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File metadata and controls

93 lines (70 loc) · 2.9 KB



The goal of shinyREDCap is to allow you to interact with your REDCap Projects from within a Shiny application. REDCap instruments are translated into native Shiny controls/widgets and allow for the capture of abstracted information from within the R Shiny environment. Additionally, error prone fields such as MRN and reviewer information are populated automatically, based on user configured information, thus reducing the potential for error in abstracted information.


You can install the released version of shinyREDCap from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


To connect shinyREDCap to your REDCap Instruments, users must have read and write access to a previously created REDCap project. Additionally, users must request an API key.

To get a feel for the module, you may run the demo application:


To integrate shinyREDCap into your own Shiny application place redcap_setup_ui(), redcap_instrument_ui() and corresponding server modules into the application’s ui and server functions as in the example below:

ui <- fluidPage(
    column(width = 6,
           tags$h2("Setup REDCap Instrument"),
           # Call the setup UI function
           redcap_setup_ui(id = 'redcap_namespace')
    column(width = 6,
           tags$h2("Interact with REDCap Project Instruments"),
           tags$h3("Select a patient from the list"),
           # Create a subject ID selector. This can come from anywhere, 
           selectInput(inputId = 'subject_id',label = 'Subject ID',choices = c('922873','922874', '922875','922876','922877','922878')),
           # Call the redcap instrument UI function
           redcap_instrument_ui(id = 'redcap_namespace')

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # Encapsulate the subject ID selector as a reactive
  subject_id <- reactive({ input$subject_id }) ## Pass to instrument function
  # Call the REDCap server function
  instrument_vars <- redcap_server(id = 'redcap_namespace', subject_id = subject_id )

if (interactive())
  shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


This is a work in progress and thus there are no guarantees of functionality or accuracy. Use at your own risk.

Getting help

If you encounter bugs, errors, issues or other general unpleasantness, please let us know on GitHub.

Code of Conduct

Please note that the shinyREDCap project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.