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96 lines (83 loc) · 3.28 KB
layout title
Workshops and Events
<h2 class="ttu mb0 pa5 bb b--near-white">Our Workshops and Events</h2>

<div class="ph5 pv3 gray w-80-l">
    We try to regularly organize events with our in-house baristas and
    dear guests from our community. Feel free to reach out to us if you are
    looking for a friendly place for this kind of events.

    We have a card (with a handmade illustration by our dear friend Val)
    you can print and sign if you want to offer our
    workshops as a gift!
    <a href="/assets/card.jpg" class="gray">Download it here</a>.

    Disclaimer: we might have to reach out to you and refund you if we're
    sold out due to our booking technical limitations. We're sorry and
    we still hope to see you soon!

{% for event in %}
  <div class="flex-l striped--near-white" id="{{event.title | slugify}}">
    <div class="w-100 w-70-l">

      {% if event.image_url %}
        <img src="{{event.image_url}}" alt="event.title" class="db dn-l w-100" />
      {% endif %}

      <div class="pa5">
        <h3 class="mb0 tracked">
          <a class="link black" href="#{{event.title | slugify}}">{{ event.title }}</a>

        <p class="tracked">
          <span class="underline">{{ | date: "%A, %R on %-d of %B %Y" }}</span> by
          <a class="dim black" href="{{event.author_url}}">{{ }} &#10697;</a>

          {% if event.price != '0' and event.price != '0.01' %}
            €{{ event.price }}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
          &#128099; Group of {{ event.slots }}
          &#8987; Takes {{ event.duration }}

        <p class="measure-wide ">
        {{ event.description | newline_to_br }}

          {% assign unix_date = | date: '%s' | times: 1 %}
          {% assign unix_cur_date = site.time | date: '%s' | times: 1 %}

          {% assign simple_date = | date: '%c' %}
          {% assign payment_desc = event.title | append: ': ' | append: simple_date | url_encode %}
          {% if unix_date > unix_cur_date and event.sold != 'TRUE' %}
              href="{{ event.price | times: 100 | ceil }}&lang=en-GB&color=EF3D28&notes={{ payment_desc }}"
              class="bg-tym-red white pv3 ph4 dib link b tracked"
              Save my spot
          {% else %}
            <span class="bg-gray white pv3 ph4 dib link b tracked pointer">
              Sold out
          {% endif %}
    <div class="dn db-l stripes w-30 pv5">
      <div class="nl4">
        <img src="{{event.image_url}}" alt="event.title" class="w-100" />
{% endfor %}