH) is an innovation hub for testing, developing, and disseminating best practices to improve the quality, accessibility, and effectiveness of treatment for mental health and substance use disorders in primary care through effective training models
+Open to all researchers, practitioners, students, and educators in mental health and/or primary care with an interest in integrated behavioral health training and education.
+Registration Form
+Registration is free. Space is limited to 250 people and offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
+Click here for more information about the symposium and registration.",6:30pm,,"Philadelphia, Pennsylvania",Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),,5:00pm,,ANEW Way Forward: Innovations in Interprofessional Training Using Integrated Behavioral Models in Primary Care,https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/anew-way-forward-innovations-interprofessional-training-using-integrated-behavioral-models,01-06-2019,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Jun. 14, 2019 12:00pm to 1:00pm","Penn's Department of Family Medicine and Community Health is pleased to host Dr. Richard C. Wender, MD, Chief Cancer Control Officer of the American Cancer Society.
+Richard C. Wender, MD, chief cancer control officer of the American Cancer Society, helps lead the only comprehensive cancer control organization in the world. He drives the effort to transform the face of cancer here and around the globe by developing strategies for access to care, patient navigation, and health equity. Prior to joining the Society’s staff in 2013, he provided extensive volunteer leadership at the organization’s state and local levels. In 2006, he was elected national president of the Society, becoming the first primary care physician to serve in this capacity.
+Dr. Wender worked for more than three decades as a family physician in the department of family and community medicine at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. From 2002 until 2013, he served as alumni professor and chair of the department. Dr. Wender has led numerous initiatives designed to improve preventive care and chronic disease management. He currently serves as chair of the National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable.
+Click here for more information and to register for event.",6:30pm,,"Philadelphia Heart Institute, 51 North 39th Street",Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),"Richard C. Wender, MD Chief Cancer Control Officer of the American Cancer Society",5:00pm,,Penn DFMCH Grand Rounds with Dr. Richard Wender,https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/penn-dfmch-grand-rounds-dr-richard-wender,14-06-2019,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Jun. 14, 2019 12:00pm to 1:00pm",,6:30pm,,,Leonard & Davis Institute (LDI),,5:00pm,,,https://ldi.upenn.edu/event/penn-dfmch-grand-rounds-dr-richard-wender,14-06-2019,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Wednesday, May 8, 2019 - 10:00am","Kim Program Undergraduate Fellows will be presenting original research on topics related to Korean Studies. Take a break from finals, and join us in supporting our students and fellow classmates at this showcase event that will highlight the academic achievements of the Undergraduate Fellows.",,,,Korean Studies,"Kim Program Undergraduate Fellows
+ University of Pennsylvania",10:00am,,Kim Program Undergraduate Research Symposium,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/koreanstudies/events/kim-program-undergraduate-research-symposium-0,08-05-2019,10:00:00,11:00:00
+May 23 2019,"Moderated by Professor Jacques DeLisle, Stephen A. Cozen Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science; Deputy Director, Center for the Study of Contemporary China",1:15pm,,"CSCC Conference Room, Perelman 418, 133 S. 36th St.",Center for the Study of Contemporary China,Chinese Consul General Huang Ping,12:15pm,,Roundtable Discussion on U.S. – China Relations,https://cscc.sas.upenn.edu//events/2019/05/23/roundtable-discussion-us-china-relations,23-05-2019,12:15:00,13:15:00
+Nov 20 2019,,6:00pm,,,Center for the Study of Contemporary China,"Kyle Jaros, Associate Professor of Political Economy, University of Oxford",4:30pm,,China's Urban Champions: The Politics of Spatial Development,https://cscc.sas.upenn.edu//events/2019/11/20/chinas-urban-champions-politics-spatial-development,20-11-2019,16:30:00,18:00:00
+"Friday, May 10, 2019 - 9:00am to 4:00pm","Event Information: The Fels Institute of Government hosts a semi-annual public policy symposium that shines a light on what local and state government officials are doing to address nationally relevant issues in Philadelphia. This semester’s symposium will address the burgeoning opioid crisis by evaluating how public policy can stem the ever-growing number of newly addicted individuals. Government officials have dedicated a substantial amount of resources and attention to treating people who are already addicted to opioids, but less resources have been dedicated to addressing some of the root causes of an individual’s addiction.
+Attendees will wrestle with how an individual gets addicted to opioids, the trajectory of their addiction, and the impact of overprescribing of opioids by the medical community. The discussion will also explore what lessons the policy community has learned from the opioid crisis that can be used to prevent and address the next potential drug crisis.
+Registration is required to attend. Please RSVP here: https://bit.ly/2IhHTUd
+Tentative Program Overview:
+8:30 AM Registration Opens
+9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks
+Michael DiBerardinis, Fels Professor of Practice Jim Kenney, Mayor, City of PhiladelphiaWendell Pritchett, Provost, University of PennsylvaniaThomas Farley, M.D., MPH, Health Commissioner, City of Philadelphia
+9:35 AM Topic 1: ""The Opioid Crisis in America""
+Presentation by Vikram Krishnasamy, M.D., MPHPhysician and Medical Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
+9:55 AM Topic 1 Panel Discussion
+Moderator/Discussant: Virginia Calega, M.D., Vice President, Medical Affairs, Independence Blue CrossDiscussants: Rachel Levine, M.D., Secretary of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Laura Murray, D.O., Behavioral Health Chief Medical Officer, Merakey Chris Tjoa, M.D., Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Adult Services, Community Behavioral Health Lara Weinstein, M.D., MPH, DrPH, Associate Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University; Site Medical Director, Project HOME Health Services
+10:45 AM Break
+10:55 AM Topic 2: ""Drug regulation, drug treatment, and preventing the next drug crisis""
+Presentation by Joshua M. Sharfstein, M.D.Professor of the Practice in Health Policy and ManagementJohns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
+11:15 AM Topic 2 Panel Discussion
+Moderator/Discussant: Patrick J. Brennan, M.D., Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President, University of Pennsylvania Health SystemsDiscussants: Hope Selarnick, M.D., Director of Addiction Services, CMCVAMC Sosunmolu O. Shoyinka, M.D., MBA, Chief Medical Officer, Philadelphia Dept. of Behavioral Health and disAbility Services Jennifer Smith, Secretary of PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs
+12:05 PM Lunch
+1:20 PM Topic 3: Addressing over-prescribing of opioids by health care professionals
+Presentation by Andrew Kolodny, M.D.Co-Director of Opioid Policy Research, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University;Executive Director, Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing
+1:45 PM Topic 3 Panel Discussion
+Moderator/Discussant: Sue Freeman, M.D., President & CEO, Creative HealthCare Initiatives, Inc.Discussants: Jeff Hom, M.D., MPH, Policy Advisor, Philadelphia Department of Health Andrew Kolodny, M.D. Samir Mehta, M.D., Chief of the Orthopedic Trauma and Fracture Service, University of Pennsylvania; Vice Chair, Clinical Research, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
+2:40 PM Closing Remarks
+3:00 PM Reception",4:00pm,,"133 S 36th StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19104 Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics",Fels institute,Fels Symposium | Philadelphia's Opioid Crisis,9:00am,,Fels Symposium | Philadelphia's Opioid Crisis,https://www.fels.upenn.edu/events/event/fels-symposium-philadelphias-opioid-crisis/2019-05-10-090000-2019-05-10-160000,10-05-2019,09:00:00,16:00:00
+"Thursday, May 16, 2019 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm","Event Information: Join us on Thursday, May 16 from 5 - 7 PM inside Philadelphia's City Hall for a Fels networking happy hour event! This is a great opportunity for Fels alumni working in or around City Hall to meet with current Fels faculty and staff and to learn about new upcoming opportunities to get involved at Fels.
+We also welcome prospective students to network with members of the Fels community and learn more about the updates to the Executive MPA program and a new scholarship for experienced government workers -- just in time for the Executive MPA Program Fall 2019 deadline on June 1!
+This event is open to the public. Please RSVP below!",7:00pm,,"1401 John F. Kennedy Blvd Philadelphia, PA 19102 Philadelphia City Hall | Conversation Hall, Room 201",Fels institute,Fels City Hall Networking Happy Hour,5:00pm,,Fels City Hall Networking Happy Hour,https://www.fels.upenn.edu/events/event/fels-city-hall-networking-happy-hour/2019-05-16-170000-2019-05-16-190000,16-05-2019,17:00:00,19:00:00
+"Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 11:45am to 1:45pm","Event Information: On graduation day Fels Student Association invites you to keep the celebration going and join us for a reception following graduation on May 19th at Independence Beer Garden, just a few steps from the National Constitution Center. Fels has space reserved from 11:45AM to 1:45PM with bar snacks, sandwiches, and a drinks for all to enjoy in addition to the wonderful outdoor space, games, and activities provided at Independence Beer Garden.
+RSVP is required below by May 14th to attend this reception.
+Due to limited space, this is a private event open only to guests attending the Fels commencement ceremony.",1:45pm,,"100 S Independence Mall WestPhiladelphia, PA 19106 Independence Beer Garden",Fels institute,FSA Graduation Reception at Independence Beer Garden (RSVP Required),11:45am,,FSA Graduation Reception at Independence Beer Garden (RSVP Required),https://www.fels.upenn.edu/events/event/fsa-graduation-reception-independence-beer-garden-rsvp-required/2019-05-19-114500-2019,19-05-2019,11:45:00,13:45:00
+"Wednesday, May 8, 2019","Heritage Day is the Science History Institute’s annual celebration of the achievements and promise of the sciences and technologies that shape material culture and innovation. Festivities will include the presentation of the following awards: Frederick Frank
+ Chair, EVOLUTION Life Science Partners Jody Roberts (Moderator)
+ Director, Institute for Research and Managing Director, West Coast Office, Science History Institute John LaMattina
+ Former President of Global R&D, Pfizer",8:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,10:30 a.m.,,Heritage Day 2019,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/heritage-day-2019,08-05-2019,10:30:00,20:00:00
+"Saturday, May 11, 2019","Sculptor and lecturer Rebecca Kamen hosts this month’s Saturday Speaker Series. Her two-year research journey to find meaning and inspiration for interpreting the periodic table through art took her from the Science History Institute to as far as India and Bhutan. Join us for a lively talk, as Kamen shares her insights and discoveries about the transformational power of the periodic table from an artist’s point of view. This program is presented in celebration of the International Year of the Periodic Table. Rebecca Kamen with Platonic Solids
+Rebecca Kamen in front of her installation The Platonic Solids, 2011.
+Conrad Erb Rebecca Kamen in front of her installation The Platonic Solids, 2011. Conrad Erb",12:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,11:00 a.m.,,Interpreting the Periodic Table through Art,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/interpreting-the-periodic-table-through-art,11-05-2019,11:00:00,12:00:00
+"Saturday, May 11, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. WikiSalon Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201905,11-05-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+"Tuesday, May 14, 2019","Join us for a Lunchtime Lecture by Rocio Gomez, a Science Institute Fellow. While historians of science emphasize scientists in Europe, such as Marie Curie and Alexander von Humboldt, scientists in Latin America rarely receive a mention. Even historians of Latin America neglect scientists in their discussions of institutions. Using letters and scientific treatises, Gomez’s project examines the work of chemist and engineer Andrés Manuel del Río (1764–1849). Gomez will argue that del Río encountered bias against Mexican science despite his discovery of the element vanadium. This finding coincided with the turmoil of the Wars of Independence in Mexico (1810–1821), which emphasized geopolitical rifts and a break with European institutions. Vanadium’s importance reaches into the 20th century as it becomes crucial to the steel industry and the war effort. This talk will examine how del Río’s discovery shaped technology in the Wars of Independence in Mexico and the World War II effort while spurring the mining industry on both sides of the border. Rocio Gomez Rocio Gomez is an assistant professor of history at the University of Arkansas and holds a PhD in Latin American history from the University of Arizona. Her research interests include Latin America, history of science, environmental history, and the history of medicine. At the Science History Institute she will be exploring the work of Andrés Manuel del Rio (1764–1849) and his scientific contributions to the history of chemistry, geology, and the modern mining sector. Her first book, Silver Veins and Dusty Lungs: Water, Public Health, and the Environmental Legacies of Industry in Modern Mexico, 1834–1945 (University of Nebraska Press, forthcoming), explores the effects of silver mining on the human body and water systems in Zacatecas, Mexico.",1:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,"To Victory with Vanadium! Technology, Mining, and Latin American Science",https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/to-victory-with-vanadium-technology-mining-and-latin-american-science,14-05-2019,12:00:00,13:00:00
+"Tuesday, May 21, 2019","Join us for a Lunchtime Lecture by Alexandre Hocquet and Frédéric Wieber, Otlet Fellows at the Science History Institute. Computational chemistry is a scientific field within which the computer is a pivotal element. This scientific community emerged in the 1980s and was involved with two major industries: the computer manufacturers and the pharmaceutical industry, the latter becoming a potential market for the former through molecular-modeling software packages. Hocquet and Wieber will address the difficult relationships between scientific modeling methods and the software that implemented these methods throughout the 1990s. Developing, using, licensing, and distributing software leads to multiple tensions among the actors in intertwined academic and industrial contexts. In order to understand these tensions, Hocquet and Wieber explore the Computational Chemistry List. This mailing list, created in 1991, constitutes a natively digital kind of corpus that reveals how issues of theories, methods, code, reproducibility of results, epistemic transparency, intellectual property, user management, and the commercialization of software are articulated Alexandre Hocquet and Frédéric Wieber
+Alexandre Hocquet (left) and Frédéric Wieber (right).",1:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,“Only the Initiates Will Have the Secrets Revealed”: Software Packages in Computational Chemistry,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/only-the-initiates-will-have-the-secrets-revealed-software-packages-in-computational-chemistry,21-05-2019,12:00:00,13:00:00
+"Thursday, May 23, 2019","Do you ever look back at key moments in history and think, “I would’ve made a better choice”? We’ll test that assumption using a real-world scenario where Cold War tensions meet the Wild West. Uranium Game
+Science History Institute Science History Institute It’s an age of new frontiers, where some people are trying to make a fortune. Newspapers are reporting that anyone with a few supplies, some hard work, and a stick of dynamite can strike it rich. Rumor has it that out West even the cowboys are hanging up their spurs for a chance to cash in on this valuable metal hiding in the ground. Welcome to the uranium prospecting boom of the 1950s.",8:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,6:00 p.m.,,Pick Your Own Path,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/pick-your-own-path,23-05-2019,18:00:00,20:00:00
+"Monday, June 3, 2019","The Center for Oral History is proud to provide training to scholars and researchers interested in learning oral history and research interview methodologies. Center for Oral History This weeklong workshop will introduce attendees to all aspects of the interview process, including general oral history theory and methodology, interviewing techniques and performance of mock interviews, legal and ethical issues, transcription practices, archiving, recording equipment and its use, data management, and other relevant topics. Interested participants are encouraged to bring their research ideas. Advance registration is required. For more information please contact Samantha Blatt at 215.873.8242 or sblatt@sciencehistory.org.",4:00 p.m.,,"James B. Hunt Jr. Library1070 Partners Way, James B. Hunt Jr. Library, 1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606",Science History Institute,,9:00 a.m.,,Oral History Training Institute at North Carolina State University,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/oral-history-training-institute-at-north-carolina-state-university,03-06-2019,09:00:00,16:00:00
+"Saturday, June 8, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon7.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201906,08-06-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+"Saturday, June 22, 2019","Modern science relies on vision and not just the metaphorical kind. Since the Scientific Revolution, natural philosophers and scientists have worked to develop tools and knowledge that are almost entirely dependent on what we can see. oil_immersion_microscope.jpg
+Oil-immersion microscope, wooden carrying case, vial of oil, and wooden rack, ca. 1946.
+Science History Institute Oil-immersion microscope, wooden carrying case, vial of oil, and wooden rack, ca. 1946. Science History Institute But is vision necessarily any more reliable or less subjective than our other senses when it comes to understanding the world around us? Why do we privilege sight in the history and modern creation of science, and what happens when we learn things using other senses?",3:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,1:00 p.m.,,History Lab: Through the Lens of Disability,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/history-lab-through-the-lens-of-disability,22-06-2019,13:00:00,15:00:00
+"Thursday, June 27, 2019","Producing podcasts offers an appealing option for anyone interested in creating audio stories built around oral history. This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of creating a narrative podcast using oral histories. We’ll discuss the elements and steps involved in creating a 25-minute podcast episode: the necessary equipment (as well as tips and tricks) required for narrative reporting and audio gathering, how to use oral histories in a narrative podcast, how to gather additional archival materials, and best practices for scripting and editing. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops and a project they’re currently working on. marketing-distillations-podcast-interviewee.png
+Conrad Erb Conrad Erb The workshop will teach skills useful for students, teachers, researchers, oral history practitioners, and a variety of jobs in academic and public organizations. We’ll also offer insight into how to engage students in project-based learning, along with practical ways to incorporate podcast production into curriculums, from syllabus design, through scaffolded assignments, to guiding students through their final edits. The Institute has been conducting interviews for more than 30 years and has roughly 5,000 hours of recordings in its collections. We are one of the only institutions in the United States to focus our oral history work on scientists from diverse disciplinary fields. Distillations exists where science and the humanities overlap. Each episode of Distillations podcast takes a deep dive into a moment of science-related history in order to shed light on the present.",4:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,10:00 a.m.,,Creating Narrative Podcasts with Oral Histories,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/creating-narrative-podcasts-with-oral-histories,27-06-2019,10:00:00,16:00:00
+"Monday, July 8, 2019","The Center for Oral History is proud to provide training to scholars and researchers interested in learning oral history and research interview methodologies. Center for Oral History This weeklong workshop will introduce attendees to all aspects of the interview process, including general oral history theory and methodology, interviewing techniques and performance of mock interviews, legal and ethical issues, transcription practices, archiving, recording equipment and its use, data management, and other relevant topics. Interested participants are encouraged to bring their research ideas. Advance registration is required. For more information please contact Samantha Blatt at 215.873.8242 or sblatt@sciencehistory.org.",4:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,9:00 a.m.,,Oral History Training Institute,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/oral-history-training-institute-201907,08-07-2019,09:00:00,16:00:00
+"Saturday, July 13, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon1.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201907,13-07-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+"Monday, July 15, 2019","The Center for Oral History is proud to provide training to scholars and researchers interested in learning oral history and research interview methodologies. Center for Oral History This weeklong workshop will introduce attendees to all aspects of the interview process, including general oral history theory and methodology, interviewing techniques and performance of mock interviews, legal and ethical issues, transcription practices, archiving, recording equipment and its use, data management, and other relevant topics. Interested participants are encouraged to bring their research ideas. Advance registration is required. For more information please contact Samantha Blatt at 215.873.8242 or sblatt@sciencehistory.org.",4:00 p.m.,,"MIT Building E5170 Memorial Drive, MIT Building E51, 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139",Science History Institute,,9:00 a.m.,,Oral History Training Institute at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/oral-history-training-institute-at-massachusetts-institute-of-technology,15-07-2019,09:00:00,16:00:00
+"Saturday, July 27, 2019","Psychologists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries began developing standardized methods for testing and measuring human intelligence. Since then STEM fields have grown especially enamored with the idea of intelligence and the appearance of a purely merit-based reward system in science. laboratory_staff_working.jpg
+Laboratory staff working with radioactive material, 1959.
+Science History Institute Laboratory staff working with radioactive material, 1959. Science History Institute But what about people who learn in ways that are not well-supported by our modern educational or scientific institutions? What about those who require more time, additional support, or altogether different teaching approaches to learn?",3:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,1:00 p.m.,,History Lab: Moving Beyond Scientific Genius,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/history-lab-moving-beyond-scientific-genius,27-07-2019,13:00:00,15:00:00
+"Saturday, August 10, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon10.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201908,10-08-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+"Saturday, August 17, 2019","Mobility impairments shape how people perform their tasks of daily living. In the lives of those with physical disabilities, things that able-bodied individuals often complete with very little forethought or planning often become acts of collaboration with other humans, animals, and machines. But are the able-bodied really doing things “independently”? completion_of_first.jpg
+Completion of First Beckman LS 9800 Liquid Scintillation Instrument, 1981.
+Science History Institute Completion of First Beckman LS 9800 Liquid Scintillation Instrument, 1981. Science History Institute This program looks at how the life stories of scientists with mobility disabilities can help us ask questions about the networks of hidden labor and privilege that enable the production of modern scientific knowledge and the ways in which the myth of the “independent scientist” is indeed just that, a myth.",3:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,1:00 p.m.,,History Lab: Disability and the Myth of the Independent Scientist,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/history-lab-disability-and-the-myth-of-the-independent-scientist,17-08-2019,13:00:00,15:00:00
+"Monday, September 9, 2019",On Innovation Day early-career industry leaders come together to celebrate innovation in the chemical industry today and seek solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. Please check back soon for schedule and award details. For more information contact Zackary Biro at 215.873.8203 or send email to zbiro@sciencehistory.org.,7:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,3:00 p.m.,,Innovation Day 2019,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/innovation-day-2019,09-09-2019,15:00:00,19:00:00
+"Saturday, September 14, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon4.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201909,14-09-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+"Saturday, October 12, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon8.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201910,12-10-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+"Saturday, November 9, 2019","With science topics ranging from medical history to the environment, Wikipedia’s content reaches more than 500 million people around the globe. wikisalon11.jpg Interested in joining the ranks of this online encyclopedia’s volunteer editors? Stop by for our monthly WikiSalon, a casual gathering of Wikipedia enthusiasts and those interested in learning more. Participants can edit articles of their own choice and suggest articles needing improvement to the group. You provide your own laptop; we provide coffee, tea, and plenty of opportunity for spontaneous discussion and collaboration. First-timer? No problem! One of our experienced guests will coach you through the process.",2:00 p.m.,,"Science History Institute315 Chestnut Street, Science History Institute, 315 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106",Science History Institute,,12:00 p.m.,,WikiSalon,https://www.sciencehistory.org/event/wikisalon-201911,09-11-2019,12:00:00,14:00:00
+"Monday, March 25th, 2019 ","NatCon is the largest behavioral health conference in health care, hosted by the National Council for Behavioral Health. In partnership with the National Council and other organizations in an advisory capacity, CHIP is developing a toolkit for donors navigating the field of mental health and addiction. This will include a decision-making framework and examples of evidence-based approaches that philanthropy can support.
+On March 27th, CHIP will be hosting a private workshop on how philanthropy can have the greatest impact on mental health and addiction. Experts will be invited to participate in generative discussions and provide feedback on CHIP’s early answers.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,NatCon19,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/natcon19/,25-03-2019,allday,allday
+"Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 ","Kat Rosqueta, founding executive director of CHIP, gave a keynote on nonprofits having a higher impact at the annual Eagles Care Summit in Lincoln Financial Field.
+The Eagles Care Summit is a full-day conference designed to bring Philadelphia nonprofits together with a focus on capacity building. Its goal is to make our communities stronger by providing local nonprofit staff with the tools, information, resources and connections they need to perform at their highest levels, regardless of focus area or mission.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,Eagles Care Summit,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/eagles-care-summit/,13-03-2019,allday,allday
+"Saturday, February 16th, 2019 ","OWN IT Penn is a women’s empowerment, on-campus organization that aims to bridge the gap between female leaders and the young women who admire them, as well as to create awareness of the hurdles women still face in the workplace by hosting a diverse and accessible summit for college-aged students.
+Neha Butala, our Social Impact Fellow working on The XX Factor, was invited to speak on a panel at the 2019 OWN IT Summit. Her panel, The Power of Speaking Up: Women in Activism, also included Katlyn Grasso (Founder of genHERation), Jeannine Lisitski (Executive Director and President of Women Against Abuse), Jennifer Morris (President of Conservation International), and Melissa Silverstein (Founder of Women and Hollywood).",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,OWN IT Penn Women’s Empowerment Conference,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/own-it-penn-womens-empowerment-conference/,16-02-2019,allday,allday
+"Tuesday, January 29th, 2019 ","Impact 100 Richmond will welcome Kat Rosqueta, founding executive director of CHIP, as the guest speaker for its annual Big Learn event. Kat will lead Impact 100 members in a discussion on practical ways individual donors can become high-impact philanthropists and do the most good. Register here for the event, which will be hosted at the Williams Mullen offices in Richmond, VA.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,6:00 PM - 8:00 PM,,Impact 100 Richmond: Big Learn 2019,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/impact-100-richmond-big-learn-2019/,29-01-2019,18:00:00,20:00:00
+"Monday, January 28th, 2019 ","Spring Point Partners and Permit Capital Advisors will host a panel discussion with experts in philanthropy and investment research, exploring ways to support women and girls and promote gender equity. CHIP’s work on The XX Factor, in particular the 5 key dimensions of women’s lives and evidence-based points of intervention, will be featured.
+The panel will include Kat Rosqueta (founding Executive Director, Center for High Impact Philanthropy), Angélica Fuentes (Latin-American businesswoman and impact investor), Simran Sidhu (Director, The HIVE at Spring Point), and Angela Sun (Head of Strategy and Corporate Development, Bloomberg L.P.).",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,4:30 PM - 7:30 PM,,How to Positively Impact the Future for Women and Girls,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/how-to-positively-impact-the-future-for-women-and-girls/,28-01-2019,16:30:00,19:30:00
+"Friday, November 16th, 2018 ","Glenmede and Flora Stone Mather Center for Women at Case Western Reserve University are bringing together a group of influential women for an afternoon of engaging conversation surrounding the topic of investing in women. Kat Rosqueta, founding Executive Director of the Center for High Impact Philanthropy, will be the keynote speaker at this event. She will present the five dimensions of a woman’s life that are critical to her flourishing, as well as CHIP’s recent guidance The XX Factor Guidebook: How to Align Financial Investments to Improve the Lives of Women and Girls.
+The event will be held on Friday, November 16 at the Linsalata Alumni Center of Case Western Reserve University.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,11:30 AM,,Funding the Future: Investing in Women,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/funding-the-future-investing-in-women/,16-11-2018,11:30:00,12:30:00
+"Thursday, November 1st, 2018 ","The world’s first global Gender-Smart Investing Summit, presented by Catalyst at Large and UBS, was an invitation-only forum bringing together 300 of the world’s brightest minds in gender lens investing. Over two and a half days in Central London, these leaders come together to connect, collaborate, share information, and take action to deploy more capital, more strategically, in ways that make a difference to the lives of women and girls. Several colleagues who were instrumental in developing The XX Factor: A Comprehensive Framework for Improving the Lives of Women and Girls participated, including Summit host Suzanne Biegel (Chief Catalyst, Catalyst at Large), Sandra Maro Hunt (Senior Director, Wharton Social Impact Initiative), and Ruth Shaber (President, Tara Health Foundation).",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,Gender-Smart Investing Summit,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/gender-smart-investing-summit/,01-11-2018,allday,allday
+"Thursday, October 25th, 2018 ","The Center for High Impact Philanthropy is hosting scholars, foundation staff, and nonprofit leaders for an invite-only workshop to refine our funder toolkit for strengthening democracy.
+Launched in April 2018, the Strengthening Democracy aims to answer the question: how can philanthropy strengthen democracy? Our guidance will describe characteristics of a strong democracy; outline the most promising, evidence-based strategies for strengthening democracy—and provide indicators to help understand progress. Our partner in developing this guidance is Democracy Fund, a bipartisan foundation established by eBay founder and philanthropist Pierre Omidyar that invests in organizations working to ensure that our political system is able to withstand new challenges and deliver on its promise to the American people.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,Strengthening Democracy Workshop,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/strengthening-democracy-workshop/,25-10-2018,allday,allday
+"Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018 ","SOCAP18 is the 11th annual convening hosted by Social Capital Markets, a network of investors, entrepreneurs, and social impact leaders addressing the world’s toughest challenges through market-based solutions. SOCAP’s flagship event each fall in San Francisco is the leading gathering for impact investors and social entrepreneurs.
+Ruth Shaber, President of Tara Health Foundation, and member of the Advisory Board for The XX Factor, spoke about CHIP’s guidance during a session on impact investing, “Moving From Good Impact Deals to Great Systems Change.”",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,SOCAP18,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/socap18/,23-10-2018,allday,allday
+"Sunday, October 21st, 2018 ","Women’s Collective Giving Grantmaking Network (WCGN) is one of the largest networks of women-powered collective giving grantmaking organizations, representing 60 organizations in 28 states and Australia. Members of WCGN have granted more than $100 million to nonprofits throughout the country.
+Every 18 months, WCGN convenes an exciting educational conference and celebration of women’s collective giving grantmaking hosted by a member organization in its own hometown. This year, Impact100 is hosting the 2018 WCGN Conference in Philadelphia from Sunday, Oct 21 through Tuesday October 23. The theme is “We the Women – Changing the Face of Philanthropy.”
+Kat Rosqueta, Executive Director of the Center for High Impact Philanthropy, gave the opening keynote “Amplify the Money You Give” on Monday, October 22.",,,,Center for High Impact Philanthropy,,All Day,,We the Women: 2018 WCGN Conference,https://www.impact.upenn.edu/event/we-the-women-2018-wcgn-conference/,21-10-2018,allday,allday
+26 August 2019,"https://www.sas.upenn.edu/italians/center/events/archives
+https://twitter.com/PennItalian",,,,Italian Studies,,,,Click on this link for the events of this past academic year! Next fall's events will be announced on August 27. Have a great summer!,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/italians/event/2019/08/click-link-events-past-academic-year-next-falls-events-will-be-announced-august-27-hav,26-08-2019,,
+"May 10, 2019 • 1:30 PM – 3 PM","May 10, 2019 • 1:30 PM – 3 PM
+CEMB Conference Room, 112A LRSM
+NOTE: All Working Group meetings are meant to be all-hands meetings, and are intended for discussion among the entire center, not those already expert in the particular area. Everyone should try to attend all WG meetings.
+Working Group 4 Meeting: Cross-cutting and Emerging technologies
+Organizers: Chris Chen and Treena Arinzeh
+Rebeca Well, M.D., Department of Medicine, UPenn
+Matthew Kutys, Ph.D., postdoc in Chen Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, BU.
+Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. EST
+Location: LRSM Building at 3231 Walnut Street, ROOM 112A, CEMB Conference Room, University of Pennsylvania or remotely via GoToMeeting",3 PM,,"CEMB Conference Room, 112A LRSM",Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,1:30 PM,,Working Group Meeting: MAY 10,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/working-group-meeting-may-10note-all-working-group-meetings-are-meant-to-be-all-hands-meetings-and-are-intended-for-discussion-among-the-entire-center-not-those-already-expert-in-the-particular-a/?rd=20190510,10-05-2019,13:30:00,15:00:00
+"May 20, 2019","May 20, 2019 • 12 AM",,,,Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,"May 20, 2019",,Admin Deadline: Annual Report submitted to NSF_ May 20,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/admin-deadline-annual-report-submitted-to-nsf_-may-20/?rd=20190520,20-05-2019,allday,allday
+"May 24, 2019 • 1:30 PM – 3 PM","May 24, 2019 • 1:30 PM – 3 PM
+CEMB Conference Room, 112A LRSM
+NOTE: All Working Group meetings are meant to be all-hands meetings, and are intended for discussion among the entire center, not those already expert in the particular area. Everyone should try to attend all WG meetings.
+Working Group Leaders Meeting
+Time: 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. EST
+Location: LRSM Building at 3231 Walnut Street, ROOM 112A, CEMB Conference Room, University of Pennsylvania or remotely via GoToMeeting",3 PM,,"CEMB Conference Room, 112A LRSM",Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,1:30 PM,,Working Group Meeting: MAY 24,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/working-group-meeting-may-24/?rd=20190524,24-05-2019,13:30:00,15:00:00
+"May 28, 2019 • 8 AM","May 28, 2019 • 8 AM
+The 10-week Research Experience for Undergraduates begins at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Pennsylvania. Program ends on August 2, 2019.
+Apply at: https://cemb.upenn.edu/diversity/reu/",,,,Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,Summer REU begins at WashU and UPenn_ May 28,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/summer-reu-begins-at-washu-and-upenn_-may-28/?rd=20190528,28-05-2019,08:00:00,09:00:00
+"June 17, 2019 • 8 AM","June 17, 2019 • 8 AM
+The 7-week Research Experience for Teachers begins at the University of Pennsylvania. Program ends on August 2, 2019.
+Apply at: https://cemb.upenn.edu/diversity/stem-teacher-ret/",,,,Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,Summer RET begins at UPenn_ JUNE 17,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/summer-ret-begins-at-upenn_-june-17/?rd=20190617,17-06-2019,08:00:00,09:00:00
+"June 19, 2019 • 8 AM","June 19, 2019 • 8 AM
+Singh Center for Nanotechnology, UPENN
+Day 1
+Annual Site Visit
+June 19-20
+Glandt Forum, Singh Center of Nanotechnology, 3205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA",,,"Singh Center for Nanotechnology, UPENN",Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,NSF Site Visit (Day 1) – June 19-20,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/nsf-site-visit-jaune-19-20/?rd=20190619,19-06-2019,08:00:00,09:00:00
+"June 20, 2019 • 8 AM","June 20, 2019 • 8 AM
+Singh Center for Nanotechnology, UPENN
+Day 2 – Executive Committee ONLY
+Annual Site Visit
+June 19-20
+Glandt Forum, Singh Center of Nanotechnology, 3205 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA",,,"Singh Center for Nanotechnology, UPENN",Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,NSF Site Visit (Day 2) – June 19-20,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/nsf-site-visit-day-2-june-19-20/?rd=20190620,20-06-2019,08:00:00,09:00:00
+"October 12, 2019 • 8 AM","October 12, 2019 • 8 AM
+Washington University in St. Louis
+This symposium is being organized by the Center for Engineering MechanoBiology with support from the National Science Foundation. This year, the symposium will run as a satellite meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, taking place at Washington University in St. Louis from October 13-15. For more information, go to SES2019.
+Details at Symposium Webpage.",,,Washington University in St. Louis,Center for Engineering MechanoBiology,,8 AM,,2nd Annual Mechanobiology Symposium_ OCT12,https://cemb.upenn.edu/event/2nd-annual-mechanobiology-symposium_-oct12/?rd=20191012,12-10-2019,08:00:00,09:00:00
+"May 20, 2019","The Center for Advanced Studies of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON), the Zicklin Center for Business Ethics Research of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and the Center for Business Ethics and Corporate Governance are organizing an international symposium on the “Economics Profession in Russia” as part of the VIII Conference on “Business Ethics and National Patterns of Behavior.” The conference will take place at UNECON in Saint Petersburg, Russia, on Monday and Tuesday 20-21 May 2019. The organizers are accepting paper proposals until 13 February 2019.
+The objective of this conference is to develop an understanding of the present condition and nature of what is called in Russia “the economic profession.” In keeping with the ongoing objective of this conference series, the conference will also consider ethical implications of changes within the profession and effects on the study and practice of business ethics.
++ Google Calendar+ iCal Export",5:00 PM,,,Zicklincenter Center for Business Ethics,,8:00 AM,,Business Ethics and National Patterns of Behavior: The Economics Profession in Russia,https://zicklincenter.wharton.upenn.edu/event/business-ethics-and-national-patterns-of-behavior-the-economics-profession-in-russia/,20-05-2019,08:00:00,17:00:00
+"March 28, 2019","Professor Shoemaker from University of Wisconsin Law School will present his paper “The Devil’s Justice”.
+ Abstract: “Among the most underappreciated aspects of the devil’s medieval career is that he was once the lead plaintiff in the world’s most spectacularly ambitious lawsuit. He lost. He was defeated by the arguments of a woman, the Virgin Mary. The bitter defeat was amplified by the fact that the judge in the case was the very same person the devil had accused of violently despoiling him of the human souls whose ownership was in dispute. In hindsight, the loss might be what social scientists call overdetermined. The venue for the suit – heaven – and the day of the trial – Good Friday – were certainly not auspicious. Nonetheless, the devil initiated his lawsuit supremely confident that he would prevail. His confidence rested upon his belief that both the applicable laws and the overarching principles of justice were entirely on his side.
+ It was that the lawsuit contained the “preposterous” image of a woman serving in the role of lawyer. Perhaps worst of all, the outcome of the case did not turn solely on rational legal argumentation – the give and take of reasons and responses - but also, as we will see below, upon the tears of an emotionally overwrought woman. Serious scholars, he stressed, would not waste time with the text. Let’s revisit these judgments”",1:20 PM,59444.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Workshop: Karl Shoemaker,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/59444/view/event,28-03-2019,12:00:00,13:20:00
+"February 6, 2019","The Legal History Workshop, the Constitutional Law Workshop, and the Wharton Legal Studies department are cosponsoring a workshop with Jed Shugerman and his co-authors Ethan Lieb and Andrew Kent. They will be presenting “Faithful Execution and Article II.” The workshop is open to Faculty and invited guests.",1:30 PM,59278.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,"Legal History/Constitutional Law/Wharton Legal Studies Workshop: Jed Shugerman, Ethan Leib and Andrew Kent",https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/59278/view/event,06-02-2019,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"November 15, 2018","Professor Anna Lvovsky will be presenting.
+ Anna Lvovsky is an Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where she teaches American legal history, the history of policing, criminal law, and evidence. Professor Lvovsky’s scholarship focuses on the legal and cultural dimensions of policing, judicial uses of professional knowledge, and the regulation of gender, sexuality, and morality. Her recent work examines judicial deference to police expertise and the role of moral judgment in the Supreme Court’s Fourth Amendment jurisprudence.
+ Professor Lvovsky’s book project, Queer Expertise: Urban Policing and the Discovery of the Gay World, 1920-1970, under contract with the University of Chicago Press, examines how the police drew on a combination of scientific expertise and lay stereotype about homosexuality to shape the legal status of gay men in the United States. As a dissertation, the project received the 2016 Julien Mezey Dissertation Award from the Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities.
+ Prior to joining HLS, Professor Lvovsky was an Academic Fellow at Columbia Law School. She clerked for Judge Michael Boudin of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and for Judge Gerard E. Lynch of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Professor Lvovsky graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, where she was articles co-chair of the Harvard Law Review and the recipient of the LGBTQ Writing Prize, and received her Ph.D. in the History of American Civilization from Harvard University. She earned a B.A. summa cum laude from Yale College.",1:30 PM,58627.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Anna Lvovsky,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/58627/view/event,15-11-2018,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"November 5, 2018","Professor Hirota’s current book project, “The Business of the Nation: Foreign Contract Labor and the Rise of American Immigration Control,” examines the transnational business of importing Asian, Canadian, European, and Mexican contract laborers to the United States and the evolution of federal alien contract labor law designed to restrict this form of immigration over the course of the long nineteenth century. Since the early nineteenth century, Americans opposed the immigration of poor foreign workers who would degrade the dignity of labor and lower American wage standards. The opposition to immigrant labor became especially strong in the case of contract workers. In 1885, American workers’ antipathy to “alien contract labor” resulted in the passage of the federal Foran Act to ban the landing of foreign contract workers and deport those already in the United States back to their countries of origin. This project examines how hostility toward contract labor migration influenced American immigration law and how the alien contract labor law in turn affected immigrant workers.
+ The paper traces the intellectual and legal genealogy of alien contract labor law by surveying the antebellum roots of opposition to imported labor in the United States. While labor radicalism in the late nineteenth century played a crucial role in the introduction of the Foran Act, the federal law was built upon earlier discourses on servile labor and the economic impact on Americans of immigration of certain kinds. In particular, the paper identifies the following four issues in antebellum America as the ideological and legal origins of the alien contract labor law: 1) Free Soilism, 2) “pauper labor” discourse, 3) assisted emigration, and 4) coolieism. The analysis in this paper is not intended to provide new evidence or revise historiography on these topics. Instead, the paper aims to demonstrate how the antebellum debates over the four issues collectively, if not exclusively, laid the foundations for the federal alien contract labor law, placing it in the broader framework of immigration politics beyond the labor conflict in the late nineteenth century.
+ Hidetaka Hirota is a non-tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Institute for Advanced Study at Waseda University in Japan. He received his Ph.D. in History from Boston College, where his dissertation won the university’s best humanities dissertation prize. He previously held research and teaching positions at Columbia University and the City University of New York-City College. He is the author of Expelling the Poor: Atlantic Seaboard States and the Nineteenth-Century Origins of American Immigration Policy (OUP, 2017) and has published articled in the Journal of American History, American Quarterly, and the Journal of American Ethnic History. His scholarship has earned multiple distinctions, including book awards from the Immigration and Ethnic History Society, the New England American Studies Association, and the American Conference for Irish Studies, as well as the Paul L. Murphy Award, the Cromwell Dissertation Prize, and the Cromwell Fellowship from the American Society for Legal History.
+ Professor Hirota’s major works have appeared in the Journal of American History, American Quarterly, and the Journal of American Ethnic History. His published articles received best essay awards from the Organization of American Historians, the Immigration and Ethnic History Society, and the Society for History in the Federal Government. Professor Hirota, and his work, has been featured by CUNY Radio, C-SPAN, The Atlantic, TIME, and The Irish Times.
+ Professor Hirota is currently working on two book projects. One of them, The Business of the Nation, examines the significance of foreign contract labor in American immigration history, demonstrating how concerns about contract laborers from Asia, Europe, and Mexico transformed immigration control from a regional affair for coastal states to an issue of national-level significance in the United States. He is also developing another book, Democratic Intolerance, which provides a synthetic history of American nativism from the American Revolution to the present.",1:30 PM,58555.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,The Genealogy of Alien Contract Labor Law: Hidetaka Hirota,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/58555/view/event,05-11-2018,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"September 13, 2018","Please join us in welcoming Bok Visiting International Professor Michael Lobban to our first Legal History Workshop of the year.
+ Michael Lobban is Professor of Legal History at the London School of Economics. He is a prolific and widely respected historian of the eighteenth and nineteenth-century English common law, whose work has earned recognition and plaudits both in the United Kingdom and the United States. He has written two monographs (the first, The Common Law and English Jurisprudence, 1760-1850 (Oxford, 1991), and then White Man’s Justice: South African Political Trials in the Black Consciousness Era (Oxford, 1996). He is also the author of volume 8 of the multivolume Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence (his 2007 volume is titled A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Common Law World, 1600-1900), and the co-author of three volumes of the massive Oxford History of the Laws of England (which cover the period 1820 – 1914), published in 2010), and finally the co-editor of three major edited volumes, including a symposium issue of Comparative Studies in the Development of the Law of Torts in Europe (Cambridge, 2012), Legitimacy and Illegitimacy in Nineteenth Century Law, Literature, and History (Palgrave, 2010), and a symposium issue of Current Legal Issues (Oxford, 2003).
+ He will be presenting a paper titled Martial Law, the Privy Council and The Zulu Rebellion of 1906.",1:10 PM,58672.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Michael Lobban,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/58672/view/event,13-09-2018,12:00:00,13:10:00
+"April 11, 2018","Dylan C. Penningroth specializes in African American history and in U.S. socio-legal history. His first book, The Claims of Kinfolk: African American Property and Community in the Nineteenth-Century South (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003), won the Avery Craven Prize from the Organization of American Historians. His articles have appeared in the Journal of American History, the American Historical Review, and the Journal of Family History. Penningroth has held fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, and the Stanford Humanities Center, and has been recognized by the Organization of American Historians’ Huggins-Quarles committee, a Weinberg College Teaching Award (Northwestern University), a McCormick Professorship of Teaching Excellence (Northwestern), and a MacArthur Foundation fellowship.
+ Before joining Berkeley Law in 2015, Dylan Penningroth was on the faculty of the History Department at the University of Virginia (1999-2002), at Northwestern University (2002-2015), and a Research Professor at the American Bar Foundation (2007-2015).
+ Penningroth is currently working on a study of African Americans’ encounter with law from the Civil War to the modern civil rights movement. Combining legal and social history, the study explores the practical meaning of legal rights for black life. His next project is a study of the legacies of slavery in colonial Ghana.",1:20 PM,56357.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,"Professor Dylan Penningroth, University of California, Berkeley, will be presenting.",Legal History Consortium Workshop: Dylan Penningroth,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/56357/view/event,11-04-2018,12:00:00,13:20:00
+"March 15, 2018","Margot Canaday is a legal and political historian who studies gender and sexuality in modern America. She holds a B.A. from the University of Iowa and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. Her first book, The Straight State: Sexuality and Citizenship in Twentieth Century America (Princeton, 2009), won the Organization of American Historians’ Ellis Hawley Prize, the American Political Science Association’s Gladys M. Kammerer Award (co-winner), the American Studies Association’s Lora Romero Prize, the American Society for Legal History’s Cromwell Book Prize, the Committee on LGBT History’s John Boswell Prize, the Lambda Literary Award for LGBT Studies, as well as the Association of American Law Schools’ Order of the Coif Biennial Book Award. Canaday has won fellowships from the Social Science Research Council, the Princeton University Society of Fellows, the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the American Council of Learned Societies. With Thomas Sugrue, Glenda Gilmore, Michael Kazin, and Stephen Pitti, she is co-editor of the series Politics and Culture in Modern America at the University of Pennsylvania Press.",1:20 PM,56356.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,"Professor Margot Canaday, Princeton University, will be discussing her book chapter “‘Making the ‘Business Case’: Gay Rights Inside the Post-Fordist Corporation.”",Legal History Consortium Workshop: Margot Canaday,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/56356/view/event,15-03-2018,12:00:00,13:20:00
+"February 1, 2018","Shaun Ossei-Owusu is an Academic Fellow at Columbia Law School. He studies social inequality and his work sits at the intersection of law, history, and sociology. His research coheres around an interest in how government provides services to the poor, specifically legal aid and health care. His manuscript, which is based on his dissertation, explores the development of criminal legal aid and its unexamined relationship to racial inequality. He also studies how interface of federal legislation, municipal politics, and post-Great Society health care restructuring have impacted urban hospitals and the communities that they serve.
+ Before coming to Columbia, Ossei-Owusu received his J.D. and Ph.D from the University of California, Berkeley, where his work was supported the National Science Foundation, the American Bar Foundation, the American Society of Criminology and the American Society for Legal History. He has worked as a Pro Bono Fellow at Whitman Walker Health in Washington D.C. and as a teacher in North Philadelphia. His work has appeared in various scholarly and public outlets.",1:20 PM,56448.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Shaun Ossei-Owusu,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/56448/view/event,01-02-2018,12:00:00,13:20:00
+"November 27, 2017","Between 1967 and 1979, the United States’ divorce rate doubled. The rapidly rising divorce rate created a widespread crisis among women who had relied on their husbands for economic support and access to social insurance benefits such as Social Security and health insurance. In reponse, a now-forgotten strand of the 1970s feminist movement, which I call “the feminist divorce reform movement,” emerged and organized itself around securing women’s place in the United States’ marriage-based insurance system. This paper, part of a larger project on this movement, examines divorce’s decreasing political salience as more and more women entered the permanent workforce. In the 1970s, one-third of married American women were in the paid labor force. By 1985 that number had shot up. Even women with young children were now as likely to be found in the workforce as at home: around 50 percent of mothers with children under three and roughly 70 percent of mothers with children over six were in the labor force. In response, feminists who had once focused on shoring up the marriage-based insurance system turned their efforts toward securing women’s place in the employment-based insurance system. In this paper I consider how legislative battles over the Family and Medical Leave Act, universal child care, and welfare reform fit into a longer history of feminist activism dedicated to creating a social insurance system that protected women from the economic vulnerabilities created by their carework obligations.
+ Suzanne Kahn received her Ph.D. in American History from Columbia University in 2015. Her dissertation, “Divorce and the Politics of the American Social Welfare Regime, 1969-2001,” was awarded the American Society for Legal History’s 2016 Cromwell Dissertation prize. She has received fellowships from the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation, the ACLS, and the Schlesinger Library at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. She currently works as a research analyst at SEIU 32BJ.",1:30 PM,56125.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Suzanne Kahn,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/56125/view/event,27-11-2017,12:00:00,13:30:00
+"October 11, 2017","Professor Elizabeth Papp Kamali, an Assistant Professor of Law, Harvard Law School, will be presenting her paper Trial by Ordeal by Jury in Medieval England, or Saints and Sinners in Literature and Law.
+ Using a miracle tale as a focal point, this paper illuminates the political and cultural context of York at the turn of the twelfth to thirteenth century in order to make sense of England’s rapid transition from trial by ordeal to trial by jury after 1215. More specifically, the paper highlights the possible impact of the period of papal interdict (c. 1208 – 1214), imposed by Pope Innocent III in response to King John’s intransigence over the appointment of a new archbishop of Canterbury, during this transitional period in criminal procedure. It argues that the interdict, with its suspension of liturgies, might have forced experimentation with alternative means of reaching verdicts in felony cases. The paper also suggests that juries might have been involved in the issuance of ordeal verdicts in the late ordeal period in England, in which case the shift from trial by ordeal to trial by jury may be less a moment of rupture than a transition from one form of trial using juries to another, albeit a trial form more starkly desacralized after 1215. It is the author’s hope that the paper will serve as a starting point for further research, not a decisive answer to the questions it raises, including whether England’s rapid adoption of final jury verdicts may owe something to the tussle between King John and a particularly imperial and imperious pope.
+ Elizabeth Papp Kamali is an Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where she teaches Criminal Law, English Legal History, Medieval English Law, and a seminar on Mind and Criminal Responsibility. She is a faculty member of Harvard’s Standing Committee on Medieval Studies. Her research focuses on the medieval English common law and the history of criminal law, with a particular interest in the early criminal trial jury. Her current projects include studies of the role of criminal intent in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century English felony cases, medieval understandings of anger’s operation in felony adjudication, conflict between urban customary law and the English common law in the early fourteenth century, and the influence of Roman law on the early development of the common law. Recent publications include “The Devil’s Daughter of Hell Fire: Anger’s Role in Medieval English Felony Cases” (Law and History Review, 2017) and “Law and Equity in a Medieval English Manor Court” (in Texts and Contexts in Legal History: Essays in Honor of Charles Donahue, 2016).",1:15 PM,55474.0,Faculty Lounge,Penn Law School,,12:00 PM,Workshop open to faculty and invited guests,Legal History Consortium Workshop: Elizabeth Kamali,https://www.law.upenn.edu/newsevents/calendar.php#event_id/55474/view/event,11-10-2017,12:00:00,13:15:00
+"Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 9:30am","This event is free and open to the public.
+Enjoy some networking and breakfast during an hour-long roundup of our famous 60-Second Lectures. The live lectures, given by Penn Arts and Sciences’ foremost faculty, students, and alumni, prove that a world of knowledge can be condensed into just one minute. Find out how these Quakers, backed by the Power of Penn, are impacting their communities and the world as critical thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders. Vote for your favorite lecture and see who walks away with the grand prize.
+Email events@sas.upenn.edu for more information.",,,"Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall
+3417 Spruce Street, Philadelphia",Penn SAS,,9:30am,,Penn Arts and Sciences' 60-Second Slam,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/events/penn-arts-and-sciences-60-second-slam,18-05-2019,09:30:00,10:30:00
+"Saturday, May 18, 2019 - 12:00pm","Be sure to stop by the Penn Arts and Sciences Tent for an opportunity to reconnect with other College alumni, pick up some unique Penn swag, and find out about opportunities to get involved. Alumni from all generations are also invited to contribute notable Penn anecdotes and remembrances to Penn Back Then, a web-based audio scrapbook. Click HERE to hear past recordings.
+Follow Penn Arts and Sciences on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @PennSAS.",,,College Green,Penn SAS,,12:00pm,,Penn Arts and Sciences Tent on College Green,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/events/penn-arts-and-sciences-tent-college-green,18-05-2019,12:00:00,13:00:00
+"Sunday, May 19, 2019 - 6:30pm","The College Graduation Ceremony celebrates the achievements of the graduating seniors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Each participant's name is read as they cross the stage and receive the congratulations of the dean of the school, the dean of the College, faculty, fellow students, friends and family.
+Recommendations and Guidelines for Guests:
+Wear low heels. The stands are very steep.
+Wear sunglasses. Guests will be facing west during sunset.
+Guests are not permitted in the student assembly area or the student seating area.
+The ceremony will be held at Franklin Field rain or shine. The stadium is not covered.
+Gates open at 5:30 pm. Guests enter at the Southeast corners of Franklin Field.
+Guests are asked to meet their party away from Franklin Field at approximately 9:30 pm.
+There will be a live webcast of the ceremony.
+For more information, please visit The College Graduation Ceremony event page.",,,"Franklin Field
+233 South 33rd Street, Philadelphia",Penn SAS,"Class of 2019 Speaker: Hannah Sweeney, C'19
+Graduation Speaker: Stacey Snider, C'82, PAR'19",6:30pm,,College of Arts and Sciences Graduation Ceremony,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/events/college-arts-and-sciences-graduation-ceremony,19-05-2019,18:30:00,19:30:00
+"Wed, 05/08/2019 - 10:00 - 11:00","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",11:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,"Brian Beckford, University of Michigan",10:00 ,,"High Energy Theory seminar: ""Latest Results from KOTO""",https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/high-energy-theory-seminar-latest-results-koto,08-05-2019,10:00:00,11:00:00
+"Thu, 05/09/2019 - 13:30 - 14:30","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",14:30,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,"Tomohiro Yamazaki, University of Tokyo",13:30 ,,"High Energy Theory seminar: ""Search for the supersymmetric partner of the top quark with the ATLAS""",https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/high-energy-theory-seminar-search-supersymmetric-partner-top-quark-atlas,09-05-2019,13:30:00,14:30:00
+"Mon, 05/13/2019 - 14:00 - 16:00","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",16:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,"Xingang Chen, Harvard University",14:00 ,,High Energy Theory seminar,https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/high-energy-theory-seminar-27,13-05-2019,14:00:00,16:00:00
+"Fri, 05/17/2019 - 08:30 - 18:00","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",18:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,Graduate Students,08:30 ,,Physics and Astronomy Graduate Symposium,https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/physics-and-astronomy-graduate-symposium,17-05-2019,08:30:00,18:00:00
+"Sat, 05/25/2019 - 09:00 - 18:00","Jon Bloom, Broad Institute:""The Morse homology of PCA, deep learning, and the brain""",18:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,,09:00 ,,Workshop on Applied Topology,https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/workshop-applied-topology,25-05-2019,09:00:00,18:00:00
+"Wed, 10/09/2019 - 14:00 - 15:00","University of Pennsylvania Department of Physics & Astronomy / 209 South 33rd Street / Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396
+Phone: (215) 898-8141 / Fax: (215) 898-2010 /physics-info@physics.upenn.edu",15:00,,,Penn Physics and Astronomy Department,Adi Nusser (Technion),14:00 ,,Astronomy seminar,https://www.physics.upenn.edu/events/astronomy-seminar-4,09-10-2019,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"Friday, 1 August 2014—Sunday, 31 May 2015","Co-curated by Alex Pezzati, Senior Archivist, Penn Museum, Eric Schnittke, Assistant Archivist, Penn Museum, and Joani Etskovitz, Summer internMore information",,,"Archives corridor, Penn Museum",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,,,Year of Color: Art in the Archives,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/year-color-art-archives,01-08-2014,,
+"Saturday, 16 August 2014—Sunday, 5 July 2015","Co-curated by C. Brian Rose, Curator-in-Charge, Mediterranean Section, Penn Museum, and Frank Matero, Professor of Architecture, Historic Preservation, University of PennsylvaniaMore information",,,"Special Exhibitions Gallery, 3rd floor, Penn Museum",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,,,Year of Color: Stone and Marble from Antiquity to the Present,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/year-color-stone-and-marble-antiquity-present,16-08-2014,,
+"Wednesday, 17 September 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Widely regarded as one of England’s most talented authors, Zadie Smith is a masterful painter of characters of all shades and hues. Her humorous and fiercely nuanced portraits of voice, ethnicity, black culture, and diasporic spaces span both her fiction and her essays on painting, art, philosophy, and literary traditions ranging from E.M. Forster to Zora Neale Hurston. Received to widespread acclaim, Zadie Smith's first novel, White Teeth (2000), is a vibrant portrait of contemporary multicultural London, told through the story of three ethnically diverse families. The book won a number of awards and prizes, including the Guardian First Book Award, Whitbread First Novel Award, Commonwealth Writers Prize (Overall Winner, Best First Book), and two BT Ethnic and Multicultural Media Awards (Best Book/Novel and Best Female Media Newcomer). It was also shortlisted for the Mail on Sunday/John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, the Orange Prize for Fiction, and the Author’s Club First Novel Award. White Teeth has been translated into over twenty languages and was adapted for Channel 4 television for broadcast in autumn 2002. Her tenure as Writer in Residence at the Institute of Contemporary Arts resulted in the publication of an anthology of erotic stories entitled Piece of Flesh (2001). More recently, she has written the introduction for The Burned Children of America (2003), a collection of eighteen short stories by a new generation of young American writers.Zadie Smith’s second novel, The Autograph Man (2002), is a story of loss, obsession and the nature of celebrity. It won the 2003 Jewish Quarterly Literary Prize for Fiction. In 2003 and 2013 Granta magazine named her as one of 20 Best of Young British Novelists. Her third novel, On Beauty (2005), won the 2006 Orange Prize for Fiction. She has also written a nonfiction book about writing entitled Fail Better (2006). Her book, Changing My Mind: Occasional Essays, came out in 2009. Her novel, NW (2012) was named as one of the New York Times 10 Best Books of 2012.",6:30pm,,"Harrison Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,The Writer's Palette,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/writers-palette,17-09-2014,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Wednesday, 8 October 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Emperor Hadrian's villa near Rome was a vast complex, resplendent with many buildings surrounded by gardens, groves, statues, and water features. Archaeologist Bernard Frischer, an international authority on virtual heritage, describes his remarkable project to scan, model, and digitally restore to their full color and shape representative statues and other sculptures from this World Heritage Site.
+Bernard Frischer is a leading digital humanist widely published on virtual heritage, Classics, and the survival of the Classical world.He received his B.A. in Classics from Wesleyan University and his Ph.D. in Classics from the University of Heidelberg. He taught Classics at UCLA from 1976 to 2004, following which he was Professor of Art History and Classics at the University of Virginia until joining Indiana University in 2013.Frischer has been a guest professor at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Bologna, and Beijing Normal University and held the post of Professor-in-Charge of the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, a Fellow of the Michigan Society of Fellows, a Fellow and trustee of the American Academy in Rome. He has also won research fellowships from the American Council of Learned Societies and the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts. From 1996 to 2003 he directed the excavations of Horace's Villa sponsored by the American Academy in Rome, and from 1996 to 2004 he was founding director of the UCLA Cultural Virtual Reality Laboratory. The lab was one of the first in the world to use 3D computer modeling to reconstruct cultural heritage sites. Frischer has overseen many significant modeling projects, including ""Rome Reborn,"" the virtual recreation of the entire city of ancient Rome within the Aurelian Walls. In 2005 he was given the Pioneer Award of the International Society on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. In 2009, he was the recipient of the Tartessus Lifetime Achievement Prize from the Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology. In 2010-11 he held the Senior Prize Fellowship at the Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Recovering Polychromy in the Statues of Hadrian's Villa,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/recovering-polychromy-statues-hadrians-villa,08-10-2014,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Sunday, 12 October 2014 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+ INDIAKaker Kolkata (Rowena Potts, Baidehi Sengupta, 2013)Mecho Bazaar (Potts, Sengupta 2006)In the series opener, we present two short folkloric films about Calcutta. Kaker Kolkata tells of the unique and antic relationship between crows and people, Mecho Bazaar visits the fish market of the old town. Come and join the conversation with Bengali scholar Dr. Manjita Mukharji.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Kaker Kolkata AND Mecho Bazaar,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/kaker-kolkata-and-mecho-bazaar,12-10-2014,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"Wednesday, 22 October 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Religion, power, and science, as well as craft and fashion intertwine in this fascinating account by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Roald Hoffmann of the use and influence of indigo in world cultures. The vast journey of blue moves from Hebrew ritual uses of snail pigments to the chemistry and economics of blue jean dyes.
+American chemist Roald Hoffmann is widely known for using quantum mechanics to help reveal the mechanisms of chemical reactions. He was born Roald Safran in 1937 in a small Polish town that is now part of the Ukraine. Hoffmann's father was a civil engineer familiar with the local infrastructure, which made him of value to the Nazis. For a while the family was allowed to remain in its own home, but was later relocated to a labor camp, where many of the Nazi guards could be bribed. After being paid off, the guards allowed 5-year-old Roald, his mother, two aunts, and an uncle to escape in early 1943. A Ukrainian couple hid them in the attic and storeroom of a nearby schoolhouse where the husband taught. Hoffmann's father remained behind in the camp, where he was tortured and killed by the Nazis in June 1943 for his involvement in a plot to arm camp prisoners.After the war ended, Hoffmann and his mother relocated to New York, where he later won a Westinghouse science scholarship to Columbia University, earning his BA there. He took his doctorate in chemistry from Harvard and in 1965 began teaching chemistry at Cornell, where he is now Rhodes Professor of Humane Letters Emeritus. Since 2002, Hoffmann has hosted a monthly cabaret called ""Entertaining Science"" at Cornelia Street Café in Greenwich Village.In 1963 Hoffmann introduced the extended Hückel method, a molecular orbital theory that allows calculation of the electronic structure of molecules. In 1965, in collaboration with Nobel laureate Robert Burns Woodward, he introduced the Woodward-Hoffmann rules, a method for exploring the electronic structure of transition states and intermediates in organic reactions. Hoffmann and Japanese chemist Kenichi Fukui shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1981 for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions (Woodward had died two years earlier and thus was ineligible).Hoffmann is also a published poet, playwright, and essayist. His poems appear in several collections: The Metamict State (1987), Gaps and Verges (1990), Memory Effects (1999), and Soliton (2002). In addition, he is a philosopher of science who has made significant contributions to our conceptual, historical, and normative understanding of chemistry. Many of his philosophical essays have been collected in Roald Hoffman on the Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chemistry by Jeffrey Kovac and Michael Weisberg, eds. (2012).",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,The Allure of Indigo,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/allure-indigo,22-10-2014,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Saturday, 1 November 2014—Saturday, 20 December 2014","The exhibition examines how artists have engaged with ideas of homeland and belonging that fail to cohere to a unitary sense of time or place. Through film, photography and performance, the artists in this exhibition explore the contours of belonging across different contexts - from the invention of nationalist social rituals to the homecoming of veterans, from the trope of the ""haunted"" house to that of the family portrait. By bringing together the work of an international group of artists approaching home as a volatile concept, this exhibition examines how fantasies of belonging involve complex psychic and affective responses to specific material and historical conditions informed by race, gender, sexuality and class.""Itinerant Belongings"" grounds this inquiry by revisiting critical debates that bridged activism and art in the 1980s and 1990s. Responding to the presence of the homeless, the displaced, and the disenfranchised in American cities, two of the artists in the exhibition, William Pope.L and Krzysztof Wodiczko, produced projects in this critical moment that questioned the very notion of what it meant for a space to be ""public."" This exhibition aims to reanimate this dialogue and extend it to a contemporary global landscape marked by mass displacement, armed conflict, and debates around borders and immigration.Work by Yael Bartana, Jamie Diamond, Andrew Moore, William Pope.L, Paul Salveson, Jessica Vaughn, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, and Krzysztof Wodiczko will be on display at Slought and the Addams Gallery at PennDesign, and viewers are encouraged to take an itinerant path from one exhibition site to another.
+More information",,,"Slought, 4017 Walnut Street, PhiladelphiaAddams Fine Arts Hall, 200 S. 36th Street, Philadelphia",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,,,Itinerant Belongings,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/itinerant-belongings,01-11-2014,,
+"Sunday, 9 November 2014 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+Day of the Dead(A.L. Palos, 2010)Tiempo de vals (Rebecca Savage, 2006)Renowned muralist and Mexican culture celebrant Cesar Viveros will present a short film about the glorious Zapotec Dia de muertos in Teotitlan del Valle, and a second film about the Quincenara as a right of passage in Tlaxcala.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Day of the Dead AND Tiempo de vals,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/day-dead-and-tiempo-de-vals,09-11-2014,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"Wednesday, 12 November 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","In the same years that black women writers were emerging as major innovators in American literature, black women singers like Syreeta Wright, Minnie Riperton, and Deniece Williams were forging new pathways in American music, rethinking traditional ideas about race and women's vocality. Farah Jasmine Griffin, whose latest book is Harlem Nocturne: Women Artists and Progressive Politics During World War II, will play some of the great recordings from the mid–1970s and discuss their cultural significance.
+Farah Jasmine Griffin teaches English, comparative literature, and African American Studies at Columbia University, where she also served as director of the Institute for Research in African American Studies.In addition to editing several collections of letters and essays, she is the author of Who Set You Flowin': The African American Migration Narrative (Oxford, 1995), If You Can't Be Free, Be a Mystery: In Search of Billie Holiday (Free Press, 2001), and Clawing At the Limits of Cool: Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and the Greatest Jazz Collaboration Ever (Thomas Dunne, 2008). She also wrote ""A Conversation with Mary Lou,"" a stage tribute to jazz legend Mary Lou Williams, presented at the Harlem Stage Gatehouse in New York in March 2014.Griffin took her B.A. from Harvard and Ph.D. from Yale. Her major fields of interest are American and African American literature, music, history, and politics. The recipient of numerous honors and awards for her teaching and scholarship, in 2006-2007 Professor Griffin was a fellow at the New York Public Library Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,New Shades of Blue,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/new-shades-blue,12-11-2014,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Wednesday, 19 November 2014 - 5:00pm—7:00pm","No other human physical trait has become laden with more significance than the color of our skin. Anthropologist and paleobiologist Nina Jablonski discusses her groundbreaking research on the physical evolution of skin color in humans and how its meanings, associations, and values have changed over time.
+Nina G. Jablonski is a biological anthropologist and paleobiologist who studies the evolution of adaptations to the environment in Old World primates including humans. Her work is focused in two major areas. Her paleoanthropological research concerns the evolutionary history of Old World monkeys, and currently includes an active field project in China. Her research on the evolution of human adaptations to the environment centers on how human skin and skin pigmentation have evolved over time, and includes an active field project examining the relation between skin pigmentation and vitamin D production.Professor Jablonski is currently collaborating on the development of new approaches to science education in the United States. These approaches have the dual aims of improving the understanding of evolution and human diversity, and of stimulating interest among students in pursuing STEM courses and careers. With the support of the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) and active collaboration of Henry Louis Gates, Jr., she is leading a group of 30 scholars in the development of ""genetics and genealogy"" curricula for K-12 and college undergraduate students.She also leads a major new scholarly effort to study the effects of race in South African society. With the support of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, she is the convener of the ""Effects of Race"" program, in which a select group of scholars assemble annually to formulate new ways to study race and to mitigate racial discrimination.",7:00pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,The Colors of Human Skin,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/colors-human-skin,19-11-2014,17:00:00,19:00:00
+"Wednesday, 10 December 2014 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","The brilliant colors of butterfly wings reveal much about aesthetics, evolution, and engineering. How do their patterns provide protective camouflage in tropical rain forests? How is nanotechnology using the waterproofing properties of butterfly colors to fabricate energy-efficient materials for buildings? In this panel discussion, Penn researchers discuss how their scientific and technological work imitates nature.
+Using holographic lithography, Shu Yang and her Penn research team recently developed a material that mimics the iridescent and water-resistant qualities of butterfly wings. Applying this innovation, they developed a superhydrophobic coating that can be sprayed onto any surface. The solution contains nanoscopic particles that add a nearly invisible layer of roughness to a surface. Among other things, this highly water resistant coating is now being used on solar panels to keep them drier, cleaner and more efficient.
+In 2004, Shu Yang was named one of the World's Top 100 Innovators Under 35 by MIT Technology Review. In 2006, she received the prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation. And in 2011, she was selected by the National Academy of Engineering to present at the Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium. In addition to being widely published, Dr. Yang holds over 20 patents, issued or pending.
+Daniel Janzen is an evolutionary ecologist, biologist, and conservationist renowned for his pioneering work in tropical ecology and the conservation of endangered tropical ecosystems throughout the world. A former director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service, he divides his time between Penn, where he teaches biology, and his research and field work in Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, he serves as technical advisor to Area de Conservacion Guanacaste (ACG), a 165,000 hectare government/private hybrid conservation area. He is also president of the Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund (GDFCF), the US-based NGO for ACG.
+He and his wife, Winnie Hallwachs, are currently working to further the CBOL (Consortium for the Barcode of Life) and iBOL (International Barcode of Life) efforts to DNA barcode all species of the world for their identification and species discovery by anyone anywhere at any time. Janzen is also an international authority on the taxonomy and biology of tropical caterpillars, and is a member of the US and the Costa Rican National Academy of Sciences, and recipient of the Crafoord Prize (1984), the Kyoto Prize (1997), and BBVA Prize (2012).
+John Tresch is an historian of science and technology. Trained in anthropology and philosophy, his work explores the diversity of the sciences, especially in their interactions with other cultural formations. He focuses on connections between cosmology, experience, social order, and ritual; changing methods, instruments, and disciplinary arrangements in the sciences, arts, and media; and shifting definitions of the rational and real.
+His book The Romantic Machine, which is set in France before the revolution of 1848, examines intersections between romanticism, science, industry, and utopian politics. It won the 2013 History of Science Society's Pfizer Award for Outstanding Book and was named one of the Best Books of 2012 by The New Museum in New York. His forthcoming book, Poe's Machinery: Twisted Visions, Incredible Facts, and the Forging of US Science, shows Edgar Allan Poe's technical obsessions in the light of the efforts of scientists to institute authority over knowledge. Tresch is also working on the study of cosmograms as a tool for comparative cosmology, notably in the Anthropocene and the digital age; as well as a study of contemporary neuroscience in its encounters with contemplative practices.
+Tresch has held fellowships at Columbia's Society of Fellows in the Humanities, Northwestern, the University of Chicago, the Max Planck Institute for History of Science, the Huntington Library, and the Cullman Center at the New York Public Library.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Beautiful Science,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/beautiful-science,10-12-2014,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Sunday, 14 December 2014 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+Kyeremu Proverbs(R. Lane Clark, 1995)
+Lane Clark, who has been making films in the same coastal Ghanaian town for 30 years, will present his newly re-mastered film about Twi language proverbs and how they colorfully inform and instruct.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Kyeremu Proverbs,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/kyeremu-proverbs,14-12-2014,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"Sunday, 11 January 2015 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+In a State of Dress(Madelief de Heer, 2010)H. Kristina Haugland, Philadelphia Museum of Art Textiles curator of costume and textiles, presents a film about the few remaining elderly women in a small town in Holland who painstakingly dress in 16th century attire as a matter of tradition, or perhaps habit.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,In a State of Dress,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/state-dress,11-01-2015,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"Wednesday, 21 January 2015 - 6:00pm","In collaboration with Penn Cinema Studies and International House Philadelphia
+Award-winning cinematographer Bradford Young is known for expressive lighting, bold colors, and nuanced representations of dark skin tones on screen. Part of an exciting new wave of independent African American filmmaking, Young uses his stunning visuals to tell stories of family, violence, and diaspora across black communities from New York City to rural Mississippi.
+PANEL DISCUSSION with special appearance by Bradford Young!
+Before the screening, Bradford Young joins a distinguished panel of Philadelphia filmmakers and film scholars: Louis Massiah (Scribe Video Center) and Salamishah Tillet (Penn). Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to learn what's going on in contemporary Black cinematography, including new tools and techniques of racial representation in film and video.
+SCREENINGMother of George (dir. Andrew Dosunmu, 2013, 107 min.)
+Adenike and Ayodele (The Walking Dead's Danai Gurira and veteran actor Isaach De Bankolé) are a Nigerian couple living in Brooklyn. Following their joyous wedding celebration, the couple soon learns they are unable to conceive a child, news that devastates their family and defies cultural expectations. Adenike makes a shocking decision that could either save her family or destroy it. Acclaimed director Andrew Dosumnu (Restless City) captures thenuances of the unique and fascinating Nigerian culture by creating a vibrant, moving portrait of a young immigrant couple whose joys and struggles are at once intimate and universal. Bradford Young won the 2013 Sundance Award for Cinematography.
+Trailer",,,"International House, 3701 Chestnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,6:00pm,,Mother of George,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/mother-george,21-01-2015,18:00:00,19:00:00
+"Wednesday, 4 February 2015 - 7:00pm","In collaboration with Penn Cinema Studies and International House Philadelphia
+Award-winning cinematographer Bradford Young is known for expressive lighting, bold colors, and nuanced representations of dark skin tones on screen. Part of an exciting new wave of independent African American filmmaking, Young uses his stunning visuals to tell stories of family, violence, and diaspora across black communities from New York City to rural Mississippi.
+SCREENINGPariah (dir. Dee Rees, 2011, 86 min.)
+Alike, a 17-year-old African American teenager, comes to terms with her identity as a butch lesbian and its impact on her family.
+Trailer",,,"International House, 3701 Chestnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,7:00pm,,Pariah,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/pariah,04-02-2015,19:00:00,20:00:00
+"Sunday, 8 February 2015 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+Stilt Dancers of Long Bow Village(Richard Gordon, Carma Hinton, 1980)Guomen: A Village Wedding (Gordon, Hinton, 2003)James Chan presents two films from the Long Bow Village group, one about the rebirth of stilt dancing in a small village in China, joyfully practiced by very young children and elders, the second about folkloric marriage customs returning to Huang Cun village.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Stilt Dancers of Long Bow Village AND Guomen: A Village Wedding,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/stilt-dancers-long-bow-village-and-guomen-village-wedding,08-02-2015,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"Wednesday, 11 February 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Ethnic-haute is the improbable joining of two seemingly separate food worlds, across class and restaurant cultures. It is also the basis for many of today's urban culinary success stories. Food studies scholar Krishnendu Ray describes the cosmopolitan phenomenon of Asian chefs who are changing the palates, tastes, and aesthetics of contemporary dining.
+Before joining the NYU faculty in 2005, food studies scholar Krishnendu Ray taught at the Culinary Institute of America, where he was also an associate dean for curriculum development. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from SUNY Binghamton and his master's in Political Science from Delhi University, India.Ray is the author of The Migrant's Table: Meals and Memories in Bengali-American Households (Temple University, 2004), as well as several book chapters, including ""Exotic Restaurants and Expatriate Home Cooking"" in David Inglis and Debra Gimlin, eds., The Globalization of Food (Oxford: Berg, 2009), and ""Ethnic Succession and the New American Restaurant Cuisine,"" in David Beriss and David Sutton, eds., The Restaurants Book: Ethnographies of Where We Eat (Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007).Among his journal articles are ""Nation and Cuisine: The Evidence from American Newspapers ca. 1830-2003,"" Food & Foodways, 16:4 (August 2008); ""Domesticating Cuisine: Food and Aesthetics on American Television,"" Gastronomica 7:1 (Winter 2007). His most recent co-edited book is Curried Cultures: Globalization, Food and South Asia (University of California Press, 2012).He is currently working on his next book-length project tentatively titled ""Taste, Toil and Ethnicity: Immigrant Restaurateur and the American City."" He serves on the editorial board of the journal Food, Culture & Society.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Colorful Food,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/colorful-food,11-02-2015,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Wednesday, 18 February 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Thanks to the work of countless artists and community organizers, Philadelphia has gained national recognition as the City of Murals. Muralists Betsy Casañas and Ernel Martinez join Mural Arts Program founder and director Jane Golden in this conversation on culture, community building, and arts education. Moderated by Penn urban design professor Amy Hillier, the event will feature site-specific mural projects from around the city.Jane Golden, as the driving force behind the Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, is a true agent of social change, a Philadelphia phenom. Conceived as an anti-graffiti program in 1984, the Mural Arts Program has under Golden's leadership produced over 3600 landmark works of public art in nearly every neighborhood throughout the city. What do these murals embody? So much—about what transforms places, people, communities, and institutions. Read the program's mission statement: ""We believe art ignites change."" Live its golden rule: ""When we create art with each other and for each other, the force of life can triumph."" And celebrate its ""Palette of Core Values."" Do these things, and you will know why Jane Golden has been honored with so many awards, among them the Philadelphia Award, the Hepburn Medal, the 2012 Governor's Award for Innovation in the Arts, and the Distinguished Daughter of Pennsylvania Award.Betsy Casañas is a studio and public mural artist, a community activist, and an educator who was born and raised in the heart of ""The Badlands"" of North Philadelphia's barrio. She received her BFA from Moore College of Art and Design, and has worked in the Latino community since 1994. Casañas has exhibited her work in various solo and group exhibits and has designed over 40 public murals and mosaics nationally and internationally. In 2007 she cofounded The Semilla Arts, a grassroots initiative that uses collaborative art as a means of empowering people and communities in underserved areas. In 2010 she opened ""A Seed of Diamond Gallery,"" a community space where artists of different cultural background gather to tell their stories through spoken word, music, and visual arts.Ernel Martinez was inspired to become a mural artist while a PennDesign student in Jane Golden's class on public art at the University of Pennsylvania, where one of his mentors was Terry Adkins. Martinez received his MFA from Penn in 2004 and has since worked on over 25 murals across Philadelphia, including A Place to Call Home, The Color of Your Voice.Amy Hillier holds joint faculty appointments in Penn's School of Design and School of Social Policy and Practice, where she teaches and studies the impact of the built environment on public health and welfare—in particular, the impact to disadvantaged communities of more limited access to services and resources. Her research spans such topics as food, physical activity, and obsesity; outdoor advertising; and historical mapping projects. She is, for example, currently directing a public history project to map race and class in the W.E.B. DuBois Seventh Ward of Philadelphia. One result of the project has been to collaborate with the city's Mural Arts Program on Mapping Courage, a mural honoring Du Bois and Engine Company 11, Philadelphia's historically segregated black fire house.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Public Art,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/public-art-0,18-02-2015,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Friday, 20 February 2015 - 10:00am—5:00pm","This symposium is an opportunity to prompt conversations among artists and academics across multiple disciplines on the history of political, economic and aesthetic values attached to color. Value with respect to color can mean the relative lightness or darkness of a hue, but can also mean aesthetic merit, political importance, moral acceptability, or material worth. The question of color's values is also fundamentally a question of sensory perception, constructed at the level of the individual synapse as well as the cultural collective. We want to consider the descriptive language of color—how we evoke color with and/or through value-laden words or actions, how we assign qualities or quantities to different colors, how color is experienced through taste or touch as well as sight.Four distinguished scholars - Richard Doyle, Torkwase Dyson, Nicole Fleetwood, and Mohan Matthen - will explore the values of color from a variety of perspectives. How and why do we classify and assign values (moral, economic, social, epistemic) to particular colors, even 'people of color,' or material gradations, from light to dark? How does color function in a modern economy? What is its role in making subjectivity legible through its performance? How does color function as nonverbal communication that is affectively felt? To what degree is color a 'natural' or physical property and in what ways is it a rhetorical or cultural construction? And, how do institutions assign value to color?
+SCHEDULE10:00-10:15am | WelcomeElizabeth Della Zazzera, Graduate Humanities Forum ChairNese Devenot, GHF Mellon Fellow
+10:15am-12:30pm | Panel DiscussionModerators: Jeannie Kenmotsu and Ting Fung Ho, GHF Mellon FellowsCommentators: Louise Daoust and Alan Niles, GHF Mellon Fellows
+Richard Doyle
+By the Way, Which One's Pink?: On the Minimal Conditions for a Transmission of Philip K. Dick's Valis?!
+Torkwase Dyson
+The Color of Crude
+Nicole Fleetwood
+Black. Life. Matter.
+Mohan Matthen
+Colour: Aesthetics vs. Utility
+12:30-1:30pm | Lunch
+1:30-3:00pm | Roundtable 1Moderator: Chi-ming Yang, Associate Professor of English, Penn; 2014-2015 ""Color"" Topic Director, and GHF Faculty Advisor, Penn Humanities ForumCommentator: Tyler Williams, SAS Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, South Asia Studies, Penn The Relationship between the Perception of Color and ValueRichard Doyle, Torkwase Dyson, Nicole Fleetwood, Mohan Matthen
+3:00-3:30pm | Break
+3:30-5:00pm | Roundtable 2Moderators: Don James McLaughlin, Charlotte Ickes, and Laura Soderberg, GHF Mellon FellowsCommentator: Gary Hatfield, Seybert Professor of Philosophy, Penn A Synthetic Look at Questions Raised by the SymposiumRichard Doyle, Torkwase Dyson, Nicole Fleetwood, Mohan Matthen",5:00pm,,"Slought, 4017 Walnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,10:00am,,Values of Color,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/values-color,20-02-2015,10:00:00,17:00:00
+"Wednesday, 25 February 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","Imagine a world of magenta Tuesdays, wavy green symphonies, tastes that have shapes, and words that have taste. Called synesthesia, this human perceptual condition in which information between the senses is blended has long fascinated scientists and laypeople alike. Award-winning neuroscientist and New York Times bestselling author David Eagleman presents new findings from his research into the behavioral, neurological, and genetic characteristics of synesthetes.
+There are an infinite number of boring things to do in science. But we live these short life spans. Why not do the thing that's the coolest thing in the world to do? —David Eagleman, The New Yorker
+David Eagleman is best known for his work on time perception, synesthesia, and neurolaw. He directs the Laboratory for Perception and Action at the Baylor College of Medicine, whose goal is to understand how the brain constructs perception, how different brains do so differently, and how this matters for society. He also founded and directs Baylor's Initiative on Neuroscience and Law, which studies how new discoveries in neuroscience should navigate the way we make laws, punish criminals, and develop rehabilitation. And, he founded and is chief scientific officer for BrainCheck, a company that uses interactive testing on portable tablets to measure brain function, which schools are using to rapidly measure concussions at the sidelines.
+In 2011, Eagleman was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship, and that same year won the Eric Hoffer Book Award Montaigne Medal for his book Wednesday is Indigo Blue: Discovering the Brain of Synesthesia, coauthored with Richard Cytowic. In 2012 he was named Science Educator of the Year by the Society for Neuroscience, and was featured as one of the year's Brightest Idea Guys by Italy's Style Magazine. In 2014, he received the John J. McGovern Award for Excellence in Biomedical Education from the American Medical Writers' Association.
+One of his latest books, Livewired: How the Brain Rewrites its Own Circuitry, is due in spring 2015 (Doubleday Canada). Also in Fall 2015, Eagleman will host the new PBS science series, ""The Brain with Dr. David Eagleman.""
+From the Eagleman Laboratory website, in his own words:""Public understanding of science is a passion of mine, and to that end I have written for the New York Times, Discover Magazine, Atlantic, The Week, Slate, Wired, New Scientist, and others. I speak often on National Public Radio and BBC to discuss what's new and important in science. I have founded a prize in mathematics and physics.""I am fortunate to be a Guggenheim Fellow. Within the scientific community, I serve as an editor for Journal of Vision, PLoS One, and Seminars in Brain and Consciousness. I also serve on the board of directors for several organizations, including The Long Now Foundation.""My book of fiction, Sum, was lucky enough to become an international bestseller. It has been translated into 27 languages and was named a Best Book of the Year by Barnes and Noble, New Scientist, and the Chicago Tribune. British musician Brian Eno and I performed a musical reading of Sum at the Sydney Opera House, and German composer Max Richter translated Sum into a full opera at the Royal Opera House in London.""My neuroscience book Incognito became a New York Times bestseller, and was named a Book of the Year by Amazon, Goodreads, Houston Chronicle, and Boston Globe. No one is writing an opera for that one yet, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.""",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,The Kaledioscopic Brain of Synesthesia,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/kaledioscopic-brain-synesthesia,25-02-2015,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Wednesday, 4 March 2015 - 7:00pm","In collaboration with Penn Cinema Studies and International House Philadelphia
+Award-winning cinematographer Bradford Young is known for expressive lighting, bold colors, and nuanced representations of dark skin tones on screen. Part of an exciting new wave of independent African American filmmaking, Young uses his stunning visuals to tell stories of family, violence, and diaspora across black communities from New York City to rural Mississippi.
+SCREENINGMississippi Damned (dir. Tina Mabry, 2009, 120 min.)
+Three sisters in a small rural Mississippi town endure cycles of family dysfunction that include alcoholism, illness and even murder.
+Trailer",,,"International House, 3701 Chestnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,7:00pm,,Mississippi Damned,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/mississippi-damned,04-03-2015,19:00:00,20:00:00
+"Sunday, 8 March 2015 - 2:00pm","The films in this year's Penn Museum Second Sunday Series highlight vibrant expressions of culture from diverse locations around the world. More information: penn.museum/culturefilms.
+ INDIAHimself He Cooks (Valérie Berteau, Philippe Witjes, 2012)Speakers Dr. Amardeep Singh and Samian Kaur will give insight into this amazing film which without words depicts the entire symphonic performance of seva, a daily round the clock food offering at the Golden Temple in Amritsar in which meals are served to 100,000 people. Please stay after for our closing party with chaat snacks, bring a beverage to share.",,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,2:00pm,,Himself He Cooks,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/himself-he-cooks,08-03-2015,14:00:00,15:00:00
+"Wednesday, 18 March 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","In our current world of climate change, environmental planning must consider social needs and welfare to offer a truly sustainable model of living. Co-founder of the historic Black Environment Network and author of numerous books and articles, Julian Agyeman charts the future of the global city through the topics of resource distribution, race, class, and space.
+Julian Agyeman is Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. He is an environmental social scientist whose expertise and current research interests concern the complex and embedded relations between humans and the environment, whether mediated by governmental institutions or social movements, and the effects of this on public policy and planning, particularly in relation to notions of justice and equity. He is co-founder and editor-in-chief of the international journal Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability. With over 150 publications, his recent books include Cultivating Food Justice : Race, Class and Sustainability (MIT Press 2011), Introducing Just Sustainabilities: Policy, Planning and Practice (Zed Books 2013), and Incomplete Streets: Processes, Practices and Possibilities (Routledge 2015).",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,Beyond Green Environmentalism,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/beyond-green-environmentalism,18-03-2015,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Wednesday, 18 March 2015 - 7:00pm","In collaboration with Penn Cinema Studies and International House Philadelphia
+Award-winning cinematographer Bradford Young is known for expressive lighting, bold colors, and nuanced representations of dark skin tones on screen. Part of an exciting new wave of independent African American filmmaking, Young uses his stunning visuals to tell stories of family, violence, and diaspora across black communities from New York City to rural Mississippi.
+SCREENINGSMiddle of Nowhere (dir. Ava DuVernay, 2012, 97 min.)
+Medical student Ruby learns to live another life when her husband is imprisoned.
+The Door (dir. Ava DuVernay, 2013, 9 min.)
+Fifth in fashion brand Miu Miu's ""Women's Tales"" series, The Door follows five African American women whose strong bond helps one overcome a deep depression following divorce.",,,"International House, 3701 Chestnut Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,7:00pm,,Middle of Nowhere AND The Door,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/middle-nowhere-and-door,18-03-2015,19:00:00,20:00:00
+"Wednesday, 25 March 2015 - 5:00pm—6:30pm","For decades, journalistic objectivity was associated with black and white images. In this fascinating history of photojournalism since the 1950s, visual studies scholar Vanessa Schwartz track the transition to the now-ubiquitous color news picture, with particular attention to the career of Magnum photographer Ernst Haas, known as the ""Paganini of Kodachrome.""
+Vanessa Schwartz is Professor of History, Art History and Film at the University of Southern California. She was founding director of the Visual Studies Graduate Certificate program from 2006–2009, returning in Fall 2013 to direct the new Visual Studies Research Institute and the Certificate program. She recently received the Raubenheimer Award, the highest faculty recognition in the College. Before joining the USC faculty, she taught at The American University in Washington, DC.A historian of modern visual culture, Schwartz was trained in modern European history with a concentration on France and urban culture at Princeton (Phi Beta Kappa, 1986) and UC Berkeley where she received her PhD in 1993.She is the author of It’s So French! Hollywood, Paris and the Making of Cosmopolitan Film Culture as well as Spectacular Realities: Early Mass Culture in fin-de-siècle Paris. Her most recent book is Modern France: A Very Short Introduction.She is currently working on two book projects: the history of photojournalism and the dawn of the jet age. She has co-edited two books, Cinema and the Invention of Modern Life and The Nineteenth Century Visual Culture Reader and is currently co-editing, with Jason Hill, Getting the Picture: The History and Visual Culture of the News (Bloomsbury, forthcoming spring 2015).Schwartz has been a fellow at the Getty Research Institute, the University of California Humanities Research Institute, and Harvard's Warren Center, and a visiting professor at Stanford, McGill, and Paris I, Sorbonne.",6:30pm,,"Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum, 3260 South Street",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,5:00pm,,"Picturing the News, in Color",http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/picturing-news-color,25-03-2015,17:00:00,18:30:00
+"Friday, 27 March 2015 - 9:00am—3:30pm","9:00–9:30a | Breakfast and registration
+9:30–9:45a | Opening Remarks
+Timothy Rommen, Faculty Advisor, UHF; Professor of Music and Africana Studies
+Leah Davidson, Chair and Mellon Research Fellow, UHF
+9:45–11:00a | TRANSMISSIONS
+Moderator: Ann Kuttner, Associate Professor of History of Art
+Juan Cabrera, CAS, 2017; Linguistics(De)colonizing Representations: Influence of 20th Century Indigenous/Indigenist Art in Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico
+Leah Davidson, Wharton, 2016; Management and Global InnovationThe Colors of Environmental Art: A Study of Psychology and Activism
+Abrina Hyatt, CAS, 2015; EnglishFinding God in Oneself & For Colored Girls: A Revolutionary Performance of Language, Naming & Spacing
+Kimberly Schreiber, CAS, 2015; Comparative Literature Documenting Disremembrance: Histories of Loss in Contemporary Chinese Representation
+11:05a–12:20p | SATURATIONS
+Moderator: Jim Sykes, Assistant Professor of Music
+Anwar Akrouk, CAS, 2015; HistoryThe Last Jihad: Arab Nationalism, the Fall of the Ottoman Empire, and Minorities
+Danielle Kerker, CAS, 2015; History""The Implacable Surge of History"": Investigating Jewish Activism in Atlanta During the Civil Rights Movement
+Abigail Koffler, CAS, 2015; History 'He too has a right to be educated': Inclusion and Identity in Ecuador's Indigenous Movement, 1927-2009
+Kimberly Kolor, CAS, 2015; Religious Studies, South Asia StudiesColor-coding the Margins: Personal & Public Beautification and Community Identity in Eastern Sri Lanka
+12:30–1:30p | Lunch
+1:45–3:00p | DIFFRACTIONS
+Moderator: John L. Jackson, Jr., Dean, School of Social Policy & Practice; Richard Perry University Professor; Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professor
+Jose Romero, CAS, 2015; AnthropologySensing Inhumanity: Brownness at the Limits of the Political in Washington
+Brendan Van Gorder, CAS, 2015; Political Science, SociologyHow Sight Creates Prejudice: The Marketing and Protesting of Brazil's 11:05 World Cup
+Melanie White, CAS, 2015; Cultural AnthroplogyAs Long as You're a Black Wo/man You're an African: Creole Diasporic Politics in the Age of Mestizo Nationalism
+3:00–3:30p | CLOSING REMARKS
+Kimberly Kolor and Jose Romero, Steering Committee and Mellon Research Fellows, UHF",3:30pm,,"Kislak Center, 6th floor, Van Pelt Library",Wolf Humanities Center Events,,9:00am,,Color Matters,http://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/color-matters,27-03-2015,09:00:00,15:30:00
+"May 7, 2019 - 4:30pm","Join on Tuesday May 7 at 4:30 (room TBD) for an end-of-year reception to celebrate this year's accomplishments by our students in the area of performance!
+Ensemble directors and performance instructors of spring '19 will be present. We'll take the opportunity to celebrate the 25 years of service at Penn of Gwyn Roberts, thanking her for all that she has done for the Baroque and the Recorder Ensembles, and more. Finally, we'll announce the 2019-20 Theme of the Year: Migrations.
+Faculty and staff are welcome.",,,,Department of Music,,4:30pm,,A Celebration of Performance,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/music/events/celebration-performance,07-05-2019,16:30:00,17:30:00
+19 May 2019 - 10:00am to 12:00pm,"The Annenberg School for Communication is pleased to invite graduating seniors, along with their friends and family, to its Communication Major Graduation Ceremony on May 19, 2019.
+At this ceremony, which takes place the day prior to the University Commencement on Franklin Field, we celebrate the graduation of Penn's Communication Majors with the distribution of certificates and awards. The event also includes short speeches by several undergraduates, and an address from a distinguished alumnus. This year, Dylan Hewitt (C'14, G'15), Director of Intergovernmental Relations for New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer, will speak.
+**Students must RSVP for the ceremony by May 15.**
+The times and locations on May 19 are as follows:
+10-11am: Ceremony
+Zellerbach Theater, Annenberg Center for The Performing Arts
+3680 Walnut Street, Philadelphia
+11am - Noon: Reception
+The Agora, Annenberg Public Policy Center
+202 South 36th Street, Philadelphia
+Students should arrive at the Zellerbach theater by 9:40 a.m. There will be assigned seating on stage. Attire for students is business professional. Academic regalia is not worn for this ceremony.
+Tickets are not required, and seating will be available on a first come basis. Ushers will be available to direct guests in wheelchairs or with limited mobility to accessible seating.
+Please click here to view frequently asked questions.",12:00pm,,Location: Philadelphia,Annenberg School of Communication,,10:00am,,2019 Communication Major Graduation Ceremony,https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/events/2019-communication-major-graduation-ceremony,19-05-2019,10:00:00,12:00:00
+,"Courses Offered During Summer Session 1: May 28 - July 3
+COMM 125: Communication Behavior (Pawel Popiel and Celeste M. Wagner)
+This course introduces students to exploring communication and behavior, with a focus on mass and social media processes and effects. Topics include: the influence of social media on social relationships; the effects of biased media representations of social groups; the emotional experiences underlying the consumption of media, including for mood management; the political economy of the media industries; the political role and impact of the news media; the social and political impact of social media use; and other current topics. The aim of the course is to provide students with (1) a general understanding of research design and methods for the study of communication, and (2) the basic conceptual tools needed to critically evaluate the findings, assumptions, theories, and methods examining communication behavior and media effects. The class will survey social scientific, critical, and cultural studies approaches to understanding communication and media processes, and their broader social implications. Students who take this course will acquire the tools to better understand and conceptualize issues and problems related to communication, and mass and social media prevalent today.
+COMM 225: Children and Media (Leeann Siegel)
+This course examines children's relationship to media in its historic, economic, political, and social contexts. The class explores the ways in which ""childhood"" is created and understood as a time of life that is qualitatively unique and socially constructed over time. It continues with a review of various theories of child development as they inform children's relationship with and understanding of media. It next reviews public policies designed to empower parents and limit children's exposure to potentially problematic media content and simultaneously considers the economic forces that shape what children see and buy. The course concludes with a critical examination of research on the impact of media on children's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. Students in this course produce a prototype for an educational children's media property as their capstone project.
+COMM 290: Visual Culture and Communication (Jasmine Erdener and Hanna E. Morris)
+This course will introduce students to foundational aspects of visual communication theory and practice with particular attention to contemporary culture in the United States. Course readings will engage with critical questions of power, representation and ways of seeing in an increasingly globalized and digitally mediated context. Class discussions will unpack the power dynamics and visual regimes of race, gender, class, and citizenship. Historical case studies will supplement contemporary discussions of the visual. A key theme of this course will be creative forms of subversion and resistance—or, the “image politics” of visual communication. This course will be grounded in the everyday and will draw upon current events and contemporary controversies. Students will become well versed in the study and practice of visual communication—with the option of producing a final creative visual project or critical critique depending on students’ interests.
+Courses Offered During Summer Session 2: July 5 - August 9
+COMM 130: Media Industries and Society (Lauren Bridges and Diami Virgilio)
+The aim of this course is to prepare you to work in the media business as well as to be an informed citizen by acquainting you with the work and language of media practitioners. The class also investigates the exciting, and (to some employed there) scary changes taking place in the news and publishing industry, the advertising industry, the movie industry, and several other areas of the media system. In doing that, the course ranges over economic, political, legal, historical, and ""cultural"" considerations that shape what we see when we go online, use social media, watch TV, read books, play video games, and more. You'll never look at media the same way again.
+COMM 339: Critical Perspectives in Journalism (Jennifer R. Henrichsen)
+Journalists and the role of journalism in democratic societies is frequently in the headlines and of increasing importance to our national debate. This course will draw from the headlines and key scholars to provide undergraduate students with a critical understanding of and orientation toward journalism. Students will read theoretical selections and commentary by and about journalists. Students will analyze and contextualize readings related to current events. Specific attention will be paid to the changing roles of journalists amidst significant technological and political change. A comparative lens of journalism in different cultural contexts will also occur. Students will engage with different models of journalistic practice; changing norms, values, sourcing practices; and journalism ethics. Class will comprise of lecture, discussion, and engagement with various forms of news media, including articles and documentaries. The majority of class will be a structured seminar in which students will discuss the required readings within the context of current events and the overarching context of the class. Students should come to each class prepared to discuss, ask questions, and engage in constructive ways with their fellow students and their instructor.
+Courses Offered During 11-Week Session: May 21 - August 3
+COMM 290: The Internet: Then, Now, and Right Now (Ryan Tsapatsaris)
+Through a series of case-studies, this course will seek to answer the questions “how do people behave online” and “when and how are online behaviors specific or universal”. The course will primarily focus on contemporary behaviors in spaces like YouTube, Facebook, (Black) Twitter, Grindr, Tinder, Myspace, and MMORPGs (World of Warcraft) along with a brief analysis of the early web spaces of the 1970s-1990s. It will also explore cultural production, such as memes, and other user-generated content. In the final weeks of the course, we will examine contemporary Internet happenings from Summer 2019 and investigate how current behaviors are similar and dissimilar from historical practices. While previous familiarity with various Internet spaces will be helpful, this course is meant as a primer, and as such, will make no assumptions about students’ prior knowledge of the myriad sites being analyzed. That being said, students will be encouraged to discuss spaces they engage with online that may not appear in the assigned readings.
+COMM 491: Communications Internship (Susan Haas)
+A scholarly counterpart for students' internships in various communication-related organizations. Through individually-selected readings, class discussion and individual conferences, students develop their own independent research agendas which investigate aspects of their internship experience or industry. In written field notes and a final paper, students combine communication theory and practice in pursuit of their individual questions. Class date and time to be determined by enrolled students schedules. (Requires approval of Undergraduate Office)",,,Location: Philadelphia,Annenberg School of Communication,,,,2019 Annenberg Summer Courses,https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/events/2019-annenberg-summer-courses,,,
+,"The World Bank-Annenberg Summer Institute is designed for leaders, strategists, and advisors who want to strengthen the critical communication skills required to support change agents and reform initiatives in developing countries.
+This year, we are offering a one-week course tailored for senior level executives who want to learn the most recent advances in strategic communication and best practices for reform. We also will offer a second week that includes specialized sessions for capacity building, executing campaigns, and building communication metrics to measure reform.
+The course will be taught by leading experts acrpss the World Bank Group, the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California, and the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.
+Click here to download a flyer about the program.
+Program Benefits
+Interpreting and using political analysis
+Crafting multi-stakeholder collaboration and network building strategies to support reform
+Developing strategic communication skills that lead to development results
+Leveraging social/digital media tools and analytics effectively
+Building communication metrics to measure reform
+Connecting with a global network of development professionals working on initiatives in the public, private, and non-profit sectors
+Who Should Apply?
+The course is intended for professionals working on reform initiatives around the world including: strategists, government advisors, senior development practitioners, communication professionals, social entrepreneurs and executives who want to build leadership capacity and effect change.
+Successful applicants will possess:
+A minimum 10 to 15 years of professional experience with a focus on multi-stakeholder engagement
+A masters degree or equivalent in communication, public affairs, political science, international relations, economics, or related field
+Fluency in spoken and written English
+How to Apply
+Please visit the institute's website and fill out the 2019 application form. A Selection Committee will review applications and notify those accepted via email. Space is limited.
+Registration Fee
+Registration includes daily instruction, meals during sessions, and site visit to a leading public affairs, media, or advertising firm. The fee does not include airfare, lodging, or other living expenses. For more information on program and fees, see the program’s website or the attached flyer.",,,"Location: University of Southern California, Los Angeles",Annenberg School of Communication,,,,World Bank-Annenberg Summer Institute 2019,https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/events/world-bank-annenberg-summer-institute,,,
+26 Aug 2019 - 11:00am to 12:00pm,"The Annenberg School Convocation Ceremony will be held on Monday, August 26 at 11:00am. Dean John L. Jackson, Jr. will welcome incoming graduate students, faculty, scholars, and staff and give the annual presentation on the state of the school.",12:00pm,,Location: Annenberg School,Annenberg School of Communication,,11:00am,,Annenberg School Convocation 2019,https://www.asc.upenn.edu/news-events/events/annenberg-school-convocation-2019,26-08-2019,11:00:00,12:00:00
+"Saturday, September 08, 2018, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM",,5:00 PM,,"Event Location:
+Class of 1978 Pavillion Kislak CenterVan Pelt Library, 6th Floor",Department of Religious Studies,,9:30 AM,,Unstable Archives: A Workshop on Gender and Digital Humanities in South Asia,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/events/unstable-archives,08-09-2018,09:30:00,17:00:00
+"Thursday, November 02, 2017, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM",,9:00 PM,,"Event Location:
+Cohen 254 (Religious/ Classical Studies Lounge)",Department of Religious Studies,,7:00 PM,,RELS PSCO: THINKING WITH ANCIENT ANIMALS,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/events/2017/nov/rels-psco-thinking-ancient-animals,02-11-2017,19:00:00,21:00:00
+"Tuesday, June 13, 2017, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM",,6:00 PM,,"Event Location:
+Lightbulb CafeWorld Cafe Live3025 Walnut StreetPhiladelphia PA 19104",Department of Religious Studies,,4:00 PM,,What Standing Rock Protests Can Teach us about Climate Change Advocacy,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/events/2017/jun/what-standing-rock-protests-can-teach-us-about-climate-change-advocacy,13-06-2017,16:00:00,18:00:00
+"Thursday, April 20, 2017, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM",,6:00 PM,,"Event Location:
+Kislak Center, Class of 1978 Pavillion Room 6th Floor, Van Pelt Library 3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104",Department of Religious Studies,,4:00 PM,,"2017 Boardman Symposium: Sanctuary: A Public Conversation on Religion, Immigration, and Contested Spaces",https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/events/2017/apr/2017-boardman-sanctuary,20-04-2017,16:00:00,18:00:00
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,On and Off the Derech: Turning Towards and Away from Ultra-Orthodox Judaism: A Family Story,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2017/mar/Donald_Weber,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,CAS ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/oct/cas-annual-symposium,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,CAS Grad Conference- Spring 2017,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/oct/cas-grad-conference-spring-2017,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,"Religion & Violence, Spring 2017",https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/oct/religion-violence-spring-2017,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Penn Journal of Religious Studies- Call for Applications,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/sep/penn-journal-religious-studies-call-applications,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Religious Studies Undergraduate Society,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/sep/religious-studies-undergraduate-society,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Professor Justin McDaniel launches the Digital Library of Ancient Thai Manuscripts Project!,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2016/apr/digital-library-manuscripts-project,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,"Prof. McDaniel among 34st Street's ""Penn's Best Professors""",https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2015/jul/prof-mcdaniel-among-34st-streets-penns-best-professors,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Prof. Elias on opposition to images of Muhammad in Islam,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2015/jul/prof-elias-opposition-images-muhammad-islam,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Prof. Butler in the Washington Post,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2015/jul/prof-butler-washington-post,,,
+,,,,,Department of Religious Studies,,,,Prof. Weitzman reflects on his first year as Katz Center director,https://www.sas.upenn.edu/religious_studies/news/2015/jul/prof-weitzman-reflects-his-first-year-katz-center-director,,,
+"Wednesday, April 4, 2018 - 10:00am","If you are interested in higher education policy and/or international higher education, please join us at 10 AM on 04/04/2018 @ 3819 Chestnut Street, Conf. Rm. 102 for this great a talk by Tobias Schultze-Cleven. The entire AHEAD team will be present, so we are looking for a stimulating discussion!
+Please download a copy of the flyer and help us spread the word!",,,"St. Leonard's Court, 3819 Chestnut Street, Conference Room 102",Penn AHEAD,,10:00am,,Liberalizing Higher Education: Competition and Control in the United States and Germany,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/liberalizing-higher-education-competition-and-control-united-states-and-germany,04-04-2018,10:00:00,11:00:00
+,"See the Agenda | See Photos of the Conference
+An emerging body of research begins to shed light on various aspects of college promise programs (including free tuition programs), but too little is known about the full range of program outcomes, or the ideal structure and design of programs serving different groups of students in different sectors of higher education in different communities, regions, and states.
+This research conference, to be held October 19-20, 2017 on the University of Pennsylvania campus, is designed to stimulate production of a set of papers that collectively address the following questions:
+What are the characteristics of students who participate in promise programs? How do characteristics of participating students vary based on program characteristics?
+What are the outcomes of promise programs for participating students?
+What are the outcomes of promise programs for other stakeholders, including K-12 schools, colleges and universities, and communities?
+How do program outcomes for students and other stakeholders vary based on program characteristics?
+Conference Organizer: Laura Perna (University of Pennsylvania)Conference Planning Committee: Martha Kanter (Civic Nation); Mary Rauner (REL West)
+This research conference is supported by a grant from the Education Research Conferences Program of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).",,,University of Pennsylvania,Penn AHEAD,,,,Improving Research-Based Knowledge of College Promise Programs,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/improving-research-based-knowledge-college-promise-programs,,,
+"Friday, May 6, 2016 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm","Join Penn AHEAD and The Netter Center for the fifth and final session on the role of higher educational and anchor institutions in promoting college and career readiness of high school students in Philadelphia. This session features Alexandrea Robinson- Rogers, College and Career Readiness, School District of Philadelphia; Glenn Bryan, The University of Pennsylvania; Larry Eichel, The Pew Charitable Trusts; Elaine Leigh and Ed Smith, The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education.
+The panel is facilitated by Laura Perna, James S. Riepe Professor, The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education; and Cory Bowman, Associate Director, The Netter Center for Community Partnerships.
+Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to Janeé Franklin: janeef@upenn.edu.
+To view the presentations from this session, please click below:
+Larry Eichel, The Pew Charitable Trusts: The State of the City
+Glenn Bryan, The University of Pennsylvania: Economic Inclusion Program Overview
+Elaine Leigh and Ed Smith, The University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education: University-Community Partnerships: Food for Thought",2:00pm,,"Graduate School of Education, 3700 Walnut Street, Room 200",Penn AHEAD,,12:00pm,,How Can Higher Education and Anchor Institutions Work with High Schools to Advance Employment and College and Career Readiness for Philadelphia Youth? The final session of a five-session seminar.,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/how-can-higher-education-and-anchor-institutions-work-high-schools-advance-employment-and-1,06-05-2016,12:00:00,14:00:00
+"Monday, September 26, 2016 - 8:30am to 3:30pm",,3:30pm,,Turnbull Conference Center,Penn AHEAD,,8:30am,,Florida State University College of Education's 10th Annual Dean's Symposium,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/florida-state-university-college-educations-10th-annual-deans-symposium,26-09-2016,08:30:00,15:30:00
+"Thursday, March 31, 2016 - 11:00am to 12:00pm","AHEAD Executive Director Laura Perna travels to the University of Louisville to speak about the need for a comprehensive approach to improving higher education attainment. This event is part of the University of Louisville's Department of Educational Leadership, Evaluation and Organizational Development's speaker series.
+Click here to view event flyer.",12:00pm,,"University of Louisville, University Club, Mary Bingham Room",Penn AHEAD,,11:00am,,Improving Higher Education Attainment for All Students: The Need for a Comprehensive Approach,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/improving-higher-education-attainment-all-students-need-comprehensive-approach,31-03-2016,11:00:00,12:00:00
+"Thursday, November 5, 2015","PennAHEAD Executive Director and President of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) delivered her presidential address at the 2015 ASHE Conference. She offers a top-ten list for how ASHE research must capitalizing on their strategic advantages to ensure the value of their work to higher education policy and practice into the future.
+Read more here.",,,"2015 ASHE (Association for the Study of Higher Education) Conference in Denver, CO",Penn AHEAD,,,,Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Ten Ways to Ensure That Higher Education Research Continues to Matter,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/throwing-down-gauntlet-ten-ways-ensure-higher-education-research-continues-matter,05-11-2015,,
+"Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - 7:00am",,,,,Penn AHEAD,,7:00am,,AERA Releases “Ed-Talk” Videos and Research Fact Sheets on Important Issues in Education and Learning,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/aera-releases-%E2%80%9Ced-talk%E2%80%9D-videos-and-research-fact-sheets-important-issues-education-and,07-09-2016,07:00:00,08:00:00
+"Friday, September 18, 2015","Penn AHEAD Executive Director Dr. Laura Perna delivered a keynote address at the 2015 Kansas-Missouri Summit on Access, Persistence and Completion in Higher Education. Dr. Perna's speech focused on the importance of closing the gaps in college-related outcomes that persist across demographic groups. For a summary of her speech, please click here.",,,University of Kansas- Edwards Campus,Penn AHEAD,,,,Improving College Access & Attainment for Diverse Populations: The Role of Higher Education Institutions,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/improving-college-access-attainment-diverse-populations-role-higher-education-institutions,18-09-2015,,
+"Tuesday, February 3, 2015 - 10:00am","Dr. Margaret Cahalan, Director of The Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education & Vice President for Research, Council for Opportunity in Education and Dr. Laura Perna, Executive Director of Penn AHEAD shared dialogue about findings from their new report: Indicators of Higher Education in Equity in the United States: 45-Year Report.",,,"National Press Club, Washington, DC",Penn AHEAD,,10:00am,,Educational Equity in Higher Education: A National Imperative,http://www.ahead-penn.org/content/educational-equity-higher-education-national-imperative,03-02-2015,10:00:00,11:00:00
+,,,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,,,,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/wires-walk-reentry-services-clinic/2019-05-07/,,,
+May 8,,03:30PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,02:30PM,,Dean and Students Meeting,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/dean-and-students-meeting-5/,08-05-2019,14:30:00,15:30:00
+May 14,,05:00PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,08:00AM,,Event Category: AcademicsMSW Summer Session 1 Begins,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/msw-summer-session-1-begins/,14-05-2019,08:00:00,17:00:00
+,,,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,,,,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/wires-walk-reentry-services-clinic/2019-05-14/,,,
+May 17,"The party under the tent is back! Fun, food favorites and live music have made this one of our most popular events. This event is open to the entire SP2 community.
+Part of Alumni Weekend 2019. Please register here.",08:30PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,05:30PM,,Event Category: SP2 EventsAll Alumni Reception,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/all-alumni-reception-3/,17-05-2019,17:30:00,20:30:00
+May 19,"Historically reserved for members of the SP2 alumni community ages 55 and over, this year’s event is open to all graduates. Enjoy great food and live jazz music at Alumni Weekend’s final event.
+Part of Alumni Weekend 2019. Please register here.",01:00PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,11:00AM,,Event Category: SP2 EventsSecond Century Society Jazz Brunch,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/second-century-society-jazz-brunch-2/,19-05-2019,11:00:00,13:00:00
+May 19,The Penn Chapter of the Association of Black Social workers proudly presents the 26th Annual Rites of Passage Ceremony.,07:00PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,04:00PM,,Event Category: Student OrganizationsRites of Passage Ceremony,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/rites-of-passage-ceremony/,19-05-2019,16:00:00,19:00:00
+May 20,,11:59PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,12:00AM,,Event Categories: AcademicsMSW Field PlacementSP2 Events2019 Commencement,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/commencement-5/,20-05-2019,00:00:00,23:59:00
+,,,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,,,,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/wires-walk-reentry-services-clinic/2019-05-21/,,,
+May 27,,11:59PM,,,Penn Social Policy & Practice,,12:00AM,,Event Category: AcademicsMemorial Day – No Classes or Field Placement,https://www.sp2.upenn.edu/sp2-event/memorial-day-no-classes-or-field-placement/,27-05-2019,00:00:00,23:59:00
+9.5.18,"We are thankful for the delayed presentation on Restorative Justice & Campus Sexual Assault by Mary Koss, PhD of the University of Arizona. While Koss's career has made sweeping changes in how assault is studied, she sees the same problems with the issue as she did starting out in 1980 at Kent State.
+Preeminent expert on sexual assault for more than 25 years. Focused expertise on sexual assault response in organizations including universities, the military, and business. Proponent of thoughtful restorative justice programs for sexual assault.
+Koss authored “I Never Called It Rape: The Ms. Guide to Recognizing, Fighting and Surviving Date and Acquaintance Rape.”
+Co-Sponsored by the Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies department at the University of Pennsylvania.
+Use #KossAtPenn to discuss on Twitter.",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Mary Koss, PhD on Restorative Justice and Campus Sexual Assault - Feb. 20, 2019",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2018/09/05/save-the-date-mary-koss-phd-on-campus-sexual-assault,05-09-2018,,
+9.5.18,"See highlights from Rothman's presentation here.
+Based on a study Rothman conducted among high school students in 2016, the talk will explore how, in the absence of comprehensive sex education, pornography is shaping ideas about pleasure, intimacy, and power among teens. Register for this presentation by Emily Rothman, ScD of Boston University School of Public Health.
+Emily F. Rothman, ScD, is a Professor at the Boston University School of Public Health with secondary appointments at the Boston University School of Medicine in Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine. She is also a visiting scientist at the Harvard Injury Control Research Center. Dr. Rothman has authored more than 80 publications that span the areas of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, firearm violence, and pornography. She has been a PI or coinvestigator on numerous NIH and NIJ research grants and worked closely with multiple state sexual assault and domestic violence coalitions, state health departments, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on issues related to sexual assault prevention.
+Can't make it to the event? Read the feature on Emily Rothman's Porn Literacy study in the February 7, 2018 issue of New York Times Magazine.
+This event is sponsored by the following:",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Let's talk about pornography: What is learned & why it matters with Emily Rothman - Oct. 11, 2018",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2018/09/05/save-the-date-emily-rothman-scd-on-teens-internet-porn,05-09-2018,,
+4.5.18,"From T-Ball to the NFL
+This one-day symposium is the first university event to closely examine athletes and abuse across the spectrum of sports and ages. Leading experts, athletes, officials, and policymakers will shine a light on how to change the sports culture that puts children at risk.
+The symposium is organized around four sessions -- youth sports, high school and college athletics, elite or Olympic-level athletes, and professional sports, from the NFL and MLB to the NBA and NHL.
+8:30-9:00 Coffee & light breakfast
+9:00-9:30 Opening Remarks
+Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro
+9:45-11:00 Youth Sports
+Moderator: Sara Jaffee, Professor of Psychology, UPenn
+Steven Berkowitz, M.D., Director, Penn Center for Youth & Family Trauma, Response, and Recovery; Medical
+ Director, Pediatric Integrated Care Program, CHOP
+Patty Dailey Lewis, Esq., Executive Director, Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children
+Steve Salem, Executive Director, Cal Ripken, Sr., Foundation
+Dan Baum, Executive Director, The Redwood Groups Foundation
+11:15-12:30 High School and College Sports
+Moderator: Susan B. Sorenson, Professor of Social Policy, Executive Director, Ortner Center on Violence & Abuse in Relationships, UPenn
+Sean V. Burke, Esq., Associate General Counsel, UPenn Office of General Counsel
+Ann Coker, Ph.D., MPH, Verizon Wireless Endowed Chair, Center for Research on Violence Against Women;
+ Professor of Epidemiology, University of Kentucky
+Chris Newlin, M.S., L.P.C., Executive Director, National Children's Advocacy Center
+Mary Wilfert, M. Ed., Associate Director, NCAA Sports Science Institute
+12:30-1:30 Lunch
+1:30-2:00 Keynote Address & Book Signing
+Dominique Moceanu, 1996 Olympic Gold Medal Gymnast
+2:00-3:15 Olympic Sports
+Moderator: Marci Hamilton, Fox Professor of Practice, UPenn; CEO, CHILD USA
+Shellie Pfohl, CEO, U.S. Center for SafeSport
+Nancy Hogshead-Makar, CEO, ChampionWomen
+Han Xiao, President, USOC Athletes' Advisory Committee
+Steven Ungerleider, Ph.D., Co-Founder, Global Sports Development
+3:30-4:45 Professional Sports
+Moderator: Richard J. Gelles, Joanne and Raymond Welsh Chair of Child Welfare and Family Violence, UPenn
+Mary Pilan, Contributing writer, Bleacher Report; Bestselling author of The Monopolists
+Doug Glanville, Former MLB outfielder, Philadelphia Phillies, Chicago Cubs, Texas Rangers; Consultant,
+ Baseball Factory; Author of The Game from Where I Stand
+Arthur Pincus, Author, The Official Illustrated NHL History; Former VP of Public Relations, NHL
+5:00 - 5:30 Closing Remarks
+Andrea Kremer, Chief Correspondent for the NFL Network
+ and conveners: Richard J. Gelles, Ph.D.; Marci A. Hamilton, Esq.; Susan B. Sorenson, Ph.D.
+Presentation materials
+Coker - Bystander Training
+Wilfert - NCAA",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Athletes & Abuse Symposium - April 25, 2018",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2018/04/05/athletes-abuse-symposium-april-25-2018,05-04-2018,,
+1.3.18,"Join us for a special presentation on February 1, 2018 at noon in The Arch, room 108.
+Visiting scholar, Cathy Spatz Widom, PhD will present her findings and discuss the effects of long-term child abuse and neglect.
+Cindy Christian, MD of CHOP and Richard Gelles, PhD of Penn Social Policy and Practice will serve as discussants.
+This event is open to the public. Lunch is included and registration is required.
+Reserve your free ticket HERE. (space is limited)
+Special thanks to our sponsors:
+Penn Social Policy and Practice
+Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
+The Field Center for Children's Policy, Practice and Research
+Safe Place - The Center for Child Protection and Health
+The Arch, Room 108
+3601 Locust Walk
+University of Pennsylvania",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Cathy Spatz Widom on Long-Term Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect - Feb. 1, 2018",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2018/01/03/cathy-spatz-widom-ortner,03-01-2018,,
+11.10.17,"Giving thanks with Leslie Morgan Steiner and Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross
+11 a.m. on Tuesday, November 14, 2017
+750 Race Street (Police Headquarters), Room 314
+""For over 20 years, I've wanted to thank the two police officers who responded when I finally called for help after a particularly vicious beating by my husband. Before that night, I'd hidden the abuse to protect my husband, and because I hoped we could save our marriage. I didn't think anyone could understand how crazy it felt to be trapped in an abusive relationship. Those police officers, whose names I still don't know, understood what I was experiencing. They helped make that night the last time he assaulted me. Intervening in an abusive relationship can be dangerous, challenging work for police, advocates, family and friends. But victims usually can't leave without community intervention and support. Police who know what to say and how to help a victim reeling from abuse are invaluable. Thank you to all the police officers who respond to 911 calls from abuse victims. Your work matters. Your work saved my life.""",,,,Ortner Center for Violence and Abuse in Relationships,,,,"Leslie Morgan Steiner: Thank You to the Police Who Helped Me Leave My Abusive Husband - Nov. 10, 2017",http://ortnercenter.org/updates/2017/11/10/leslie-morgan-steiner-thank-you-to-the-police-who-helped-me-leave-my-abusive-husband,10-11-2017,,
+04/24/2019,"Every Wednesday through May, master world percussionist Joseph Tayoun hosts a drum circle session in the galleries. Guests are asked to bring their own drum, though a limited number will be handed out. This is a class for all ages and skill levels.",8:00PM,158437.0,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,6:30PM,,Drum Workshop,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/drum-workshop-0,24-04-2019,18:30:00,20:00:00
+05/06/2019,,4:00AM,158272.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Final Examinations Monday-Tuesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/final-examinations-monday-tuesday,06-05-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+05/07/2019,"Crown Castle, the largest provider in the U.S. of shared communications infrastructure, joins a panel of experts who will discuss the technologies that will power 5G and the Internet of Things. The discussion is timed with Philly Tech Week.",11:00AM,158549.0,"Pennovation Center, 3401 Grays Ferry Ave.",Penn Today Events,,9:00AM,,Future of Wireless Connectivity,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/future-wireless-connectivity,07-05-2019,09:00:00,11:00:00
+05/09/2019,Museum guests are invited to take a one-mile group stroll through the galleries as part of their morning walking routine.,9:30AM,158444.0,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,8:30AM,,Museum Mile,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/museum-mile-1,09-05-2019,08:30:00,09:30:00
+05/09/2019,"The Penn Program in Environmental Humanities, in collaboration with the Wolf Humanities Center and Perry World House, hosts a gathering of scientists, artists, historians, educators, and community partners for a series of lectures, roundtables, and performances that evaluate academia's role in combatting climate change.",5:30PM,158450.0,"Williams Hall, 255 S. 36th St.",Penn Today Events,,4:00PM,,Learning with Waters,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/learning-waters,09-05-2019,16:00:00,17:30:00
+05/10/2019,"Museum guests are invited to spend their morning coffee with Chantel White, archaeobotanical teaching specialist at Penn's Center for the Analysis of Archaeological Materials",11:00AM,158420.0,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,9:30AM,,Coffee with a Keeper,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/coffee-keeper-0,10-05-2019,09:30:00,11:00:00
+05/10/2019,"A semi-annual public policy symposium hosted by the Fels Institute of Government, this discussion aims to explore how public policy can be used to address the current drug crisis and prevent the next one.",4:00PM,158274.0,"Ronald O. Perelman Center for Political Science and Economics, 133 S. 36th St.",Penn Today Events,,9:00AM,,Philadelphia's Opioid Crisis,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/philadelphias-opioid-crisis,10-05-2019,09:00:00,16:00:00
+05/11/2019,This Mother's Day grave gardens guided tour explores the more than 100 gardens that cover the Victorian cemetery. The tour also covers the history of the site.,12:00PM,158512.0,"The Woodlands, ",Penn Today Events,,10:00AM,,Grave Garden Tour,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/grave-garden-tour,11-05-2019,10:00:00,12:00:00
+05/14/2019,,4:00AM,158275.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Spring Term Ends Tuesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/spring-term-ends-tuesday,14-05-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+05/16/2019,"John Gans, director of communications and research at Perry World House, talks about his new book “White House Warriors,” exploring the history of the National Security Council and how it came to be such a strong influence on American foreign policy and aggression abroad.",7:30PM,158510.0,"Penn Book Center, 130 S. 34th St.",Penn Today Events,,6:00PM,,White House Warriors,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/white-house-warriors,16-05-2019,18:00:00,19:30:00
+05/18/2019,,4:00AM,158299.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Alumni Day Saturday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/alumni-day-saturday,18-05-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+05/18/2019,"Faculty, students, and alumni present a series of 60-second lectures in this grandslam of the School of Arts and Sciences' 60-Second Lecture series. Breakfast is served. Attendees can vote for a winner.",9:30AM,158386.0,"Houston Hall, 3417 Spruce St.",Penn Today Events,,9:30AM,,60-Second Slam,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/60-second-slam,18-05-2019,09:30:00,09:30:00
+05/18/2019,"Penn Creative Writing Instructor Sam Apple hosts a forum to discuss how journalists are covering technology and also shaped by it in how they're reporting. Alumni journalists Mike Murphy, Arielle Pardes, and Albert Sun join the discussion.",4:00PM,158504.0,"Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk",Penn Today Events,,4:00PM,,Covering Tech,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/covering-tech,18-05-2019,16:00:00,16:00:00
+05/19/2019,,4:00AM,158300.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Baccalaureate Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/baccalaureate-sunday,19-05-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+05/20/2019,,4:00AM,158305.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Commencement Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/commencement-monday,20-05-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+05/20/2019,"The conferral of degrees takes place, with remarks from University officials and a speech by Bryan Stevenson, public interest lawyer and founder and executive director of The Equal Justice Initiative.",10:15AM,158207.0,"Franklin Field, 235 S. 33rd St.",Penn Today Events,,10:15AM,,Commencement 2019,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/commencement-2019,20-05-2019,10:15:00,10:15:00
+05/24/2019,"Cinema Studies' Will Schmenner discusses the history of 1930s B-movies, also known as independent films of the 1930s that often tackle more controversial subjects of the time period. The talk is followed by a screening of 1933 film “Damaged Lives.”",6:00PM,158490.0,"International House Philadelphia, 3701 Chestnut St.",Penn Today Events,,6:00PM,,B-Movies,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/b-movies,24-05-2019,18:00:00,18:00:00
+05/27/2019,,4:00AM,158308.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Memorial Day Observed (no classes) Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/memorial-day-observed-no-classes-monday,27-05-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+05/28/2019,,4:00AM,158306.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,11-Week Session Classes Begin,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/11-week-session-classes-begin,28-05-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+05/28/2019,,4:00AM,158307.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Session I Classes Begin,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/session-i-classes-begin,28-05-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+05/31/2019,"The Museum invites kids age 6 to 12 and their chaperones to this sleepover featuring games, a flashlight expedition, and a scavenger hunt. Guests are asked to bring their own sleeping bags.",9:00AM,158445.0,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,5:30PM,,40 Winks,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/40-winks,31-05-2019,17:30:00,09:00:00
+06/05/2019,"Simon Martin, lead curator of the Mexico and Central America Galleries, explains the history of the New World civilization's philosophy of the life and afterlife, according to the nuances of the ancient, multi-dimensional Mayan cosmos.",7:00PM,158205.0,"Penn Museum, 3260 South St.",Penn Today Events,,6:00PM,,Great Maya Cosmos,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/great-maya-cosmos,05-06-2019,18:00:00,19:00:00
+07/03/2019,,4:00AM,158309.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Session I Classes End Wednesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/session-i-classes-end-wednesday,03-07-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+07/04/2019,,4:00AM,158311.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Independence Day Observed (no classes),https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/independence-day-observed-no-classes,04-07-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+07/05/2019,,4:00AM,158310.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Session II Classes Begin Friday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/session-ii-classes-begin-friday,05-07-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+08/09/2019,,4:00AM,158312.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Session II & 11-Week Session Classes End Friday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/session-ii-11-week-session-classes-end-friday,09-08-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+08/21/2019,,4:00AM,158313.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Move-in for First-Year & Transfer Students Wednesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/move-first-year-transfer-students-wednesday,21-08-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+08/21/2019,,4:00AM,158315.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,New Student Orientation Wednesday-Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/new-student-orientation-wednesday-monday,21-08-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+08/26/2019,,4:00AM,158316.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Opening Exercises and Freshman Convocation Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/opening-exercises-and-freshman-convocation-monday,26-08-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+08/27/2019,,4:00AM,158317.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,First Day of Classes Tuesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/first-day-classes-tuesday,27-08-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+09/02/2019,,4:00AM,158318.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Labor Day (no classes) Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/labor-day-no-classes-monday,02-09-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+09/16/2019,,4:00AM,158319.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Course Selection Period Ends Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/course-selection-period-ends-monday,16-09-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+10/07/2019,,4:00AM,158321.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Drop Period Ends Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/drop-period-ends-monday,07-10-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+10/10/2019,,4:00AM,158320.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Fall Term Break Thursday-Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/fall-term-break-thursday-sunday,10-10-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+10/14/2019,,4:00AM,158322.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Classes Resume Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/classes-resume-monday,14-10-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+10/28/2019,,5:00AM,158324.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Advance Registration for Spring Term Monday-Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/advance-registration-spring-term-monday-sunday,28-10-2019,04:00:00,05:00:00
+11/01/2019,,4:00AM,158323.0,False,Penn Today Events,,4:00AM,,Family Weekend Friday-Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/family-weekend-friday-sunday,01-11-2019,04:00:00,04:00:00
+11/08/2019,,5:00AM,158325.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Last Day to Withdraw From a Course Friday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/last-day-withdraw-course-friday-0,08-11-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
+11/09/2019,,5:00AM,158326.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Homecoming Saturday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/homecoming-saturday,09-11-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
+11/26/2019,,5:00AM,158331.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Thurs-Fri Class Schedule on Tue-Wed,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/thurs-fri-class-schedule-tue-wed,26-11-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
+11/28/2019,,5:00AM,158332.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Thanksgiving Break Thursday-Sunday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/thanksgiving-break-thursday-sunday,28-11-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
+12/02/2019,,5:00AM,158333.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Classes Resume Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/classes-resume-monday-0,02-12-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
+12/09/2019,,5:00AM,158334.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Last Day of Classes Monday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/last-day-classes-monday,09-12-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
+12/10/2019,,5:00AM,158335.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Reading Days Tuesday-Wednesday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/reading-days-tuesday-wednesday,10-12-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
+12/12/2019,,5:00AM,158336.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Final Examinations Thursday-Thursday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/final-examinations-thursday-thursday,12-12-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
+12/19/2019,,5:00AM,158337.0,False,Penn Today Events,,5:00AM,,Fall Term Ends Thursday,https://penntoday.upenn.edu/events/fall-term-ends-thursday,19-12-2019,05:00:00,05:00:00
diff --git a/backend/ipynb/regex_startend_time.ipynb b/backend/ipynb/regex_startend_time.ipynb
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+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "import re\n",
+ "from dateutil import parser\n",
+ "from datetime import datetime, timedelta"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "with open('../data/events.csv') as f:\n",
+ " data = pd.read_csv(f)\n",
+ " starttime = data['starttime']\n",
+ " endtime = data['endtime']"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def sub_pattern(time_list, compiled_pats, is_endtime=False):\n",
+ " collector = list()\n",
+ " \n",
+ " for st in time_list:\n",
+ " # if time is not null\n",
+ " if not pd.isnull(st) and st != '':\n",
+ " # some time contains '^ ' so it doesn't match properly\n",
+ " st = st.strip()\n",
+ " # pass regex patterns\n",
+ " check = list(map(lambda x: x.sub(r'\\1', st) if x.match(st) else None, pats))\n",
+ " if any(check):\n",
+ " # if match any pattern, append to collector\n",
+ " subbed = next(item for item in check if item is not None)\n",
+ " collector.append(subbed)\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " # if doesnt match, and only have one pattern\n",
+ " # meaning it is endtime in starttime pattern\n",
+ " # so put None to all except the match one\n",
+ " if len(compiled_pats) == 1:\n",
+ " collector.append(None)\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " # if doesnt match any pattern assume this is allday\n",
+ " # e.g., '(All day)', 'All day', 'May 21, 2013' falls here\n",
+ " collector.append('allday')\n",
+ " # if time is null\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " collector.append(None)\n",
+ "# # if not endtime\n",
+ "# if not is_endtime:\n",
+ "# # and it is endtime in starttime pattern\n",
+ "# if len(compiled_pats) == 1:\n",
+ "# # put None\n",
+ "# collector.append(None)\n",
+ "# # it is a starttime, assume it is allday\n",
+ "# else:\n",
+ "# collector.append('allday')\n",
+ "# else:\n",
+ "# collector.append(None)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " return collector\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# TODO\n",
+ "def cleansing(ts_te_tuple):\n",
+ " if not all(ts_te_tuple):\n",
+ " return(ts_te_tuple)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " artifacts_removed = tuple(map(lambda x: x.replace(' ', '').replace('.', '').lower(), ts_te_tuple))\n",
+ " dt_tuple = tuple(parser.parse(elem).time() if elem != 'allday' else elem for elem in artifacts_removed)\n",
+ " return dt_tuple"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# pattern for starttime and endtime \n",
+ "patterns = [\n",
+ " r'^[a-zA-Z]+, [a-zA-Z]+ [0-9]{1,2}, [0-9]{4} - (.*)',\n",
+ " r'^([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}\\s?[apmAPM\\.]{0,4}).*',\n",
+ " r'^([0-9]{1,2}\\s?[apmAPM\\.]{1,4}).*',\n",
+ "]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# compile to put as argument\n",
+ "pats = [re.compile(pat) for pat in patterns]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "starttime_subbed = sub_pattern(starttime, compiled_pats=pats)\n",
+ "endtime_subbed = sub_pattern(endtime, compiled_pats=pats, is_endtime=True)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# pattern for extracting endtime out of starttime\n",
+ "patterns = [\n",
+ " r'^[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}\\s?[apmAPM\\.]{0,4}\\s?-\\s?([0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}\\s?[apmAPM\\.]{0,4})'\n",
+ "]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# compile to put as argument\n",
+ "pats = [re.compile(pat) for pat in patterns]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "endtime_in_starttime_subbed = sub_pattern(starttime, compiled_pats=pats)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "time_showed = []\n",
+ "for ts, te, k in zip(starttime_subbed, endtime_subbed, endtime_in_starttime_subbed):\n",
+ " # merge k into te first\n",
+ " if pd.isnull(te) and not pd.isnull(k):\n",
+ " time_showed.append((ts, k, k))\n",
+ " # +1 hr to all null te, except ts is allday\n",
+ " elif not pd.isnull(ts) and ts is not 'allday' and pd.isnull(te):\n",
+ " te = (parser.parse(ts) + timedelta(hours=1)).strftime(\"%I:%M %p\")\n",
+ " time_showed.append((ts, te, k))\n",
+ " # fill allday to te\n",
+ " elif ts == 'allday' and pd.isnull(te):\n",
+ " te = 'allday'\n",
+ " time_showed.append((ts, te, k))\n",
+ " # fill None\n",
+ " elif pd.isnull(ts) and pd.isnull(te):\n",
+ " time_showed.append((None, None, k))\n",
+ " # nothing to do\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " time_showed.append((ts, te, k))\n",
+ " \n",
+ "# keep only ts and te\n",
+ "time_showed = [(ts, te) for (ts, te, k) in time_showed]\n",
+ " \n",
+ "# TODO\n",
+ "# if endtime is nan but starttime is not, endtime = starttime + 1 hour\n",
+ "# if endtime is nan but starttime is All day, endtime = All day\n",
+ "# if endtime is nan and starttime is nan, endtime = null, starttime = null\n",
+ "# if endtime is nan but starttime is XX:XX - YY:YY, endtime = YY:YY //"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "scrolled": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "list(zip(time_showed, starttime_subbed, endtime_subbed))\n",
+ "time_showed[10:20]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# cleaning\n",
+ "final = [cleansing(x) for x in time_showed]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "final_starttime = [ts for (ts, te) in final]\n",
+ "final_endtime = [te for (ts, te) in final]\n",
+ "final_endtime"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "new_df = data.assign(starttime_dt=final_starttime, endtime_dt=final_endtime)\n",
+ "new_df.to_csv('../data/events_dt.csv', index=False)"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.7.2"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 2
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-# React front-end for Penn event
-Run this project by:
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-npm start
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-# ---------------------------
-# variables
-# ---------------------------
-declare -r dataPath='./src/Data/index.js'
-declare -r endpoint='http://localhost:5001'
-# ---------------------------
-# functions
-# ---------------------------
-## display help
- echo "Usage: $0 [pre|post]"
- echo
- echo " Options:"
- echo " pre remove endpoint from Data variables"
- echo " post insert endpoint to Data variables"
- echo
- exit 1
-## multi-lines
-# Mac
-rmend_mac() {
- sed -i '' "
- /baseURL:/ {
- s|$endpoint||
- }" $dataPath
-insend_mac() {
- sed -i '' "
- /baseURL:/ {
- s|''|'$endpoint'|
- }" $dataPath
-# Linux
-rmend_li() {
- sed -i "
- /baseURL:/ {
- s|$endpoint||
- }" $dataPath
-insend_li() {
- sed -i "
- /baseURL:/ {
- s|''|'$endpoint'|
- }" $dataPath
-# ---------------------------
-# main
-# ---------------------------
-main() {
- # declare local os suffix
- local ossuf
- # set os suffix
- if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then
- ossuf=mac
- else
- ossuf=li
- fi
- case $1 in
- 'pre' )
- rmend_$ossuf
- exit
- ;;
- 'post' )
- insend_$ossuf
- exit
- ;;
- '-t' )
- # testMultiRemove
- # testMultiInsert
- displayHelp
- exit
- ;;
- * )
- displayHelp
- ;;
- esac
-main $@
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+ We're the only site running on your computer dedicated to showing the best + photos and videos of pandas eating lots of food. +
+ title: +{title}
+ description: +{description}
+ starttime - endtime: ++ { + starttime === endtime + ? starttime.replace(/[()]/g, '') + : `${starttime} - ${endtime}` + } +
+ speaker: +{speaker || '-'}
+ owner: +{owner}
+ location: +{location}
+ url: +{url}