This is a dataset created for the Confoederatio Ludens research project, which investigates video game design, development and culture in Switzerland from 1968-2000. The images are screenshots from video games relevant to the research project and acquired through MobyGames screenshots and YouTube stills.
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conda deactivate
conda create --your_env_name python=3.9
conda activate your_env_name
pip install notebook
jupyter notebook
The scraper scripts work with the resulting csv of a Wikidata SPARQL query. The query file is in the repository and the original query is accessible via here.
- 10_Scrape_Mobygames.ipynb: Download and prepare MobyGames screenshots
- 20_Scrape_Youtube.ipynb: Download, generate and prepare YouTube stills
- 50_Create_Random_Sample.ipynb: Generate a random sample
- 60_Explore.ipynb: Basic setup to explore the dataset through image clustering
- MobyGames screenshots as well as YouTube stills are (c) by their respective creators
- Dataset created by Adrian Demleitner, 2024, licensed under CC-BY-4.0