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This is the Docusaurus project for the Sparo website.


  1. Install the monorepo dependencies using RushJS:

    rush install
    rush build
  2. Launch the local development server:

    cd apps/website
    rushx start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.

Site search

Because this site is relatively small, searching is performed client-side using the docusaurus-lunr-search plugin based on Lunr.js.


  • Site search is broken when using the localhost debug server (rushx start), but it works correctly for real deployments (rushx deploy)
  • @algolia/client-search is included in package.json dependencies only because @docusaurus/preset-classic includes it as a peer dependency.

Managing translations

Instructions for internationalization with Docusaurus:

The supported locales for this project can be found in the "i18n" section of docusaurus.config.js.

NOTE: Each locale is built as a distinct standalone single-page application. The localhost dev server builds only one locale at a time. To view multiple locales together, you must deploy the site.

Common commands:

  • rushx start --locale zh-cn - launch the localhost dev server in the specified language.

  • rushx write-translations --locale zh-cn - Update the i18n/*.json files with any new strings.


  1. If you will manually copy the files to a server, you can build the apps/sparo/build folder like this:

    cd apps/website
    rushx build
  2. To automatically deploy to GitHub Pages (as an administrator):

    # If you are using HTTPS authentication for GitHub:
    cd apps/website
    GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> rushx deploy
    # If you are using SSH authentication for GitHub:
    USE_SSH=true rushx deploy

See also