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File metadata and controls

98 lines (85 loc) · 9.38 KB


Configuration Options

CSV Writing

 | Option                      | Default  |  Explanation                                                                         |
 | :row_sep                    |   $/      | Separates rows; Defaults to your OS row separator. `/n` on UNIX, `/r/n` oon Windows | 
 | :col_sep                    |   ","     | Separates each value in a row | 
 | :quote_char                 |   '"'     | |
 | :force_quotes               |   false   | Forces each individual value to be quoted |
 | :discover_headers           |   true    | Automatically detects all keys in the input before writing the header |
 |                             |           | This can be disabled by providing `headers` or `map_headers` options. |
 | :headers                    |    []     | You can provide the specific list of keys from the input you'd like to be used as headers in the CSV file |
 | :map_headers                |    {}     | Similar to `headers`, but also maps each desired key to a user-specified value that is uesd as the header. | 

CSV Reading

 | Option                      | Default  |  Explanation                                                                         |
 | :chunk_size                 |   nil    | if set, determines the desired chunk-size (defaults to nil, no chunk processing)     |
 |                             |          |                                                                                      |
 | :file_encoding              |   utf-8  | Set the file encoding eg.: 'windows-1252' or 'iso-8859-1'                            |
 | :invalid_byte_sequence      |   ''     | what to replace invalid byte sequences with                                          |
 | :force_utf8                 |   false  | force UTF-8 encoding of all lines (including headers) in the CSV file                |
 | :skip_lines                 |   nil    | how many lines to skip before the first line or header line is processed             |
 | :comment_regexp             |   nil    | regular expression to ignore comment lines (see NOTE on CSV header), e.g./\A#/       |
 | :col_sep                    |   :auto   | column separator (default was ',')                                           |
 | :force_simple_split         |   false  | force simple splitting on :col_sep character for non-standard CSV-files.             |
 |                             |          | e.g. when :quote_char is not properly escaped                                        |
 | :row_sep                    |  :auto   | row separator or record separator (previous default was system's $/ , which defaulted to "\n") |
 |                             |          | This can also be set to :auto, but will process the whole cvs file first  (slow!)    |
 | :auto_row_sep_chars         |   500    | How many characters to analyze when using `:row_sep => :auto`. nil or 0 means whole file. |
 | :quote_char                 |   '"'    | quotation character                                                                  |
 | :headers_in_file            |   true   | Whether or not the file contains headers as the first line.                          |
 |                             |          | Important if the file does not contain headers,                                      |
 |                             |          | otherwise you would lose the first line of data.                                     |
 | :duplicate_header_suffix    |   ''     | Adds numbers to duplicated headers and separates them by the given suffix.           |
 |                             |          | Set this to nil to raise `DuplicateHeaders` error instead (previous behavior)        |
 | :user_provided_headers      |   nil    | *careful with that axe!*                                                             |
 |                             |          | user provided Array of header strings or symbols, to define                          |
 |                             |          | what headers should be used, overriding any in-file headers.                         |
 |                             |          | You can not combine the :user_provided_headers and :key_mapping options              |
 | :remove_empty_hashes        |   true   | remove / ignore any hashes which don't have any key/value pairs or all empty values  |
 | :verbose                    |   false  | print out line number while processing (to track down problems in input files)       |
 | :with_line_numbers          |   false  | add :csv_line_number to each data hash                                               |

Additional 1.x Options which may be replaced in 2.0

There have been a lot of 1-offs and feature creep around these options, and going forward we'll strive to have a simpler, but more flexible way to address these features.

 | Option                      | Default  |  Explanation                                                                         |
 | :key_mapping                |   nil    | a hash which maps headers from the CSV file to keys in the result hash               |
 | :silence_missing_keys        |   false  | ignore missing keys in `key_mapping`                                   |
 |                             |          | if set to true: makes all mapped keys optional                         |
 |                             |          | if given an array, makes only the keys listed in it optional                         |
 | :required_keys              |   nil    | An array. Specify the required names AFTER header transformation.                  |
 | :required_headers           |   nil    | (DEPRECATED / renamed) Use `required_keys` instead                          |
 |                             |          | or an exception is raised   No validation if nil is given.                           |
 | :remove_unmapped_keys       |   false  | when using :key_mapping option, should non-mapped keys / columns be removed?         |
 | :downcase_header            |   true   | downcase all column headers                                                          |
 | :strings_as_keys            |   false  | use strings instead of symbols as the keys in the result hashes                      |
 | :strip_whitespace           |   true   | remove whitespace before/after values and headers                                    |
 | :keep_original_headers      |   false  | keep the original headers from the CSV-file as-is.                                   |
 |                             |          | Disables other flags manipulating the header fields.                                 |
 | :strip_chars_from_headers   |   nil    | RegExp to remove extraneous characters from the header line (e.g. if headers are quoted) |
 | :value_converters           |   nil    | supply a hash of :header => KlassName; the class needs to implement self.convert(val)|
 | :remove_empty_values        |   true   | remove values which have nil or empty strings as values                              |
 | :remove_zero_values         |   false  | remove values which have a numeric value equal to zero / 0                           |
 | :remove_values_matching     |   nil    | removes key/value pairs if value matches given regular expressions. e.g.:            |
 |                             |          | /^\$0\.0+$/ to match $0.00 , or /^#VALUE!$/ to match errors in Excel spreadsheets    |
 | :convert_values_to_numeric  |   true   | converts strings containing Integers or Floats to the appropriate class              |
 |                             |          |      also accepts either {:except => [:key1,:key2]} or {:only => :key3}              |

PREVIOUS: Batch Processing | NEXT: Row and Column Separators