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Releases: thephpleague/uri

version 4.2.0

30 Sep 09:02
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  • Component::getContent returns the raw encoded representation of a component
  • Component::withContent to create a new instance from a given raw encoded content
  • getDecoded method to access the decoded content for the following classes:
    • User
    • Pass
    • Fragment
  • Support for PHP's magic methods __debugInfo and __set_state to improve debugging
  • Modifiers\Relativize
  • Modifiers\DecodeUnreservedCharacters
  • Path::createFromSegments
  • Path::getSegments
  • Host::createFromLabels
  • Host::getLabels
  • Query::createFromPairs
  • Query::getPairs
  • Modifiers\uri_reference function to return URI reference state.


  • Components encoding/decoding to be more RFC3986 compliant
  • Host::getRegisterableDomain must always return a string as per the host interface expected return type
  • Host::getSubdomain must always return a string as per the host interface expected return type
  • Host::isPublicSuffixValid when no publicSuffix information is found
  • Host::isPublicSuffixValid must always return a string as per the host interface expected return type
  • On instantiation, query and fragment delimiter are preserved
  • createFromComponents failing with parse_url result when no path is defined
  • On URI transformation InvalidArgumentException exceptions are emitted instead of RuntimeException ones to normalize exception to PSR-7
  • Modifiers\Normalize class removes dot segments only on URI with absolute path.
  • Modifiers\Normalize class decode all unreserved characters.
  • Ftp and Ws objects now accept relative reference URI without the scheme.


  • Component::modify use Component::withContent instead
  • Host::getLiteral
  • Port::toInt use Port::getContent instead
  • HierarchicalPath::createFromArray use HierarchicalPath::createFromSegments instead
  • HierarchicalPath::toArray use HierarchicalPath::getSegments instead
  • Host::createFromArray use HierarchicalPath::createFromLabels instead
  • Host::toArray use Host::getLabels instead
  • Query::createFromArray use Query::createFromPairs instead
  • Query::toArray use Query::getPairs instead
  • UriPart::sameValueAs


  • Nothing

version 4.1.1

24 Mar 09:26
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  • Nothing



  • Nothing


  • Nothing

version 4.1.0

18 Feb 14:47
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  • Formatter::preserveQuery to improve query inclusion in URI string representation
  • Formatter::preserveFragment to improve fragment inclusion in URI string representation
  • Formatter::__invoke as an alias of Formatter::format
  • UriParser::__invoke as an alias of UriParser::parse


  • Improve Uri Component modification issue #29
  • Improve Path encoding/decoding issue #28
  • Improve lowercase transformation in hostname issue #27
  • Fix empty string evaluation issue #31


  • Formatter::getHostEncoding
  • Formatter::getQueryEncoding
  • Formatter::getQuerySeparator
  • Modifiers\Filters\Flag::withFlags
  • Modifiers\Filters\ForCallbable::withCallable
  • Modifiers\Filters\ForCallbable::withCallable
  • Modifiers\Filters\Keys::withKeys
  • Modifiers\Filters\Label::withLabel
  • Modifiers\Filters\Offset::withOffset
  • Modifiers\Filters\QueryString::withQuery
  • Modifiers\Filters\Segment::withSegment
  • Modifiers\Filters\Uri::withUri
  • Modifiers\DataUriParameters\withParameters
  • Modifiers\Extension\withExtension
  • Modifiers\KsortQuery\withAlgorithm
  • Modifiers\Typecode\withType


  • Nothing

version 4.0.1

03 Nov 08:20
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  • Nothing


  • User and Pass encoding
  • Http::createFromServer handling userinfo when not using mod_php with $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']
  • UriParser handling URI strings with invalid scheme
  • QueryParser handling numeric index issue #25
  • DataPath mimetype syntax validation issue #21
  • DataPath::withParameters the ;base64 binary code now always throw an InvalidArgumentException


  • Nothing


  • Nothing

Please refers to the documentation or the library CHANGELOG for more details and a complete list of changes

version 4.0.0

23 Sep 11:13
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  • Intl extension is now required to use the library
  • FileInfo extension is now required to use the library
  • Domain parsing capabilities to Host using jeremykendall/php-domain-parser package
  • UriParser to parse an URI according to RFC3986 rules
  • QueryParser to parse and build a query string according to RFC3986 rules.
  • League\Uri\Schemes\Generic\AbstractUri to enable better URI extension
  • URI Modifiers classes to modify URI objects in an uniform way for interoperability
  • A Data class to specifically manipulate data schemed URI
  • A Http class to specifically manipulate http,https schemed URI
  • A Ftp class to specifically manipulate ftp schemed URI
  • A Ws class to specifically manipulate ws, wss schemed URI
  • A DataPath component class to manipulate Data-uri path component
  • A HierarchicalPath to manipulate Hierarchical-like path component
  • Support for IP host


  • Move namespace from League\Url to League\Uri to avoid dependency hell
  • Uri components classes are fixed to comply to RFC3986
  • Uri components classes are now all immutable value objects


  • Nothing


  • Support for PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.3
  • Dependency on PHP parse_url, parse_str and http_build_query functions
  • Dependency on the True/php-punycode library
  • League\Url\Url, League\Url\UrlImmutable, League\Url\UrlConstants classes
  • Most of the public API is removed