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acetone docs


acetone's syntax is a little bit different than some other programming languages.

  1. everything is case insensetive (e.g. inbox = InBox = INBOX)
  2. statement arguments are delimited by nothing, they just have to be different tokens
  3. there are only 7 token types:
    3.1. TOKEN_WORD: any word: word
    3.3. TOKEN_REFWORD: any word reference: [variable]
    3.1. TOKEN_STRING: any string: "stringy\r\n\t\\"
    3.2. TOKEN_NUMBER: any number (no floating point magic): 123
    3.3. TOKEN_REFNUMBER: any number reference: [0]
    3.4. TOKEN_OCURLY: {
    3.5. TOKEN_CCURLY: }
    3.7. TOKEN_EQUALS: =
    also note: word tokens can have not only alphanumeric symbols, but also some specials, since they are not used in any way: _+-:/!?
    but, they have to not start with a number: aword, bump+, ++--, ??? are all a valid words.

every statement ends with a semicolon
blocks of code are enclosed in curly braces ({ and })

comments start with a double slash (//)


you can define variables like this:

name = 0

those can only be numbers

note: you can dereference variable like this:

copy [ref] outbox;

internal statements

a handful of statements are just in-game commands:

  • inbox
  • outbox
  • copyfrom X
  • copyto X
  • add X
  • sub X
  • bump+ X
  • bump- X
  • jump L
  • jumpz L
  • jumpn L

all others are either shortcuts or interface logic:

  • copy A B
    copy from A (either inbox, number or pointer) to B (either outbox, number or pointer)
  • break
    break from current loop
  • continue
    go to start of a current loop
  • call
    either call a macro (inline it) or go to a section (does not go back to where it was called)
  • addlabel X text
    create label with text on X

ifs, loops, macros

ifs use jumpz and jumpn logic:
a sample if statement:

    // do stuff
} else { // completely optional
    // do other stuff


  • zero
  • not zero
  • positive
  • negative

while loops are alike the if statements, but in the end the go back if condition is true:

while <CONDITION> {
    // do stuff multiple times

<CONDITION> is alike the if one, but can be empty: then the loop will be unconditional (infinite)

macro is a chunk of code that isn't written anywhere in the assembly by itself, however, is inlined on every call.

macro some_macro {

call some_macro;
call some_macro;
call some_macro;
// this will result in 6 inboxes in resulting assembly

section is a chunk of code that usually is skipped, but on call is executed, and then program cursor goes to code that is next to section, not back to call location:

section yes {
    copy 4 outbox;

section no {
    copy 5 outbox;

if zero { call yes; }
else { call no; }
// note: this results in an infinite loop

times is a directive which will repeat code snippet n times, while setting variable to iteration.

// from 0 to 2 step 1
times 0 3 n {
    copy inbox n;

ig that is all