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Ansible role ansible-role-XtraDB-Cluster

An Ansible role for setup a percon XtraDB Cluster. Specifically, the responsibilities of this role are to:

  • install packages
  • secure connections
  • bootstrap the cluster


No specific requirements

Role Variables


Variable Default Comments (type)
xtradb_bind_address - The listening IP
xtradb_bind_interface eth0 The interface used by the cluster
xtradb_cluster_name foo A name for the cluster
xtradb_configured xtradb_datadir/configured A cookie for idempotency
xtradb_datadir /var/lib/mysql Directory of data
xtradb_master_node groups[xtradb_nodes_group][0] The chosen node to be master
xtradb_mysql_user mysql The user for run galera
xtradb_nodes_group xtradb-cluster-nodes Node group where the cluster will be installed
xtradb_root_password root Password for the root user
xtradb_root_user root The root user
xtradb_secured xtradb_datadir/secured A cookie for idempotency
xtradb_service mysql Linux service name
xtradb_sst_password sstpassword Password for the xtradb_sst_user
xtradb_sst_user sstuser User used to the state snapshot transfer
xtradb_swappiness 0 "Swappiness" value. System default is 60. A value of 0 means that swapping out processes is avoided.
xtradb_databases [] List of names of the databases to be added
xtradb_users [] List of dicts specifying the users to be added. See below for details.
xtradb_version 57 Package version of XtraDB

MySQL part

For more info on the values, read the MariaDB Server System Variables documentation.

Variable Default Comments (type)
xtradb_binlog_format ROW The binary logging format
xtradb_character_set_server utf The character set
xtradb_collation_server utf8_general_ci The collation
xtradb_default_storage_engine InnoDB Setting the Storage Engine
xtradb_innodb_autoinc_lock_mode 2 There are three possible settings for the innodb_autoinc_lock_mode configuration parameter. The settings are 0, 1, or 2, for “traditional”, “consecutive”, or “interleaved” lock mode, respectively
xtradb_innodb_buffer_pool_instances To enable multiple buffer pool instances, set the innodb_buffer_pool_instances configuration option to a value greater than 1 (8 is the default) up to 64 (the maximum). This option takes effect only when you set innodb_buffer_pool_size to a size of 1GB or more. The total size you specify is divided among all the buffer pools
xtradb_innodb_buffer_pool_size A good value is 70%-80% of available memory.
xtradb_innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit When innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit is set to 1 the log buffer is flushed on every transaction commit to the log file on disk and provides maximum data integrity but it also has performance impact. Setting it to 2 means log buffer is flushed to OS file cache on every transaction commit. The implication of 2 is optimal and improve performance if you are not concerning ACID and can lose transactions for last second or two in case of OS crashes.
xtradb_innodb_log_buffer_size Innodb writes changed data record into lt’s log buffer, which kept in memory and it saves disk I/O for large transactions as it not need to write the log of changes to disk before transaction commit. 4 MB – 8 MB is good start unless you write a lot of huge blobs
xtradb_innodb_log_file_size Default value has been changed in MySQL 5.6 to 50 MB from 5 MB (old default), but it’s still too small size for many workloads
xtradb_innodb_file_per_table on innodb_file_per_table is ON by default from MySQL 5.6. This is usually recommended as it avoids having a huge shared tablespace and as it allows you to reclaim space when you drop or truncate a table. Separate tablespace also benefits for Xtrabackup partial backup scheme
xtradb_innodb_strict_mode on
xtradb_max_connections 4096
xtradb_pxc_strict_mode ENFORCING PXC Strict Mode is designed to avoid the use of experimental and unsupported features in Percona XtraDB Cluster
xtradb_skip_name_resolve 1 Use IP addresses only. Set to 0 to resolve host names.
xtradb_slow_query_log 0 Set to 1 to enable the slow query log.

Adding databases

Databases are defined with a dict containing the fields name: (required), and init_script: (optional). The init script is a SQL file that is executed when the database is created to initialise tables and populate it with values.

  - name: keystone
  - name: mydb
    init_script: files/init_mydb.sql

Adding users

Users are defined with a dict containing fields name:, password:, priv:, and, optionally, host:. The password is in plain text and priv: specifies the privileges for this user as described in the Ansible documentation.

An example:

  - name: keystone
    password: KEYSTONE_DBPASS
    priv: 'keystone.*:SUPER'

  - name: cdelgehier
    password: yolo
    priv: 'mydb.*:ALL'
    host: '192.168.1.%'


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

- hosts: db
  gather_facts: true
  become: true
    - role: ansible-role-XtraDB-Cluster
      xtradb_cluster_name: "prod-customer"
      xtradb_sst_user: sstuser
      xtradb_sst_password: s3cr3t
      xtradb_root_password: yolo

      xtradb_nodes_group: "db"
      xtradb_bind_interface: eth0
- hosts: db
  gather_facts: true
  become: true
    - role: ansible-role-XtraDB-Cluster
      xtradb_cluster_name: "prod-customer"
      xtradb_sst_user: sstuser
      xtradb_sst_password: s3cr3t
      xtradb_root_password: yolo

      xtradb_bind_address: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
      xtradb_wsrep_cluster_address: "gcomm://{{ groups['db'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_default_ipv4', 'address']) | join(',') }}"
      xtradb_master_node: "{{ hostvars[ groups['db'][0] ].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
- hosts: db
  gather_facts: true
  become: true
    - role: ansible-role-XtraDB-Cluster
      xtradb_cluster_name: "prod-customer"
      xtradb_sst_password: s3cr3t
      xtradb_root_password: yolo
      xtradb_nodes_group: "db"
      xtradb_bind_interface: eth0

        - name: keystone
        - name: keystone
          password: PASSWD
          priv: 'keystone.*:GRANT,ALL'

      xtradb_innodb_buffer_pool_instances: 8
      xtradb_innodb_buffer_pool_size: "384M"
      xtradb_innodb_file_format: "Barracuda"
      xtradb_innodb_file_format_check: "1"
      xtradb_innodb_file_per_table: "on"
      xtradb_innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit: "1"
      xtradb_innodb_log_buffer_size: "16M"
      xtradb_innodb_log_file_size: "50M"
      xtradb_innodb_strict_mode: "on"
      xtradb_join_buffer_size: "128K"
      xtradb_log_warnings: "1"
      xtradb_long_query_time: "10"
      xtradb_max_allowed_packet: "16M"
      xtradb_max_connections: "505"
      xtradb_max_heap_table_size: "16M"
      xtradb_max_user_connections: "500"
      xtradb_query_cache_size: "0"   # disable
      xtradb_read_buffer_size: "128K"
      xtradb_read_rnd_buffer_size: "256k"
      xtradb_skip_name_resolve: "1"
      xtradb_slow_query_log: "1"
      xtradb_sort_buffer_size: "2M"
      xtradb_table_definition_cache: "1400"
      xtradb_table_open_cache: "2000"
      xtradb_table_open_cache_instances: "8"
      xtradb_tmp_table_size: "16M"
node1 ansible_host=
node2 ansible_host=
node3 ansible_host=


There are two types of test environments available. One powered by Vagrant, another by Docker. The latter is suitable for running automated tests on Travis-CI. Test code is kept in separate orphan branches. For details of how to set up these test environments on your own machine, see the README files in the respective branches:


To remove alltraces and start a new install

ansible  db -m shell -a 'rm -rf /var/lib/mysql /var/log/mysqld.log /etc/percona-xtradb-cluster.conf.d ; yum remove Percona* -y'


Issues, feature requests, ideas are appreciated and can be posted in the Issues section.

Pull requests are also very welcome. The best way to submit a PR is by first creating a fork of this Github project, then creating a topic branch for the suggested change and pushing that branch to your own fork. Github can then easily create a PR based on that branch.


2-clause BSD license, see
