Releases: th-ch/youtube-music
Releases · th-ch/youtube-music
- update various dependencies - including electron major version
- Improve Lyrics plugin CSS by @MiepHD
- Fix disable-autoplay plugin by @Araxeus
- Improve video-toggle plugjn by @Araxeus
- Add exponential volume plugin by @Rubecks
- Improve blurry navbar by @Araxeus
- Fix MPRIS in snap package by @markbaas
- Fix Google Login by @Araxeus
- Add album art to Discord by @MulverineX
- switch test suite to Playwright
- Add presets in downloader plugin
Credits to all contributors who worked on this release! 🎉
- update various dependencies
- add custom electron prompt (by @Araxeus)
- improve shortcuts plugin (by @Araxeus)
- improve precise volume plugin (by @Araxeus)
- add compressor plugin (by @thymue)
- improve Discord plugin (by @cpiber)
- improve MPRIS plugin (by @itzmanish)
- built-in autoconfirm (by @Araxeus)
- add blur navbar plugin (by @cdaydreamer)
- improve quality changer plugin (by @Araxeus)
- add video toggle plugin (ex hide-video-player plugin) (by @Araxeus)
- improve playback speed plugin (by @Araxeus)
- fix Sponsorblock plugin (by @Araxeus)
- improvements in metadata fetching (by @Araxeus)
Credits to all contributors 🎉 (and special thanks to @Araxeus for the number of contributions 🙇)
- update various dependencies
- improve readme - including a more precise list of plugins (by @konhi)
- use node v14
- add plugin to fetch lyrics from Genius
- MPRIS support on Linux (by @itzmanish)
- Tuna plugin for ops (by @mesmerx)
- fix rendering of menu buttons
Credits to @Araxeus and @cpiber for their help on PR reviews + all contributors of opened PRs (that have not been reviewed yet 🙈)
Note: this release is mostly a follow up of 1.12.0 (various fixes)
- downloader plugin: fix metadata (by @Araxeus)
- downloader plugin: unlimited playlist size + better UX (by @Araxeus)
- shortcuts plugin: fix event listerner on all keys (by @Araxeus)
- fix CSS not inserted on reload (by @Araxeus)
- improve pause behavior (by @Araxeus)
- fix App ID on windows (by @Araxeus)
- bump various dependencies (improvements, security fixes)
Note: this release includes more than 250 commits since 1.11.0! Changelog sums up most of the changes but some might have been omitted.
- Increase top margin for MacOS
- Add custom menu support for plugins
- Last.FM plugin (by @semvis123)
- Taskbar media controls plugin (by @Araxeus)
- In-app-menu plugin (by @Araxeus)
- Improve downloader plugin (download playlist, download if player not in foreground, mutex in FFMpeg, download folder picker by @Araxeus)
- Refactored menu (by @Araxeus)
- Notification plugin: configurable notification urgency (by @SapuSeven)
- Remove 'shortcuts'+'discord' from default plugins (by @Araxeus)
- various updates of dependencies
- Bugfix in Discord plugin (by @Araxeus)
- Precise volume plugin (by @Araxeus)
- all YTM shortcuts available + custom global/local shortcuts can be defined (shortcuts plugin)
- "artist - title" format in downloader (downloader plugin)
- re-use same notification object (notifications plugin)
- add option to reset cache
- wait 2s before displaying the update popup, so that the main window does not cover it
- new plugin to control playback speed (from 0.25 to 2)
- remember window position on exit
- bump YoutubeNonStop (auto-confirm-when-paused plugin)
- do not run the app after Windows install (restore past behavior)
- various updates including electron 11 and security updates
- Discord plugin - credits to @semvis123
- add title/artist metadata in downloader plugin
- refactored plugins with providers (song info/controls) - credits to @semvis123
- portable Windows version
- tray: option to play/pause on tray click
- Custom audio format in downloader with advanced options
- touchbar plugin - credits to @semvis123